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Patches for Vim - Vi IMproved 7.3
The files in this directory contain source code changes to fix
problems in released versions of Vim. Each file also contains an
explanation of the problem that is fixed, like the message that
was sent to the vim-dev maillist.
The best is to apply the patches in sequence. This avoids problems
when a patch depends on a previous patch. If you did not unpack the
extra archive, you may want to skip patches marked with "(extra)".
Similarly for the "lang" archive. Or ignore errors for missing files.
Before patching, change to the top Vim directory, where the "src"
and "runtime" directories are located.
Depending on the version of "patch" that you use, you may have add
an argument to make it patch the right file:
patch -p < 7.3.001
patch -p0 < 7.3.001
After applying a patch, you need to compile Vim. There are no
patches for binaries.
Checksums for the patch files can be found in the file MD5.
Individual patches for Vim 7.3:
1720 7.3.001 ":find" completion does not always shorten match properly
1610 7.3.002 ":find" completion didn't work halfway an environment variable
1299 7.3.003 crash with specific BufWritePost autocmd
1300 7.3.004 crash when using very long regexp
2747 7.3.005 crash when using undotree()
2987 7.3.006 can't build some multi-byte code with C89
4442 7.3.007 Python code redefines "buffer", re-implements a grow-array
11982 7.3.008 'cursorbind' is kept in places where 'scrollbind' is reset
3197 7.3.009 Win32: Crash when using a bad argument for strftime()
5466 7.3.010 Mac GUI: Missing break statements
8811 7.3.011 X11 clipboard doesn't work in GUI, after :sh selection fails
2127 7.3.012 problems building with MingW
5979 7.3.013 dynamic loading with Ruby doesn't work for 1.9.2
2497 7.3.014 "a" in Ex mode with backslash at end of line doesn't work
2223 7.3.015 a test is using an error message that no longer exists
7448 7.3.016 netbeans interface doesn't work under Athena
4314 7.3.017 errors reported by smatch
2488 7.3.018 (after 7.3.012) missing argument to windres in MingW makefiles
1577 7.3.019 ":nbstart" can fail silently
3696 7.3.020 cursor position wrong when joining lines and 'fo' contains "a"
2145 7.3.021 Mac: Boolean redefined when building with X11
1750 7.3.022 when opening a new window 'spellcapcheck' is cleared
2086 7.3.023 external program may hang when it tries to write to the tty
3222 7.3.024 named signs do not use a negative number as intended
3412 7.3.025 ":mksession" does not escape file name properly
1848 7.3.026 CTRL-] in a help file doesn't always work
2668 7.3.027 MS-Windows: Opening a file on a network share is very slow
5065 7.3.028 (after 7.3.024) signs don't show up
4623 7.3.029 ":sort n" sorts lines without a number as number zero
12512 7.3.030 cannot store Dict and List in viminfo file
3620 7.3.031 can't pass the X window ID to another application
21839 7.3.032 maparg() doesn't return the flags, e.g., <buffer>, <script>
1395 7.3.033 (after 7.3.032) can't build without FEAT_LOCALMAP
12987 7.3.034 Win32: may load .dll from wrong directory
1882 7.3.035 (after 7.3.034) stray semicolon
1946 7.3.036 Win32 GUI: different dialog font when building without menus
4147 7.3.037 compiler warnings for loss of data
2638 7.3.038 v:windowid isn't set for MS-Windows
2567 7.3.039 crash when using skk.vim plugin
1627 7.3.040 go past end of string when comparing while ignoring case
1857 7.3.041 compiler warning for mediumVersion
1915 7.3.042 no spell highlighting when re-using an empty buffer
14836 7.3.043 can't load Ruby dynamically on Unix
1857 7.3.044 preview window too high when opened by the popup menu
1739 7.3.045 compiler warning for uninitialized variable
2126 7.3.046 can't build Ruby on MS-Windows
6058 7.3.047 (after 7.3.032) missing makefile updates for test 75
3410 7.3.048 ":earlier 1f" doesn't work after loading undo file
19335 7.3.049 PLT has rebranded their Scheme to Racket
6138 7.3.050 the link script is clumsy, should use --as-needed
3305 7.3.051 crash when $PATH is empty
10719 7.3.052 various errors when 'completefunc' opens a new window
2948 7.3.053 complete() function doesn't reset complete direction
3354 7.3.054 can define a user command for :Print, but it doesn't work
10470 7.3.055 endless loop when recursively comparing lists and dicts
17935 7.3.056 "getline" argument in do_cmdline() shadows global
1980 7.3.057 segfault with command line abbreviation
4735 7.3.058 error "code converter not found" when loading Ruby script
3226 7.3.059 Netbeans: Problem with recursive messages for Athena/Motif
5326 7.3.060 Netbeans: crash when socket is disconnected unexpectedly
3307 7.3.061 remote ":drop" does not respect 'autochdir'
23639 7.3.062 Python has problems when installed in an unusual directory
2250 7.3.063 Win32: Running a filter command makes Vim lose focus
2493 7.3.064 Win32: ":dis +" shows nothing, but "+p does insert text
3389 7.3.065 can't get current line number in a source file
2852 7.3.066 crash when changing to another window during :vimgrep command
2315 7.3.067 Ruby: Init_prelude is not always available
1550 7.3.068 using freed memory on ":saveas" if autocommand sets 'acd'
1618 7.3.069 GTK: pressing Enter in inputdialog() doesn't work like OK
1604 7.3.070 can set environment variables in the sandbox
2095 7.3.071 cursor binding not reset when editing another file
9432 7.3.072 can't complete file names while ignoring case
2466 7.3.073 double free memory when netbeans command follows DETACH
7659 7.3.074 can't use the "+ register like "* for yank and put
3872 7.3.075 (after 7.3.072) also use 'wildignorecase' in expand()
5538 7.3.076 Clang warnings for dead code
3099 7.3.077 when updating swapfile crypt fails there is no error message
1565 7.3.078 warning for unused variable
1377 7.3.079 duplicate lines in MSVC makefile
6011 7.3.080 spelling doesn't work on VMS
2257 7.3.081 non-printable characters in 'statusline' cause trouble
1634 7.3.082 leaking file descriptor when netbeans hostname doesn't exist
9996 7.3.083 when a read() or write() is interrupted by a signal it fails
3508 7.3.084 after window split the new one scrolls with cursor at top
8843 7.3.085 (after 7.3.083) inconsistency with preproc symbols
4005 7.3.086 v:count has value of previous command in expression mapping
4349 7.3.087 (after 7.3.083) missing include for errno.h
4868 7.3.088 Ruby can't load Gems sometimes, may cause a crash
1550 7.3.089 compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows
2377 7.3.090 wrong help text for Cscope
9421 7.3.091 "vim -w foo" writes key codes for removed escape sequences
1678 7.3.092 resizing the window when exiting
5483 7.3.093 new DLL dependencies in MingW with gcc 4.5.0
2167 7.3.094 using abs() requires type cast to int
1999 7.3.095 Win32: In Chinese tear-off menu doesn't work
2767 7.3.096 can't interrupt "gvim -nb", leak file descriptor on errro
1760 7.3.097 ":call" inside "if 0" gives error for dict function
1712 7.3.098 ignored error may still cause status line to be disabled
1628 7.3.099 crash when splitting a window with zero height
1497 7.3.100 when using ":normal" v:count isn't set
2449 7.3.101 ino_t defined with wrong size in Ruby and Lua interfaces
23045 7.3.102 Ex command typed at reload prompt is ignored
4500 7.3.103 changing 'ff', then using ":w" in empty file sets 'mod'
1428 7.3.104 conceal: using Tab for cchar causes problems
1539 7.3.105 can't get the value of "b:changedtick" with getbufvar()
1650 7.3.106 other window scrolls if both 'scrollbind' and 'cursorbind' set
1986 7.3.107 year in :undolist can be confusing
3425 7.3.108 useless check for NULL when calling vim_free()
7203 7.3.109 processing new Esperanto spell file fails and crashes Vim
2122 7.3.110 the "nbsp" item in 'listchars' isn't used for ":list"
4010 7.3.111 :normal command in 'statusline' causes the cursor to move
1978 7.3.112 setting 'statusline' to "%!'asdf%' reads uninitialized memory
1838 7.3.113 Windows: Fall back directory for creating temp file is wrong
1568 7.3.114 potential problem using 'verbosefile' uninitialized
1645 7.3.115 Vim can crash when tmpnam() returns NULL
1788 7.3.116 'cursorline' too short with concealed chars and 'list' set
3835 7.3.117 build failed when --as-needed excludes ncurses
2283 7.3.118 Ruby uses SIGVTALARM which makes Vim exit
1637 7.3.119 (after 7.3.114) build problem on Mac
2597 7.3.120 message for existing swap file does not fit in 25 lines
1721 7.3.121 crash when using complicated 'statusline'
3936 7.3.122 having src/auto/ in the distribution causes problems
1954 7.3.123 ml_get error when 'conceallevel' is set
6777 7.3.124 EOL may be missing from written file
2672 7.3.125 MSVC: quote in link argument causes trouble
1652 7.3.126 compiler warning for signed pointer
1747 7.3.127 compiler complains about comma after last enum item
1706 7.3.128 another compiler warning for signed pointer
6608 7.3.129 using integer like a boolean
1908 7.3.130 clipboard_event_time misplaced in #ifdef
1280 7.3.131 including errno.h too often
2648 7.3.132 C++ style comments
3169 7.3.133 when using encryption it's not clear what method was used
1470 7.3.134 drag-n-drop doesn't work in KDE Dolphin
2678 7.3.135 inconsistency: last substitute pattern isn't used for search
1653 7.3.136 duplicate include of assert.h
2881 7.3.137 when 'lazyredraw' is set the screen may not be updated
2399 7.3.138 ":com" changes the multi-byte text of :echo