Index: shadow-4.5/man/newusers.8.xml
--- shadow-4.5.orig/man/newusers.8.xml
+++ shadow-4.5/man/newusers.8.xml
@@ -218,7 +218,15 @@
If this field does not specify an existing directory, the
specified directory is created, with ownership set to the
- user being created or updated and its primary group.
+ user being created or updated and its primary group. Note
+ that newusers does not create parent directories of the new
+ user's home directory. The newusers command will fail to
+ create the home directory if the parent directories do not
+ exist, and will send a message to stderr informing the user
+ of the failure. The newusers command will not halt or return
+ a failure to the calling shell if it fails to create the home
+ directory, it will continue to process the batch of new users
+ specified.
If the home directory of an existing user is changed,