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Subject: Patch 7.0.084
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From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.0.084
Problem: The garbage collector may do its work while some Lists or
Dictionaries are used internally, e.g., by ":echo" that runs into
the more-prompt or ":echo [garbagecollect()]".
Solution: Only do garbage collection when waiting for a character at the
toplevel. Let garbagecollect() set a flag that is handled at the
toplevel before waiting for a character.
Files: src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/globals.h, src/main.c
*** ../vim-7.0.083/src/eval.c Sun Sep 3 15:38:02 2006
--- src/eval.c Tue Sep 5 11:49:38 2006
*** 6074,6079 ****
--- 6074,6083 ----
tabpage_T *tp;
+ /* Only do this once. */
+ want_garbage_collect = FALSE;
+ may_garbage_collect = FALSE;
* 1. Go through all accessible variables and mark all lists and dicts
* with copyID.
*** 9636,9642 ****
typval_T *argvars;
typval_T *rettv;
! garbage_collect();
--- 9640,9648 ----
typval_T *argvars;
typval_T *rettv;
! /* This is postponed until we are back at the toplevel, because we may be
! * using Lists and Dicts internally. E.g.: ":echo [garbagecollect()]". */
! want_garbage_collect = TRUE;
*** ../vim-7.0.083/src/getchar.c Wed May 3 23:19:24 2006
--- src/getchar.c Tue Sep 5 12:55:54 2006
*** 1451,1457 ****
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
! garbage_collect();
--- 1451,1458 ----
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
! if (may_garbage_collect)
! garbage_collect();
*** 1502,1507 ****
--- 1503,1515 ----
int i;
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ /* Do garbage collection when garbagecollect() was called previously and
+ * we are now at the toplevel. */
+ if (may_garbage_collect && want_garbage_collect)
+ garbage_collect();
+ #endif
* If a character was put back with vungetc, it was already processed.
* Return it directly.
*** 1511,1523 ****
c = old_char;
old_char = -1;
mod_mask = old_mod_mask;
- return c;
! mod_mask = 0x0;
! last_recorded_len = 0;
! for (;;) /* this is done twice if there are modifiers */
if (mod_mask) /* no mapping after modifier has been read */
--- 1519,1531 ----
c = old_char;
old_char = -1;
mod_mask = old_mod_mask;
! else
+ mod_mask = 0x0;
+ last_recorded_len = 0;
+ for (;;) /* this is done twice if there are modifiers */
+ {
if (mod_mask) /* no mapping after modifier has been read */
*** 1695,1702 ****
! return c;
--- 1703,1722 ----
! break;
! }
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ /*
+ * In the main loop "may_garbage_collect" can be set to do garbage
+ * collection in the first next vgetc(). It's disabled after that to
+ * avoid internally used Lists and Dicts to be freed.
+ */
+ may_garbage_collect = FALSE;
+ #endif
+ return c;
*** ../vim-7.0.083/src/globals.h Sat Sep 2 14:52:41 2006
--- src/globals.h Tue Sep 5 11:46:10 2006
*** 300,308 ****
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
! EXTERN scid_T current_SID INIT(= 0); /* ID of script being sourced or
! was sourced to define the
! current function. */
#if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(FEAT_SYN_HL)
--- 300,315 ----
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
! /* Garbage collection can only take place when we are sure there are no Lists
! * or Dictionaries being used internally. This is flagged with
! * "may_garbage_collect" when we are at the toplevel.
! * "want_garbage_collect" is set by the garbagecollect() function, which means
! * we do garbage collection before waiting for a char at the toplevel. */
! EXTERN int may_garbage_collect INIT(= FALSE);
! EXTERN int want_garbage_collect INIT(= FALSE);
! /* ID of script being sourced or was sourced to define the current function. */
! EXTERN scid_T current_SID INIT(= 0);
#if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(FEAT_SYN_HL)
*** ../vim-7.0.083/src/main.c Tue Aug 29 17:28:56 2006
--- src/main.c Tue Sep 5 12:33:47 2006
*** 1130,1135 ****
--- 1130,1145 ----
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ /*
+ * May perform garbage collection when waiting for a character, but
+ * only at the very toplevel. Otherwise we may be using a List or
+ * Dict internally somewhere.
+ * "may_garbage_collect" is reset in vgetc() which is invoked through
+ * do_exmode() and normal_cmd().
+ */
+ may_garbage_collect = (!cmdwin && !noexmode);
+ #endif
* If we're invoked as ex, do a round of ex commands.
* Otherwise, get and execute a normal mode command.
*** ../vim-7.0.083/src/version.c Sun Sep 3 16:39:51 2006
--- src/version.c Tue Sep 5 12:51:28 2006
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 84,
LAUNCELOT: At last! A call! A cry of distress ...
(he draws his sword, and turns to CONCORDE)
Concorde! Brave, Concorde ... you shall not have died in vain!
CONCORDE: I'm not quite dead, sir ...
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD
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