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<!--This manuals documents relevant information regarding the deployment,
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Written by: Lionel Cons <> (original author)
            Karl Berry  <>
            Olaf Bachmann <>
            and many others.
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<title>CentOS Artwork Repository: 2.4 The trunk/Identity Directory</title>

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<a name="Filesystem-trunk-Identity"></a>
<a name="SEC20"></a>
<h2 class="section"> 2.4 The <tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt> Directory </h2>

<a name="SEC21"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 2.4.1 Goals </h3>

<p>The <tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt> directory structure implements <em>The
CentOS Project Corporate Identity</em>.

<a name="SEC22"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 2.4.2 Description </h3>

<p>The CentOS Project corporate identity is the &quot;persona&quot; of the
organization known as The CentOS Project.  The CentOS Project
corporate identity plays a significant role in the way the CentOS
Project, as organization, presents itself to both internal and
external stakeholders. In general terms, the CentOS Project corporate
visual identity expresses the values and ambitions of the CentOS
Project organization, its business, and its characteristics.  
<p>The CentOS Project corporate identity provides visibility,
recognizability, reputation, structure and identification to The
CentOS Project organization by means of <em>Corporate Design</em>,
<em>Corporate Communication</em>, and <em>Corporate Behaviour</em>.

<a name="SEC23"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Corporate Design </h4>

<p>The CentOS Project corporate design is applied to every single visual
manifestations The CentOS Project as organization wants to express its
existence. Examples of the most relevant visual manifestations inside
The CentOS Project are <em>The CentOS Distribution</em>, <em>The
CentOS Web</em> and <em>The CentOS Stationery</em>.
<p>The CentOS Project corporate design is organized in the following
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <strong>The CentOS Brand</strong></dt>
<dd><p>The CentOS Brand is the name or trademark that connects the producer
with their products. In this case, the producer is The CentOS Project
and the products are The CentOS Project visual manifestations. 
<p>See section <a href="repository_9.html#SEC29">The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Brands'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.
<dt> <strong>The CentOS Colors</strong></dt>
<p>The CentOS Fonts provides the color information used along The CentOS
Project visual manifestations.
<p>See section <a href="repository_10.html#SEC34">The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Colors'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.
<dt> <strong>The CentOS Fonts</strong></dt>
<p>The CentOS Fonts provides the typography information used along The
CentOS Project visual manifestations.
<p>See section <a href="repository_11.html#SEC39">The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Fonts'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.
<dt> <strong>The CentOS Themes</strong></dt>
<p>The CentOS Themes provides structural information and visual style
information, as well, used along The CentOS Project visual
<p>See section <a href="repository_23.html#SEC109">The <tt>`trunk/Identity/Themes'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.

<a name="SEC24"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Corporate Communication </h4>

<p>The CentOS Project corporate communication is based on community
communication.  In that sake, the following media are available for
corporate communication:
<ul class="toc">
<li> The CentOS Mailing Lists (<a class="www" href=""></a>).
</li><li> The CentOS Forums (<a class="www" href=""></a>).

<a name="SEC25"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Corporate Behaviour </h4>

<p>The CentOS Project corporate behaviour is based on community

<a name="SEC26"></a>
<h4 class="subsubsection"> Corporate Structure </h4>

<p>The CentOS Project corporate structure is based on a
<em>&quot;monolithic corporate structure&quot;</em>. In this structure, we use
one unique name (The CentOS Brand) and one unique visual style (The
CentOS Theme) in all The CentOS Project visual manifestations.
<p>Inside a monolithic corporate visual identity structure, internal and
external stakeholders use to feel a strong sensation of uniformity,
orientation, and identification with the organization. No matter if
you are visiting web sites, using the distribution, or acting on
social events, the one unique name and one unique visual style
connects them all to say: <em>Hey! we are all part of The CentOS
<p>Other corporate structures have been considered as well, but they
introduce visual contradictions we consider important to be aware of.
In that sake, lets describe the idea of: <em>Producing one different
visual style for each major release of CentOS distribution</em>.
<p>The CentOS Project maintains near to four different major releases of
CentOS distribution parallely in time and that fact makes one part of
The CentOS Project structural design, but not the complete design.  In
order to produce the correct corporate structure for The CentOS
Project we need to concider all the visual manifestations The CentOS
Project is made of, not just one of them.
<p>If one different visual style is used for each major release of CentOS
distribution, which one of those different visual styles would be the
one used to cover other visual manifestations, like The CentOS Webs
and The CentOS Stationery? Why The CentOS Distribution we are using
shows one visual style and The CentOS Web sites a completly different
one?  Isn't them all part of the same project?
<p>Obviously, having just one visual style in all visual manifestations
for eternity would be a very boring thing and also would give the idea
of a visually dead project. So, there is no problem on creating a
brand new visual style for each new major release of CentOS
distribution, in order to refresh the CentOS distribution visual
style; the problem does is in not propagating the brand new visual
style created for the new release of CentOS Distribution to all other
visual manifestations The CentOS Project is made of, in a way The
CentOS Project could be recognized no matter what visual manifestation
be in front of us. Such lack of uniformity is what introduces the
visual contradition we are precisely trying to solve by mean of themes
in the CentOS Artwork Repository.

<a name="SEC27"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 2.4.3 Usage </h3>

<p>The <tt>`trunk/'</tt> directory structure is organize in renderable and
non-renderable directories. Generally, renderable directories contain
two non-renderable directories, one to store design templates (the
<tt>`Tpl/'</tt> directory), and another to store the content produced (the
<tt>`Img/'</tt> directory).
<p>In order to produce content inside the rendereble directories, you can
use the following command:
<pre class="verbatim">centos-art identity --render='trunk/Identity/Path/To/Dir'
<blockquote class="orange"><img src="/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Identity/Widgets/Img/icon-admonition-alert.png" alt="Warning"><h3>Warning</h3><p> If the <code>centos-art</code> command-line is not found
in your workstation, it is probably because you haven't prepared it
for using The CentOS Artwork Repository yet. See section <a href="repository_79.html#SEC411">The <tt>`trunk/Scripts/Bash/Cli/Functions/Verify'</tt> Directory</a>, for more information.

<p>This command takes one design template and creates an instance of it
in order to apply translation messages, if any. Later, using the
design template instance the command renders the final content based
on whether the design template instance is a SVG file or a Docbook
file. If the design template instace is a SVG file, the final content
produced is a PNG image. On the other hand, if the design template
instance is a Docbook file, the final content produced is a XHTML
<p>Additionally to base-rendition flow, the <code>centos-art</code> provides
the <em>post-rendition</em> and <em>last-rendition</em> rendition
<p>The post-rendition is applied to base file produced in the same
directory structure. For example, you can use post-rendition action to
render PNG base output into different outputs (e.g., JPG, PDF, etc.)
before passing to process the next file in the same directory
<p>On the other hand, the last-rendition is applied to all files produces
by both base-rendition and post-rendition in the same directory
structure, just before passing to process a different directory
structure.  For example, the <tt>`Preview.png'</tt> image from Ksplash
component is made of three images. In order to build the
<tt>`Preview.png'</tt> image as part of <code>centos-art</code> rendition
flow, we need to wait for all the required images the
<tt>`Preview.png'</tt> image is made of in order to combine them all
together.  This is something we can't do using post-rendition actions.
<p>Another rendition feature you can find inside the
<tt>`trunk/Identity'</tt> directory structure is the
<em>directory-specific rendition</em> feature. The directory-specific
rendition feature combines both the post-rendition feature and the
last-rendition feature in order to render specific directory
structures in specific ways, automatically. This configuration can
speed up production of different components like Syslinux, Grub, Gdm,
Kdm and Ksplash that require intermediate formats or even several
independent files, in order to reach its final construction. This is a
way to programmatically describe how specific art works are built in
and organized inside The CentOS Artwork Repository.  Such descriptions
has beign added to <code>centos-art</code> command-line to let you
produce them all with just one single command, as fast as your CPU
could handle it. 
<p>See section <a href="repository_71.html#SEC355">The <tt>`trunk/Scripts/Bash/Cli/Functions/Identity'</tt> Directory</a>, for more
information about the <code>identity</code> functionality of
<code>centos-art</code> command-line interface.

<a name="SEC28"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 2.4.4 See also </h3>

<p>Specially useful has been, and keep being, the book <em>Corporate
Identity</em> by Wally Olins (1989). This is the main conceptual material
we've been using to build The CentOS Artwork Repository.
<p>See <a class="www" href=""></a> (and related
links), for general information on corporate identity. 

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