| # |
| # Makefile for the security policy. |
| # |
| # Targets: |
| # |
| # install - compile and install the policy configuration, and context files. |
| # load - compile, install, and load the policy configuration. |
| # reload - compile, install, and load/reload the policy configuration. |
| # relabel - relabel filesystems based on the file contexts configuration. |
| # checklabels - check filesystems against the file context configuration |
| # restorelabels - check filesystems against the file context configuration |
| # and restore the label of files with incorrect labels |
| # policy - compile the policy configuration locally for testing/development. |
| # |
| # The default target is 'policy'. |
| # |
| # |
| # Please see build.conf for policy build options. |
| # |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # |
| |
| # Include the local build.conf if it exists, otherwise |
| # include the configuration of the root directory. |
| include build.conf |
| |
| ifdef LOCAL_ROOT |
| -include $(LOCAL_ROOT)/build.conf |
| endif |
| |
| # refpolicy version |
| version = $(shell cat VERSION) |
| |
| ifdef LOCAL_ROOT |
| builddir := $(LOCAL_ROOT)/ |
| tmpdir := $(LOCAL_ROOT)/tmp |
| tags := $(LOCAL_ROOT)/tags |
| else |
| tmpdir := tmp |
| tags := tags |
| endif |
| |
| # executable paths |
| BINDIR ?= /usr/bin |
| SBINDIR ?= /usr/sbin |
| tc_usrbindir := env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(TEST_TOOLCHAIN)/lib" $(TEST_TOOLCHAIN)$(BINDIR) |
| tc_usrsbindir := env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(TEST_TOOLCHAIN)/lib" $(TEST_TOOLCHAIN)$(SBINDIR) |
| tc_sbindir := env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(TEST_TOOLCHAIN)/lib" $(TEST_TOOLCHAIN)/sbin |
| else |
| tc_usrbindir := $(BINDIR) |
| tc_usrsbindir := $(SBINDIR) |
| tc_sbindir := /sbin |
| endif |
| CHECKPOLICY ?= $(tc_usrbindir)/checkpolicy |
| CHECKMODULE ?= $(tc_usrbindir)/checkmodule |
| SEMODULE ?= $(tc_usrsbindir)/semodule |
| SEMOD_PKG ?= $(tc_usrbindir)/semodule_package |
| SEMOD_LNK ?= $(tc_usrbindir)/semodule_link |
| SEMOD_EXP ?= $(tc_usrbindir)/semodule_expand |
| LOADPOLICY ?= $(tc_usrsbindir)/load_policy |
| SETFILES ?= $(tc_sbindir)/setfiles |
| XMLLINT ?= $(BINDIR)/xmllint |
| SECHECK ?= $(BINDIR)/sechecker |
| |
| # interpreters and aux tools |
| AWK ?= gawk |
| GREP ?= egrep |
| INSTALL ?= install |
| M4 ?= m4 |
| PYTHON ?= python |
| SED ?= sed |
| SORT ?= LC_ALL=C sort |
| |
| CFLAGS += -Wall |
| |
| # policy source layout |
| poldir := policy |
| moddir := $(poldir)/modules |
| flaskdir := $(poldir)/flask |
| secclass := $(flaskdir)/security_classes |
| isids := $(flaskdir)/initial_sids |
| avs := $(flaskdir)/access_vectors |
| |
| # local source layout |
| ifdef LOCAL_ROOT |
| local_poldir := $(LOCAL_ROOT)/policy |
| local_moddir := $(local_poldir)/modules |
| endif |
| |
| # policy building support tools |
| support := support |
| genxml := $(PYTHON) -E $(support)/segenxml.py |
| gendoc := $(PYTHON) -E $(support)/sedoctool.py |
| genperm := $(PYTHON) -E $(support)/genclassperms.py |
| fcsort := $(tmpdir)/fc_sort |
| setbools := $(AWK) -f $(support)/set_bools_tuns.awk |
| get_type_attr_decl := $(SED) -r -f $(support)/get_type_attr_decl.sed |
| comment_move_decl := $(SED) -r -f $(support)/comment_move_decl.sed |
| gennetfilter := $(PYTHON) -E $(support)/gennetfilter.py |
| m4iferror := $(support)/iferror.m4 |
| m4divert := $(support)/divert.m4 |
| m4undivert := $(support)/undivert.m4 |
| # use our own genhomedircon to make sure we have a known usable one, |
| # so policycoreutils updates are not required (RHEL4) |
| genhomedircon := $(PYTHON) -E $(support)/genhomedircon |
| |
| # documentation paths |
| docs := doc |
| xmldtd = $(docs)/policy.dtd |
| metaxml = metadata.xml |
| doctemplate = $(docs)/templates |
| docfiles = $(docs)/Makefile.example $(addprefix $(docs)/,example.te example.if example.fc) |
| |
| ifndef LOCAL_ROOT |
| polxml = $(docs)/policy.xml |
| tunxml = $(docs)/global_tunables.xml |
| boolxml = $(docs)/global_booleans.xml |
| htmldir = $(docs)/html |
| else |
| polxml = $(LOCAL_ROOT)/doc/policy.xml |
| tunxml = $(LOCAL_ROOT)/doc/global_tunables.xml |
| boolxml = $(LOCAL_ROOT)/doc/global_booleans.xml |
| htmldir = $(LOCAL_ROOT)/doc/html |
| endif |
| |
| # config file paths |
| globaltun = $(poldir)/global_tunables |
| globalbool = $(poldir)/global_booleans |
| rolemap = $(poldir)/rolemap |
| user_files := $(poldir)/users |
| policycaps := $(poldir)/policy_capabilities |
| |
| # local config file paths |
| ifndef LOCAL_ROOT |
| mod_conf = $(poldir)/modules.conf |
| booleans = $(poldir)/booleans.conf |
| tunables = $(poldir)/tunables.conf |
| else |
| mod_conf = $(local_poldir)/modules.conf |
| booleans = $(local_poldir)/booleans.conf |
| tunables = $(local_poldir)/tunables.conf |
| endif |
| |
| # install paths |
| PKGNAME ?= refpolicy-$(version) |
| prefix = $(DESTDIR)/usr |
| topdir = $(DESTDIR)/etc/selinux |
| installdir = $(topdir)/$(strip $(NAME)) |
| srcpath = $(installdir)/src |
| userpath = $(installdir)/users |
| policypath = $(installdir)/policy |
| contextpath = $(installdir)/contexts |
| homedirpath = $(contextpath)/files/homedir_template |
| fcpath = $(contextpath)/files/file_contexts |
| ncpath = $(contextpath)/netfilter_contexts |
| sharedir = $(prefix)/share/selinux |
| modpkgdir = $(sharedir)/$(strip $(NAME)) |
| headerdir = $(modpkgdir)/include |
| docsdir = $(prefix)/share/doc/$(PKGNAME) |
| |
| # enable MLS if requested. |
| ifeq "$(TYPE)" "mls" |
| M4PARAM += -D enable_mls |
| gennetfilter += -m |
| endif |
| |
| # enable MLS if MCS requested. |
| ifeq "$(TYPE)" "mcs" |
| M4PARAM += -D enable_mcs |
| gennetfilter += -c |
| endif |
| |
| # enable distribution-specific policy |
| ifneq ($(DISTRO),) |
| M4PARAM += -D distro_$(DISTRO) |
| endif |
| |
| # rhel4 also implies redhat |
| ifeq "$(DISTRO)" "rhel4" |
| M4PARAM += -D distro_redhat |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq "$(DISTRO)" "ubuntu" |
| M4PARAM += -D distro_debian |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(OUTPUT_POLICY),) |
| endif |
| |
| # if not set, use the type as the name. |
| NAME ?= $(TYPE) |
| |
| # default unknown permissions setting |
| #UNK_PERMS ?= deny |
| |
| ifeq ($(DIRECT_INITRC),y) |
| M4PARAM += -D direct_sysadm_daemon |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq "$(UBAC)" "y" |
| M4PARAM += -D enable_ubac |
| endif |
| |
| # default MLS/MCS sensitivity and category settings. |
| MLS_SENS ?= 16 |
| MLS_CATS ?= 1024 |
| MCS_CATS ?= 1024 |
| |
| ifeq ($(QUIET),y) |
| verbose = @ |
| endif |
| |
| M4PARAM += -D mls_num_sens=$(MLS_SENS) -D mls_num_cats=$(MLS_CATS) -D mcs_num_cats=$(MCS_CATS) -D hide_broken_symptoms |
| |
| # we need exuberant ctags; unfortunately it is named |
| # differently on different distros |
| ifeq ($(DISTRO),debian) |
| CTAGS := ctags-exuberant |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(DISTRO),gentoo) |
| CTAGS := exuberant-ctags |
| endif |
| |
| CTAGS ?= ctags |
| |
| m4support := $(m4divert) $(wildcard $(poldir)/support/*.spt) |
| ifdef LOCAL_ROOT |
| m4support += $(wildcard $(local_poldir)/support/*.spt) |
| endif |
| m4support += $(m4undivert) |
| |
| appconf := config/appconfig-$(TYPE) |
| seusers := $(appconf)/seusers |
| appdir := $(contextpath) |
| user_default_contexts := $(wildcard config/appconfig-$(TYPE)/*_default_contexts) |
| user_default_contexts_names := $(addprefix $(contextpath)/users/,$(subst _default_contexts,,$(notdir $(user_default_contexts)))) |
| appfiles := $(addprefix $(appdir)/,default_contexts default_type initrc_context failsafe_context userhelper_context removable_context dbus_contexts sepgsql_contexts x_contexts customizable_types securetty_types virtual_image_context virtual_domain_context) $(contextpath)/files/media $(user_default_contexts_names) |
| net_contexts := $(builddir)net_contexts |
| |
| all_layers := $(shell find $(wildcard $(moddir)/*) -maxdepth 0 -type d) |
| ifdef LOCAL_ROOT |
| all_layers += $(shell find $(wildcard $(local_moddir)/*) -maxdepth 0 -type d) |
| endif |
| |
| generated_te := $(basename $(foreach dir,$(all_layers),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.te.in))) |
| generated_if := $(basename $(foreach dir,$(all_layers),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.if.in))) |
| generated_fc := $(basename $(foreach dir,$(all_layers),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.fc.in))) |
| |
| # sort here since it removes duplicates, which can happen |
| # when a generated file is already generated |
| detected_mods := $(sort $(foreach dir,$(all_layers),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.te)) $(generated_te)) |
| |
| modxml := $(addprefix $(tmpdir)/, $(detected_mods:.te=.xml)) |
| layerxml := $(sort $(addprefix $(tmpdir)/, $(notdir $(addsuffix .xml,$(all_layers))))) |
| layer_names := $(sort $(notdir $(all_layers))) |
| all_metaxml = $(call detect-metaxml, $(layer_names)) |
| |
| # modules.conf setting for base module |
| configbase := base |
| |
| # modules.conf setting for loadable module |
| configmod := module |
| |
| # modules.conf setting for unused module |
| configoff := off |
| |
| # test for module overrides from command line |
| mod_test = $(filter $(APPS_OFF), $(APPS_BASE) $(APPS_MODS)) |
| mod_test += $(filter $(APPS_MODS), $(APPS_BASE)) |
| ifneq "$(strip $(mod_test))" "" |
| $(error Applications must be base, module, or off, and not in more than one list! $(strip $(mod_test)) found in multiple lists!) |
| endif |
| |
| # add on suffix to modules specified on command line |
| cmdline_base := $(addsuffix .te,$(APPS_BASE)) |
| cmdline_mods := $(addsuffix .te,$(APPS_MODS)) |
| cmdline_off := $(addsuffix .te,$(APPS_OFF)) |
| |
| # extract settings from modules.conf |
| mod_conf_base := $(addsuffix .te,$(sort $(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(configbase)") print $$1 }' $(mod_conf) 2> /dev/null))) |
| mod_conf_mods := $(addsuffix .te,$(sort $(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(configmod)") print $$1 }' $(mod_conf) 2> /dev/null))) |
| mod_conf_off := $(addsuffix .te,$(sort $(shell awk '/^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]/{ if ($$3 == "$(configoff)") print $$1 }' $(mod_conf) 2> /dev/null))) |
| |
| base_mods := $(cmdline_base) |
| mod_mods := $(cmdline_mods) |
| off_mods := $(cmdline_off) |
| |
| base_mods += $(filter-out $(cmdline_off) $(cmdline_base) $(cmdline_mods), $(mod_conf_base)) |
| mod_mods += $(filter-out $(cmdline_off) $(cmdline_base) $(cmdline_mods), $(mod_conf_mods)) |
| off_mods += $(filter-out $(cmdline_off) $(cmdline_base) $(cmdline_mods), $(mod_conf_off)) |
| |
| # add modules not in modules.conf to the off list |
| off_mods += $(filter-out $(base_mods) $(mod_mods) $(off_mods),$(notdir $(detected_mods))) |
| |
| # filesystems to be used in labeling targets |
| filesystems = $(shell mount | grep -v "context=" | egrep -v '\((|.*,)bind(,.*|)\)' | awk '/(ext[234]|btrfs| xfs| jfs).*rw/{print $$3}';) |
| fs_names := "btrfs ext2 ext3 ext4 xfs jfs" |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Functions |
| # |
| |
| # parse-rolemap-compat modulename,outputfile |
| define parse-rolemap-compat |
| $(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $(rolemap) | \ |
| $(AWK) '/^[[:blank:]]*[A-Za-z]/{ print "gen_require(type " $$3 "; role " $$1 ";)\n$1_per_userdomain_template(" $$2 "," $$3 "," $$1 ")" }' >> $2 |
| endef |
| |
| # parse-rolemap modulename,outputfile |
| define parse-rolemap |
| $(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $(rolemap) | \ |
| $(AWK) '/^[[:blank:]]*[A-Za-z]/{ print "gen_require(type " $$3 "; role " $$1 ";)\n$1_per_role_template(" $$2 "," $$3 "," $$1 ")" }' >> $2 |
| endef |
| |
| # perrole-expansion modulename,outputfile |
| define perrole-expansion |
| $(verbose) echo "ifdef(\`""$1""_per_role_template',\`" > $2 |
| $(call parse-rolemap,$1,$2) |
| $(verbose) echo "')" >> $2 |
| |
| $(verbose) echo "ifdef(\`""$1""_per_userdomain_template',\`" >> $2 |
| $(verbose) echo "errprint(\`Warning: per_userdomain_templates have been renamed to per_role_templates (""$1""_per_userdomain_template)'__endline__)" >> $2 |
| $(call parse-rolemap-compat,$1,$2) |
| $(verbose) echo "')" >> $2 |
| endef |
| |
| # create-base-per-role-tmpl modulenames,outputfile |
| define create-base-per-role-tmpl |
| $(verbose) echo "define(\`base_per_role_template',\`" >> $2 |
| |
| $(verbose) for i in $1; do \ |
| echo "ifdef(\`""$$i""_per_role_template',\`""$$i""_per_role_template("'$$*'")')" \ |
| >> $2 ;\ |
| done |
| |
| $(verbose) for i in $1; do \ |
| echo "ifdef(\`""$$i""_per_userdomain_template',\`" >> $2 ;\ |
| echo "errprint(\`Warning: per_userdomain_templates have been renamed to per_role_templates (""$$i""_per_userdomain_template)'__endline__)" >> $2 ;\ |
| echo """$$i""_per_userdomain_template("'$$*'")')" >> $2 ;\ |
| done |
| $(verbose) echo "')" >> $@ |
| |
| endef |
| |
| # detect-metaxml layer_names |
| ifdef LOCAL_ROOT |
| define detect-metaxml |
| $(shell for i in $1; do \ |
| if [ -d $(moddir)/$$i -a -d $(local_moddir)/$$i ]; then \ |
| if [ -f $(local_moddir)/$$i/$(metaxml) ]; then \ |
| echo $(local_moddir)/$$i/$(metaxml) ;\ |
| else \ |
| echo $(moddir)/$$i/$(metaxml) ;\ |
| fi \ |
| elif [ -d $(local_moddir)/$$i ]; then |
| echo $(local_moddir)/$$i/$(metaxml) ;\ |
| else \ |
| echo $(moddir)/$$i/$(metaxml) ;\ |
| fi \ |
| done ) |
| endef |
| else |
| define detect-metaxml |
| $(shell for i in $1; do echo $(moddir)/$$i/$(metaxml); done) |
| endef |
| endif |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Load appropriate rules |
| # |
| |
| ifeq ($(MONOLITHIC),y) |
| include Rules.monolithic |
| else |
| include Rules.modular |
| endif |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Generated files |
| # |
| # NOTE: There is no "local" version of these files. |
| # |
| generate: $(generated_te) $(generated_if) $(generated_fc) |
| |
| $(moddir)/kernel/corenetwork.if: $(moddir)/kernel/corenetwork.te.in $(moddir)/kernel/corenetwork.if.m4 $(moddir)/kernel/corenetwork.if.in |
| @echo "#" > $@ |
| @echo "# This is a generated file! Instead of modifying this file, the" >> $@ |
| @echo "# $(notdir $@).in or $(notdir $@).m4 file should be modified." >> $@ |
| @echo "#" >> $@ |
| $(verbose) cat $@.in >> $@ |
| $(verbose) $(GREP) "^[[:blank:]]*network_(interface|node|port|packet)(_controlled)?\(.*\)" $< \ |
| | $(M4) -D self_contained_policy $(M4PARAM) $@.m4 - \ |
| | $(SED) -e 's/dollarsone/\$$1/g' -e 's/dollarszero/\$$0/g' >> $@ |
| |
| $(moddir)/kernel/corenetwork.te: $(moddir)/kernel/corenetwork.te.m4 $(moddir)/kernel/corenetwork.te.in |
| @echo "#" > $@ |
| @echo "# This is a generated file! Instead of modifying this file, the" >> $@ |
| @echo "# $(notdir $@).in or $(notdir $@).m4 file should be modified." >> $@ |
| @echo "#" >> $@ |
| $(verbose) $(M4) -D self_contained_policy $(M4PARAM) $^ \ |
| | $(SED) -e 's/dollarsone/\$$1/g' -e 's/dollarszero/\$$0/g' >> $@ |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Network packet labeling |
| # |
| $(net_contexts): $(moddir)/kernel/corenetwork.te.in |
| @echo "Creating netfilter network labeling rules" |
| $(verbose) $(gennetfilter) $^ > $@ |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Create config files |
| # |
| conf: $(mod_conf) $(booleans) $(generated_te) $(generated_if) $(generated_fc) |
| |
| $(mod_conf) $(booleans): $(polxml) |
| @echo "Updating $(mod_conf) and $(booleans)" |
| $(verbose) $(gendoc) -b $(booleans) -m $(mod_conf) -x $(polxml) |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Generate the fc_sort program |
| # |
| $(fcsort) : $(support)/fc_sort.c |
| $(verbose) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Documentation generation |
| # |
| $(layerxml): %.xml: $(all_metaxml) $(filter $(addprefix $(moddir)/, $(notdir $*))%, $(detected_mods)) $(subst .te,.if, $(filter $(addprefix $(moddir)/, $(notdir $*))%, $(detected_mods))) |
| @test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir) |
| $(verbose) cat $(filter %$(notdir $*)/$(metaxml), $(all_metaxml)) > $@ |
| $(verbose) for i in $(basename $(filter $(addprefix $(moddir)/, $(notdir $*))%, $(detected_mods))); do $(genxml) -w -m $$i >> $@; done |
| ifdef LOCAL_ROOT |
| $(verbose) for i in $(basename $(filter $(addprefix $(local_moddir)/, $(notdir $*))%, $(detected_mods))); do $(genxml) -w -m $$i >> $@; done |
| endif |
| |
| $(tunxml): $(globaltun) |
| $(verbose) $(genxml) -w -t $< > $@ |
| |
| $(boolxml): $(globalbool) |
| $(verbose) $(genxml) -w -b $< > $@ |
| |
| $(polxml): $(layerxml) $(tunxml) $(boolxml) |
| @echo "Creating $(@F)" |
| @test -d $(dir $(polxml)) || mkdir -p $(dir $(polxml)) |
| @test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir) |
| $(verbose) echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>' > $@ |
| $(verbose) echo '<!DOCTYPE policy SYSTEM "$(notdir $(xmldtd))">' >> $@ |
| $(verbose) echo '<policy>' >> $@ |
| $(verbose) for i in $(basename $(notdir $(layerxml))); do echo "<layer name=\"$$i\">" >> $@; cat $(tmpdir)/$$i.xml >> $@; echo "</layer>" >> $@; done |
| $(verbose) cat $(tunxml) $(boolxml) >> $@ |
| $(verbose) echo '</policy>' >> $@ |
| $(verbose) if test -x $(XMLLINT) && test -f $(xmldtd); then \ |
| $(XMLLINT) --noout --path $(dir $(xmldtd)) --dtdvalid $(xmldtd) $@ ;\ |
| fi |
| |
| xml: $(polxml) |
| |
| html $(tmpdir)/html: $(polxml) |
| @echo "Building html interface reference documentation in $(htmldir)" |
| @test -d $(htmldir) || mkdir -p $(htmldir) |
| @test -d $(tmpdir) || mkdir -p $(tmpdir) |
| $(verbose) $(gendoc) -d $(htmldir) -T $(doctemplate) -x $(polxml) |
| $(verbose) cp $(doctemplate)/*.css $(htmldir) |
| @touch $(tmpdir)/html |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Runtime binary policy patching of users |
| # |
| $(userpath)/system.users: $(m4support) $(tmpdir)/generated_definitions.conf $(user_files) |
| @mkdir -p $(tmpdir) |
| @mkdir -p $(userpath) |
| @echo "Installing system.users" |
| @echo "# " > $(tmpdir)/system.users |
| @echo "# Do not edit this file. " >> $(tmpdir)/system.users |
| @echo "# This file is replaced on reinstalls of this policy." >> $(tmpdir)/system.users |
| @echo "# Please edit local.users to make local changes." >> $(tmpdir)/system.users |
| @echo "#" >> $(tmpdir)/system.users |
| $(verbose) $(M4) -D self_contained_policy $(M4PARAM) $^ | $(SED) -r -e 's/^[[:blank:]]+//' \ |
| -e '/^[[:blank:]]*($$|#)/d' >> $(tmpdir)/system.users |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(tmpdir)/system.users $@ |
| |
| $(userpath)/local.users: config/local.users |
| @mkdir -p $(userpath) |
| @echo "Installing local.users" |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -b -m 644 $< $@ |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Build Appconfig files |
| # |
| $(tmpdir)/initrc_context: $(appconf)/initrc_context |
| @mkdir -p $(tmpdir) |
| $(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $(m4support) $^ | $(GREP) '^[a-z]' > $@ |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Install Appconfig files |
| # |
| install-appconfig: $(appfiles) |
| |
| $(installdir)/booleans: $(booleans) |
| @mkdir -p $(tmpdir) |
| @mkdir -p $(installdir) |
| $(verbose) $(SED) -r -e 's/false/0/g' -e 's/true/1/g' \ |
| -e '/^[[:blank:]]*($$|#)/d' $(booleans) | $(SORT) > $(tmpdir)/booleans |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(tmpdir)/booleans $@ |
| |
| $(contextpath)/files/media: $(appconf)/media |
| @mkdir -p $(contextpath)/files/ |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $< $@ |
| |
| $(contextpath)/users/%: $(appconf)/%_default_contexts |
| @mkdir -p $(appdir)/users |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $^ $@ |
| |
| $(appdir)/%: $(appconf)/% |
| @mkdir -p $(appdir) |
| $(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $(m4support) $< > $@ |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Install policy headers |
| # |
| install-headers: $(layerxml) $(tunxml) $(boolxml) |
| @mkdir -p $(headerdir) |
| @echo "Installing $(NAME) policy headers." |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $^ $(headerdir) |
| $(verbose) $(M4) $(M4PARAM) $(rolemap) > $(headerdir)/$(notdir $(rolemap)) |
| $(verbose) mkdir -p $(headerdir)/support |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(m4support) $(word $(words $(genxml)),$(genxml)) $(xmldtd) $(headerdir)/support |
| $(verbose) $(genperm) $(avs) $(secclass) > $(headerdir)/support/all_perms.spt |
| $(verbose) for i in $(notdir $(all_layers)); do \ |
| mkdir -p $(headerdir)/$$i ;\ |
| $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(moddir)/$$i/*.if $(headerdir)/$$i ;\ |
| done |
| $(verbose) echo "TYPE ?= $(TYPE)" > $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| $(verbose) echo "NAME ?= $(NAME)" >> $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| ifneq "$(DISTRO)" "" |
| $(verbose) echo "DISTRO ?= $(DISTRO)" >> $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| endif |
| $(verbose) echo "MONOLITHIC ?= n" >> $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| $(verbose) echo "DIRECT_INITRC ?= $(DIRECT_INITRC)" >> $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| $(verbose) echo "override UBAC := $(UBAC)" >> $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| $(verbose) echo "override MLS_SENS := $(MLS_SENS)" >> $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| $(verbose) echo "override MLS_CATS := $(MLS_CATS)" >> $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| $(verbose) echo "override MCS_CATS := $(MCS_CATS)" >> $(headerdir)/build.conf |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(support)/Makefile.devel $(headerdir)/Makefile |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Install policy documentation |
| # |
| install-docs: $(tmpdir)/html |
| @mkdir -p $(docsdir)/html |
| @echo "Installing policy documentation" |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(docfiles) $(docsdir) |
| $(verbose) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(wildcard $(htmldir)/*) $(docsdir)/html |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Install policy sources |
| # |
| install-src: |
| rm -rf $(srcpath)/policy.old |
| -mv $(srcpath)/policy $(srcpath)/policy.old |
| mkdir -p $(srcpath)/policy |
| cp -R . $(srcpath)/policy |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Generate tags file |
| # |
| tags: $(tags) |
| $(tags): |
| @($(CTAGS) --version | grep -q Exuberant) || (echo ERROR: Need exuberant-ctags to function!; exit 1) |
| @LC_ALL=C $(CTAGS) -f $(tags) --langdef=te --langmap=te:..te.if.spt \ |
| --regex-te='/^type[ \t]+(\w+)(,|;)/\1/t,type/' \ |
| --regex-te='/^typealias[ \t]+\w+[ \t+]+alias[ \t]+(\w+);/\1/t,type/' \ |
| --regex-te='/^attribute[ \t]+(\w+);/\1/a,attribute/' \ |
| --regex-te='/^[ \t]*define\(`(\w+)/\1/d,define/' \ |
| --regex-te='/^[ \t]*interface\(`(\w+)/\1/i,interface/' \ |
| --regex-te='/^[ \t]*template\(`(\w+)/\1/i,template/' \ |
| --regex-te='/^[ \t]*bool[ \t]+(\w+)/\1/b,bool/' policy/modules/*/*.{if,te} policy/support/*.spt |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Filesystem labeling |
| # |
| checklabels: |
| @echo "Checking labels on filesystem types: $(fs_names)" |
| @if test -z "$(filesystems)"; then \ |
| echo "No filesystems with extended attributes found!" ;\ |
| false ;\ |
| fi |
| $(verbose) $(SETFILES) -v -n $(fcpath) $(filesystems) |
| |
| restorelabels: |
| @echo "Restoring labels on filesystem types: $(fs_names)" |
| @if test -z "$(filesystems)"; then \ |
| echo "No filesystems with extended attributes found!" ;\ |
| false ;\ |
| fi |
| $(verbose) $(SETFILES) -v $(fcpath) $(filesystems) |
| |
| relabel: |
| @echo "Relabeling filesystem types: $(fs_names)" |
| @if test -z "$(filesystems)"; then \ |
| echo "No filesystems with extended attributes found!" ;\ |
| false ;\ |
| fi |
| $(verbose) $(SETFILES) $(fcpath) $(filesystems) |
| |
| resetlabels: |
| @echo "Resetting labels on filesystem types: $(fs_names)" |
| @if test -z "$(filesystems)"; then \ |
| echo "No filesystems with extended attributes found!" ;\ |
| false ;\ |
| fi |
| $(verbose) $(SETFILES) -F $(fcpath) $(filesystems) |
| |
| ######################################## |
| # |
| # Clean everything |
| # |
| bare: clean |
| rm -f $(polxml) |
| rm -f $(layerxml) |
| rm -f $(modxml) |
| rm -f $(tunxml) |
| rm -f $(boolxml) |
| rm -f $(mod_conf) |
| rm -f $(booleans) |
| rm -fR $(htmldir) |
| rm -f $(tags) |
| # don't remove these files if we're given a local root |
| ifndef LOCAL_ROOT |
| rm -f $(fcsort) |
| rm -f $(support)/*.pyc |
| ifneq ($(generated_te),) |
| rm -f $(generated_te) |
| endif |
| ifneq ($(generated_if),) |
| rm -f $(generated_if) |
| endif |
| ifneq ($(generated_fc),) |
| rm -f $(generated_fc) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: install-src install-appconfig install-headers generate xml conf html bare tags |
| .SUFFIXES: .c |