Blob Blame History Raw
diff --git a/loader/CMakeLists.txt b/loader/CMakeLists.txt
index a9401db50..6739b3a90 100644
--- a/loader/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/loader/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gene
 # Check for the existance of the secure_getenv or __secure_getenv commands
 check_function_exists(secure_getenv HAVE_SECURE_GETENV)
 check_function_exists(__secure_getenv HAVE___SECURE_GETENV)
 configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/loader_cmake_config.h)
@@ -146,22 +148,20 @@ elseif(APPLE)
     set_source_files_properties(${OPT_LOADER_SRCS} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -O)
     add_custom_target(loader_asm_gen_files) # This causes no assembly files to be generated.
 else(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) # i.e.: Linux
-    enable_language(ASM-ATT)
+    enable_language(ASM)
-    file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/asm_test.asm
+    check_include_file("cet.h" HAVE_CET_H)
+    if(HAVE_CET_H)
+        add_definitions(-DHAVE_CET_H)
+    endif()
+    file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/asm_test.S
                ".intel_syntax noprefix\n.text\ sample\nsample:\nmov ecx, [eax + 16]\n")
-    # try_compile uses the C/C++ linker flags even for ASM,
-    # while they're not valid for ASM and making linking fail.
-    file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/asm_test.asm)
+    file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/asm_test.S)
-        set(OPT_LOADER_SRCS ${OPT_LOADER_SRCS} unknown_ext_chain_gas.asm)
+        set(OPT_LOADER_SRCS ${OPT_LOADER_SRCS} unknown_ext_chain_gas.S)
         add_executable(asm_offset asm_offset.c)
         target_link_libraries(asm_offset Vulkan::Headers)
         add_custom_command(OUTPUT gen_defines.asm DEPENDS asm_offset COMMAND asm_offset GAS)
diff --git a/loader/unknown_ext_chain_gas.S b/loader/unknown_ext_chain_gas.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f847e1407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loader/unknown_ext_chain_gas.S
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Valve Corporation
+# Copyright (c) 2017 LunarG, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Author: Lenny Komow <>
+# This code is used to pass on device (including physical device) extensions through the call chain. It must do this without
+# creating a stack frame, because the actual parameters of the call are not known. Since the first parameter is known to be a
+# VkPhysicalDevice or a dispatchable object it can unwrap the object, possibly overwriting the wrapped physical device, and then
+# jump to the next function in the call chain
+#ifdef HAVE_CET_H
+#include <cet.h>
+#define _CET_ENDBR
+.intel_syntax noprefix
+.include "gen_defines.asm"
+.ifdef X86_64
+.macro PhysDevExtTramp num vkPhysDevExtTramp\num
+    mov     rax, [rdi]
+    mov     rdi, [rdi + PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TRAMP]
+    jmp     [rax + (PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_INST_DISPATCH + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]
+.macro PhysDevExtTermin num vkPhysDevExtTermin\num
+    mov     rax, [rdi + ICD_TERM_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TERM]                          # Store the loader_icd_term* in rax
+    cmp     qword ptr [rax + (DISPATCH_OFFSET_ICD_TERM + (PTR_SIZE * \num))], 0 # Check if the next function in the chain is NULL
+    je      terminError\num                                                     # Go to the error section if it is NULL
+    mov     rdi, [rdi + PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TERM]                          # Load the unwrapped VkPhysicalDevice into the first arg
+    jmp     [rax + (DISPATCH_OFFSET_ICD_TERM + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]              # Jump to the next function in the chain
+    sub     rsp, 56                                                             # Create the stack frame
+    mov     rdi, [rax + INSTANCE_OFFSET_ICD_TERM]                               # Load the loader_instance into rdi (first arg)
+    mov     r8, [rdi + (HASH_OFFSET_INSTANCE + (HASH_SIZE * \num) + FUNC_NAME_OFFSET_HASH)] # Load the func name into r8 (fifth arg)
+    lea     rcx, termin_error_string@GOTPCREL                                   # Load the error string into rcx (fourth arg)
+    xor     edx, edx                                                            # Set rdx to zero (third arg)
+    lea     esi, [rdx + VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT]                          # Write the error logging bit to rsi (second arg)
+    call    loader_log                                                          # Log the error message before we crash
+    add     rsp, 56                                                             # Clean up the stack frame
+    mov     rax, 0
+    jmp     rax                                                                 # Crash intentionally by jumping to address zero
+.macro DevExtTramp num vkdev_ext\num
+    mov     rax, [rdi]                                                          # Dereference the handle to get the dispatch table
+    jmp     [rax + (EXT_OFFSET_DEVICE_DISPATCH + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]            # Jump to the appropriate call chain
+.macro PhysDevExtTramp num vkPhysDevExtTramp\num
+    mov     eax, [esp + 4]                              # Load the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice into eax
+    mov     ecx, [eax + PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TRAMP] # Load the unwrapped VkPhysicalDevice into ecx
+    mov     [esp + 4], ecx                              # Overwrite the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice with the unwrapped one (on the stack)
+    mov     eax, [eax]                                  # Dereference the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice to get the dispatch table in eax
+    jmp     [eax + (PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_INST_DISPATCH + (PTR_SIZE * \num))] # Dereference the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice to get the dispatch table in eax
+.macro PhysDevExtTermin num vkPhysDevExtTermin\num
+    mov     ecx, [esp + 4]                                                      # Move the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice into ecx
+    mov     eax, [ecx + ICD_TERM_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TERM]                          # Store the loader_icd_term* in eax
+    cmp     dword ptr [eax + (DISPATCH_OFFSET_ICD_TERM + (PTR_SIZE * \num))], 0 # Check if the next function in the chain is NULL
+    je      terminError\num                                                     # Go to the error section if it is NULL
+    mov     ecx, [ecx + PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TERM]                          # Unwrap the VkPhysicalDevice in ecx
+    mov     [esp + 4], ecx                                                      # Copy the unwrapped VkPhysicalDevice into the first arg
+    jmp     [eax + (DISPATCH_OFFSET_ICD_TERM + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]              # Jump to the next function in the chain
+    mov     eax, [eax + INSTANCE_OFFSET_ICD_TERM]                               # Load the loader_instance into eax
+    push    [eax + (HASH_OFFSET_INSTANCE + (HASH_SIZE * \num) + FUNC_NAME_OFFSET_HASH)] # Push the func name (fifth arg)
+    push    offset termin_error_string@GOT                                      # Push the error string (fourth arg)
+    push    0                                                                   # Push zero (third arg)
+    push    VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT                                       # Push the error logging bit (second arg)
+    push    eax                                                                 # Push the loader_instance (first arg)
+    call    loader_log                                                          # Log the error message before we crash
+    add     esp, 20                                                             # Clean up the args
+    mov     eax, 0
+    jmp     eax                                                                 # Crash intentionally by jumping to address zero
+.macro DevExtTramp num vkdev_ext\num
+    mov     eax, [esp + 4]                                                      # Dereference the handle to get the dispatch table
+    jmp     [eax + (EXT_OFFSET_DEVICE_DISPATCH + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]            # Jump to the appropriate call chain
+#if defined(__ELF__)
+.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+.string "Extension %s not supported for this physical device"
+    PhysDevExtTramp 0
+    PhysDevExtTramp 1
+    PhysDevExtTramp 2
+    PhysDevExtTramp 3
+    PhysDevExtTramp 4
+    PhysDevExtTramp 5
+    PhysDevExtTramp 6
+    PhysDevExtTramp 7
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+    PhysDevExtTramp 39
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+    PhysDevExtTramp 41
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+    PhysDevExtTramp 43
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+    PhysDevExtTramp 50
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+    PhysDevExtTramp 249
+    PhysDevExtTermin 0
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+    DevExtTramp 0
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+    DevExtTramp 249
diff --git a/loader/unknown_ext_chain_gas.asm b/loader/unknown_ext_chain_gas.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index aca92ea5b..000000000
--- a/loader/unknown_ext_chain_gas.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,873 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Valve Corporation
-# Copyright (c) 2017 LunarG, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Author: Lenny Komow <>
-# This code is used to pass on device (including physical device) extensions through the call chain. It must do this without
-# creating a stack frame, because the actual parameters of the call are not known. Since the first parameter is known to be a
-# VkPhysicalDevice or a dispatchable object it can unwrap the object, possibly overwriting the wrapped physical device, and then
-# jump to the next function in the call chain
-.intel_syntax noprefix
-.include "gen_defines.asm"
-.ifdef X86_64
-.macro PhysDevExtTramp num vkPhysDevExtTramp\num
-    mov     rax, [rdi]
-    mov     rdi, [rdi + PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TRAMP]
-    jmp     [rax + (PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_INST_DISPATCH + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]
-.macro PhysDevExtTermin num vkPhysDevExtTermin\num
-    mov     rax, [rdi + ICD_TERM_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TERM]                          # Store the loader_icd_term* in rax
-    cmp     qword ptr [rax + (DISPATCH_OFFSET_ICD_TERM + (PTR_SIZE * \num))], 0 # Check if the next function in the chain is NULL
-    je      terminError\num                                                     # Go to the error section if it is NULL
-    mov     rdi, [rdi + PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TERM]                          # Load the unwrapped VkPhysicalDevice into the first arg
-    jmp     [rax + (DISPATCH_OFFSET_ICD_TERM + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]              # Jump to the next function in the chain
-    sub     rsp, 56                                                             # Create the stack frame
-    mov     rdi, [rax + INSTANCE_OFFSET_ICD_TERM]                               # Load the loader_instance into rdi (first arg)
-    mov     r8, [rdi + (HASH_OFFSET_INSTANCE + (HASH_SIZE * \num) + FUNC_NAME_OFFSET_HASH)] # Load the func name into r8 (fifth arg)
-    lea     rcx, termin_error_string@GOTPCREL                                   # Load the error string into rcx (fourth arg)
-    xor     edx, edx                                                            # Set rdx to zero (third arg)
-    lea     esi, [rdx + VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT]                          # Write the error logging bit to rsi (second arg)
-    call    loader_log                                                          # Log the error message before we crash
-    add     rsp, 56                                                             # Clean up the stack frame
-    mov     rax, 0
-    jmp     rax                                                                 # Crash intentionally by jumping to address zero
-.macro DevExtTramp num vkdev_ext\num
-    mov     rax, [rdi]                                                          # Dereference the handle to get the dispatch table
-    jmp     [rax + (EXT_OFFSET_DEVICE_DISPATCH + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]            # Jump to the appropriate call chain
-.macro PhysDevExtTramp num vkPhysDevExtTramp\num
-    mov     eax, [esp + 4]                              # Load the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice into eax
-    mov     ecx, [eax + PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TRAMP] # Load the unwrapped VkPhysicalDevice into ecx
-    mov     [esp + 4], ecx                              # Overwrite the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice with the unwrapped one (on the stack)
-    mov     eax, [eax]                                  # Dereference the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice to get the dispatch table in eax
-    jmp     [eax + (PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_INST_DISPATCH + (PTR_SIZE * \num))] # Dereference the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice to get the dispatch table in eax
-.macro PhysDevExtTermin num vkPhysDevExtTermin\num
-    mov     ecx, [esp + 4]                                                      # Move the wrapped VkPhysicalDevice into ecx
-    mov     eax, [ecx + ICD_TERM_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TERM]                          # Store the loader_icd_term* in eax
-    cmp     dword ptr [eax + (DISPATCH_OFFSET_ICD_TERM + (PTR_SIZE * \num))], 0 # Check if the next function in the chain is NULL
-    je      terminError\num                                                     # Go to the error section if it is NULL
-    mov     ecx, [ecx + PHYS_DEV_OFFSET_PHYS_DEV_TERM]                          # Unwrap the VkPhysicalDevice in ecx
-    mov     [esp + 4], ecx                                                      # Copy the unwrapped VkPhysicalDevice into the first arg
-    jmp     [eax + (DISPATCH_OFFSET_ICD_TERM + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]              # Jump to the next function in the chain
-    mov     eax, [eax + INSTANCE_OFFSET_ICD_TERM]                               # Load the loader_instance into eax
-    push    [eax + (HASH_OFFSET_INSTANCE + (HASH_SIZE * \num) + FUNC_NAME_OFFSET_HASH)] # Push the func name (fifth arg)
-    push    offset termin_error_string@GOT                                      # Push the error string (fourth arg)
-    push    0                                                                   # Push zero (third arg)
-    push    VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT                                       # Push the error logging bit (second arg)
-    push    eax                                                                 # Push the loader_instance (first arg)
-    call    loader_log                                                          # Log the error message before we crash
-    add     esp, 20                                                             # Clean up the args
-    mov     eax, 0
-    jmp     eax                                                                 # Crash intentionally by jumping to address zero
-.macro DevExtTramp num vkdev_ext\num
-    mov     eax, [esp + 4]                                                      # Dereference the handle to get the dispatch table
-    jmp     [eax + (EXT_OFFSET_DEVICE_DISPATCH + (PTR_SIZE * \num))]            # Jump to the appropriate call chain
-#if defined(__ELF__)
-.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
-.string "Extension %s not supported for this physical device"
-    PhysDevExtTramp 0
-    PhysDevExtTramp 1
-    PhysDevExtTramp 2
-    PhysDevExtTramp 3
-    PhysDevExtTramp 4
-    PhysDevExtTramp 5
-    PhysDevExtTramp 6
-    PhysDevExtTramp 7
-    PhysDevExtTramp 8
-    PhysDevExtTramp 9
-    PhysDevExtTramp 10
-    PhysDevExtTramp 11
-    PhysDevExtTramp 12
-    PhysDevExtTramp 13
-    PhysDevExtTramp 14
-    PhysDevExtTramp 15
-    PhysDevExtTramp 16
-    PhysDevExtTramp 17
-    PhysDevExtTramp 18
-    PhysDevExtTramp 19
-    PhysDevExtTramp 20
-    PhysDevExtTramp 21
-    PhysDevExtTramp 22
-    PhysDevExtTramp 23
-    PhysDevExtTramp 24
-    PhysDevExtTramp 25
-    PhysDevExtTramp 26
-    PhysDevExtTramp 27
-    PhysDevExtTramp 28
-    PhysDevExtTramp 29
-    PhysDevExtTramp 30
-    PhysDevExtTramp 31
-    PhysDevExtTramp 32
-    PhysDevExtTramp 33
-    PhysDevExtTramp 34
-    PhysDevExtTramp 35
-    PhysDevExtTramp 36
-    PhysDevExtTramp 37
-    PhysDevExtTramp 38
-    PhysDevExtTramp 39
-    PhysDevExtTramp 40
-    PhysDevExtTramp 41
-    PhysDevExtTramp 42
-    PhysDevExtTramp 43
-    PhysDevExtTramp 44
-    PhysDevExtTramp 45
-    PhysDevExtTramp 46
-    PhysDevExtTramp 47
-    PhysDevExtTramp 48
-    PhysDevExtTramp 49
-    PhysDevExtTramp 50
-    PhysDevExtTramp 51
-    PhysDevExtTramp 52
-    PhysDevExtTramp 53
-    PhysDevExtTramp 54
-    PhysDevExtTramp 55
-    PhysDevExtTramp 56
-    PhysDevExtTramp 57
-    PhysDevExtTramp 58
-    PhysDevExtTramp 59
-    PhysDevExtTramp 60
-    PhysDevExtTramp 61
-    PhysDevExtTramp 62
-    PhysDevExtTramp 63
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-    PhysDevExtTramp 88
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-    PhysDevExtTramp 96
-    PhysDevExtTramp 97
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-    PhysDevExtTramp 99
-    PhysDevExtTramp 100
-    PhysDevExtTramp 101
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-    PhysDevExtTramp 249
-    PhysDevExtTermin 0
-    PhysDevExtTermin 1
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