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%{scl_name} - manual page for %{scl_name} %{version} Software Collec‐
scl enable %{scl_name} 'nginx'
service {scl_name}-nginx start 'nginx'
Package %{scl_name} provides Nginx web server as a Software Collection.
For more information about Software Collections, see the scl(1) man
page. By installing the %{scl_name} collection, you will get the mini‐
mum working set of packages to have a working Perl Nginx web server.
Software Collections allows use of applications which are not located
in the filesystem root hierarchy but are present in an alternative
location, which is %{_scl_root} in case of the %{scl_name} collection.
Nginx is a web server and a reverse proxy server for HTTP, SMTP, POP3
and IMAP protocols, with a strong focus on high concurrency, perfor‐
mance and low memory usage.
When you want to work with the %{scl_name} collection, use the scl
utility (see the scl(1) man page for usage) to enable the scl environ‐
scl enable %{scl_name} 'command --arg'
Run a specific command with the argument --arg within the
%{scl_name} software collections environment.
scl enable %{scl_name} 'command --arg'
Run a specific command with argument --arg within %{scl_name}
software collections environment.
scl enable %{scl_name} bash
Run an interactive shell with the %{scl_name} software collec‐
tion enabled.
scl enable %{scl_name} 'man nginx'
Show man pages for the nginx command, which is a part of the
%{scl_name} software collection.
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