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Subject: patch 7.1.079
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 7.1.079
Problem: When the locale is "C" and 'encoding' is "latin1" then the "@"
character in 'isfname', 'isprint', etc. doesn't pick up accented
Solution: Instead of isalpha() use MB_ISLOWER() and MB_ISUPPER().
Files: src/charset.c, src/macros.h
*** ../vim-7.1.078/src/charset.c Mon Aug 6 22:27:12 2007
--- src/charset.c Tue Aug 14 13:43:30 2007
*** 207,213 ****
while (c <= c2)
! if (!do_isalpha || isalpha(c)
|| (p_altkeymap && (F_isalpha(c) || F_isdigit(c)))
--- 207,216 ----
while (c <= c2)
! /* Use the MB_ functions here, because isalpha() doesn't
! * work properly when 'encoding' is "latin1" and the locale is
! * "C". */
! if (!do_isalpha || MB_ISLOWER(c) || MB_ISUPPER(c)
|| (p_altkeymap && (F_isalpha(c) || F_isdigit(c)))
*** ../vim-7.1.078/src/macros.h Thu May 10 19:21:00 2007
--- src/macros.h Sat Aug 4 13:44:18 2007
*** 54,63 ****
* toupper() and tolower() that use the current locale.
! * On some systems toupper()/tolower() only work on lower/uppercase characters
* Careful: Only call TOUPPER_LOC() and TOLOWER_LOC() with a character in the
* range 0 - 255. toupper()/tolower() on some systems can't handle others.
! * Note: for UTF-8 use utf_toupper() and utf_tolower().
#ifdef MSWIN
# define TOUPPER_LOC(c) toupper_tab[(c) & 255]
--- 54,65 ----
* toupper() and tolower() that use the current locale.
! * On some systems toupper()/tolower() only work on lower/uppercase
! * characters, first use islower() or isupper() then.
* Careful: Only call TOUPPER_LOC() and TOLOWER_LOC() with a character in the
* range 0 - 255. toupper()/tolower() on some systems can't handle others.
! * Note: It is often better to use MB_TOLOWER() and MB_TOUPPER(), because many
! * toupper() and tolower() implementations only work for ASCII.
#ifdef MSWIN
# define TOUPPER_LOC(c) toupper_tab[(c) & 255]
*** ../vim-7.1.078/src/version.c Wed Aug 15 20:07:53 2007
--- src/version.c Wed Aug 15 20:39:18 2007
*** 668,669 ****
--- 668,671 ----
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 79,
You're as much use as a condom machine at the Vatican.
-- Rimmer to Holly in Red Dwarf 'Queeg'
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