Blob Blame History Raw
Subject: Patch 7.4.774
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.4.774
Problem: When using the CompleteDone autocommand event it's difficult to
get to the completed items.
Solution: Add the v:completed_items variable. (Shougo Matsu)
Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/edit.c,
src/eval.c, src/macros.h, src/proto/, src/vim.h
*** ../vim-7.4.773/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt 2014-08-22 23:05:50.098606614 +0200
--- runtime/doc/autocmd.txt 2015-07-10 17:37:59.618121125 +0200
*** 502,507 ****
--- 505,512 ----
CompleteDone After Insert mode completion is done. Either
when something was completed or abandoning
completion. |ins-completion|
+ The |v:completed_item| variable contains
+ information about the completed item.
CursorHold When the user doesn't press a key for the time
*** ../vim-7.4.773/runtime/doc/eval.txt 2015-06-25 16:09:20.698461237 +0200
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt 2015-07-10 17:39:36.641207424 +0200
*** 1330,1335 ****
--- 1330,1341 ----
can only be used in autocommands. For user commands |<bang>|
can be used.
+ *v:completed_item* *completed_item-variable*
+ v:completed_item
+ |Dictionary| containing the |complete-items| for the most
+ recently completed word after |CompleteDone|. The
+ |Dictionary| is empty if the completion failed.
*v:count* *count-variable*
v:count The count given for the last Normal mode command. Can be used
to get the count before a mapping. Read-only. Example: >
*** ../vim-7.4.773/src/edit.c 2015-03-31 19:17:55.620054448 +0200
--- src/edit.c 2015-07-10 17:37:22.574469987 +0200
*** 3372,3377 ****
--- 3372,3379 ----
compl_orig_text = NULL;
compl_enter_selects = FALSE;
+ /* clear v:completed_item */
+ set_vim_var_dict(VV_COMPLETED_ITEM, dict_alloc());
*** 4606,4622 ****
--- 4608,4646 ----
/* TODO: is this sufficient for redrawing? Redrawing everything causes
* flicker, thus we can't do that. */
+ /* clear v:completed_item */
+ set_vim_var_dict(VV_COMPLETED_ITEM, dict_alloc());
/* Insert the new text being completed. */
static void
+ dict_T *dict;
ins_bytes(compl_shown_match->cp_str + ins_compl_len());
if (compl_shown_match->cp_flags & ORIGINAL_TEXT)
compl_used_match = FALSE;
compl_used_match = TRUE;
+ /* Set completed item. */
+ /* { word, abbr, menu, kind, info } */
+ dict = dict_alloc();
+ if (dict != NULL)
+ {
+ dict_add_nr_str(dict, "word", 0L,
+ EMPTY_IF_NULL(compl_shown_match->cp_str));
+ dict_add_nr_str(dict, "abbr", 0L,
+ EMPTY_IF_NULL(compl_shown_match->cp_text[CPT_ABBR]));
+ dict_add_nr_str(dict, "menu", 0L,
+ EMPTY_IF_NULL(compl_shown_match->cp_text[CPT_MENU]));
+ dict_add_nr_str(dict, "kind", 0L,
+ EMPTY_IF_NULL(compl_shown_match->cp_text[CPT_KIND]));
+ dict_add_nr_str(dict, "info", 0L,
+ EMPTY_IF_NULL(compl_shown_match->cp_text[CPT_INFO]));
+ }
+ set_vim_var_dict(VV_COMPLETED_ITEM, dict);
*** ../vim-7.4.773/src/eval.c 2015-06-25 16:09:20.702461194 +0200
--- src/eval.c 2015-07-10 17:42:52.831359939 +0200
*** 364,369 ****
--- 364,370 ----
{VV_NAME("oldfiles", VAR_LIST), 0},
{VV_NAME("windowid", VAR_NUMBER), VV_RO},
{VV_NAME("progpath", VAR_STRING), VV_RO},
+ {VV_NAME("completed_item", VAR_DICT), VV_RO},
/* shorthand */
*** 372,377 ****
--- 373,379 ----
#define vv_float vv_di.di_tv.vval.v_float
#define vv_str vv_di.di_tv.vval.v_string
#define vv_list vv_di.di_tv.vval.v_list
+ #define vv_dict vv_di.di_tv.vval.v_dict
#define vv_tv vv_di.di_tv
static dictitem_T vimvars_var; /* variable used for v: */
*** 888,893 ****
--- 890,896 ----
set_vim_var_nr(VV_SEARCHFORWARD, 1L);
set_vim_var_nr(VV_HLSEARCH, 1L);
+ set_vim_var_dict(VV_COMPLETED_ITEM, dict_alloc());
set_reg_var(0); /* default for v:register is not 0 but '"' */
#ifdef EBCDIC
*** 20577,20582 ****
--- 20580,20614 ----
+ * Set Dictionary v: variable to "val".
+ */
+ void
+ set_vim_var_dict(idx, val)
+ int idx;
+ dict_T *val;
+ {
+ int todo;
+ hashitem_T *hi;
+ dict_unref(vimvars[idx].vv_dict);
+ vimvars[idx].vv_dict = val;
+ if (val != NULL)
+ {
+ ++val->dv_refcount;
+ /* Set readonly */
+ todo = (int)val->dv_hashtab.ht_used;
+ for (hi = val->dv_hashtab.ht_array; todo > 0 ; ++hi)
+ {
+ continue;
+ --todo;
+ HI2DI(hi)->di_flags = DI_FLAGS_RO | DI_FLAGS_FIX;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
* Set v:register if needed.
*** ../vim-7.4.773/src/macros.h 2014-11-05 17:44:47.676471691 +0100
--- src/macros.h 2015-07-10 17:25:46.129029911 +0200
*** 118,123 ****
--- 118,126 ----
+ /* Returns empty string if it is NULL. */
+ #define EMPTY_IF_NULL(x) ((x) ? (x) : (u_char *)"")
/* macro version of chartab().
* Only works with values 0-255!
* Doesn't work for UTF-8 mode with chars >= 0x80. */
*** ../vim-7.4.773/src/proto/ 2015-02-03 12:55:11.140179551 +0100
--- src/proto/ 2015-07-10 17:25:46.129029911 +0200
*** 91,96 ****
--- 91,97 ----
void set_vcount __ARGS((long count, long count1, int set_prevcount));
void set_vim_var_string __ARGS((int idx, char_u *val, int len));
void set_vim_var_list __ARGS((int idx, list_T *val));
+ void set_vim_var_dict __ARGS((int idx, dict_T *val));
void set_reg_var __ARGS((int c));
char_u *v_exception __ARGS((char_u *oldval));
char_u *v_throwpoint __ARGS((char_u *oldval));
*** ../vim-7.4.773/src/vim.h 2015-03-21 17:32:14.058780006 +0100
--- src/vim.h 2015-07-10 17:37:04.970635775 +0200
*** 1897,1903 ****
#define VV_OLDFILES 55
#define VV_WINDOWID 56
#define VV_PROGPATH 57
! #define VV_LEN 58 /* number of v: vars */
--- 1897,1904 ----
#define VV_OLDFILES 55
#define VV_WINDOWID 56
#define VV_PROGPATH 57
! #define VV_COMPLETED_ITEM 58
! #define VV_LEN 59 /* number of v: vars */
*** ../vim-7.4.773/src/version.c 2015-07-10 17:19:25.024620239 +0200
--- src/version.c 2015-07-10 17:27:37.643979391 +0200
*** 743,744 ****
--- 743,746 ----
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 774,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
201. When somebody asks you where you are, you tell them in which chat room.
/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
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\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///