| Patches for Vim - Vi IMproved 7.3 |
| |
| The files in this directory contain source code changes to fix |
| problems in released versions of Vim. Each file also contains an |
| explanation of the problem that is fixed, like the message that |
| was sent to the vim-dev maillist. |
| |
| The best is to apply the patches in sequence. This avoids problems |
| when a patch depends on a previous patch. If you did not unpack the |
| extra archive, you may want to skip patches marked with "(extra)". |
| Similarly for the "lang" archive. Or ignore errors for missing files. |
| |
| Before patching, change to the top Vim directory, where the "src" |
| and "runtime" directories are located. |
| Depending on the version of "patch" that you use, you may have add |
| an argument to make it patch the right file: |
| patch -p < 7.3.001 |
| patch -p0 < 7.3.001 |
| |
| After applying a patch, you need to compile Vim. There are no |
| patches for binaries. |
| |
| Checksums for the patch files can be found in the file MD5. |
| |
| These patches were edited after their original submission to avoid patch to |
| fail. The original files are available with "orig." prepended: |
| 22565 7.3.202 cannot influence the indent inside a namespace |
| 5725 7.3.203 MS-Windows: Can't run external command without console window |
| 10891 7.3.223 MingW cross compilation doesn't work with tiny feat. |
| |
| |
| Individual patches for Vim 7.3: |
| |
| 1720 7.3.001 ":find" completion does not always shorten match properly |
| 1610 7.3.002 ":find" completion didn't work halfway an environment variable |
| 1299 7.3.003 crash with specific BufWritePost autocmd |
| 1300 7.3.004 crash when using very long regexp |
| 2747 7.3.005 crash when using undotree() |
| 2987 7.3.006 can't build some multi-byte code with C89 |
| 4442 7.3.007 Python code redefines "buffer", re-implements a grow-array |
| 11982 7.3.008 'cursorbind' is kept in places where 'scrollbind' is reset |
| 3197 7.3.009 Win32: Crash when using a bad argument for strftime() |
| 5466 7.3.010 Mac GUI: Missing break statements |
| 8811 7.3.011 X11 clipboard doesn't work in GUI, after :sh selection fails |
| 2127 7.3.012 problems building with MingW |
| 5979 7.3.013 dynamic loading with Ruby doesn't work for 1.9.2 |
| 2497 7.3.014 "a" in Ex mode with backslash at end of line doesn't work |
| 2223 7.3.015 a test is using an error message that no longer exists |
| 7448 7.3.016 netbeans interface doesn't work under Athena |
| 4314 7.3.017 errors reported by smatch |
| 2488 7.3.018 (after 7.3.012) missing argument to windres in MingW makefiles |
| 1577 7.3.019 ":nbstart" can fail silently |
| 3696 7.3.020 cursor position wrong when joining lines and 'fo' contains "a" |
| 2145 7.3.021 Mac: Boolean redefined when building with X11 |
| 1750 7.3.022 when opening a new window 'spellcapcheck' is cleared |
| 2086 7.3.023 external program may hang when it tries to write to the tty |
| 3222 7.3.024 named signs do not use a negative number as intended |
| 3412 7.3.025 ":mksession" does not escape file name properly |
| 1848 7.3.026 CTRL-] in a help file doesn't always work |
| 2668 7.3.027 MS-Windows: Opening a file on a network share is very slow |
| 5065 7.3.028 (after 7.3.024) signs don't show up |
| 4623 7.3.029 ":sort n" sorts lines without a number as number zero |
| 12512 7.3.030 cannot store Dict and List in viminfo file |
| 3620 7.3.031 can't pass the X window ID to another application |
| 21839 7.3.032 maparg() doesn't return the flags, e.g., <buffer>, <script> |
| 1395 7.3.033 (after 7.3.032) can't build without FEAT_LOCALMAP |
| 12987 7.3.034 Win32: may load .dll from wrong directory |
| 1882 7.3.035 (after 7.3.034) stray semicolon |
| 1946 7.3.036 Win32 GUI: different dialog font when building without menus |
| 4147 7.3.037 compiler warnings for loss of data |
| 2638 7.3.038 v:windowid isn't set for MS-Windows |
| 2567 7.3.039 crash when using skk.vim plugin |
| 1627 7.3.040 go past end of string when comparing while ignoring case |
| 1857 7.3.041 compiler warning for mediumVersion |
| 1915 7.3.042 no spell highlighting when re-using an empty buffer |
| 14836 7.3.043 can't load Ruby dynamically on Unix |
| 1857 7.3.044 preview window too high when opened by the popup menu |
| 1739 7.3.045 compiler warning for uninitialized variable |
| 2126 7.3.046 can't build Ruby on MS-Windows |
| 6058 7.3.047 (after 7.3.032) missing makefile updates for test 75 |
| 3410 7.3.048 ":earlier 1f" doesn't work after loading undo file |
| 19335 7.3.049 PLT has rebranded their Scheme to Racket |
| 6138 7.3.050 the link script is clumsy, should use --as-needed |
| 3305 7.3.051 crash when $PATH is empty |
| 10719 7.3.052 various errors when 'completefunc' opens a new window |
| 2948 7.3.053 complete() function doesn't reset complete direction |
| 3354 7.3.054 can define a user command for :Print, but it doesn't work |
| 10470 7.3.055 endless loop when recursively comparing lists and dicts |
| 17935 7.3.056 "getline" argument in do_cmdline() shadows global |
| 1980 7.3.057 segfault with command line abbreviation |
| 4735 7.3.058 error "code converter not found" when loading Ruby script |
| 3226 7.3.059 Netbeans: Problem with recursive messages for Athena/Motif |
| 5326 7.3.060 Netbeans: crash when socket is disconnected unexpectedly |
| 3307 7.3.061 remote ":drop" does not respect 'autochdir' |
| 23639 7.3.062 Python has problems when installed in an unusual directory |
| 2250 7.3.063 Win32: Running a filter command makes Vim lose focus |
| 2493 7.3.064 Win32: ":dis +" shows nothing, but "+p does insert text |
| 3389 7.3.065 can't get current line number in a source file |
| 2852 7.3.066 crash when changing to another window during :vimgrep command |
| 2315 7.3.067 Ruby: Init_prelude is not always available |
| 1550 7.3.068 using freed memory on ":saveas" if autocommand sets 'acd' |
| 1618 7.3.069 GTK: pressing Enter in inputdialog() doesn't work like OK |
| 1604 7.3.070 can set environment variables in the sandbox |
| 2095 7.3.071 cursor binding not reset when editing another file |
| 9432 7.3.072 can't complete file names while ignoring case |
| 2466 7.3.073 double free memory when netbeans command follows DETACH |
| 7659 7.3.074 can't use the "+ register like "* for yank and put |
| 3872 7.3.075 (after 7.3.072) also use 'wildignorecase' in expand() |
| 5538 7.3.076 Clang warnings for dead code |
| 3099 7.3.077 when updating swapfile crypt fails there is no error message |
| 1565 7.3.078 warning for unused variable |
| 1377 7.3.079 duplicate lines in MSVC makefile |
| 6011 7.3.080 spelling doesn't work on VMS |
| 2257 7.3.081 non-printable characters in 'statusline' cause trouble |
| 1634 7.3.082 leaking file descriptor when netbeans hostname doesn't exist |
| 9996 7.3.083 when a read() or write() is interrupted by a signal it fails |
| 3508 7.3.084 after window split the new one scrolls with cursor at top |
| 8843 7.3.085 (after 7.3.083) inconsistency with preproc symbols |
| 4005 7.3.086 v:count has value of previous command in expression mapping |
| 4349 7.3.087 (after 7.3.083) missing include for errno.h |
| 4868 7.3.088 Ruby can't load Gems sometimes, may cause a crash |
| 1550 7.3.089 compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows |
| 2377 7.3.090 wrong help text for Cscope |
| 9421 7.3.091 "vim -w foo" writes key codes for removed escape sequences |
| 1678 7.3.092 resizing the window when exiting |
| 5483 7.3.093 new DLL dependencies in MingW with gcc 4.5.0 |
| 2167 7.3.094 using abs() requires type cast to int |
| 1999 7.3.095 Win32: In Chinese tear-off menu doesn't work |
| 2767 7.3.096 can't interrupt "gvim -nb", leak file descriptor on errro |
| 1760 7.3.097 ":call" inside "if 0" gives error for dict function |
| 1712 7.3.098 ignored error may still cause status line to be disabled |
| 1628 7.3.099 crash when splitting a window with zero height |
| 1497 7.3.100 when using ":normal" v:count isn't set |
| 2449 7.3.101 ino_t defined with wrong size in Ruby and Lua interfaces |
| 23045 7.3.102 Ex command typed at reload prompt is ignored |
| 4500 7.3.103 changing 'ff', then using ":w" in empty file sets 'mod' |
| 1428 7.3.104 conceal: using Tab for cchar causes problems |
| 1539 7.3.105 can't get the value of "b:changedtick" with getbufvar() |
| 1650 7.3.106 other window scrolls if both 'scrollbind' and 'cursorbind' set |
| 1986 7.3.107 year in :undolist can be confusing |
| 3425 7.3.108 useless check for NULL when calling vim_free() |
| 7203 7.3.109 processing new Esperanto spell file fails and crashes Vim |
| 2122 7.3.110 the "nbsp" item in 'listchars' isn't used for ":list" |
| 4010 7.3.111 :normal command in 'statusline' causes the cursor to move |
| 1978 7.3.112 setting 'statusline' to "%!'asdf%' reads uninitialized memory |
| 1838 7.3.113 Windows: Fall back directory for creating temp file is wrong |
| 1568 7.3.114 potential problem using 'verbosefile' uninitialized |
| 1645 7.3.115 Vim can crash when tmpnam() returns NULL |
| 1788 7.3.116 'cursorline' too short with concealed chars and 'list' set |
| 3835 7.3.117 build failed when --as-needed excludes ncurses |
| 2283 7.3.118 Ruby uses SIGVTALARM which makes Vim exit |
| 1637 7.3.119 (after 7.3.114) build problem on Mac |
| 2597 7.3.120 message for existing swap file does not fit in 25 lines |
| 1721 7.3.121 crash when using complicated 'statusline' |
| 3936 7.3.122 having src/auto/config.mk in the distribution causes problems |
| 1954 7.3.123 ml_get error when 'conceallevel' is set |
| 6777 7.3.124 EOL may be missing from written file |
| 2672 7.3.125 MSVC: quote in link argument causes trouble |
| 1652 7.3.126 compiler warning for signed pointer |
| 1747 7.3.127 compiler complains about comma after last enum item |
| 1706 7.3.128 another compiler warning for signed pointer |
| 6608 7.3.129 using integer like a boolean |
| 1908 7.3.130 clipboard_event_time misplaced in #ifdef |
| 1280 7.3.131 including errno.h too often |
| 2648 7.3.132 C++ style comments |
| 3169 7.3.133 when using encryption it's not clear what method was used |
| 1470 7.3.134 drag-n-drop doesn't work in KDE Dolphin |
| 2678 7.3.135 inconsistency: last substitute pattern isn't used for search |
| 1653 7.3.136 duplicate include of assert.h |
| 2881 7.3.137 when 'lazyredraw' is set the screen may not be updated |
| 2399 7.3.138 ":com" changes the multi-byte text of :echo |
| 3685 7.3.139 (after 7.3.137) can't read ":ver" output when 'lazyredraw' set |
| 1797 7.3.140 crash when 'cursorline' and 'list' both set |
| 2968 7.3.141 when a key code is not set get a confusing error message |
| 2593 7.3.142 Python stdout doesn't have flush(), causing an import to fail |
| 45956 7.3.143 memfile insufficiently tested; inefficient with many blocks |
| 2387 7.3.144 crash with ":python help(dir)" |
| 2400 7.3.145 (after 7.3.144) can't build with Python dynamically loading |
| 6571 7.3.146 can assign to dict member with invalid name |
| 1575 7.3.147 (after 7.3.143) can't build on HP-UX |
| 7615 7.3.148 huge number of syntax items or clusters causes hang or crash |
| 2205 7.3.149 the cursor disappears after the 'setDot' netbeans command |
| 2960 7.3.150 readline() does not return the last line when NL is missing |
| 2077 7.3.151 with "unnamedplus" in 'clipboard' selection also copied to "* |
| 14784 7.3.152 xxd does not check for errors of library functions |
| 1775 7.3.153 compiler warning for ambiguous else, missing prototype in xxd |
| 3570 7.3.154 (after 7.3.148) can't compile with tiny features |
| 8459 7.3.155 crash when using map(), filter(), remove(), extend() on v: |
| 2727 7.3.156 Tty names possibly left unterminated |
| 1583 7.3.157 superfluous assignment |
| 1497 7.3.158 might use uninitialized memory in C indenting |
| 1587 7.3.159 using uninitialized pointer when out of memory |
| 13647 7.3.160 unsafe string copying |
| 43528 7.3.161 items on the stack may be too big |
| 2564 7.3.162 no error message assigning to a list with index out of range |
| 2016 7.3.163 the default 'shellpipe' doesn't recognize "mksh" and "pdksh" |
| 4014 7.3.164 C-indenting doesn't recognize some function declarations |
| 1558 7.3.165 ":find" completion does not escape spaces in directory name |
| 1765 7.3.166 buffer on the stack may be too big |
| 2932 7.3.167 when using internal grep QuickFixCmdPost is not triggered |
| 2019 7.3.168 CR in second argument of input() causes problems |
| 3659 7.3.169 freeing memory already freed, warning from code analyzer |
| 2429 7.3.170 VMS: test77 missing from Makefile |
| 4511 7.3.171 confusing message from ":yank" when no clipboard support |
| 8382 7.3.172 MS-Windows: rename() might delete a file |
| 2429 7.3.173 ":cwindow" may open a window when the quickfix list is empty |
| 4618 7.3.174 when Exuberant ctags binary is exctags it's not found |
| 1482 7.3.175 ":new" may result in wrong 'colorcolumn' highlighting |
| 6968 7.3.176 Ruby linking doesn't work properly on Mac OS X |
| 2814 7.3.177 MS-Windows: mkdir() works wrong when 'encoding' is "utf-8" |
| 4019 7.3.178 C-indent doesn't handle code right after { correctly |
| 2144 7.3.179 C-indent doesn't handle colon in string correctly |
| 8439 7.3.180 better matching end part of 'comments' not used after middle |
| 4509 7.3.181 display update error when repeating insert of CTRL-V / digraph |
| 1684 7.3.182 (after 7.3.180) unused variable compiler warning |
| 3761 7.3.183 when Exuberant ctags binary is exuberant-ctags it's not found |
| 2532 7.3.184 static code analysis errors in riscOS |
| 2570 7.3.185 ":windo g/pattern/q" reports wrong number of lines |
| 1713 7.3.186 v:register wrong when 'clipboard' contains "unnamed" |
| 173872 7.3.187 the RISC OS port is not being maintained, remove it |
| 7901 7.3.188 some more RISC OS files to be removed |
| 1476 7.3.189 (after 7.3.186) build fails without +clipboard |
| 1462 7.3.190 "containedin" syntax argument may make highlighting be wrong |
| 13294 7.3.191 still some RISC OS stuff to remove |
| 1701 7.3.192 command ":s/ \?/ /g" splits multi-byte characters into bytes |
| 1998 7.3.193 in the command line window ":close" doesn't work properly |
| 1397 7.3.194 "!mkdir a | ln -s a b", resolve("b/") doesn't result in "a/" |
| 4951 7.3.195 "} else" causes following lines to be indented too much |
| 7478 7.3.196 can't intercept a character that is going to be inserted |
| 2367 7.3.197 get E42 error when a QuickfixCmdPost event removes all errors |
| 12240 7.3.198 there is no completion for ":lang" |
| 1857 7.3.199 MS-Windows: Compilation problem of OLE with MingW compiler |
| 2213 7.3.200 (after 7.3.198) CTRL-D doesn't complete :lang |
| 3303 7.3.201 (after 7.3.195) still bad indenting after "} else" |
| 21467 7.3.202 (fixed) cannot influence the indent inside a namespace |
| 3199 7.3.203 (fixed) MS-Windows: Can't run ext. cmd without console window |
| 1588 7.3.204 (after 7.3.201) compiler warning |
| 2430 7.3.205 syntax "extend" doesn't work correctly |
| 1617 7.3.206 64bit MS-Windows compiler warning |
| 1603 7.3.207 can't compile with MSVC with pentium4 and 64 bit |
| 1597 7.3.208 early terminated if statement in Mac code |
| 2886 7.3.209 MSVC Install instructions point to wrong batch file |
| 5906 7.3.210 can't always find the file when using cscope |
| 1730 7.3.211 (after 7.3.210) compiler warning |
| 11261 7.3.212 with Python 3.2 ":py3" fails |
| 2985 7.3.213 javascript object literal is not indented correctly |
| 1615 7.3.214 the text displayed by ":z-" isn't exactly like old Vi |
| 2079 7.3.215 (after 7.3.210) wrong file names in previous patch |
| 9055 7.3.216 when recovering a file a range of lines is missing |
| 1916 7.3.217 inside an "if" a ":wincmd" causes problems |
| 4735 7.3.218 (after 7.3.212) tiny configuration problem with Python 3 |
| 3087 7.3.219 can't compile with GTK on Mac |
| 37536 7.3.220 various Python 3 problems |
| 8061 7.3.221 text from clipboard is not consistently handled as linewise |
| 2214 7.3.222 warning for building GvimExt |
| 10890 7.3.223 (fixed) MingW cross compilation doesn't work with tiny feat. |
| 5522 7.3.224 can't pass dict to sort function |
| 18841 7.3.225 "\n" in a substitute() inside ":s" not handled correctly |
| 1838 7.3.226 on a 64 bit system "syn sync fromstart" is very slow |
| 3430 7.3.227 after 7.3.221) Mac OS doesn't have the linewise clipboard fix |
| 1390 7.3.228 "2gj" does not always move to the correct position |
| 1645 7.3.229 fork() makes Mac gvim crash when build with CoreFoundation |
| 2295 7.3.230 ":wundo" and ":rundo" don't unescape their argument |
| 5151 7.3.231 runtime file patches failed for 7.3.202 and 7.3.203 |
| 2324 7.3.232 Python doesn't compile without +multi_byte |
| 2476 7.3.233 ":scriptnames" and ":breaklist" show long file names |
| 5209 7.3.234 with GTK menu may be popping down |
| 11651 7.3.235 ";" gets stuck on a "t" command, it's not useful |
| 2994 7.3.236 (after 7.3.232) Python 3 doesn't compile without +multi_byte |
| 7267 7.3.237 filetype completion doesn't work on Windows |
| 1599 7.3.238 compiler warning for conversion |
| 8837 7.3.239 Python corrects cursor column without using 'virtualedit' |
| 22002 7.3.240 external commands can't use pipes on MS-Windows |
| 2115 7.3.241 CTRL-R CTRL-W on command line may insert only part of word |
| 2070 7.3.242 illegal memory access in after_pathsep() |
| 1652 7.3.243 illegal memory access in readline() |
| 1537 7.3.244 MS-Windows: Build problem with old compiler |
| 4115 7.3.245 Python 3.2 libraries not correctly detected |
| 1927 7.3.246 Repeating "f4" in "4444" skips one 4 |
| 2825 7.3.247 tests change users viminfo file; no test for patch 7.3.246 |
| 4825 7.3.248 PC Install instructions missing install instructions |
| 3283 7.3.249 wrong indenting for array initializer |
| 3509 7.3.250 Python: Errors in Unicode characters not handled nicely |
| 5229 7.3.251 "gH<Del>" deletes current line, except when it's the last line |
| 1220 7.3.252 (after 7.3.247) tests fail |
| 16588 7.3.253 "echo 'abc' > ''" returns 0 or 1, depending on 'ignorecase' |
| 1369 7.3.254 coladd not reset for ":call" command |
| 2839 7.3.255 Windows: error when editing a file with invalid wildcard |
| 5982 7.3.256 Javascript indenting not sufficiently tested |
| 3310 7.3.257 not all completions are available to user commands |
| 2128 7.3.258 MS-Windows: can't disable edit with existing vim menu entries |
| 21799 7.3.259 equivalence classes only work for latin characters |
| 2138 7.3.260 CursorHold triggers on an incomplete mapping |
| 2969 7.3.261 G++ error message errornously recognized as error |
| 30045 7.3.262 Photon code style doesn't match Vim style |
| 4291 7.3.263 Perl and Tcl have a few code style problems |
| 5190 7.3.264 tags file not find when current dir name contains wildcards |
| 4017 7.3.265 storing search pattern in history without separator check |
| 1677 7.3.266 in Gvim with iBus typing space in Insert mode doesn't work |
| 1784 7.3.267 Ruby on Mac OS X 10.7 may crash |
| 2871 7.3.269 'shellcmdflag' only works with one flag |
| 1514 7.3.270 illegal memory access |
| 12980 7.3.271 code not following Vim coding style |
| 1545 7.3.272 ":put =list" does not add empty line for trailing empty item |
| 3544 7.3.273 a BOM in an error file is seen as text |
| 1791 7.3.274 with concealed characters tabs do not have the right size |
| 2872 7.3.275 MS-Windows: screen flicker when using a black background |
| 4279 7.3.276 GvimExt sets $LANG in the wrong way |
| 9130 7.3.277 MS-Windows: some characters do not show in dialogs |
| 2098 7.3.278 passing the file name to open in VisVim doesn't work |
| 3769 7.3.279 GTK: opening new tab may cause gvim window to be too big |
| 5024 7.3.280 ":lmake" does not update the quickfix window title |
| 3803 7.3.281 after expand('%:8') the current buffer name is changed |
| 1915 7.3.282 text displayed incorrect when using input() + :echo in a loop |
| 3387 7.3.283 multi-byte text in an expression mapping gets messed up |
| 5785 7.3.284 str2special() doesn't handle multi-byte chars properly |
| 3983 7.3.285 (after 7.3.284) mapping <char-123> does not work |
| 2682 7.3.286 crash when using "zd" on a large number of folds |
| 2829 7.3.287 can't compile with MSVC and tiny options |
| 2545 7.3.288 has('python') may give an error message |
| 1763 7.3.289 complete function isn't called when the leader changed |
| 2494 7.3.290 if BufWriteCmd autocmd resets 'modified' undo state is wrong |
| 4345 7.3.291 configure doesn't work properly with Python3 |
| 1940 7.3.292 crash with fold markers and visual block that goes to EOL |
| 2390 7.3.293 MSVC compiler has a problem with non-ASCII characters |
| 1978 7.3.294 (after 7.3.289) patch 289 causes more problems than it solves |
| 3455 7.3.295 when filtering text Vim may not read all the output |
| 5673 7.3.296 zombie process may remain when writing to external command |
| 5101 7.3.297 can't load Perl 5.14 dynamically |
| 6312 7.3.298 built-in colors are different from rgb.txt |
| 12218 7.3.299 source code not in Vim style |
| 2281 7.3.300 Python doesn't parse multi-byte argument correctly |
| 2901 7.3.301 Tab inserted when 'expandtab' and 'copyindent' are set |
| 2107 7.3.302 (after 7.3.301) test 19 fails without 'smartindent' and +eval |
| 1726 7.3.303 (after 7.3.296) compilation error |
| 3125 7.3.304 strawberry Perl doesn't work on MS-Windows |
| 1763 7.3.305 display scrolls up when auto-loading a function |
| 6330 7.3.306 unexpected GUI resize may cause a crash |
| 5383 7.3.307 Python 3 does not support slice assignment |
| 6788 7.3.308 writing to 'verbosefile' has problems, e.g. for :highlight |
| 3536 7.3.309 (after 7.3.307) warnings for pointer types |
| 92586 7.3.310 source code not in Vim style |
| 11313 7.3.311 complete function isn't called when the leader changed |
| 1815 7.3.312 (after 7.3.306) can't compile with tiny features |
| 2141 7.3.313 (after 7.3.307) warning compiling with dynamic Python 3 |
| 1740 7.3.314 (after 7.3.304) missing parenthesis |
| 13684 7.3.315 opening a window before forking causes problems for GTK |
| 1499 7.3.316 (after 7.3.306) crash if 'colorcolumn' set and closing buffer |
| 3918 7.3.317 Lua: debug.debug() may hang |
| 2662 7.3.318 "C" on the last line deletes that line if it's blank |
| 4573 7.3.319 redobuff doesn't always include completion leader changes |
| 3363 7.3.320 0xa0 character in sourced file is hard to spot |
| 7855 7.3.321 code not following Vim style |
| 1585 7.3.322 #ifdef for PDP_RETVAL doesn't work, INT_PTR can be a typedef |
| 3022 7.3.323 the default 'efm' does not ignore some "included from" lines |
| 1676 7.3.324 (after 7.3.237) completion for ":compiler" shows color schemes |
| 1901 7.3.325 a duplicated function argument gives an internal error |
| 8244 7.3.326 MingW 4.6 no longer supports the -mno-cygwin option |
| 1902 7.3.327 when jumping to a help tag a closed fold doesn't open |
| 1487 7.3.328 wrapping command line displays wrong multi-byte cursor |
| 2337 7.3.329 error when skipping over dict function inside :for |
| 1340 7.3.330 state not properly restored when longjmp() is invoked |
| 1815 7.3.331 "vit" gets confused when one tag name starts contains another |
| 4994 7.3.332 indent after "public:" is not increased in C++ code |
| 7688 7.3.333 "." repeats a Visual delete by byte size instead of characters |
| 1710 7.3.334 latest MingW complains about XSUBPP referencing itself |
| 1532 7.3.335 changing 'imdisable' in Insert mode takes effect only later |
| 30156 7.3.336 encoding in tags file causes trouble (NOW IN LATIN1) |
| 1876 7.3.337 no screen update after resizing xterm until character typed |
| 2851 7.3.338 using getchar() in an expression mapping doesn't work well |
| 1762 7.3.339 "make shadow" doesn't link all test files |
| 1887 7.3.340 when 'verbosefile' is set ftplugof.vim can give an error |
| 9335 7.3.341 translated and local help files are not listed in help.* |
| 3079 7.3.342 code not in Vim style |
| 6949 7.3.343 no mouse support for urxvt |
| 3131 7.3.344 problem with GUI startup related to XInitThreads |
| 1395 7.3.345 window title not updated when switching language with ":lang" |
| 5238 7.3.346 it's hard to test netbeans commands |
| 1689 7.3.347 dropped text is HTML although "html" is not in 'clipboard' |
| 1634 7.3.348 "call range(1, 947948399)" causes a crash |
| 2793 7.3.349 opening swapfile loops forever when out of memory in startup |
| 1525 7.3.350 block of code after ":lua << EOF" may not work |
| 1453 7.3.351 text formatting uses insert start position when it should not |
| 3276 7.3.352 when completing functions script-local functions come first |
| 4245 7.3.353 (after 7.3.343) missing urxvt patch for term.c |
| 2182 7.3.354 ":set backspace+=eol" doesn't work when 'backspace' is 2 |
| 1683 7.3.355 GTK warnings when using netrw.vim |
| 2453 7.3.356 using "o" with 'cindent' set may freeze Vim |
| 1511 7.3.357 compiler warning in MS-Windows console build |
| 1994 7.3.358 (after 7.3.353) mouse support doesn't work properly |
| 1727 7.3.359 command line completion shows dict functions |
| 2183 7.3.360 interrupting autoload function load may cause a crash |
| 1733 7.3.361 accessing memory after it is freed when EXITFREE is defined |
| 1828 7.3.362 ml_get error when using ":g" with folded lines |
| 2914 7.3.363 C indenting is wrong after #endif followed by a semicolon |
| 1924 7.3.364 (after 7.3.353) can't compile on HP-UX |
| 3451 7.3.365 crash when using a large Unicode character with syntax highl. |
| 2192 7.3.366 a tags file with an extremely long name causes errors |
| 1650 7.3.367 :wundo and :rundo use a wrong checksum |
| 4734 7.3.368 gcc complains about redefining _FORTIFY_SOURCE |
| 1452 7.3.369 get an error message when using --help and compiled with Gnome |
| 1766 7.3.370 compiler warns for unused variable in Lua interface |
| 2155 7.3.371 crash in autocomplete |
| 1603 7.3.372 command line mapping to <Up> doesn't work for file completion |
| 2464 7.3.373 (after 7.3.366) infinite loop in tags file with long name |
| 1670 7.3.374 ++encoding is not recognized |
| 1716 7.3.375 duplicate return statement |
| 1817 7.3.376 Win32: Toolbar repainting not always right |
| 12178 7.3.377 no support for bitwise AND, OR, XOR and invert |
| 2773 7.3.378 configure fails when cross-compiling |
| 2257 7.3.379 C-indenting wrong for static enum |
| 7825 7.3.380 C-indenting wrong for function header |
| 7960 7.3.381 configure can't be told to stop when a language is unavailable |
| 4585 7.3.382 (after 7.3.376) IME characters are inserted twice |
| 1489 7.3.383 for EBCDIC pound sign is defined as 't' |
| 1869 7.3.384 mapping CTRL-K breaks CTRL-X CTRL-K for dictionary completion |
| 2220 7.3.385 with expression mapping cursor may end up in the wrong place |
| 1577 7.3.386 test 83 fails when iconv does not support cp932 |
| 1708 7.3.387 (after 7.3.386) test 83 may fail for some encodings |
| 1378 7.3.388 crash on exit when EXITFREE is defined and using tiny features |
| 2117 7.3.389 after typing at a prompt the "MORE" message appears too soon |
| 4295 7.3.390 using NULL buffer pointer in a window |
| 1520 7.3.391 can't check if the XPM_W32 feature is enabled |
| 3505 7.3.392 setting 'undofile' does not trigger reading the undo file |
| 4803 7.3.393 Win32: When resizing Vim it may be moved to another monitor |
| 1866 7.3.394 screen messed up when placing a mark while starting up |
| 3012 7.3.395 (after 7.3.251) "dv?bar" deletes too much and breaks undo |
| 1598 7.3.396 operator can become linewise after forcing it characterwise |
| 6186 7.3.397 ":helpgrep" does not work when 'encoding' is not utf-8 |
| 1928 7.3.398 jumping to wrong location after creating 10 location lists |
| 4052 7.3.399 ":cd" doesn't work when the path contains wildcards |
| 44950 7.3.400 compiler warnings for shadowed variables |
| 5138 7.3.401 couple more compiler warning for shadowed variables |
| 2006 7.3.402 line of text redrawn while at the more prompt |
| 2976 7.3.403 ":helpgrep" does not trigger QuickFixCmd* autocommands |
| 2638 7.3.404 using refresh "always" in a complete function breaks redo |
| 3074 7.3.405 xterm may delete the urxvt mouse termcap code |
| 2830 7.3.406 Win32: multi-byte characters in b:browsefilter broken |
| 7268 7.3.407 ":12verbose call F()" duplicates text while trying to truncate |
| 1446 7.3.408 (after 7.3.406) missing declaration breaks compilation |
| 1565 7.3.409 the license in pty.c is unclear |
| 1396 7.3.410 compiler error for // comment |
| 1775 7.3.411 pasting in Visual mode using the "" register does not work |
| 1502 7.3.412 storing a float in a session file has an additional '&' |
| 2770 7.3.413 compiler warnings on MS-Windows |
| 2304 7.3.414 using CTRL-A on "000" drops the leading zero |
| 1727 7.3.415 (after 7.3.359) function completion stops after a dictionary |
| 1687 7.3.416 (after 7.3.415) compiler warning for pointer type |
| 1460 7.3.417 (after 7.3.395) test 43 fails with a tiny build |
| 1705 7.3.418 get an error message when a user complete function returns -1 |
| 2376 7.3.419 DBCS encoding in a user command does not always work |
| 2202 7.3.420 "it" and "at" don't work properly with a dash in the tag name |
| 2161 7.3.421 get E832 when setting 'undofile' in vimrc |
| 3076 7.3.422 Python 3 does not have __members__ |
| 4733 7.3.423 small mistakes in comments, proto and indent |
| 2210 7.3.424 Win16 version missing some functions |
| 2572 7.3.425 (after 7.3.265) search history lines are duplicated |
| 8345 7.3.426 with '$' in 'cpoptions' $ is not displayed in the first column |
| 10278 7.3.427 readfile() can be slow with long lines |
| 2881 7.3.428 Win32: an xpm file without a mask crashes Vim |
| 5441 7.3.429 with 'E' in 'cpoptions' redo wrong after "c0" in first column |
| 2949 7.3.430 conf filetype detection may end up in the wrong augroup |
| 8810 7.3.431 fetching a key at a prompt may be confused by escape sequences |
| 6926 7.3.432 ACLs are not supported for ZFS or NFSv4 on Solaris |
| 2538 7.3.433 using continued lines in a Vim script can be slow |
| 6194 7.3.434 using join() can be slow |
| 1864 7.3.435 compiler warning for unused variable |
| 3128 7.3.436 compiler warnings for types on Windows |
| 2282 7.3.437 looping inside FOR_ALL_TAB_WINDOWS even when already done |
| 4305 7.3.438 there is no way to avoid ":doautoall" reading modelines |
| 2487 7.3.439 compiler warnings to size casts in Perl interface |
| 5664 7.3.440 Vim does not support UTF8_STRING for the X selection |
| 9578 7.3.441 newer versions of MzScheme require earlier initialisation |
| 5445 7.3.442 (after 7.3.438) still read modelines for ":doautocmd" |
| 8329 7.3.443 MS-Windows: 'shcf' and 'sxq' defaults are not very good |
| 3159 7.3.444 ":all!" and ":sall!" give error E477 |
| 6224 7.3.445 (after 7.3.443) can't properly escape commands for cmd.exe |
| 5338 7.3.446 (after 7.3.445) external command with special char doesnt work |
| 10262 7.3.447 (after 7.3.446) External commands with "start" do not work |
| 5192 7.3.448 (after 7.3.447) Win32: Still a problem with "!start /b" |
| 15177 7.3.449 crash when a BufWinLeave autocmd closes the only other window |
| 2359 7.3.450 (after 7.3.448) Win32: Still a problem with "!start /b" |
| 10656 7.3.451 Tcl doesn't work on 64 bit MS-Windows |
| 2329 7.3.452 undo broken when pasting close to the last line |
| 1718 7.3.453 pasting in the command line is slow |
| 2299 7.3.454 re-allocating memory slows Vim down |
| 1891 7.3.455 using many continuation lines can be slow |
| 10445 7.3.456 ":tab drop file" handling doesn't work well |
| 2123 7.3.457 message translation dir not set when setting $VIMRUNTIME later |
| 1532 7.3.458 crash when calling smsg() during startup |
| 2196 7.3.459 compiler warnings for types on Windows |
| 2785 7.3.460 Win32: UPX does not compress 64 bit binaries |
| 6734 7.3.461 InsertCharPre event not always triggered |
| 5129 7.3.462 when using ":loadview" folds may be closed unexpectedly |
| 1774 7.3.463 cursor moved after using ":s///c" |
| 1969 7.3.464 compiler warning for sprintf |
| 14135 7.3.465 cannot get file name with newline from glob() |
| 1606 7.3.466 ml_get error when replacing several selected lines |
| 1526 7.3.467 cursor position wrong at command line when using input method |
| 4775 7.3.468 for some compilers the error file is not easily readable |
| 1557 7.3.469 compiler warning for unused argument |
| 1892 7.3.470 test 62 fails when compiled without GUI and X11 |
| 2817 7.3.471 can't abort listing placed signs |
| 2792 7.3.472 crash when using ":redraw" in a BufEnter autocmd |
| 2119 7.3.473 'cursorbind' does not work correctly with 'virtualedit' "all" |
| 1682 7.3.474 gcc 4 build with Perl fails |
| 3670 7.3.475 in terminal with few colors omnicomplete menu is hard to see |
| 1874 7.3.476 backspacing in a Visual block selection causes problems. |
| 1725 7.3.477 scrolling back at the more prompt shows the wrong text |
| 1354 7.3.478 memory leak when the ':rv!' command reads a dict or list |
| 6622 7.3.479 'cursorline' line number highlighting can't be set separately |
| 6208 7.3.480 when using ":qa" priority of changed buffers could be better |
| 1945 7.3.481 changing 'virtualedit' in an operator function does not work |
| 1827 7.3.482 with 'cursorbind' set moving up/down does not keep the column |
| 3003 7.3.483 (after 7.3.477) more prompt shows up too ofte. |
| 2206 7.3.484 "vim --help" does not mention -E and --echo-wid |
| 1677 7.3.485 LDFLAGS isn't passed on to building xxd |
| 1803 7.3.486 build error with mingw64 on Windows 7 |
| 19665 7.3.487 column position is reset unnecessarily when setting an option |
| 1458 7.3.488 ":help!" in a help file does not work as documented |
| 2783 7.3.489 Insert mode CTRL-] does not expand abbr. from a mapping |
| 74085 7.3.490 Lua interface: Member confusion, missing luaeval() |
| 7738 7.3.491 no tests for Lua |
| 14093 7.3.492 can't indent conditions separately from function arguments |
| 1565 7.3.493 (after 7.3.492) two unused variables |
| 6811 7.3.494 (after 7.3.491) can't build with Lua 9.1 or dynamic Lua |
| 3559 7.3.495 (after 7.3.492) compiler warnings |
| 2262 7.3.496 MS-DOS: tests fail when "diff" trips over line separators |
| 1606 7.3.497 crash when doing ":python print", compiled with gcc -O2 |
| 2021 7.3.498 the behavior of "- register changes depending on 'clipboard' |
| 2561 7.3.499 may wait for the wrong child process to terminate |
| 1414 7.3.500 Ming makefile unconditionally sets WINVER |
| 1761 7.3.501 error for "flush" not being defined when using Ruby command |
| 2010 7.3.502 Netbeans insert halfway a line actually appends to the line |
| 1288 7.3.503 (after 7.3.501) warning for unused argument |
| 2602 7.3.504 commands in help files are not highlighted |
| 3376 7.3.505 test 11 fails on MS-Windows in some versions |
| 3040 7.3.506 GTK gives an error when selecting a non-existent file |
| 5241 7.3.507 overwriting existing file without question from file dialog |
| 2838 7.3.508 default for v:register is not set |
| 8621 7.3.509 'autochdir' causes :vimgrep to fail |
| 1462 7.3.510 test 77 fails on Solaris 7 |
| 1563 7.3.511 crash when using FileReadCmd autocmd that does :e {file} |
| 2049 7.3.512 undofile() returns a useless name when passed an empty string |
| 3925 7.3.513 cannot use CTRL-E and CTRL-Y with "r" |
| 7792 7.3.514 no completion for :history command |
| 2073 7.3.515 'wildignorecase' only applies to the last part of the path |
| 2784 7.3.516 extend(o, o) may crash Vim |
| 1718 7.3.517 crash when using "vipvv" |
| 1976 7.3.518 ":helptags" cannot find tag when 'encoding' is double-byte |
| 1894 7.3.519 completefunction cannot indicate end of completion mode |
| 4238 7.3.520 Gvim starts up slow on Unbuntu 12.04 |
| 3388 7.3.521 spell checking may crash when using multi-byte characters |
| 1885 7.3.522 crash in vim_realloc() when using MEM_PROFILE |
| 3493 7.3.523 ":diffupdate" doesn't check for files changed elsewhere |
| 1271 7.3.524 missing comma in version.c |
| 1884 7.3.525 compiler warning on 64 bit MS-Windows |
| 1950 7.3.526 confusing indenting for #ifdef |
| 4408 7.3.527 clang complains about non-ASCII characters in a string |
| 5919 7.3.528 crash when closing last window in a tab |
| 2439 7.3.529 using a count before "v" and "V" does not work |
| 1559 7.3.530 (after 7.3.520) gvim does not work when 'guioptions' has "f" |
| 1546 7.3.531 (after 7.3.530) GUI does not work on MS-Windows |
| 1685 7.3.532 compiler warning from Clang |
| 1323 7.3.533 memory leak when writing undo file |
| 2944 7.3.534 (after 7.3.461) autoindent fails with InsertCharPre autocmd |
| 8436 7.3.535 many #ifdefs for MB_MAXBYTES |
| 2014 7.3.536 German sharp s is not seen as a word character |
| 1352 7.3.537 unecessary call to init_spell_chartab() |
| 9735 7.3.538 'efm' does not handle Tabs in pointer lines |
| 1625 7.3.539 redraw multi-byte char on command line does not work properly |
| 1658 7.3.540 cursor is left on the text instead of the command line |
| 31063 7.3.541 when joining lines comment leaders need to be removed manually |
| 2240 7.3.542 (after 7.3.506) function is sometimes unused |
| 1632 7.3.543 the cursor is in the wrong line after using ":copen" |
| 3088 7.3.544 no autocommand for :quit before deciding to exit |
| 10435 7.3.545 autocommands may close a window that is already being closed |
| 1628 7.3.546 weird line break |
| 1661 7.3.547 (after 7.3.541) compiler warning for uninitialized variable |
| 1552 7.3.548 compiler warning on 64 bit Windows |
| 2957 7.3.549 in 'cinoptions' "0s" is interpreted as one shiftwidth |
| 4392 7.3.550 (after 7.3.541) with "j" in 'fo' a list leader is not removed |
| 13725 7.3.551 on :tablose a TabEnter autocommand is triggered too early |
| 17001 7.3.552 inside comments formatting does not use the "2" flag in 'fo' |
| 2515 7.3.553 text displayed one cell off if 'listchars' contains "precedes" |
| 1660 7.3.554 compiler warning for unused argument |
| 7968 7.3.555 building on IBM z/OS fails |
| 2194 7.3.556 compiler warnings on 64 bit Windows |
| 2958 7.3.557 crash when an autocommand wipes out a buffer when it is hidden |
| 2956 7.3.558 (after 7.3.552) memory access error |
| 3483 7.3.559 home_replace() does not work with 8.3 filename |
| 1551 7.3.560 get an error for a locked argument in extend() |
| 1511 7.3.561 refresh: always in a complete function breaks the "." command |
| 1659 7.3.562 ":profdel" works when the +profile feature is disabled |
| 2742 7.3.563 (after 7.3.557) can't build with tiny features |
| 1785 7.3.564 (after 7.3.559) warning for pointer conversion |
| 1806 7.3.565 can't generate proto file for Python 3 |
| 2363 7.3.566 (after 7.3.561) redo works incorrectly without refresh:always |
| 1739 7.3.567 missing copyright notice |
| 3890 7.3.568 bad indents for #ifdefs |
| 133265 7.3.569 evaluating Vim expression in Python is insufficient |
| 4659 7.3.570 ":vimgrep" does not obey 'wildignore' |
| 3915 7.3.571 duplicated condition |
| 1915 7.3.572 duplicate statement in if and else |
| 1419 7.3.573 using array index before bounds checking |
| 2491 7.3.574 a CTRL-L character is not pasted on the search command line |
| 1586 7.3.575 "ygt" tries to yank instead of giving an error |
| 7301 7.3.576 formatting of lists inside comments is not right yet |
| 6542 7.3.577 size of memory does not fit in 32 bit unsigned |
| 2025 7.3.578 misplaced declaration. |
| 7644 7.3.579 (after 7.3.569) can't compile with Python 2.5 |
| 1517 7.3.580 warning on 64 bit MS-Windows |
| 4236 7.3.581 problems compiling with Python |
| 1342 7.3.582 missing pieces in test OK file |
| 3125 7.3.583 PyObject_NextNotImplemented is not defined before Python 2.7 |
| 4088 7.3.584 PyCObject is not always defined |
| 1696 7.3.585 calling changed_bytes() too often |
| 3055 7.3.586 MEMORYSTATUSEX not defined when compiling with Cygwin or MingW |
| 2248 7.3.587 compiler warning for local var shadowing global var |
| 2464 7.3.588 crash on NULL pointer |
| 1974 7.3.589 crash when $HOME is not set |
| 1804 7.3.590 the '< and '> marks cannot be set directly |
| 5247 7.3.591 can only move to a tab by absolute number |
| 3343 7.3.592 Vim on GTK does not support g:browsefilter |
| 2237 7.3.593 no easy way to decide if b:browsefilter will work |
| 4873 7.3.594 the X command server sends an empty reply for as-keys requests |
| 3921 7.3.595 the X command server responds slowly |
| 4967 7.3.596 can't remove all signs for a file or buffer |
| 21669 7.3.597 'clipboard' "autoselect" only applies to the * register |
| 2635 7.3.598 cannot act upon end of insert mode completion |
| 3042 7.3.599 (after 7.3.597) missing change in one file |
| 1572 7.3.600 <f-args> is not expanded properly with DBCS encoding |
| 1492 7.3.601 bad code style |
| 1532 7.3.602 missing files in distribution |
| 11248 7.3.603 it is possible to add or replace builtin functions |
| 1861 7.3.604 inputdialog() doesn't use the cancel argument in the console |
| 2334 7.3.605 MS-Windows: Can't compile with older compilers |
| 2522 7.3.606 CTRL-P completion has a problem with multi-byte characters |
| 2139 7.3.607 with 8 color terminal selected menu item is black on black |
| 3847 7.3.608 winrestview() does not always restore the view correctly |
| 5843 7.3.609 file names in :checkpath! output are garbled |
| 12106 7.3.610 cannot operate on the text that a search pattern matches |
| 1895 7.3.611 can't use Vim dictionary as self argument in Python |
| 2081 7.3.612 auto formatting messes up text when 'fo' contains "2" |
| 6886 7.3.613 including Python's config.c in the build causes trouble |
| 5747 7.3.614 number arg gets turned into number while it should be string |
| 2915 7.3.615 completion does not recognized escaped spaces |
| 1289 7.3.616 (after 7.3.610) can't compile without +visual |
| 1781 7.3.617 (after 7.3.615) hang on completion |
| 10033 7.3.618 (after 7.3.616) still doesn't compile with small features |
| 1583 7.3.619 when executing a shell command Vim may become slow to respond |
| 4897 7.3.620 building with recent Ruby on Win32 doesn't work |
| 2259 7.3.621 compiler warnings on 64 bit windows |
| 1867 7.3.622 XPM library for Win32 can't be found |
| 2426 7.3.623 Perl 5.14 commands crash Vim on MS-Windows |
| 1800 7.3.624 when cancelling input() it returns the third argument |
| 4327 7.3.625 "gn" does not handle zero-width matches correctly |
| 1500 7.3.626 Python interface doesn't build with Python 2.4 or older |
| 2803 7.3.627 expression not evaluated when using "n" flag with ":s" |
| 1802 7.3.628 ":open!" results in a confusing error message |
| 12019 7.3.629 there is no way to make 'shiftwidth' follow 'tabstop' |
| 1487 7.3.630 "|" does not behave correctly when 'virtualedit' is set |
| 10100 7.3.631 cannot complete user names |
| 14770 7.3.632 cannot select beyond 222 columns with the mouse in xterm |
| 2238 7.3.633 selection remains highlighted after selecting another text |
| 1884 7.3.634 Month/Day format for undo is confusing |
| 1586 7.3.635 system call during startup sets 'lines' to a wrong value |
| 4539 7.3.636 (after 7.3.625) "gn" fails for some zero-width matches |
| 3117 7.3.637 cannot catch error caused by a foldopen when there is no fold |
| 1783 7.3.638 unecessary redraw of the previous character |
| 31440 7.3.639 it's not easy to build Vim on Windows with XPM support |
| 455297 7.3.640 binary files for 7.3.639 |
| 2219 7.3.641 ":mkview" uses ":normal" instead of ":normal!" for folds |
| 1810 7.3.642 segfault with specific autocommands |
| 2060 7.3.643 MS-Windows: 'lines' is wrong when starting up maximized |
| 1925 7.3.644 dead code for BeOS GUI |
| 2910 7.3.645 no tests for patch 7.3.625 and 7.3.637 |
| 2353 7.3.646 undo file unusable after reloading a buffer |
| 5213 7.3.647 "gnd" doesn't work correctly in Visual mode |
| 3831 7.3.648 crash when using a very long file name |
| 2256 7.3.649 with 'clipboard' set to "unnamed" small deletes go to "1 |
| 1679 7.3.650 Completing ":help \{-" gives error and messes up command line |
| 3120 7.3.651 Completing ":help \{-" gives error message |
| 2304 7.3.652 workaround for Python crash isn't perfect |
| 7986 7.3.653 lacking XPM support for MingW, 32 and 64 objects mixed up |
| 3301 7.3.654 creating Vim dictionary from Python an empty key might be used |
| 88812 7.3.655 64 bit MingW xpm .a file is missing |
| 3106 7.3.656 internal error in :pyeval |
| 6680 7.3.657 Python bindings silently truncate string values containing NUL |
| 4244 7.3.658 NUL bytes truncate strings when converted from Python |
| 6242 7.3.659 recent Python changes are not tested |
| 1448 7.3.660 ":help !" jumps to help for ":!" |
| 5339 7.3.661 (after 7.3.652) SEGV in Python code |
| 3126 7.3.662 can't build Ruby interface with Ruby 1.9.3 |
| 1498 7.3.663 end of color scheme name not clear in E185 |
| 2171 7.3.664 buffer overflow in unescaping multi-byte characters |
| 2414 7.3.665 MSVC 11 is not supported |
| 3195 7.3.666 Win32.mak can't be found |
| 3213 7.3.667 unused variables in Perl interface |
| 2763 7.3.668 loading Perl dynamically still uses static library |
| 4757 7.3.669 when building with Cygwin loading Python dynamically fails |
| 2318 7.3.670 tiny memory leak when throwing exception in Python |
| 8213 7.3.671 more Python code can be shared between Python 2 and 3 |
| 22436 7.3.672 not possible to lock/unlock lists in Python interface |
| 1967 7.3.673 "gN" while 'selection' is "exclusive" misses one character |
| 10873 7.3.674 can't compile with Lua/dyn on Cygwin |
| 1597 7.3.675 accessing uninitialized memory with a very long file name |
| 2721 7.3.676 Ruby compilation on Windows 32 bit doesn't work |
| 8428 7.3.677 buf_spname() is used inconsistently |
| 2887 7.3.678 Ruby .so name may not be correct |
| 11455 7.3.679 Ruby detection uses Config, newer Ruby versions use RbConfig |
| 2190 7.3.680 some files missing in the list of distributed files |
| 2014 7.3.681 list of distributed files picks up backup files |
| 1791 7.3.682 (after 7.3.677) compiler complains about incompatible types |
| |