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# The containers configuration file specifies all of the available configuration
# command-line options/flags for container engine tools like Podman & Buildah,
# but in a TOML format that can be easily modified and versioned.

# Please refer to containers.conf(5) for details of all configuration options.
# Not all container engines implement all of the options.
# All of the options have hard coded defaults and these options will override
# the built in defaults. Users can then override these options via the command
# line. Container engines will read containers.conf files in up to three
# locations in the following order:
#  1. /usr/share/containers/containers.conf
#  2. /etc/containers/containers.conf
#  3. $HOME/.config/containers/containers.conf (Rootless containers ONLY)
#  Items specified in the latter containers.conf, if they exist, override the
# previous containers.conf settings, or the default settings.


# List of devices. Specified as
# "<device-on-host>:<device-on-container>:<permissions>", for example:
# "/dev/sdc:/dev/xvdc:rwm".
# If it is empty or commented out, only the default devices will be used
# devices = []

# List of volumes. Specified as
# "<directory-on-host>:<directory-in-container>:<options>", for example:
# "/db:/var/lib/db:ro".
# If it is empty or commented out, no volumes will be added
# volumes = []

# Used to change the name of the default AppArmor profile of container engine.
# apparmor_profile = "container-default"

# List of annotation. Specified as
# "key=value"
# If it is empty or commented out, no annotations will be added
# annotations = []

# Default way to to create a cgroup namespace for the container
# Options are:
# `private` Create private Cgroup Namespace for the container.
# `host`    Share host Cgroup Namespace with the container.
# cgroupns = "private"

# Control container cgroup configuration
# Determines  whether  the  container will create CGroups.
# Options are:
# `enabled`   Enable cgroup support within container
# `disabled`  Disable cgroup support, will inherit cgroups from parent
# `no-conmon` Do not create a cgroup dedicated to conmon.
# cgroups = "enabled"

# List of default capabilities for containers. If it is empty or commented out,
# the default capabilities defined in the container engine will be added.
default_capabilities = [

# A list of sysctls to be set in containers by default,
# specified as "name=value",
# for example:"net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 0".
default_sysctls = [
 "net.ipv4.ping_group_range=0 0",

# A list of ulimits to be set in containers by default, specified as
# "<ulimit name>=<soft limit>:<hard limit>", for example:
# "nofile=1024:2048"
# See setrlimit(2) for a list of resource names.
# Any limit not specified here will be inherited from the process launching the
# container engine.
# Ulimits has limits for non privileged container engines.
# default_ulimits = [
#  "nofile=1280:2560",
# ]

# List of default DNS options to be added to /etc/resolv.conf inside of the container.
# dns_options = []

# List of default DNS search domains to be added to /etc/resolv.conf inside of the container.
# dns_searches = []

# Set default DNS servers.
# This option can be used to override the DNS configuration passed to the
# container. The special value "none" can be specified to disable creation of
# /etc/resolv.conf in the container.
# The /etc/resolv.conf file in the image will be used without changes.
# dns_servers = []

# Environment variable list for the conmon process; used for passing necessary
# environment variables to conmon or the runtime.
# env = [
#    "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
#    "TERM=xterm",
# ]

# Pass all host environment variables into the container.
# env_host = false

# Default proxy environment variables passed into the container.
# The environment variables passed in include:
# http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, no_proxy, and the upper case versions of
# these. This option is needed when host system uses a proxy but container
# should not use proxy. Proxy environment variables specified for the container
# in any other way will override the values passed from the host.
# http_proxy = true

# Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes.
# init = false

#  Container init binary, if init=true, this is the init binary to be used for containers.
# init_path = "/usr/libexec/podman/catatonit"

# Default way to to create an IPC namespace (POSIX SysV IPC) for the container
# Options are:
# `private` Create private IPC Namespace for the container.
# `host`    Share host IPC Namespace with the container.
# ipcns = "private"

# keyring tells the container engine whether to create
# a kernel keyring for use within the container.
# keyring = true

# label tells the container engine whether to use container separation using
# MAC(SELinux) labeling or not.
# The label flag is ignored on label disabled systems.
# label = true

# Logging driver for the container. Available options: k8s-file and journald.
# log_driver = "k8s-file"

# Maximum size allowed for the container log file. Negative numbers indicate
# that no size limit is imposed. If positive, it must be >= 8192 to match or
# exceed conmon's read buffer. The file is truncated and re-opened so the
# limit is never exceeded.
# log_size_max = -1

# Default way to to create a Network namespace for the container
# Options are:
# `private` Create private Network Namespace for the container.
# `host`    Share host Network Namespace with the container.
# `none`    Containers do not use the network
# netns = "private"

# Create /etc/hosts for the container.  By default, container engine manage
# /etc/hosts, automatically adding  the container's  own  IP  address.
# no_hosts = false

# Maximum number of processes allowed in a container.
# pids_limit = 2048

# Default way to to create a PID namespace for the container
# Options are:
# `private` Create private PID Namespace for the container.
# `host`    Share host PID Namespace with the container.
# pidns = "private"

# Path to the seccomp.json profile which is used as the default seccomp profile
# for the runtime.
# seccomp_profile = "/usr/share/containers/seccomp.json"

# Size of /dev/shm. Specified as <number><unit>.
# Unit is optional, values:
# b (bytes), k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes).
# If the unit is omitted, the system uses bytes.
# shm_size = "65536k"

# Set timezone in container. Takes IANA timezones as well as "local",
# which sets the timezone in the container to match the host machine.
# tz = ""

# Set umask inside the container
# umask="0022"

# Default way to to create a UTS namespace for the container
# Options are:
# `private`        Create private UTS Namespace for the container.
# `host`    Share host UTS Namespace with the container.
# utsns = "private"

# Default way to to create a User namespace for the container
# Options are:
# `auto`        Create unique User Namespace for the container.
# `host`    Share host User Namespace with the container.
# userns = "host"

# Number of UIDs to allocate for the automatic container creation.
# UIDs are allocated from the "container" UIDs listed in
# /etc/subuid & /etc/subgid
# userns_size=65536

# The network table contains settings pertaining to the management of
# CNI plugins.


# Path to directory where CNI plugin binaries are located.
# cni_plugin_dirs = ["/usr/libexec/cni"]

# Path to the directory where CNI configuration files are located.
# network_config_dir = "/etc/cni/net.d/"

# ImageBuildFormat indicates the default image format to building
# container images. Valid values are "oci" (default) or "docker".
# image_build_format = "oci"

# Cgroup management implementation used for the runtime.
# Valid options "systemd" or "cgroupfs"
# cgroup_manager = "systemd"

# Environment variables to pass into conmon
# conmon_env_vars = [
#        "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
# ]

# Paths to look for the conmon container manager binary
# conmon_path = [
#        "/usr/libexec/podman/conmon",
#        "/usr/local/libexec/podman/conmon",
#        "/usr/local/lib/podman/conmon",
#        "/usr/bin/conmon",
#        "/usr/sbin/conmon",
#        "/usr/local/bin/conmon",
#        "/usr/local/sbin/conmon"
# ]

# Specify the keys sequence used to detach a container.
# Format is a single character [a-Z] or a comma separated sequence of
# `ctrl-<value>`, where `<value>` is one of:
# `a-z`, `@`, `^`, `[`, `\`, `]`, `^` or `_`
# detach_keys = "ctrl-p,ctrl-q"

# Determines whether engine will reserve ports on the host when they are
# forwarded to containers. When enabled, when ports are forwarded to containers,
# ports are held open by as long as the container is running, ensuring that
# they cannot be reused by other programs on the host. However, this can cause
# significant memory usage if a container has many ports forwarded to it.
# Disabling this can save memory.
# enable_port_reservation = true

# Environment variables to be used when running the container engine (e.g., Podman, Buildah).
# For example "".
# Note these environment variables will not be used within the container.
# Set the env section under [containers] table, if you want to set environment variables for the container.
# env = []

# Selects which logging mechanism to use for container engine events.
# Valid values are `journald`, `file` and `none`.
events_logger = "file"

# Path to OCI hooks directories for automatically executed hooks.
# hooks_dir = [
#     "/usr/share/containers/oci/hooks.d",
# ]

# Default transport method for pulling and pushing for images
# image_default_transport = "docker://"

# Default command to run the infra container
# infra_command = "/pause"

# Infra (pause) container image name for pod infra containers.  When running a
# pod, we start a `pause` process in a container to hold open the namespaces
# associated with the  pod.  This container does nothing other then sleep,
# reserving the pods resources for the lifetime of the pod.
# infra_image = ""

# Specify the locking mechanism to use; valid values are "shm" and "file".
# Change the default only if you are sure of what you are doing, in general
# "file" is useful only on platforms where cgo is not available for using the
# faster "shm" lock type.  You may need to run "podman system renumber" after
# you change the lock type.
# lock_type** = "shm"

# MultiImageArchive - if true, the container engine allows for storing archives
# (e.g., of the docker-archive transport) with multiple images.  By default,
# Podman creates single-image archives.
# multi_image_archive = "false"

# Default engine namespace
# If engine is joined to a namespace, it will see only containers and pods
# that were created in the same namespace, and will create new containers and
# pods in that namespace.
# The default namespace is "", which corresponds to no namespace. When no
# namespace is set, all containers and pods are visible.
# namespace = ""

# Path to the slirp4netns binary
# network_cmd_path=""

# Default options to pass to the slirp4netns binary.
# For example "allow_host_loopback=true"
# network_cmd_options=[]

# Whether to use chroot instead of pivot_root in the runtime
# no_pivot_root = false

# Number of locks available for containers and pods.
# If this is changed, a lock renumber must be performed (e.g. with the
# 'podman system renumber' command).
# num_locks = 2048

# Whether to pull new image before running a container
# pull_policy = "missing"

# Indicates whether the application should be running in remote mode. This flag modifies the
# --remote option on container engines. Setting the flag to true will default
# `podman --remote=true` for access to the remote Podman service.
# remote = false

# Directory for persistent engine files (database, etc)
# By default, this will be configured relative to where the containers/storage
# stores containers
# Uncomment to change location from this default
# static_dir = "/var/lib/containers/storage/libpod"

# Directory for temporary files. Must be tmpfs (wiped after reboot)
# tmp_dir = "/run/libpod"

# Directory for libpod named volumes.
# By default, this will be configured relative to where containers/storage
# stores containers.
# Uncomment to change location from this default.
# volume_path = "/var/lib/containers/storage/volumes"

# Default OCI runtime
# runtime = "crun"

# List of the OCI runtimes that support --format=json.  When json is supported
# engine will use it for reporting nicer errors.
# runtime_supports_json = ["crun", "runc", "kata"]

# List of the OCI runtimes that supports running containers without cgroups.
# runtime_supports_nocgroups = ["crun"]

# List of the OCI runtimes that supports running containers with KVM Separation.
# runtime_supports_kvm = ["kata"]

# Number of seconds to wait for container to exit before sending kill signal.
# stop_timeout = 10

# Index to the active service
# active_service = production

# map of service destinations
# [service_destinations]
#   [service_destinations.production]
#     URI to access the Podman service
#     Examples:
#       rootless "unix://run/user/$UID/podman/podman.sock" (Default)
#       rootfull "unix://run/podman/podman.sock (Default)
#       remote rootless ssh://
#       remote rootfull ssh://root@
#     uri="ssh://"
#     Path to file containing ssh identity key
#     identity = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

# Paths to look for a valid OCI runtime (crun, runc, kata, etc)
# crun = [
#            "/usr/bin/crun",
#            "/usr/sbin/crun",
#            "/usr/local/bin/crun",
#            "/usr/local/sbin/crun",
#            "/sbin/crun",
#            "/bin/crun",
#            "/run/current-system/sw/bin/crun",
# ]

# runc = [
#        "/usr/bin/runc",
#        "/usr/sbin/runc",
#        "/usr/local/bin/runc",
#        "/usr/local/sbin/runc",
#        "/sbin/runc",
#        "/bin/runc",
#        "/usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runc",
# ]

# kata = [
#            "/usr/bin/kata-runtime",
#            "/usr/sbin/kata-runtime",
#            "/usr/local/bin/kata-runtime",
#            "/usr/local/sbin/kata-runtime",
#            "/sbin/kata-runtime",
#            "/bin/kata-runtime",
#            "/usr/bin/kata-qemu",
#            "/usr/bin/kata-fc",
# ]

# testplugin = "/run/podman/plugins/test.sock"

# The [engine.volume_plugins] table MUST be the last entry in this file.
# (Unless another table is added)
# TOML does not provide a way to end a table other than a further table being
# defined, so every key hereafter will be part of [volume_plugins] and not the
# main config.