Blob Blame History Raw

# Author: Donald Miner <>
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Tresys Technology, LLC
#      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#      the Free Software Foundation, version 2.

	This script generates an object class perm definition file.

import sys

USERSPACE_CLASS = "userspace"

class Class:
	This object stores an access vector class.

	def __init__(self, name, perms, common):
		# The name of the class. = name

		# A list of permissions the class contains.
		self.perms = perms

		# True if the class is declared as common, False if not.
		self.common = common

def get_perms(name, av_db):
	Returns the list of permissions contained within an access vector
	class that is stored in the access vector database av_db.
	Returns an empty list if the object name is not found.

	# Traverse through the access vector database and try to find the
	#  object with the name passed.
	for obj in av_db:
		if == name:
			return obj.perms

	return []

def get_av_db(file_name):
	Returns an access vector database generated from the file file_name.
	# This function takes a file, reads the data, parses it and returns
	#  a list of access vector classes.
	# Reading into av_data:
	#  The file specified will be read line by line. Each line will have
	#   its comments removed. Once comments are removed, each 'word' (text
	#   seperated by whitespace) and braces will be split up into seperate
	#   strings and appended to the av_data list, in the order they were
	#   read.
	# Parsing av_data:
	#  Parsing is done using a queue implementation of the av_data list.
	#   Each time a word is used, it is dequeued afterwards. Each loop in
	#   the while loop below will read in key words and dequeue expected
	#   words and values. At the end of each loop, a Class containing the
	#   name, permissions and whether it is a common or not will be appended
	#   to the database. Lots of errors are caught here, almost all checking
	#   if a token is expected but EOF is reached.
	# Now the list of Class objects is returned.

	av_file = open(file_name, "r")
	av_data = []
	# Read the file and strip out comments on the way.
	# At the end of the loop, av_data will contain a list of individual
	#  words. i.e. ['common', 'file', '{', ...]. All comments and whitespace
	#  will be gone.
	while True:
		av_line = av_file.readline()

		# If EOF has been reached:
		if not av_line:

		# Check if there is a comment, and if there is, remove it.
		comment_index = av_line.find("#")
		if comment_index != -1:
			av_line = av_line[:comment_index]

		# Pad the braces with whitespace so that they are split into
		#  their own word. It doesn't matter if there will be extra
		#  white space, it'll get thrown away when the string is split.
		av_line.replace("{"," { ")
		av_line.replace("}"," } ")		

		# Split up the words on the line and add it to av_data.
		av_data += av_line.split()


	# Parsing the file:
	# The implementation of this parse is a queue. We use the list of words
	#  from av_data and use the front element, then dequeue it. Each
	#  loop of this while is a common or class declaration. Several
	#  expected tokens are parsed and dequeued out of av_data for each loop.
	# At the end of the loop, database will contain a list of Class objects.
	#  i.e. [Class('name',['perm1','perm2',...],'True'), ...]
	# Dequeue from the beginning of the list until av_data is empty:
	database = []
	while len(av_data) != 0:
		# At the beginning of every loop, the next word should be
		#  "common" or "class", meaning that each loop is a common
		#  or class declaration.
		# av_data = av_data[1:] removes the first element in the
		#  list, this is what is dequeueing data.

		# Figure out whether the next class will be a common or a class.
		if av_data[0] == "class":
			common = False
		elif av_data[0] == "common":
			common = True
			error("Unexpected token in file " + file_name + ": "\
				+ av_data[0] + ".")

		# Dequeue the "class" or "common" key word.
		av_data = av_data[1:]

		if len(av_data) == 0:
			error("Missing token in file " + file_name + ".")

		# Get and dequeue the name of the class or common.
		name = av_data[0]
		av_data = av_data[1:]

		# Retrieve the permissions inherited from a common set:
		perms = []
		# If the object we are working with is a class, since only
		#  classes inherit:
		if common == False:
			if len(av_data) == 0:
				error("Missing token in file " + file_name + ".")

			# If the class inherits from something else:
			if av_data[0] == "inherits":
				# Dequeue the "inherits" key word.
				av_data = av_data[1:]

				if len(av_data) == 0:
					error("Missing token in file "\
						+ file_name + " for " +\
						keyword + " " + name + ".")

				# av_data[0] is the name of the parent.
				# Append the permissions of the parent to
				#  the current class' permissions.
				perms += get_perms(av_data[0], database)
				# Dequeue the name of the parent.
				av_data = av_data[1:]

		# Retrieve the permissions defined with this set.
		if len(av_data) > 0 and av_data[0] == "{":
			# Dequeue the "{"
			av_data = av_data[1:]

			# Keep appending permissions until a close brace is
			#  found.
			while av_data[0] != "}":
				if av_data[0] == "{":
					error("Extra '{' in file " +\
						 file_name + ".")

				# Add the permission name.

				# Dequeue the permission name.
				av_data = av_data[1:]

				if len(av_data) == 0:
					error("Missing token '}' in file "\
						+ file_name + ".")

			# Dequeue the "}"
			av_data = av_data[1:]

		# Add the new access vector class to the database.
		database.append(Class(name, perms, common))

	return database

def get_sc_db(file_name):
	Returns a security class database generated from the file file_name.

	# Read the file then close it.
	sc_file = open(file_name)
	sc_data = sc_file.readlines()

	# For each line in the security classes file, add the name of the class
	#  and whether it is a userspace class or not to the security class
	#  database.
	database = []
	for line in sc_data:
		line = line.lstrip()
		# If the line is empty or the entire line is a comment, skip.
		if line == "" or line[0] == "#":

		# Check if the comment to the right of the permission matches
		comment_index = line.find("#")
		if comment_index != -1 and line[comment_index+1:].strip() == USERSPACE_CLASS:
			userspace = True
			userspace = False

		# All lines should be in the format "class NAME", meaning
		#  it should have two tokens and the first token should be
		#  "class".
		split_line = line.split()
		if len(split_line) < 2 or split_line[0] != "class":
			error("Wrong syntax: " + line)

		# Add the class's name (split_line[1]) and whether it is a
		#  userspace class or not to the database.
		# This is appending a tuple of (NAME,USERSPACE), where NAME is
		#  the name of the security class and USERSPACE is True if
		#  if it has "# USERSPACE_CLASS" on the end of the line, False
		#  if not.
		database.append((split_line[1], userspace))

	return database

def gen_class_perms(av_db, sc_db):
	Generates a class permissions document and returns it.

	# Define class template:
	class_perms_line = "define(`all_%s_perms',`{ %s}')\n"

	# Generate the defines for the individual class permissions.
	class_perms = ""
	for obj in av_db:
		# Don't output commons
		if obj.common == True:

		# Get the list of permissions.
		perms = get_perms(, av_db)

		# Merge all the permissions into one string with one space
		#  padding.
		perm_str = ""
		for perm in perms:
			perm_str += perm + " "

		# Add the line to the class_perms
		class_perms += class_perms_line % (, perm_str)
	class_perms += "\n"

	# Generate the kernel_class_perms and userspace_class_perms sets.
	class_line = "\tclass %s all_%s_perms;\n"
	kernel_class_perms = "define(`all_kernel_class_perms',`\n"
	userspace_class_perms = "define(`all_userspace_class_perms',`\n"
	# For each (NAME,USERSPACE) tuple, add the class to the appropriate
	# class permission set.
	for name, userspace in sc_db:
		if userspace:
			userspace_class_perms += class_line % (name, name)
			kernel_class_perms += class_line % (name, name)
	kernel_class_perms += "')\n\n"
	userspace_class_perms += "')\n"

	# Throw all the strings together and return the string.
	return class_perms + kernel_class_perms + userspace_class_perms

def error(error):
	Print an error message and exit.

        sys.stderr.write("%s exiting for: " % sys.argv[0])
        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % error)

app_name = sys.argv[0]

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
	error("Incorrect input.\nUsage: " + sys.argv[0] + " access_vectors security_classes" )

# argv[1] is the access vector file.
av_file = sys.argv[1]

# argv[2] is the security class file.
sc_file = sys.argv[2]

# Output the class permissions document.
sys.stdout.write(gen_class_perms(get_av_db(av_file), get_sc_db(sc_file)))