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Subject: Patch 7.3.1110
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Patch 7.3.1110
Problem: New regexp matching: Using \@= and the like can be slow.
Solution: Decide whether to first try matching the zero-wdith part or what
follows, whatever is more likely to fail.
Files: src/regexp_nfa.c
*** ../vim-7.3.1109/src/regexp_nfa.c 2013-06-03 19:41:01.000000000 +0200
--- src/regexp_nfa.c 2013-06-04 14:21:32.000000000 +0200
*** 2824,2834 ****
--- 2824,2851 ----
} regsubs_T;
+ /* nfa_pim_T stores a Postponed Invisible Match. */
+ typedef struct nfa_pim_S nfa_pim_T;
+ struct nfa_pim_S
+ {
+ nfa_state_T *state;
+ int result; /* NFA_PIM_TODO, NFA_PIM_[NO]MATCH */
+ nfa_pim_T *pim; /* another PIM at the same position */
+ regsubs_T subs; /* submatch info, only party used */
+ };
+ /* Values for done in nfa_pim_T. */
+ #define NFA_PIM_TODO 0
+ #define NFA_PIM_MATCH 1
+ #define NFA_PIM_NOMATCH -1
/* nfa_thread_T contains execution information of a NFA state */
typedef struct
nfa_state_T *state;
int count;
+ nfa_pim_T *pim; /* if not NULL: postponed invisible match */
regsubs_T subs; /* submatch info, only party used */
} nfa_thread_T;
*** 2886,2892 ****
static void copy_sub_off __ARGS((regsub_T *to, regsub_T *from));
static int sub_equal __ARGS((regsub_T *sub1, regsub_T *sub2));
static void addstate __ARGS((nfa_list_T *l, nfa_state_T *state, regsubs_T *subs, int off));
! static void addstate_here __ARGS((nfa_list_T *l, nfa_state_T *state, regsubs_T *subs, int *ip));
static void
--- 2903,2909 ----
static void copy_sub_off __ARGS((regsub_T *to, regsub_T *from));
static int sub_equal __ARGS((regsub_T *sub1, regsub_T *sub2));
static void addstate __ARGS((nfa_list_T *l, nfa_state_T *state, regsubs_T *subs, int off));
! static void addstate_here __ARGS((nfa_list_T *l, nfa_state_T *state, regsubs_T *subs, nfa_pim_T *pim, int *ip));
static void
*** 3032,3038 ****
static void
! report_state(char *action, regsub_T *sub, nfa_state_T *state, int lid);
int col;
--- 3049,3055 ----
static void
! report_state(char *action, regsub_T *sub, nfa_state_T *state, int lid)
int col;
*** 3174,3181 ****
! /* when there are backreferences the number of states may be (a
! * lot) bigger */
if (nfa_has_backref && l->n == l->len)
int newlen = l->len * 3 / 2 + 50;
--- 3191,3198 ----
! /* when there are backreferences or look-behind matches the number
! * of states may be (a lot) bigger */
if (nfa_has_backref && l->n == l->len)
int newlen = l->len * 3 / 2 + 50;
*** 3188,3193 ****
--- 3205,3211 ----
state->lastlist[nfa_ll_index] = l->id;
thread = &l->t[l->n++];
thread->state = state;
+ thread->pim = NULL;
copy_sub(&thread->subs.norm, &subs->norm);
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
if (nfa_has_zsubexpr)
*** 3419,3439 ****
* matters for alternatives.
static void
! addstate_here(l, state, subs, ip)
nfa_list_T *l; /* runtime state list */
nfa_state_T *state; /* state to update */
regsubs_T *subs; /* pointers to subexpressions */
int *ip;
int tlen = l->n;
int count;
! int i = *ip;
/* first add the state(s) at the end, so that we know how many there are */
addstate(l, state, subs, 0);
/* when "*ip" was at the end of the list, nothing to do */
! if (i + 1 == tlen)
/* re-order to put the new state at the current position */
--- 3437,3464 ----
* matters for alternatives.
static void
! addstate_here(l, state, subs, pim, ip)
nfa_list_T *l; /* runtime state list */
nfa_state_T *state; /* state to update */
regsubs_T *subs; /* pointers to subexpressions */
+ nfa_pim_T *pim; /* postponed look-behind match */
int *ip;
int tlen = l->n;
int count;
! int listidx = *ip;
! int i;
/* first add the state(s) at the end, so that we know how many there are */
addstate(l, state, subs, 0);
+ /* fill in the "pim" field in the new states */
+ if (pim != NULL)
+ for (i = tlen; i < l->n; ++i)
+ l->t[i].pim = pim;
/* when "*ip" was at the end of the list, nothing to do */
! if (listidx + 1 == tlen)
/* re-order to put the new state at the current position */
*** 3441,3461 ****
if (count == 1)
/* overwrite the current state */
! l->t[i] = l->t[l->n - 1];
else if (count > 1)
/* make space for new states, then move them from the
* end to the current position */
! mch_memmove(&(l->t[i + count]),
! &(l->t[i + 1]),
! sizeof(nfa_thread_T) * (l->n - i - 1));
! mch_memmove(&(l->t[i]),
&(l->t[l->n - 1]),
sizeof(nfa_thread_T) * count);
! *ip = i - 1;
--- 3466,3486 ----
if (count == 1)
/* overwrite the current state */
! l->t[listidx] = l->t[l->n - 1];
else if (count > 1)
/* make space for new states, then move them from the
* end to the current position */
! mch_memmove(&(l->t[listidx + count]),
! &(l->t[listidx + 1]),
! sizeof(nfa_thread_T) * (l->n - listidx - 1));
! mch_memmove(&(l->t[listidx]),
&(l->t[l->n - 1]),
sizeof(nfa_thread_T) * count);
! *ip = listidx - 1;
*** 3834,3839 ****
--- 3859,3903 ----
return result;
+ static int failure_chance __ARGS((nfa_state_T *state, int depth));
+ /*
+ * Estimate the chance of a match with "state" failing.
+ * NFA_ANY: 1
+ * specific character: 99
+ */
+ static int
+ failure_chance(state, depth)
+ nfa_state_T *state;
+ int depth;
+ {
+ int c = state->c;
+ int l, r;
+ /* detect looping */
+ if (depth > 4)
+ return 1;
+ if (c == NFA_SPLIT)
+ {
+ if (state->out->c == NFA_SPLIT || state->out1->c == NFA_SPLIT)
+ return 1;
+ l = failure_chance(state->out, depth + 1);
+ r = failure_chance(state->out1, depth + 1);
+ return l < r ? l : r;
+ }
+ if (c == NFA_ANY)
+ return 1;
+ if (c > 0)
+ return 99;
+ if ((c >= NFA_MOPEN && c <= NFA_MOPEN9)
+ || (c >= NFA_ZOPEN && c <= NFA_ZOPEN9)
+ || c == NFA_NOPEN)
+ return failure_chance(state->out, depth + 1);
+ /* something else */
+ return 50;
+ }
* Main matching routine.
*** 3864,3869 ****
--- 3928,3937 ----
nfa_list_T *nextlist;
nfa_list_T *neglist;
int *listids = NULL;
+ nfa_state_T *add_state;
+ int add_count;
+ int add_off;
+ garray_T pimlist;
FILE *debug = fopen(NFA_REGEXP_DEBUG_LOG, "a");
*** 3874,3879 ****
--- 3942,3948 ----
nfa_match = FALSE;
+ ga_init2(&pimlist, sizeof(nfa_pim_T), 5);
/* Allocate memory for the lists of nodes. */
size = (nstate + 1) * sizeof(nfa_thread_T);
*** 3923,3933 ****
listtbl[0][1] = neglist;
listtbl[1][0] = nextlist;
listtbl[1][1] = NULL;
! #define ADD_POS_NEG_STATE(node) \
! ll = listtbl[result ? 1 : 0][node->negated]; \
! if (ll != NULL) \
! addstate(ll, node->out , &t->subs, clen);
* Run for each character.
--- 3992,4003 ----
listtbl[0][1] = neglist;
listtbl[1][0] = nextlist;
listtbl[1][1] = NULL;
! #define ADD_POS_NEG_STATE(state) \
! ll = listtbl[result ? 1 : 0][state->negated]; \
! if (ll != NULL) { \
! add_state = state->out; \
! add_off = clen; \
! }
* Run for each character.
*** 3965,3970 ****
--- 4035,4042 ----
nextlist->id = nfa_listid + 1;
neglist->id = nfa_listid + 1;
+ pimlist.ga_len = 0;
fprintf(log_fd, "------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(log_fd, ">>> Reginput is \"%s\"\n", reginput);
*** 4024,4029 ****
--- 4096,4103 ----
* Handle the possible codes of the current state.
* The most important is NFA_MATCH.
+ add_state = NULL;
+ add_count = 0;
switch (t->state->c)
*** 4095,4127 ****
! result = recursive_regmatch(t->state, prog, submatch, m,
! &listids);
! /* for \@! it is a match when result is FALSE */
! if (result != t->state->negated)
! {
! /* Copy submatch info from the recursive call */
! copy_sub_off(&t->subs.norm, &m->norm);
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
! copy_sub_off(&t->subs.synt, &m->synt);
! /* t->state->out1 is the corresponding END_INVISIBLE node;
! * Add its out to the current list (zero-width match). */
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out1->out, &t->subs,
! &listidx);
case NFA_BOL:
if (reginput == regline)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
case NFA_EOL:
if (curc == NUL)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
case NFA_BOW:
--- 4169,4256 ----
! /* If invisible match has a higher chance to fail, do it
! * right away. Otherwise postpone it until what follows is
! * matching and causes addstate(nextlist, ..) to be called.
! * This is indicated by the "pim" field. */
! {
! nfa_pim_T *pim;
! int cout = t->state->out1->out->c;
! /* Do it directly when what follows is possibly end of
! * match (closing paren).
! * Postpone when it is \@<= or \@<!, these are expensive.
! * TODO: remove the check for t->pim and check multiple
! * where it's used?
! * Otherwise first do the one that has the highest chance
! * of failing. */
! if ((cout >= NFA_MCLOSE && cout <= NFA_MCLOSE9)
! || (cout >= NFA_ZCLOSE && cout <= NFA_ZCLOSE9)
! || cout == NFA_NCLOSE
! || t->pim != NULL
! || (t->state->c != NFA_START_INVISIBLE_BEFORE
! && failure_chance(t->state->out1->out, 0)
! < failure_chance(t->state->out, 0)))
! {
! /*
! * First try matching the invisible match, then what
! * follows.
! */
! result = recursive_regmatch(t->state, prog,
! submatch, m, &listids);
! /* for \@! it is a match when result is FALSE */
! if (result != t->state->negated)
! {
! /* Copy submatch info from the recursive call */
! copy_sub_off(&t->subs.norm, &m->norm);
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
! copy_sub_off(&t->subs.synt, &m->synt);
! /* t->state->out1 is the corresponding
! * END_INVISIBLE node; Add its out to the current
! * list (zero-width match). */
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out1->out,
! &t->subs, t->pim, &listidx);
! }
! }
! else
! {
! /*
! * First try matching what follows at the current
! * position. Only if a match is found, addstate() is
! * called, then verify the invisible match matches.
! * Add a nfa_pim_T to the following states, it
! * contains info about the invisible match.
! */
! if (ga_grow(&pimlist, 1) == FAIL)
! goto theend;
! pim = (nfa_pim_T *)pimlist.ga_data + pimlist.ga_len;
! ++pimlist.ga_len;
! pim->state = t->state;
! pim->pim = NULL;
! pim->result = NFA_PIM_TODO;
! /* t->state->out1 is the corresponding END_INVISIBLE
! * node; Add its out to the current list (zero-width
! * match). */
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out1->out, &t->subs,
! pim, &listidx);
! }
case NFA_BOL:
if (reginput == regline)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
case NFA_EOL:
if (curc == NUL)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
case NFA_BOW:
*** 4148,4154 ****
&& vim_iswordc_buf(reginput[-1], reg_buf)))
bow = FALSE;
if (bow)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
--- 4277,4284 ----
&& vim_iswordc_buf(reginput[-1], reg_buf)))
bow = FALSE;
if (bow)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
*** 4176,4194 ****
&& vim_iswordc_buf(curc, reg_buf)))
eow = FALSE;
if (eow)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
case NFA_BOF:
if (reglnum == 0 && reginput == regline
&& (!REG_MULTI || reg_firstlnum == 1))
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
case NFA_EOF:
if (reglnum == reg_maxline && curc == NUL)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
--- 4306,4327 ----
&& vim_iswordc_buf(curc, reg_buf)))
eow = FALSE;
if (eow)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
case NFA_BOF:
if (reglnum == 0 && reginput == regline
&& (!REG_MULTI || reg_firstlnum == 1))
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
case NFA_EOF:
if (reglnum == reg_maxline && curc == NUL)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
*** 4277,4288 ****
go_to_nextline = TRUE;
/* Pass -1 for the offset, which means taking the position
* at the start of the next line. */
! addstate(nextlist, t->state->out, &t->subs, -1);
else if (curc == '\n' && reg_line_lbr)
/* match \n as if it is an ordinary character */
! addstate(nextlist, t->state->out, &t->subs, 1);
--- 4410,4425 ----
go_to_nextline = TRUE;
/* Pass -1 for the offset, which means taking the position
* at the start of the next line. */
! ll = nextlist;
! add_state = t->state->out;
! add_off = -1;
else if (curc == '\n' && reg_line_lbr)
/* match \n as if it is an ordinary character */
! ll = nextlist;
! add_state = t->state->out;
! add_off = 1;
*** 4310,4322 ****
/* This follows a series of negated nodes, like:
* CHAR(x), NFA_NOT, CHAR(y), NFA_NOT etc. */
if (curc > 0)
! addstate(nextlist, t->state->out, &t->subs, clen);
case NFA_ANY:
/* Any char except '\0', (end of input) does not match. */
if (curc > 0)
! addstate(nextlist, t->state->out, &t->subs, clen);
--- 4447,4467 ----
/* This follows a series of negated nodes, like:
* CHAR(x), NFA_NOT, CHAR(y), NFA_NOT etc. */
if (curc > 0)
! {
! ll = nextlist;
! add_state = t->state->out;
! add_off = clen;
! }
case NFA_ANY:
/* Any char except '\0', (end of input) does not match. */
if (curc > 0)
! {
! ll = nextlist;
! add_state = t->state->out;
! add_off = clen;
! }
*** 4498,4510 ****
/* empty match always works, output of NFA_SKIP to be
* used next */
addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out->out, &t->subs,
! &listidx);
else if (bytelen <= clen)
/* match current character, jump ahead to out of
! addstate(nextlist, t->state->out->out, &t->subs, clen);
log_subsexpr(&nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].subs);
--- 4643,4657 ----
/* empty match always works, output of NFA_SKIP to be
* used next */
addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
else if (bytelen <= clen)
/* match current character, jump ahead to out of
! ll = nextlist;
! add_state = t->state->out->out;
! add_off = clen;
log_subsexpr(&nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].subs);
*** 4513,4520 ****
/* skip ofer the matched characters, set character
* count in NFA_SKIP */
! addstate(nextlist, t->state->out, &t->subs, bytelen);
! nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].count = bytelen - clen;
log_subsexpr(&nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].subs);
--- 4660,4669 ----
/* skip ofer the matched characters, set character
* count in NFA_SKIP */
! ll = nextlist;
! add_state = t->state->out;
! add_off = bytelen;
! add_count = bytelen - clen;
log_subsexpr(&nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].subs);
*** 4528,4534 ****
if (t->count - clen <= 0)
/* end of match, go to what follows */
! addstate(nextlist, t->state->out, &t->subs, clen);
log_subsexpr(&nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].subs);
--- 4677,4685 ----
if (t->count - clen <= 0)
/* end of match, go to what follows */
! ll = nextlist;
! add_state = t->state->out;
! add_off = clen;
log_subsexpr(&nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].subs);
*** 4536,4543 ****
/* add state again with decremented count */
! addstate(nextlist, t->state, &t->subs, 0);
! nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].count = t->count - clen;
log_subsexpr(&nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].subs);
--- 4687,4696 ----
/* add state again with decremented count */
! ll = nextlist;
! add_state = t->state;
! add_off = 0;
! add_count = t->count - clen;
log_subsexpr(&nextlist->t[nextlist->n - 1].subs);
*** 4557,4563 ****
nfa_re_num_cmp(t->state->val, t->state->c - NFA_LNUM,
(long_u)(reglnum + reg_firstlnum)));
if (result)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
case NFA_COL:
--- 4710,4717 ----
nfa_re_num_cmp(t->state->val, t->state->c - NFA_LNUM,
(long_u)(reglnum + reg_firstlnum)));
if (result)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
case NFA_COL:
*** 4566,4572 ****
result = nfa_re_num_cmp(t->state->val, t->state->c - NFA_COL,
(long_u)(reginput - regline) + 1);
if (result)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
case NFA_VCOL:
--- 4720,4727 ----
result = nfa_re_num_cmp(t->state->val, t->state->c - NFA_COL,
(long_u)(reginput - regline) + 1);
if (result)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
case NFA_VCOL:
*** 4577,4583 ****
reg_win == NULL ? curwin : reg_win,
regline, (colnr_T)(reginput - regline)) + 1);
if (result)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
--- 4732,4739 ----
reg_win == NULL ? curwin : reg_win,
regline, (colnr_T)(reginput - regline)) + 1);
if (result)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
*** 4586,4592 ****
&& ((colnr_T)(reginput - regline)
== reg_win->w_cursor.col));
if (result)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs, &listidx);
default: /* regular character */
--- 4742,4749 ----
&& ((colnr_T)(reginput - regline)
== reg_win->w_cursor.col));
if (result)
! addstate_here(thislist, t->state->out, &t->subs,
! t->pim, &listidx);
default: /* regular character */
*** 4613,4618 ****
--- 4770,4834 ----
+ } /* switch (t->state->c) */
+ if (add_state != NULL)
+ {
+ if (t->pim != NULL)
+ {
+ /* postponed invisible match */
+ /* TODO: also do t->pim->pim recursively? */
+ if (t->pim->result == NFA_PIM_TODO)
+ {
+ #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+ fprintf(log_fd, "\n");
+ fprintf(log_fd, "==================================\n");
+ fprintf(log_fd, "Postponed recursive nfa_regmatch()\n");
+ fprintf(log_fd, "\n");
+ #endif
+ result = recursive_regmatch(t->pim->state,
+ prog, submatch, m, &listids);
+ t->pim->result = result ? NFA_PIM_MATCH
+ /* for \@! it is a match when result is FALSE */
+ if (result != t->pim->state->negated)
+ {
+ /* Copy submatch info from the recursive call */
+ copy_sub_off(&t->pim->subs.norm, &m->norm);
+ #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+ copy_sub_off(&t->pim->subs.synt, &m->synt);
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = (t->pim->result == NFA_PIM_MATCH);
+ #ifdef ENABLE_LOG
+ fprintf(log_fd, "\n");
+ fprintf(log_fd, "Using previous recursive nfa_regmatch() result, result == %d\n", t->pim->result);
+ fprintf(log_fd, "MATCH = %s\n", result == TRUE ? "OK" : "FALSE");
+ fprintf(log_fd, "\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ /* for \@! it is a match when result is FALSE */
+ if (result != t->pim->state->negated)
+ {
+ /* Copy submatch info from the recursive call */
+ copy_sub_off(&t->subs.norm, &t->pim->subs.norm);
+ #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+ copy_sub_off(&t->subs.synt, &t->pim->subs.synt);
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ /* look-behind match failed, don't add the state */
+ continue;
+ }
+ addstate(ll, add_state, &t->subs, add_off);
+ if (add_count > 0)
+ nextlist->t[ll->n - 1].count = add_count;
} /* for (thislist = thislist; thislist->state; thislist++) */
*** 4680,4685 ****
--- 4896,4902 ----
+ ga_clear(&pimlist);
*** ../vim-7.3.1109/src/version.c 2013-06-03 20:12:47.000000000 +0200
--- src/version.c 2013-06-04 13:51:17.000000000 +0200
*** 730,731 ****
--- 730,733 ----
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 1110,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
80. At parties, you introduce your spouse as your "service provider."
/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///