cb9bdf |
This README describes how to get the most basic working
cb9bdf |
torque service on a single host.
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
To setup a basic single-node localhost-only batch system, install the
cb9bdf |
torque-server, torque-mom, and torque-scheduler packages, and do something like
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cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
0) If torque is built with munge support then this
cb9bdf |
must be enabled first on all nodes. The munge
cb9bdf |
package should allready be installed.
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
Create a munge key with
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
Copy resulting key /etc/munge/munge.key to
cb9bdf |
all torque nodes in your cluster including
cb9bdf |
pbs_server, pbs_mom and client (qstat,qsub) nodes.
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
1) Get your full hostname with
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
# /bin/hostname --long
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
e.g myhost.example.org
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
2) Edit /etc/torque/server_name
cb9bdf |
to contain the single line
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
3) Edit /etc/torque/mom/config
cb9bdf |
to contain the single line
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
$pbsserver myhost.example.org
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
4) Create a torque serverdb file.
cb9bdf |
# /usr/sbin/pbs_server -D -t create
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
Warning this will remove any existing serverdb
cb9bdf |
file located at /var/lib/torque/server_priv/serverdb
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
You will have to Ctrl^C the pbs_server command, it will
cb9bdf |
only take a moment to create this file.
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
5) Start the pbs_server and configure it.
cb9bdf |
service pbs_server start
cb9bdf |
# qmgr -c "s s scheduling=true"
cb9bdf |
# qmgr -c "c q batch queue_type=execution"
cb9bdf |
# qmgr -c "s q batch started=true"
cb9bdf |
# qmgr -c "s q batch enabled=true"
cb9bdf |
# qmgr -c "s q batch resources_default.nodes=1"
cb9bdf |
# qmgr -c "s q batch resources_default.walltime=3600"
cb9bdf |
# qmgr -c "s s default_queue=batch"
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
6) Add one batch worker to your pbs_server.
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
# qmgr -c "c n myhost.example.org"
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
7) Start the pbs_mom and pbs_sched deamons.
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
# service pbs_mom start
cb9bdf |
# service pbs_sched start
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
8) Use chkconfig to start the services at boot time.
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
# /sbin/chkconfig pbs_mom on
cb9bdf |
# /sbin/chkconfig pbs_server on
cb9bdf |
# /sbin/chkconfig pbs_sched on
cb9bdf |
# /sbin/chkconfig munge on
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
9) Submit a test job.
cb9bdf |
As a user not as root run the following
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
$ qsub <
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
echo "Hi I am a batch job running in torque"
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
10 ) Monitor the state of that job with qstat.
cb9bdf |
cb9bdf |
In case of problems first of all look in /var/log/torque
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