# This script assures we always deliver the current documentation/configs
# for the c/storage, c/image and c/common vendored in podman, skopeo, buildah
# For questions reach to Jindrich Novy <jnovy@redhat.com>
set -xe
rm -f /tmp/ver_image /tmp/ver_common /tmp/ver_storage
B=`pkg switch-branch | grep ^* | cut -d\ -f2`
git branch | grep c9s > /dev/null
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo $B
for P in podman skopeo buildah; do
BRN=`pwd | sed 's,^.*/,,'`
rm -rf $P
pkg clone $P
cd $P
[ $B != c9s ] && pkg switch-branch $B
if [ $BRN != stream-container-tools-rhel8 ]; then
pkg prep
pkg --release rhel-8 prep
DIR=`ls -d -- */ | grep -v ^tests | head -n1`
grep github.com/containers/image $DIR/go.mod | grep -v - | cut -d\ -f2 >> /tmp/ver_image
grep github.com/containers/common $DIR/go.mod | grep -v - | cut -d\ -f2 >> /tmp/ver_common
grep github.com/containers/storage $DIR/go.mod | grep -v - | cut -d\ -f2 >> /tmp/ver_storage
cd -
IMAGE_VER=`sort -n /tmp/ver_image | head -n1`
COMMON_VER=`sort -n /tmp/ver_common | head -n1`
STORAGE_VER=`sort -n /tmp/ver_storage | head -n1`
sed -i "s,^%global.*image_branch.*,%global image_branch $IMAGE_VER," skopeo.spec
sed -i "s,^%global.*common_branch.*,%global common_branch $COMMON_VER," skopeo.spec
sed -i "s,^%global.*storage_branch.*,%global storage_branch $STORAGE_VER," skopeo.spec
rm -f /tmp/ver_image /tmp/ver_common /tmp/ver_storage
rm -rf podman skopeo buildah