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Subject: Patch 7.1.215
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.215
Problem: It is difficult to figure out what syntax items are nested at a
certain position.
Solution: Add the synstack() function.
Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/,
*** ../vim-7.1.214/runtime/doc/eval.txt Sun Jan 6 20:05:36 2008
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt Thu Jan 10 22:20:31 2008
*** 1,4 ****
! *eval.txt* For Vim version 7.1. Last change: 2008 Jan 06
--- 1,4 ----
! *eval.txt* For Vim version 7.1. Last change: 2008 Jan 10
*** 1786,1791 ****
--- 1786,1792 ----
synIDattr( {synID}, {what} [, {mode}])
String attribute {what} of syntax ID {synID}
synIDtrans( {synID}) Number translated syntax ID of {synID}
+ synstack({lnum}, {col}) List stack of syntax IDs at {lnum} and {col}
system( {expr} [, {input}]) String output of shell command/filter {expr}
tabpagebuflist( [{arg}]) List list of buffer numbers in tab page
tabpagenr( [{arg}]) Number number of current or last tab page
*** 4962,4967 ****
--- 4966,4989 ----
highlight the character. Highlight links given with
":highlight link" are followed.
+ synstack({lnum}, {col}) *synstack()*
+ Return a |List|, which is the stack of syntax items at the
+ position {lnum} and {col} in the current window. Each item in
+ the List is an ID like what |synID()| returns.
+ The stack is the situation in between the character at "col"
+ and the next character. Note that a region of only one
+ character will not show up, it only exists inside that
+ character, not in between characters.
+ The first item in the List is the outer region, following are
+ items contained in that one. The last one is what |synID()|
+ returns, unless not the whole item is highlighted or it is a
+ transparent item.
+ This function is useful for debugging a syntax file.
+ Example that shows the syntax stack under the cursor: >
+ for id in synstack(line("."), col("."))
+ echo synIDattr(id, "name")
+ endfor
system({expr} [, {input}]) *system()* *E677*
Get the output of the shell command {expr}.
When {input} is given, this string is written to a file and
*** ../vim-7.1.214/src/eval.c Sun Jan 6 20:05:36 2008
--- src/eval.c Wed Jan 9 13:42:56 2008
*** 651,656 ****
--- 651,657 ----
static void f_synID __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
static void f_synIDattr __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
static void f_synIDtrans __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
+ static void f_synstack __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
static void f_system __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
static void f_tabpagebuflist __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
static void f_tabpagenr __ARGS((typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv));
*** 7252,7257 ****
--- 7253,7259 ----
{"synID", 3, 3, f_synID},
{"synIDattr", 2, 3, f_synIDattr},
{"synIDtrans", 1, 1, f_synIDtrans},
+ {"synstack", 2, 2, f_synstack},
{"system", 1, 2, f_system},
{"tabpagebuflist", 0, 1, f_tabpagebuflist},
{"tabpagenr", 0, 1, f_tabpagenr},
*** 15843,15848 ****
--- 15845,15890 ----
id = 0;
rettv->vval.v_number = id;
+ }
+ /*
+ * "synstack(lnum, col)" function
+ */
+ static void
+ f_synstack(argvars, rettv)
+ typval_T *argvars;
+ typval_T *rettv;
+ {
+ #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+ long lnum;
+ long col;
+ int i;
+ int id;
+ #endif
+ rettv->v_type = VAR_LIST;
+ rettv->vval.v_list = NULL;
+ #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+ lnum = get_tv_lnum(argvars); /* -1 on type error */
+ col = get_tv_number(&argvars[1]) - 1; /* -1 on type error */
+ if (lnum >= 1 && lnum <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count
+ && col >= 0 && col < (long)STRLEN(ml_get(lnum))
+ && rettv_list_alloc(rettv) != FAIL)
+ {
+ (void)syn_get_id(curwin, lnum, (colnr_T)col, FALSE, NULL);
+ for (i = 0; ; ++i)
+ {
+ id = syn_get_stack_item(i);
+ if (id < 0)
+ break;
+ if (list_append_number(rettv->vval.v_list, id) == FAIL)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
*** ../vim-7.1.214/src/proto/ Tue Jul 24 14:32:44 2007
--- src/proto/ Wed Jan 9 13:38:20 2008
*** 13,18 ****
--- 13,19 ----
void set_context_in_syntax_cmd __ARGS((expand_T *xp, char_u *arg));
char_u *get_syntax_name __ARGS((expand_T *xp, int idx));
int syn_get_id __ARGS((win_T *wp, long lnum, colnr_T col, int trans, int *spellp));
+ int syn_get_stack_item __ARGS((int i));
int syn_get_foldlevel __ARGS((win_T *wp, long lnum));
void init_highlight __ARGS((int both, int reset));
int load_colors __ARGS((char_u *name));
*** ../vim-7.1.214/src/syntax.c Sun Oct 7 15:21:31 2007
--- src/syntax.c Wed Jan 9 15:17:47 2008
*** 6104,6109 ****
--- 6102,6123 ----
return (trans ? current_trans_id : current_id);
+ #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
+ /*
+ * Return the syntax ID at position "i" in the current stack.
+ * The caller must have called syn_get_id() before to fill the stack.
+ * Returns -1 when "i" is out of range.
+ */
+ int
+ syn_get_stack_item(i)
+ int i;
+ {
+ if (i >= current_state.ga_len )
+ return -1;
+ return CUR_STATE(i).si_id;
+ }
+ #endif
#if defined(FEAT_FOLDING) || defined(PROTO)
*** ../vim-7.1.214/src/version.c Wed Jan 9 22:39:55 2008
--- src/version.c Thu Jan 10 22:17:38 2008
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 215,
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ONE KNIGHT: (whispers) Sorry.
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