Blob Blame History Raw
%{?scl:%scl_package git}
%{!?scl:%global pkg_name %{name}}
# Pass --without docs to rpmbuild if you don't want the documentation

%if 0%{?scl:1}
%global httpdconfdir /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd/conf.d
%global appdesktopdir %{_root_datadir}/applications
%global cpath_dir     /opt/rh/%{scl_httpd}/root%{_root_includedir}
%global appdesktopdir %{_datadir}/applications
%global httpdconfdir %{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d

# Settings for EL-5
# - Leave git-* binaries in %{_bindir}
# - Don't use noarch subpackages
# - Use proper libcurl devel package
# - Patch emacs and tweak docbook spaces
# - Explicitly enable ipv6 for git-daemon
# - Use prebuilt documentation, asciidoc is too old
# - Define missing python macro
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 5
%global gitcoredir          %{_bindir}
%global noarch_sub          0
%global libcurl_devel       curl-devel
%global emacs_old           1
%global docbook_suppress_sp 1
%global enable_ipv6         1
%global use_prebuilt_docs   1
%global filter_yaml_any     1
%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")}
%global gitcoredir          %{_libexecdir}/git-core
%global noarch_sub          1
%global libcurl_devel       %{?scl_prefix_httpd}libcurl-devel
%global emacs_old           0
%global docbook_suppress_sp 0
%global enable_ipv6         0
%global use_prebuilt_docs   0
%global filter_yaml_any     0

# Settings for F-19+ and EL-7+
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 19 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
%global bashcomp_pkgconfig  1
%global bashcompdir         %{_scl_root}%(pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion 2>/dev/null)
%global bashcomproot        %(dirname %{bashcompdir} 2>/dev/null)
%global gnome_keyring       1
%global use_new_rpm_filters 1
%global use_systemd         1
%global bashcomp_pkgconfig  0
%global bashcompdir         %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d
%global bashcomproot        %{bashcompdir}
%global gnome_keyring       0
%global use_new_rpm_filters 0
%global use_systemd         0

# This one macro is for F19+ and EL-6+
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 19 || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
%global desktop_vendor_tag  0
%global desktop_vendor_tag  1

# Settings for EL <= 7
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
%{!?__global_ldflags: %global __global_ldflags -Wl,-z,relro}

Name:           %{?scl_prefix}git
Version:        2.9.3
Release:        3%{?dist}
Summary:        Fast Version Control System
License:        GPLv2
Group:          Development/Tools

# Junio C Hamano's key is used to sign git releases, it can be found in the
# junio-gpg-pub tag within git.
# (Note that the tagged blob in git contains a version of the key with an
# expired signing subkey.  The subkey expiration has been extended on the
# public keyservers, but the blob in git has not been updated.)
Source9:        gpgkey-junio.asc

# Local sources begin at 10 to allow for additional future upstream sources
Source10:       git-init.el
Source12:       git.conf.httpd
Source13:       git-gui.desktop
Source15:       git@.service
Source16:       git.socket
Patch0:         git-1.5-gitweb-home-link.patch
Patch1:         git-cvsimport-Ignore-cvsps-2.2b1-Branches-output.patch
Patch3:         git-1.7-el5-emacs-support.patch

# fix HTTP(S)-SSO (#1359176)
Patch4:         0001-http-control-GSSAPI-credential-delegation.patch

# fix infinite loop + test
Patch5:         0001-Add-test-for-ls-tree-with-broken-symlink-under-refs-.patch
Patch6:         0002-resolve_ref_unsafe-limit-the-number-of-stat_ref-retr.patch

Patch7:         0003-Fix-CVE-2017-8386.patch
Patch8:         git-cve-2017-1000117.patch

BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

%if ! %{use_prebuilt_docs} && ! 0%{?_without_docs}
BuildRequires:  asciidoc >= 8.4.1
BuildRequires:  xmlto
BuildRequires:  desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires:  emacs
BuildRequires:  expat-devel
BuildRequires:  gettext
BuildRequires:  gnupg2
BuildRequires:  %{libcurl_devel}
%if %{gnome_keyring}
BuildRequires:  libgnome-keyring-devel
BuildRequires:  pcre-devel
%if 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} >= 21
BuildRequires:  perl-generators
BuildRequires:  perl(Test)
BuildRequires:  openssl-devel
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel >= 1.2
%if %{bashcomp_pkgconfig}
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(bash-completion)
%if %{use_systemd}
# For macros
BuildRequires:  systemd

Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git-core = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git-core-doc = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git)
Requires:       perl(Error)
%if ! %{defined perl_bootstrap}
Requires:       perl(Term::ReadKey)
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git = %{version}-%{release}

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 16 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
Requires:       emacs-filesystem >= %{_emacs_version}
# These can be removed in Fedora 26
Obsoletes:      %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git <= 2.4.5
Obsoletes:      %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git-el <= 2.4.5
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git <= 2.4.5
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git-el <= 2.4.5

#Provides:       git-core = %{version}-%{release}
#%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 5
#Obsoletes:      git-core <=

# Obsolete git-arch
Obsoletes:      %{?scl_prefix}git-arch < %{version}-%{release}

Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations
and full access to internals.

The git rpm installs common set of tools which are usually using with
small amount of dependencies. To install all git packages, including
tools for integrating with other SCMs, install the git-all meta-package.

%package all
Summary:        Meta-package to pull in all git tools
Group:          Development/Tools
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git-cvs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git-email = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git-gui = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git-svn = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git-p4 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}gitk = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git = %{version}-%{release}
%if ! %{defined perl_bootstrap}
Requires:       perl(Term::ReadKey)
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:      %{?scl_prefix}git <=

%description all
Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations
and full access to internals.

This is a dummy package which brings in all subpackages.

%package core
Summary:        Core package of git with minimal funcionality
Group:          Development/Tools
Requires:       less
Requires:       openssh-clients
Requires:       rsync
Requires:       zlib >= 1.2
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix_httpd}libcurl

%description core
Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations
and full access to internals.

The git-core rpm installs really the core tools with minimal
dependencies. Install git package for common set of tools.
To install all git packages, including tools for integrating with
other SCMs, install the git-all meta-package.

%package core-doc
Summary:        Documentation files for git-core
Group:          Development/Tools
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git-core = %{version}-%{release}

%description core-doc
Documentation files for git-core package including man pages.

%package daemon
Summary:        Git protocol daemon
Group:          Development/Tools
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}
%if %{use_systemd}
Requires:       systemd
Requires(post): systemd
Requires(preun):  systemd
Requires(postun): systemd
Requires:       xinetd

%description daemon
The git daemon for supporting git:// access to git repositories

%package -n %{?scl_prefix}gitweb
Summary:        Simple web interface to git repositories
Group:          Development/Tools
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{?scl_prefix}gitweb
Simple web interface to track changes in git repositories

%package p4
Summary:        Git tools for working with Perforce depots
Group:          Development/Tools
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
BuildRequires:  python
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}

%description p4

%package svn
Summary:        Git tools for importing Subversion repositories
Group:          Development/Tools
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}, subversion
Requires:       perl(Digest::MD5)
%if ! %{defined perl_bootstrap}
Requires:       perl(Term::ReadKey)

%description svn
Git tools for importing Subversion repositories.

%package cvs
Summary:        Git tools for importing CVS repositories
Group:          Development/Tools
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}, cvs
Requires:       cvsps
Requires:       perl(DBD::SQLite)
Requires:       %{scl_prefix}perl(Git)

%description cvs
Git tools for importing CVS repositories.

%package email
Summary:        Git tools for sending email
Group:          Development/Tools
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}, %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       perl(Authen::SASL)
Requires:       perl(Net::SMTP::SSL)
Requires:       %{scl_prefix}perl(Git)

%description email
Git tools for sending email.

%package gui
Summary:        Git GUI tool
Group:          Development/Tools
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}, tk >= 8.4
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}gitk = %{version}-%{release}

%description gui
Git GUI tool.

%package -n %{?scl_prefix}gitk
Summary:        Git revision tree visualiser
Group:          Development/Tools
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}, tk >= 8.4

%description -n %{?scl_prefix}gitk
Git revision tree visualiser.

%package -n %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git
Summary:        Perl interface to Git
Group:          Development/Libraries
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}
BuildRequires:  perl(Error), perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
Requires:       perl(Error)
Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git) = 0.01
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::Error::Command)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::I18N)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::IndexInfo)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::activestate_pipe)
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git)

%description -n %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git
Perl interface to Git.

%package -n %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git-SVN
Summary:        Perl interface to Git::SVN
Group:          Development/Libraries
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Editor)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Fetcher)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::GlobSpec)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Log)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Memoize::YAML)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Migration)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Prompt)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Ra)
Provides:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Utils)
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git)
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}perl(Git::SVN::Utils)
} # scl

%description -n %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git-SVN
Perl interface to Git.

%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6
%package -n %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git
Summary:        Git version control system support for Emacs
Group:          Applications/Editors
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}git = %{version}-%{release}
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       emacs(bin) >= %{_emacs_version}
Requires:       emacs-common

%description -n %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git

%package -n %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git-el
Summary:        Elisp source files for git version control system support for Emacs
Group:          Applications/Editors
%if %{noarch_sub}
BuildArch:      noarch
Requires:       %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git-el

# Verify GPG signatures
gpghome="$(mktemp -qd)" # Ensure we don't use any existing gpg keyrings
# Ignore noisy output from GnuPG 2.0, used on EL <= 7
gpg2 --dearmor --quiet --batch --yes $key >/dev/null
for src in %{SOURCE0} %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2}; do
    # Upstream signs the uncompressed tarballs
    xz -dc $src > $tar
    gpgv2 --homedir "$gpghome" --quiet --keyring $key.gpg $tar.sign $tar
    rm -f $tar
rm -rf "$gpghome" # Cleanup tmp gpg home dir

%setup -q -n %{pkg_name}-%{version}
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%if %{emacs_old}
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1

%if %{use_prebuilt_docs}
mkdir -p prebuilt_docs/{html,man}
xz -dc %{SOURCE1} | tar xf - -C prebuilt_docs/html
xz -dc %{SOURCE2} | tar xf - -C prebuilt_docs/man
# Remove non-html files
find prebuilt_docs/html -type f ! -name '*.html' | xargs rm
find prebuilt_docs/html -type d | xargs rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty

# Use these same options for every invocation of 'make'.
# Otherwise it will rebuild in %%install due to flags changes.
cat << \EOF > config.mak
V = 1
CFLAGS = %{optflags}
LDFLAGS = %{__global_ldflags}
BLK_SHA1 = 1
ETC_GITCONFIG = %{_sysconfdir}/gitconfig
DESTDIR = %{buildroot}
INSTALL = install -p
GITWEB_PROJECTROOT = %{_localstatedir}/lib/git
htmldir = %{?_pkgdocdir}%{!?_pkgdocdir:%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}}
prefix = %{_prefix}
gitwebdir = %{_localstatedir}/www/git

%if "%{gitcoredir}" == "%{_bindir}"
echo gitexecdir = %{_bindir} >> config.mak

%if %{docbook_suppress_sp}
# This is needed for 1.69.1-1.71.0
echo DOCBOOK_SUPPRESS_SP = 1 >> config.mak

# Filter bogus perl requires
# packed-refs comes from a comment in contrib/hooks/update-paranoid
# YAML::Any is optional and not available on el5
%if %{use_new_rpm_filters}
%global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}perl\\(packed-refs\\)
# Filter bogus perl provides and requires when build SCLs because %%scl_prefix
# is requied in that case, e.g.: rh-git29-perl(Git)
  %global __provides_exclude %{?__provides_exclude:%__provides_exclude|}^perl\\(
  %global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^perl\\(Git
%if ! %{defined perl_bootstrap}
%global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}perl\\(Term::ReadKey\\)
%else # ! use_new_rpm_filters

%{?filter_yaml_any:%filter_from_provides /perl(YAML::Any)/d}
%{?scl:%filter_from_provides /^perl(Git.*)/d}
%{?scl:%filter_from_requires /^perl(Git.*)/d}
%filter_from_requires /perl(packed-refs)/d


%{?scl:scl enable %{scl_httpd} - << "EOF"}
set -ex
export CPATH="%{cpath_dir}:${CPATH}"
make %{?_smp_mflags} all
%if ! %{use_prebuilt_docs} && ! 0%{?_without_docs}
make %{?_smp_mflags} doc

make -C contrib/emacs

%if %{gnome_keyring}
make -C contrib/credential/gnome-keyring/
make -C contrib/credential/netrc/

make -C contrib/subtree/

# Remove shebang from bash-completion script
sed -i '/^#!bash/,+1 d' contrib/completion/git-completion.bash

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%{?scl:scl enable %{scl_httpd} - << "EOF"}
set -ex
export CPATH="%{cpath_dir}:${CPATH}"
make %{?_smp_mflags} INSTALLDIRS=vendor install
%if ! %{use_prebuilt_docs} && ! 0%{?_without_docs}
make %{?_smp_mflags} INSTALLDIRS=vendor install-doc
cp -a prebuilt_docs/man/* %{buildroot}%{_mandir}
cp -a prebuilt_docs/html/* Documentation/

%if %{emacs_old}
%global _emacs_sitelispdir %{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp
%global _emacs_sitestartdir %{_emacs_sitelispdir}/site-start.d
# scl is not relevant for rhel <= 5
%{expand:%global _emacs_sitelispdir %{_scl_root}%{?_emacs_sitelispdir}}
%{expand:%global _emacs_sitestartdir %{_scl_root}%{?_emacs_sitestartdir}}
%global elispdir %{_emacs_sitelispdir}/git

make -C contrib/emacs install \
for elc in %{buildroot}%{elispdir}/*.elc ; do
    install -pm 644 contrib/emacs/$(basename $elc .elc).el \
install -Dpm 644 %{SOURCE10} \

%if %{gnome_keyring}
install -pm 755 contrib/credential/gnome-keyring/git-credential-gnome-keyring \
# Remove built binary files, otherwise they will be installed in doc
make -C contrib/credential/gnome-keyring/ clean
install -pm 755 contrib/credential/netrc/git-credential-netrc \

make -C contrib/subtree install
%if ! %{use_prebuilt_docs}
make -C contrib/subtree install-doc
# it's ugly hack, but this file don't need to be copied to this directory
# it's already part of git-core-doc and it's alone here
rm -f %{buildroot}%{?_pkgdocdir}%{!?_pkgdocdir:%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}}/git-subtree.html

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{httpdconfdir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}
install -pm 0644 %{SOURCE12} %{buildroot}%{httpdconfdir}/%{?scl_prefix}git.conf
sed "s|@PROJECTROOT@|%{_localstatedir}/lib/git|g" \
    %{SOURCE14} > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/gitweb.conf

find %{buildroot} -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} ';'
find %{buildroot} -type f -name '*.bs' -empty -exec rm -f {} ';'
find %{buildroot} -type f -name perllocal.pod -exec rm -f {} ';'

# Remove remote-helper python libraries and scripts, these are not ready for
# use yet
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_scl_root}%{python_sitelib} %{buildroot}%{gitcoredir}/git-remote-testgit

# git-archimport is not supported
find %{buildroot} Documentation -type f -name 'git-archimport*' -exec rm -f {} ';'

#TODO: check this!!!
(find %{buildroot}{%{_bindir},%{_libexecdir}} -type f | grep -vE "$exclude_re" | sed -e s@^%{buildroot}@@) > bin-man-doc-files
(find %{buildroot}{%{_bindir},%{_libexecdir}} -mindepth 1 -type d | grep -vE "$exclude_re" | sed -e 's@^%{buildroot}@%dir @') >> bin-man-doc-files
(find %{buildroot}%{_scl_root}%{perl_vendorlib} -type f | sed -e s@^%{buildroot}@@) > perl-git-files
(find %{buildroot}%{_scl_root}%{perl_vendorlib} -mindepth 1 -type d | sed -e 's@^%{buildroot}@%dir @') >> perl-git-files
# Split out Git::SVN files
grep Git/SVN perl-git-files > perl-git-svn-files
sed -i "/Git\/SVN/ d" perl-git-files
%if %{!?_without_docs:1}0
(find %{buildroot}%{_mandir} -type f | grep -vE "$exclude_re|Git" | sed -e s@^%{buildroot}@@ -e 's/$/*/' ) >> bin-man-doc-files
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_mandir}

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/git
%if %{use_systemd}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
cp -a %{SOURCE15} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{scl_prefix}git@.service
cp -a %{SOURCE16} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{scl_prefix}git.socket
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_root_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d
# On EL <= 5, xinetd does not enable IPv6 by default
enable_ipv6="        # xinetd does not enable IPv6 by default
        flags           = IPv6"
perl -p \
    -e "s|\@GITCOREDIR\@|%{gitcoredir}|g;" \
    -e "s|\@BASE_PATH\@|%{_localstatedir}/lib/git|g;" \
%if %{enable_ipv6}
    -e "s|^}|$enable_ipv6\n$&|;" \
    %{SOURCE11} > %{buildroot}%{_root_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/%{scl_prefix}git

# Setup bash completion
install -Dpm 644 contrib/completion/git-completion.bash %{buildroot}%{bashcompdir}/git
ln -s git %{buildroot}%{bashcompdir}/gitk

# Install tcsh completion
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/git-core/contrib/completion
install -pm 644 contrib/completion/git-completion.tcsh \

# Move contrib/hooks out of %%docdir and make them executable
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/git-core/contrib
mv contrib/hooks %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/git-core/contrib
chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/git-core/contrib/hooks/*
pushd contrib > /dev/null
ln -s ../../../git-core/contrib/hooks
popd > /dev/null

# Install
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/git-core/contrib/completion
install -pm 644 contrib/completion/ \

# install git-gui .desktop file
cp %{SOURCE13} %{?scl_prefix}git-gui.desktop
desktop-file-install \
%if %{desktop_vendor_tag}
  --vendor fedora \
  --delete-original \
  --dir=%{buildroot}%{appdesktopdir} %{?scl_prefix}git-gui.desktop

# find translations
%find_lang %{pkg_name} %{pkg_name}.lang
cat %{pkg_name}.lang >> bin-man-doc-files

# quiet some rpmlint complaints
chmod -R g-w %{buildroot}
find %{buildroot} -name git-mergetool--lib | xargs chmod a-x
# rm -f {Documentation/technical,contrib/emacs,contrib/credential/gnome-keyring}/.gitignore
# These files probably are not needed
find . -name .gitignore -delete
chmod a-x Documentation/technical/
find contrib -type f | xargs chmod -x

# Split core files
grep -vE "$not_core_re|\/man\/" bin-man-doc-files > bin-files-core
grep -vE "$not_core_re" bin-man-doc-files | grep "\/man\/" > man-doc-files-core
grep -E "$not_core_re" bin-man-doc-files > bin-man-doc-git-files

# check source files with hardcoded content - it's more for reminder
# when new collection will be added in future
%if 0%{?scl:1}
  # scl enable is required to use
  grep -q "^Exec=/usr/bin/scl enable %{scl}" %{buildroot}%{appdesktopdir}/*git-gui.desktop
  %if 0%{?use_systemd}
    grep -q "^ExecStart=-/usr/bin/scl enable %{scl}" %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{scl_prefix}git@.service

  # and should be used correct paths - check at least that rh-gitXX is in path
  grep -q "^Icon.*%{scl}" %{buildroot}%{appdesktopdir}/*git-gui.desktop
  grep "%{_localstatedir}/www/git" %{buildroot}%{httpdconfdir}/%{?scl_prefix}git.conf
  %if 0%{?use_systemd}
    grep -qe "-- .*%{scl}" %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{scl_prefix}git@.service

  # check Name/GenericName that contains rh-GitXX (with current XX, e.g. 29)
  grep -qi "^Name=%{scl}" %{buildroot}%{appdesktopdir}/*git-gui.desktop
  grep -qi "^GenericName=%{scl}" %{buildroot}%{appdesktopdir}/*git-gui.desktop

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%if %{use_systemd}
%post daemon
%systemd_post %{scl_prefix}git@.service

%preun daemon
%systemd_preun %{scl_prefix}git@.service

%postun daemon
%systemd_postun_with_restart %{scl_prefix}git@.service

%files -f bin-man-doc-git-files
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 16 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
#%doc Documentation/*.txt
#%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/*.html}
#%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/howto/* Documentation/technical/*}

%files core -f bin-files-core
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc}
%license COPYING
# exlude is best way here because of troubles with symlinks inside git-core/
%exclude %{_datadir}/git-core/contrib/hooks/update-paranoid
%exclude %{_datadir}/git-core/contrib/hooks/setgitperms.perl

%files core-doc -f man-doc-files-core
%doc Documentation/*.txt Documentation/RelNotes contrib/
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/*.html Documentation/docbook-xsl.css}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/howto Documentation/technical}
%if ! %{use_prebuilt_docs}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc contrib/subtree/git-subtree.html}

%files p4
%doc Documentation/*p4*.txt
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man1/*p4*.1*}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/*p4*.html }

%files svn
%doc Documentation/*svn*.txt
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man1/*svn*.1*}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/*svn*.html }

%files cvs
%doc Documentation/*git-cvs*.txt
%if "%{gitcoredir}" != "%{_bindir}"
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man1/*cvs*.1*}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/*git-cvs*.html }

%files email
%doc Documentation/*email*.txt
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man1/*email*.1*}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/*email*.html }

%files gui
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man1/git-gui.1*}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/git-gui.html}
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man1/git-citool.1*}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/git-citool.html}

%files -n %{?scl_prefix}gitk
%doc Documentation/*gitk*.txt
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man1/*gitk*.1*}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/*gitk*.html }

%files -n %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git -f perl-git-files
%exclude %{_mandir}/man3/*Git*SVN*.3pm*
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man3/*Git*.3pm*}

%files -n %{?scl_prefix}perl-Git-SVN -f perl-git-svn-files
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man3/*Git*SVN*.3pm*}

%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6
%files -n %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git
%doc contrib/emacs/README
%dir %{elispdir}

%files -n %{?scl_prefix}emacs-git-el

%files daemon
%doc Documentation/*daemon*.txt
%if %{use_systemd}
%{!?_without_docs: %{_mandir}/man1/*daemon*.1*}
%{!?_without_docs: %doc Documentation/*daemon*.html}

%files -n %{?scl_prefix}gitweb
%doc gitweb/INSTALL gitweb/README

%files all
# No files for you!

* Fri Aug 11 2017 Petr Stodulka <> - 2.9.3-3
- prevent command injection via malicious ssh URLs
- dissalow repo names beginning with dash
  Resolves: CVE-2017-8386 CVE-2017-1000117

* Fri Oct 14 2016 Petr Stodulka <> - 2.9.3-2
- fix infinite loop of "git ls-tree" on broken symlink
  Resolves: #1204191

* Mon Oct 10 2016 Petr Stodulka <> - 2.9.3-1
- Rebase to 2.9.3
- add control of GSSAPI credential delegation to enable HTTP(S)-SSO
  Resolves: #1359176 #1382708

* Mon Aug 08 2016 Petr Stodulka <> - 2.9.2-5
- fix service file to use rh-git29 instead of native git
- fix desktop file - changed names & paths inside the file,
    use scl rh-git29 instead of native git, change filename
    and path of the file to system directory instead of scl
- *git-daemon: xinetd.d: use system directory and added prefix to the filename
- *git-gitweb: store git.conf to directory of httpd24 sclm add scl prefix
    to the filename and correct paths inside the file to correct rh-git29
    www directory
- fix doubled path for emacs-sitelisp files
- build and link files with httpd24-libcurl
  Resolves: #1345897

* Fri Aug 05 2016 Petr Stodulka <> - 2.9.2-4
- fix deprecated "vendor" tag for RHEL-6 (it was used for older
  RHEL systems)

* Fri Jul 22 2016 Petr Stodulka <> - 2.9.2-3
- remove requires on perl(packed-refs) for RHEL-6 builds instead
  of provides

* Wed Jul 20 2016 Petr Stodulka <> - 2.9.2-2
- Fix Requires of %{scl_prefix}git-gui for %{scl_prefix}gitk

* Wed Jul 20 2016 Petr Stodulka <> - 2.9.2-1
- Initial commit with git v2.9.2
- Fixes troubles with infinite loop in "git ls-tree" for broken symlink
  under refs/heads
- Rename git.service to git@.service to make it usable
- Resolves: #1204191 #1251460