Blob Blame History Raw
From d4a36f47b36f47a847795660653b7fbc5baab706 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Vossel <>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 14:55:50 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] iscsi agent updates

 heartbeat/iSCSILogicalUnit | 573 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 heartbeat/iSCSITarget      | 661 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 2 files changed, 690 insertions(+), 544 deletions(-)

diff --git a/heartbeat/iSCSILogicalUnit b/heartbeat/iSCSILogicalUnit
index 0ab4722..c4cee0d 100755
--- a/heartbeat/iSCSILogicalUnit
+++ b/heartbeat/iSCSILogicalUnit
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 #   iSCSILogicalUnit OCF RA. Exports and manages iSCSI Logical Units.
-#   (c) 2013	LINBIT, Lars Ellenberg
+#   (c) 2013 LINBIT, Lars Ellenberg
 #   (c) 2009-2010 Florian Haas, Dejan Muhamedagic,
-#                 and Linux-HA contributors
+#       and Linux-HA contributors
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
@@ -36,11 +36,13 @@
 # Defaults
 # Set a default implementation based on software installed
 if have_binary ietadm; then
-    OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="iet"
+	OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="iet"
 elif have_binary tgtadm; then
-    OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="tgt"
+	OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="tgt"
 elif have_binary lio_node; then
-    OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="lio"
+	OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="lio"
+elif have_binary targetcli; then
+	OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="lio-t"
 : ${OCF_RESKEY_implementation=${OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default}}
@@ -91,9 +93,9 @@ an SCSI Target, exported via a daemon that speaks the iSCSI protocol.
 <parameter name="implementation" required="0" unique="0">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 The iSCSI target daemon implementation. Must be one of "iet", "tgt",
-or "lio".  If unspecified, an implementation is selected based on the
+"lio", or "lio-t".  If unspecified, an implementation is selected based on the
 availability of management utilities, with "iet" being tried first,
-then "tgt", then "lio".
+then "tgt", then "lio", then "lio-t".
 <shortdesc lang="en">iSCSI target daemon implementation</shortdesc>
 <content type="string" default="${OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default}"/>
@@ -228,12 +230,12 @@ in /sys/kernel/config/target/core/.
-<action name="start"        timeout="10" />
-<action name="stop"         timeout="10" />
-<action name="status"       timeout="10" interval="10" depth="0" />
-<action name="monitor"      timeout="10" interval="10" depth="0" />
-<action name="meta-data"    timeout="5" />
-<action name="validate-all"   timeout="10" />
+<action name="start"         timeout="10" />
+<action name="stop"          timeout="10" />
+<action name="status"        timeout="10" interval="10" depth="0" />
+<action name="monitor"       timeout="10" interval="10" depth="0" />
+<action name="meta-data"     timeout="5" />
+<action name="validate-all"  timeout="10" />
@@ -250,108 +252,150 @@ END
 iSCSILogicalUnit_start() {
-    iSCSILogicalUnit_monitor
-    if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
-	return $OCF_SUCCESS
-    fi
+	iSCSILogicalUnit_monitor
+	if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
+		return $OCF_SUCCESS
+	fi
-    local params
+	local params
-    case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
+	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    params="Path=${OCF_RESKEY_path}"
-	    # use blockio if path points to a block device, fileio
-	    # otherwise.
-	    if [ -b "${OCF_RESKEY_path}" ]; then
-		params="${params} Type=blockio"
-	    else
-		params="${params} Type=fileio"
-	    fi
-	    # in IET, we have to set LU parameters on creation
-	    if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_id}" ]; then
-		params="${params} ScsiId=${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_id}"
-	    fi
-	    if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn}" ]; then
-		params="${params} ScsiSN=${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn}"
-	    fi
-	    params="${params} ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}"
-	    ocf_run ietadm --op new \
-		--tid=${TID} \
-		--lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun} \
-		--params ${params// /,} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    ;;
+		params="Path=${OCF_RESKEY_path}"
+		# use blockio if path points to a block device, fileio
+		# otherwise.
+		if [ -b "${OCF_RESKEY_path}" ]; then
+			params="${params} Type=blockio"
+		else
+			params="${params} Type=fileio"
+		fi
+		# in IET, we have to set LU parameters on creation
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_id}" ]; then
+			params="${params} ScsiId=${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_id}"
+		fi
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn}" ]; then
+			params="${params} ScsiSN=${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn}"
+		fi
+		params="${params} ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}"
+		ocf_run ietadm --op new \
+			--tid=${TID} \
+			--lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun} \
+			--params ${params// /,} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		;;
-	    # tgt requires that we create the LU first, then set LU
-	    # parameters
-	    params=""
-	    local var
-            local envar
-	    for var in scsi_id scsi_sn vendor_id product_id; do
-		envar="OCF_RESKEY_${var}"
-		if [ -n "${!envar}" ]; then
-		    params="${params} ${var}=${!envar}"
+		# tgt requires that we create the LU first, then set LU
+		# parameters
+		params=""
+		local var
+		local envar
+		for var in scsi_id scsi_sn vendor_id product_id; do
+			envar="OCF_RESKEY_${var}"
+			if [ -n "${!envar}" ]; then
+				params="${params} ${var}=${!envar}"
+			fi
+		done
+		params="${params} ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}"
+		# cleanup: tgt (as of tgtadm version 1.0.24) does not like an explicit "bsoflags=direct"
+		# when used with "bstype=aio" (which always uses O_DIRECT)
+		[[ $OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bstype/$OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bsoflags = "aio/direct" ]] && OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bsoflags=""
+		tgt_args=""
+		[[ $OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bstype ]]	&& tgt_args="$tgt_args --bstype=$OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bstype"
+		[[ $OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bsoflags ]]	&& tgt_args="$tgt_args --bsoflags=$OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bsoflags"
+		[[ $OCF_RESKEY_tgt_device_type ]]	&& tgt_args="$tgt_args --device-type=$OCF_RESKEY_tgt_device_type"
+		ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op new --mode logicalunit \
+			--tid=${TID} \
+			--lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun} \
+			$tgt_args \
+			--backing-store ${OCF_RESKEY_path} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		if [ -z "$params" ]; then
+			return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		else
+			ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op update --mode logicalunit \
+				--tid=${TID} \
+				--lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun} \
+				--params ${params// /,} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		fi
+		;;
+	lio)
+		# For lio, we first have to create a target device, then
+		# add it to the Target Portal Group as an LU.
+		block_configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/core/iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}/udev_path"
+		if [ ! -e "${block_configfs_path}" ]; then
+			ocf_run tcm_node --createdev=iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} \
+				${OCF_RESKEY_path} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		elif [ -e "$block_configfs_path" ] && [ $(cat "$block_configfs_path") != "${OCF_RESKEY_path}" ]; then
+			ocf_exit_reason "Existing iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} has incorrect path: $(cat "$block_configfs_path") != ${OCF_RESKEY_path}"
+		else
+			ocf_log info "iscsi iblock already exists: ${block_configfs_path}"
-	    done
-	    params="${params} ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}"
-	    # cleanup: tgt (as of tgtadm version 1.0.24) does not like an explicit "bsoflags=direct"
-	    # when used with "bstype=aio" (which always uses O_DIRECT)
-	    [[ $OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bstype/$OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bsoflags = "aio/direct" ]] && OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bsoflags=""
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn}" ]; then
+			ocf_run tcm_node --setunitserial=iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} \
+				${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		fi
-	    tgt_args=""
-	    [[ $OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bstype ]]	&& tgt_args="$tgt_args --bstype=$OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bstype"
-	    [[ $OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bsoflags ]]	&& tgt_args="$tgt_args --bsoflags=$OCF_RESKEY_tgt_bsoflags"
-	    [[ $OCF_RESKEY_tgt_device_type ]]	&& tgt_args="$tgt_args --device-type=$OCF_RESKEY_tgt_device_type"
+		lun_configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpgt_1/lun/lun_${OCF_RESKEY_lun}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}/udev_path"
+		if [ ! -e "${lun_configfs_path}" ]; then
+			ocf_run lio_node --addlun=${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn} 1 ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} \
+		else
+			ocf_log info "iscsi lun already exists: ${lun_configfs_path}"
+		fi
-	    ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op new --mode logicalunit \
-		--tid=${TID} \
-		--lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun} \
-		$tgt_args \
-	    	--backing-store ${OCF_RESKEY_path} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    if [ -z "$params" ]; then
-		return $OCF_SUCCESS
-	    else
-		ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op update --mode logicalunit \
-		    --tid=${TID} \
-		    --lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun} \
-		    --params ${params// /,} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    fi
-	    ;;
-	lio)
-	    # For lio, we first have to create a target device, then
-	    # add it to the Target Portal Group as an LU.
-	    ocf_run tcm_node --createdev=iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} \
-		${OCF_RESKEY_path} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn}" ]; then
-		ocf_run tcm_node --setunitserial=iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} \
-		    ${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    fi
-	    ocf_run lio_node --addlun=${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn} 1 ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} \
-           if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
-               for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}; do
-                       ocf_run lio_node --addlunacl=${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn} 1 \
-                       ${initiator} ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-               done
-           fi
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
+			for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}; do
+				acl_configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpgt_1/acls/${initiator}/lun_${OCF_RESKEY_lun}"
+				if [ ! -e "${acl_configfs_path}" ]; then
+					ocf_run lio_node --addlunacl=${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn} 1 \
+					${initiator} ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+				else
+					ocf_log info "iscsi acl already exists: ${acl_configfs_path}"
+				fi
+			done
+		fi
+		;;
+	lio-t)
+		# For lio, we first have to create a target device, then
+		# add it to the Target Portal Group as an LU.
+		ocf_run targetcli /backstores/block create name=${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} dev=${OCF_RESKEY_path} write_back=False || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn}" ]; then
+			echo ${OCF_RESKEY_scsi_sn} > /sys/kernel/config/target/core/iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}/wwn/vpd_unit_serial
+		fi
+		ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpg1/luns create /backstores/block/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
+			for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}; do
+				ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpg1/acls create ${initiator} add_mapped_luns=False || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+				ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpg1/acls/${initiator} create ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			done
+		fi
+		;;
+	esac
+	# Force the monitor operation to pass before start is considered a success.
+	iSCSILogicalUnit_monitor
 iSCSILogicalUnit_stop() {
-    iSCSILogicalUnit_monitor
-    if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
+	iSCSILogicalUnit_monitor
+	if [ $? -eq $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then
+		return $OCF_SUCCESS
+	fi
 	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    iet)
-		# IET allows us to remove LUs while they are in use
-		ocf_run ietadm --op delete \
-		    --tid=${TID} \
-		    --lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+	iet)
+	# IET allows us to remove LUs while they are in use
+	ocf_run ietadm --op delete \
+		--tid=${TID} \
+		--lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    tgt)
+	tgt)
 		# tgt will fail to remove an LU while it is in use,
 		# but at the same time does not allow us to
 		# selectively shut down a connection that is using a
@@ -359,202 +403,240 @@ iSCSILogicalUnit_stop() {
 		# decides that the LU is no longer in use, or we get
 		# timed out by the LRM.
 		while ! ocf_run -warn tgtadm --lld iscsi --op delete --mode logicalunit \
-		    --tid ${TID} \
-		    --lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun}; do
-		    sleep 1
+			--tid ${TID} \
+			--lun=${OCF_RESKEY_lun}; do
+			sleep 1
+		done
+		;;
+	lio)
+		acls_configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpgt_1/acls"
+		for initiatorpath in ${acls_configfs_path}/*; do
+			initiator=$(basename "${initiatorpath}")
+			if [ -e "${initiatorpath}/lun_${OCF_RESKEY_lun}" ]; then
+				ocf_log info "deleting acl at ${initiatorpath}/lun_${OCF_RESKEY_lun}"
+				ocf_run lio_node --dellunacl=${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn} 1 \
+					${initiator} ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			fi
+		lun_configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpgt_1/lun/lun_#{${OCF_RESKEY_lun}/"
+		if [ -e "${lun_configfs_path}" ]; then
+			ocf_run lio_node --dellun=${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn} 1 ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		fi
+		block_configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/core/iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESKEY_INSTANCE}/udev_path"
+		if [ -e "${block_configfs_path}" ]; then
+			ocf_run tcm_node --freedev=iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		fi
+		;;
+	lio-t)
+		ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpg1/luns delete ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
+			for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}; do
+				if targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpg1/acls/${initiator} status | grep "Mapped LUNs: 0" >/dev/null ; then
+					ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpg1/acls/ delete ${initiator}
+				fi
+			done
+		fi
+		ocf_run targetcli /backstores/block delete ${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    lio)
-               if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
-                       for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}; do
-                               ocf_run lio_node --dellunacl=${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn} 1 \
-                               ${initiator} ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-                       done
-               fi
-		ocf_run lio_node --dellun=${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn} 1 ${OCF_RESKEY_lun} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-		ocf_run tcm_node --freedev=iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-    fi
-    return $OCF_SUCCESS
+	return $OCF_SUCCESS
 iSCSILogicalUnit_monitor() {
-    case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
+	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
- 	    # Figure out and set the target ID
-	    TID=`sed -ne "s/tid:\([[:digit:]]\+\) name:${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}$/\1/p" < /proc/net/iet/volume`
-	    if [ -z "${TID}" ]; then
-		# Our target is not configured, thus we're not
-		# running.
-		return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
-	    fi
-	    # FIXME: this looks for a matching LUN and path, but does
-	    # not actually test for the correct target ID.
-	    grep -E -q "[[:space:]]+lun:${OCF_RESKEY_lun}.*path:${OCF_RESKEY_path}$" /proc/net/iet/volume && return $OCF_SUCCESS
-	    ;;
+		# Figure out and set the target ID
+		TID=`sed -ne "s/tid:\([[:digit:]]\+\) name:${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}$/\1/p" < /proc/net/iet/volume`
+		if [ -z "${TID}" ]; then
+			# Our target is not configured, thus we're not
+			# running.
+			return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
+		fi
+		# FIXME: this looks for a matching LUN and path, but does
+		# not actually test for the correct target ID.
+		grep -E -q "[[:space:]]+lun:${OCF_RESKEY_lun}.*path:${OCF_RESKEY_path}$" /proc/net/iet/volume && return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		;;
-	    # Figure out and set the target ID
-	    TID=`tgtadm --lld iscsi --op show --mode target \
-		| sed -ne "s/^Target \([[:digit:]]\+\): ${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}$/\1/p"`
-	    if [ -z "$TID" ]; then
-		# Our target is not configured, thus we're not
-		# running.
-		return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
-	    fi
-	    # This only looks for the backing store, but does not test
-	    # for the correct target ID and LUN.
-	    tgtadm --lld iscsi --op show --mode target \
-		| grep -E -q "[[:space:]]+Backing store.*: ${OCF_RESKEY_path}$" && return $OCF_SUCCESS
-	    ;;
+		# Figure out and set the target ID
+		TID=`tgtadm --lld iscsi --op show --mode target \
+			| sed -ne "s/^Target \([[:digit:]]\+\): ${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}$/\1/p"`
+		if [ -z "$TID" ]; then
+			# Our target is not configured, thus we're not
+			# running.
+			return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
+		fi
+		# This only looks for the backing store, but does not test
+		# for the correct target ID and LUN.
+		tgtadm --lld iscsi --op show --mode target \
+			| grep -E -q "[[:space:]]+Backing store.*: ${OCF_RESKEY_path}$" && return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		;;
-	    configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpgt_1/lun/lun_${OCF_RESKEY_lun}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}/udev_path"
-	    [ -e ${configfs_path} ] && [ `cat ${configfs_path}` = "${OCF_RESKEY_path}" ] && return $OCF_SUCCESS
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
+		configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpgt_1/lun/lun_${OCF_RESKEY_lun}/${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}/udev_path"
+		[ -e ${configfs_path} ] && [ `cat ${configfs_path}` = "${OCF_RESKEY_path}" ] && return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		# if we aren't activated, is a block device still left over?
+		block_configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/core/iblock_${OCF_RESKEY_lio_iblock}/${OCF_RESKEY_INSTANCE}/udev_path"
+		[ -e ${block_configfs_path} ] && ocf_log warn "existing block without an active lun: ${block_configfs_path}"
+		[ -e ${block_configfs_path} ] && return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		;;
+	lio-t)
+		configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_target_iqn}/tpgt_1/lun/lun_${OCF_RESKEY_lun}/*/udev_path"
+		[ -e ${configfs_path} ] && [ `cat ${configfs_path}` = "${OCF_RESKEY_path}" ] && return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		;;
+	esac
 iSCSILogicalUnit_validate() {
-    # Do we have all required variables?
-    for var in target_iqn lun path; do
+	# Do we have all required variables?
+	for var in target_iqn lun path; do
 	if [ -z "${!param}" ]; then
-	    ocf_log error "Missing resource parameter \"$var\"!"
+		ocf_exit_reason "Missing resource parameter \"$var\"!"
-    done
+	done
-    # Is the configured implementation supported?
-    case "$OCF_RESKEY_implementation" in
-	"iet"|"tgt"|"lio")
-	    ;;
+	# Is the configured implementation supported?
+	case "$OCF_RESKEY_implementation" in
+	"iet"|"tgt"|"lio"|"lio-t")
+		;;
-	    # The user didn't specify an implementation, and we were
-	    # unable to determine one from installed binaries (in
-	    # other words: no binaries for any supported
-	    # implementation could be found)
-	    ocf_log error "Undefined iSCSI target implementation"
-	    ;;
+		# The user didn't specify an implementation, and we were
+		# unable to determine one from installed binaries (in
+		# other words: no binaries for any supported
+		# implementation could be found)
+		ocf_exit_reason "Undefined iSCSI target implementation"
+		;;
-	    ocf_log error "Unsupported iSCSI target implementation \"$OCF_RESKEY_implementation\"!"
-	    ;;
-    esac
+		ocf_exit_reason "Unsupported iSCSI target implementation \"$OCF_RESKEY_implementation\"!"
+		;;
+	esac
-    # Do we have a valid LUN?
-    case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
+	# Do we have a valid LUN?
+	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    # IET allows LUN 0 and up
-	    [ $OCF_RESKEY_lun -ge 0 ]
-	    case $? in
+		# IET allows LUN 0 and up
+		[ $OCF_RESKEY_lun -ge 0 ]
+		case $? in
-	            # OK
-		    ;;
+			# OK
+			;;
-		    ocf_log err "Invalid LUN $OCF_RESKEY_lun (must be a non-negative integer)."
-		    ;;
+			ocf_log err "Invalid LUN $OCF_RESKEY_lun (must be a non-negative integer)."
+			;;
-		    ocf_log err "Invalid LUN $OCF_RESKEY_lun (must be an integer)."
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	    ;;
+			ocf_log err "Invalid LUN $OCF_RESKEY_lun (must be an integer)."
+			;;
+		esac
+		;;
-	    # tgt reserves LUN 0 for its own purposes
-	    [ $OCF_RESKEY_lun -ge 1 ]
-	    case $? in
+		# tgt reserves LUN 0 for its own purposes
+		[ $OCF_RESKEY_lun -ge 1 ]
+		case $? in
-	            # OK
-		    ;;
+				# OK
+			;;
-		    ocf_log err "Invalid LUN $OCF_RESKEY_lun (must be greater than 0)."
-		    ;;
+			ocf_log err "Invalid LUN $OCF_RESKEY_lun (must be greater than 0)."
+			;;
-		    ocf_log err "Invalid LUN $OCF_RESKEY_lun (must be an integer)."
-		    ;;
-	    esac
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    # Do we have any configuration parameters that the current
-    # implementation does not support?
-    local unsupported_params
-    local var
-    local envar
-    case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
+			ocf_log err "Invalid LUN $OCF_RESKEY_lun (must be an integer)."
+			;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	esac
+	# Do we have any configuration parameters that the current
+	# implementation does not support?
+	local unsupported_params
+	local var
+	local envar
+	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    # IET does not support setting the vendor and product ID
-	    # (it always uses "IET" and "VIRTUAL-DISK")
-	    unsupported_params="vendor_id product_id allowed_initiators lio_iblock tgt_bstype tgt_bsoflags tgt_device_type"
-	    ;;
+		# IET does not support setting the vendor and product ID
+		# (it always uses "IET" and "VIRTUAL-DISK")
+		unsupported_params="vendor_id product_id allowed_initiators lio_iblock tgt_bstype tgt_bsoflags tgt_device_type"
+		;;
-	    unsupported_params="allowed_initiators lio_iblock"
-	    ;;
+		unsupported_params="allowed_initiators lio_iblock"
+		;;
-	    unsupported_params="scsi_id vendor_id product_id tgt_bstype tgt_bsoflags tgt_device_type"
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    for var in ${unsupported_params}; do
-	envar=OCF_RESKEY_${var}
-	defvar=OCF_RESKEY_${var}_default
-	if [ -n "${!envar}" ]; then
-	    if  [[ "${!envar}" != "${!defvar}" ]];then 
-	        case "$__OCF_ACTION" in
-                    start|validate-all)
-                      ocf_log warn "Configuration parameter \"${var}\"" \
-                       "is not supported by the iSCSI implementation" \
-                       "and will be ignored." ;;
-	        esac
-	    fi
-	fi
-    done
+		unsupported_params="scsi_id vendor_id product_id tgt_bstype tgt_bsoflags tgt_device_type"
+		;;
+	lio-t)
+		unsupported_params="scsi_id vendor_id product_id tgt_bstype tgt_bsoflags tgt_device_type lio_iblock"
+		;;
+	esac
+	for var in ${unsupported_params}; do
+		envar=OCF_RESKEY_${var}
+		defvar=OCF_RESKEY_${var}_default
+		if [ -n "${!envar}" ]; then
+			if  [[ "${!envar}" != "${!defvar}" ]];then 
+				case "$__OCF_ACTION" in
+				start|validate-all)
+					ocf_log warn "Configuration parameter \"${var}\"" \
+						"is not supported by the iSCSI implementation" \
+						"and will be ignored." ;;
+				esac
+			fi
+		fi
+	done
-    if ! ocf_is_probe; then
-    # Do we have all required binaries?
+	if ! ocf_is_probe; then
+	# Do we have all required binaries?
 	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    iet)
+	iet)
 		check_binary ietadm
-	    tgt)
+	tgt)
 		check_binary tgtadm
-	    lio)
+	lio)
 		check_binary tcm_node
 		check_binary lio_node
+	lio-t)
+		check_binary targetcli
+		;;
-        # Is the required kernel functionality available?
+	# Is the required kernel functionality available?
 	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    iet)
+	iet)
 		[ -d /proc/net/iet ]
 		if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-		    ocf_log err "/proc/net/iet does not exist or is not a directory -- check if required modules are loaded."
-		    exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED
+			ocf_log err "/proc/net/iet does not exist or is not a directory -- check if required modules are loaded."
-	    tgt)
-	        # tgt is userland only
+	tgt)
+		# tgt is userland only
-    fi
+	fi
-    return $OCF_SUCCESS
+	return $OCF_SUCCESS
 case $1 in
-  meta-data)
-  usage|help)
@@ -568,13 +650,14 @@ start)		iSCSILogicalUnit_start;;
 stop)		iSCSILogicalUnit_stop;;
 monitor|status)	iSCSILogicalUnit_monitor;;
 reload)		ocf_log err "Reloading..."
-	        iSCSILogicalUnit_start
+			iSCSILogicalUnit_start
 validate-all)	;;
 *)		iSCSILogicalUnit_usage
 ocf_log debug "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE} $__OCF_ACTION : $rc"
 exit $rc
diff --git a/heartbeat/iSCSITarget b/heartbeat/iSCSITarget
index a988fb2..72ec64a 100755
--- a/heartbeat/iSCSITarget
+++ b/heartbeat/iSCSITarget
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# 	iSCSITarget OCF RA. Exports and manages iSCSI targets.
+#     iSCSITarget OCF RA. Exports and manages iSCSI targets.
 #   (c) 2009-2010 Florian Haas, Dejan Muhamedagic,
 #                 and Linux-HA contributors
@@ -34,11 +34,13 @@
 # Defaults
 # Set a default implementation based on software installed
 if have_binary ietadm; then
-    OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="iet"
+	OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="iet"
 elif have_binary tgtadm; then
-    OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="tgt"
+	OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="tgt"
 elif have_binary lio_node; then
-    OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="lio"
+	OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="lio"
+elif have_binary targetcli; then
+	OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default="lio-t"
 : ${OCF_RESKEY_implementation=${OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default}}
@@ -67,12 +69,12 @@ Units (LUs) exported via a daemon that speaks the iSCSI protocol.
 <parameter name="implementation" required="0" unique="0">
 <longdesc lang="en">
 The iSCSI target daemon implementation. Must be one of "iet", "tgt",
-or "lio".  If unspecified, an implementation is selected based on the
+"lio", or "lio-t".  If unspecified, an implementation is selected based on the
 availability of management utilities, with "iet" being tried first,
-then "tgt", then "lio".
+then "tgt", then "lio", then "lio-t".
 <shortdesc lang="en">Specifies the iSCSI target implementation
-("iet", "tgt" or "lio").</shortdesc>
+("iet", "tgt", "lio", or "lio-t").</shortdesc>
 <content type="string" default="${OCF_RESKEY_implementation_default}"/>
@@ -148,11 +150,11 @@ dependent. Neither the name nor the value may contain whitespace.
-<action name="start"        timeout="10" />
-<action name="stop"         timeout="10" />
-<action name="status"       timeout="10" interval="10" depth="0" />
-<action name="monitor"      timeout="10" interval="10" depth="0" />
-<action name="meta-data"    timeout="5" />
+<action name="start"		timeout="10" />
+<action name="stop"		 timeout="10" />
+<action name="status"	   timeout="10" interval="10" depth="0" />
+<action name="monitor"	  timeout="10" interval="10" depth="0" />
+<action name="meta-data"	timeout="5" />
 <action name="validate-all"   timeout="10" />
@@ -170,182 +172,233 @@ END
 iSCSITarget_start() {
-    iSCSITarget_monitor
-    if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
-	return $OCF_SUCCESS
-    fi
+	iSCSITarget_monitor
+	if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
+		return $OCF_SUCCESS
+	fi
-    local param
-    local name
-    local value
-    local initiator
-    local portal
+	local param
+	local name
+	local value
+	local initiator
+	local portal
-    case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
+	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    local lasttid
-	    local tid
-	    if [ "${OCF_RESKEY_tid}" ]; then
-		tid="${OCF_RESKEY_tid}"
-	    else
-    	        # Figure out the last used target ID, add 1 to get the new
-	        # target ID.
-		ocf_take_lock $LOCKFILE
-		ocf_release_lock_on_exit $LOCKFILE
-		lasttid=`sed -ne "s/tid:\([[:digit:]]\+\) name:.*/\1/p" < /proc/net/iet/volume | sort -n | tail -n1`
-		[ -z "${lasttid}" ] && lasttid=0
-		tid=$((++lasttid))
-	    fi
-	    # Create the target.
-	    ocf_run ietadm --op new \
-		--tid=${tid} \
-		--params Name=${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    # Set additional parameters.
-	    for param in ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}; do
-		name=${param%=*}
-		value=${param#*=}
-		ocf_run ietadm --op update \
-		    --tid=${tid} \
-		    --params ${name}=${value} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    done
-	    # Legacy versions of IET allow targets by default, current
-	    # versions deny. To be safe we manage both the .allow and
-	    # .deny files.
-	    if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
-		echo "${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} ALL" >> /etc/initiators.deny
-		echo "${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators// /,}" >> /etc/initiators.allow
-	    else
-		echo "${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} ALL" >> /etc/initiators.allow
-	    fi
-	    # In iet, adding a new user and assigning it to a target
-	    # is one operation.
-	    if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username}" ]; then
-		ocf_run ietadm --op new --user \
-		    --tid=${tid} \
-		    --params=IncomingUser=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username},Password=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_password} \
-		    || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    fi
-	    ;;
+		local lasttid
+		local tid
+		if [ "${OCF_RESKEY_tid}" ]; then
+			tid="${OCF_RESKEY_tid}"
+		else
+			# Figure out the last used target ID, add 1 to get the new
+			# target ID.
+			ocf_take_lock $LOCKFILE
+			ocf_release_lock_on_exit $LOCKFILE
+			lasttid=`sed -ne "s/tid:\([[:digit:]]\+\) name:.*/\1/p" < /proc/net/iet/volume | sort -n | tail -n1`
+			[ -z "${lasttid}" ] && lasttid=0
+			tid=$((++lasttid))
+		fi
+		# Create the target.
+		ocf_run ietadm --op new \
+			--tid=${tid} \
+			--params Name=${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		# Set additional parameters.
+		for param in ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}; do
+			name=${param%=*}
+			value=${param#*=}
+			ocf_run ietadm --op update \
+				--tid=${tid} \
+				--params ${name}=${value} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		done
+		# Legacy versions of IET allow targets by default, current
+		# versions deny. To be safe we manage both the .allow and
+		# .deny files.
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
+			echo "${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} ALL" >> /etc/initiators.deny
+			echo "${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators// /,}" >> /etc/initiators.allow
+		else
+			echo "${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} ALL" >> /etc/initiators.allow
+		fi
+		# In iet, adding a new user and assigning it to a target
+		# is one operation.
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username}" ]; then
+			ocf_run ietadm --op new --user \
+				--tid=${tid} \
+				--params=IncomingUser=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username},Password=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_password} \
+				|| exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		fi
+		;;
-	    local tid
-	    tid="${OCF_RESKEY_tid}"
-	    # Create the target.
-	    ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op new --mode target \
-		--tid=${tid} \
-		--targetname ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    # Set parameters.
-	    for param in ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}; do
-		name=${param%=*}
-		value=${param#*=}
-		ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op update --mode target \
-		    --tid=${tid} \
-		    --name=${name} --value=${value} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    done
-	    # For tgt, we always have to add access per initiator;
-	    # access to targets is denied by default. If
-	    # "allowed_initiators" is unset, we must use the special
-	    # keyword ALL.
-	    for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators=ALL}; do
-		ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op bind --mode target \
-		    --tid=${tid} \
-		    --initiator-address=${initiator} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    done
-	    # In tgt, we must first create a user account, then assign
-	    # it to a target using the "bind" operation.
-	    if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username}" ]; then
-		ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op new \
-		    --user=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} \
-		    --password=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_password} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-		ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op bind \
-		    --tid=${tid} \
-		    --user=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    fi
-	    ;;
+		local tid
+		tid="${OCF_RESKEY_tid}"
+		# Create the target.
+		ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op new --mode target \
+			--tid=${tid} \
+			--targetname ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		# Set parameters.
+		for param in ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}; do
+			name=${param%=*}
+			value=${param#*=}
+			ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op update --mode target \
+				--tid=${tid} \
+				--name=${name} --value=${value} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		done
+		# For tgt, we always have to add access per initiator;
+		# access to targets is denied by default. If
+		# "allowed_initiators" is unset, we must use the special
+		# keyword ALL.
+		for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators=ALL}; do
+			ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op bind --mode target \
+				--tid=${tid} \
+				--initiator-address=${initiator} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		done
+		# In tgt, we must first create a user account, then assign
+		# it to a target using the "bind" operation.
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username}" ]; then
+			ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op new \
+				--user=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} \
+				--password=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_password} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op bind \
+				--tid=${tid} \
+				--user=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		fi
+		;;
-	    # lio distinguishes between targets and target portal
-	    # groups (TPGs). We will always create one TPG, with the
-	    # number 1. In lio, creating a network portal
-	    # automatically creates the corresponding target if it
-	    # doesn't already exist.
-	    for portal in ${OCF_RESKEY_portals}; do
-		ocf_run lio_node --addnp ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 \
-		    ${portal} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    done
-	    # in lio, we can set target parameters by manipulating
-	    # the appropriate configfs entries
-	    for param in ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}; do
-		name=${param%=*}
-		value=${param#*=}
-		configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/param/${name}"
-		if [ -e ${configfs_path} ]; then
-		    echo ${value} > ${configfs_path} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		# lio distinguishes between targets and target portal
+		# groups (TPGs). We will always create one TPG, with the
+		# number 1. In lio, creating a network portal
+		# automatically creates the corresponding target if it
+		# doesn't already exist.
+		for portal in ${OCF_RESKEY_portals}; do
+			ocf_run lio_node --addnp ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 \
+				${portal} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		done
+		# in lio, we can set target parameters by manipulating
+		# the appropriate configfs entries
+		for param in ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}; do
+			name=${param%=*}
+			value=${param#*=}
+			configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/param/${name}"
+			if [ -e ${configfs_path} ]; then
+				echo ${value} > ${configfs_path} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			else
+				ocf_log warn "Unsupported iSCSI target parameter ${name}: will be ignored."
+			fi
+		done
+		# lio does per-initiator filtering by default. To disable
+		# this, we need to switch the target to "permissive mode".
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
+			for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}; do
+				ocf_run lio_node --addnodeacl ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 \
+				${initiator} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			done
-		    ocf_log warn "Unsupported iSCSI target parameter ${name}: will be ignored."
+			ocf_run lio_node --permissive ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			# permissive mode enables read-only access by default,
+			# so we need to change that to RW to be in line with
+			# the other implementations.
+			echo 0 > "/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/attrib/demo_mode_write_protect"
+			if [ `cat /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/attrib/demo_mode_write_protect` -ne 0 ]; then
+				ocf_log err "Failed to disable write protection for target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}."
+				exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			fi
-	    done
-	    # lio does per-initiator filtering by default. To disable
-	    # this, we need to switch the target to "permissive mode".
-	    if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
-		for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}; do
-		    ocf_run lio_node --addnodeacl ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 \
-			${initiator} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		# TODO: add CHAP authentication support when it gets added
+		# back into LIO
+		ocf_run lio_node --disableauth ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		# Finally, we need to enable the target to allow
+		# initiators to connect
+		ocf_run lio_node --enabletpg=${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		;;
+	lio-t)
+		# lio distinguishes between targets and target portal
+		# groups (TPGs). We will always create one TPG, with the
+		# number 1. In lio, creating a network portal
+		# automatically creates the corresponding target if it
+		# doesn't already exist.
+		for portal in ${OCF_RESKEY_portals}; do
+			ocf_run targetcli /iscsi create ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			if [ $portal != ${OCF_RESKEY_portals_default} ] ; then
+				IFS=':' read -a sep_portal <<< "$portal"
+				ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpg1/portals create "${sep_portal[0]}" "${sep_portal[1]}" || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			fi
-	    else
-		ocf_run lio_node --permissive ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-		# permissive mode enables read-only access by default,
-		# so we need to change that to RW to be in line with
-		# the other implementations.
-		echo 0 > "/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/attrib/demo_mode_write_protect"
-		if [ `cat /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/attrib/demo_mode_write_protect` -ne 0 ]; then
-		    ocf_log err "Failed to disable write protection for target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}."
-		    exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		# in lio, we can set target parameters by manipulating
+		# the appropriate configfs entries
+		for param in ${OCF_RESKEY_additional_parameters}; do
+			name=${param%=*}
+			value=${param#*=}
+			configfs_path="/sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/param/${name}"
+			if [ -e ${configfs_path} ]; then
+				echo ${value} > ${configfs_path} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			else
+				ocf_log warn "Unsupported iSCSI target parameter ${name}: will be ignored."
+			fi
+		done
+		# lio does per-initiator filtering by default. To disable
+		# this, we need to switch the target to "permissive mode".
+		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}" ]; then
+			for initiator in ${OCF_RESKEY_allowed_initiators}; do
+				ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpg1/acls create ${initiator} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			done
+		else
+			ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpg1/ set attribute authentication=0 demo_mode_write_protect=0 generate_node_acls=1 cache_dynamic_acls=1 || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    fi
-	    # TODO: add CHAP authentication support when it gets added
-	    # back into LIO
-	    ocf_run lio_node --disableauth ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    # Finally, we need to enable the target to allow
-	    # initiators to connect
-	    ocf_run lio_node --enabletpg=${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} 1 || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		# TODO: add CHAP authentication support when it gets added
+		# back into LIO
+		ocf_run targetcli /iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpg1/ set attribute authentication=0 || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+#			   ocf_run targetcli /iscsi 
+		;;
+	esac
+	iSCSITarget_monitor
 iSCSITarget_stop() {
-    iSCSITarget_monitor
-    if [ $? =  $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
+	iSCSITarget_monitor
+	if [ $? -eq $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then
+		return $OCF_SUCCESS
+	fi
 	local tid
 	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    iet)
+	iet)
 		# Figure out the target ID
 		tid=`sed -ne "s/tid:\([[:digit:]]\+\) name:${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/\1/p" < /proc/net/iet/volume`
 		if [ -z "${tid}" ]; then
-		    ocf_log err "Failed to retrieve target ID for IQN ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}"
-		    exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			ocf_log err "Failed to retrieve target ID for IQN ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}"
 		# Close existing connections. There is no other way to
 		# do this in IET than to parse the contents of
 		# /proc/net/iet/session.
 		set -- $(sed -ne '/^tid:'${tid}' /,/^tid/ {
-                          /^[[:space:]]*sid:\([0-9]\+\)/ {
-                             s/^[[:space:]]*sid:\([0-9]*\).*/--sid=\1/; h;
-                          };
-                          /^[[:space:]]*cid:\([0-9]\+\)/ { 
-                              s/^[[:space:]]*cid:\([0-9]*\).*/--cid=\1/; G; p; 
-                          }; 
-                      }' < /proc/net/iet/session)
+						  /^[[:space:]]*sid:\([0-9]\+\)/ {
+							 s/^[[:space:]]*sid:\([0-9]*\).*/--sid=\1/; h;
+						  };
+						  /^[[:space:]]*cid:\([0-9]\+\)/ { 
+							  s/^[[:space:]]*cid:\([0-9]*\).*/--cid=\1/; G; p; 
+						  }; 
+					  }' < /proc/net/iet/session)
 		while [[ -n $2 ]]; do
-                    # $2 $1 looks like "--sid=X --cid=Y"
-		    ocf_run ietadm --op delete \
-			     --tid=${tid} $2 $1
-		    shift 2
+			# $2 $1 looks like "--sid=X --cid=Y"
+			ocf_run ietadm --op delete \
+				 --tid=${tid} $2 $1
+			shift 2
-   	        # In iet, unassigning a user from a target and
+			# In iet, unassigning a user from a target and
 		# deleting the user account is one operation.
 		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username}" ]; then
-		    ocf_run ietadm --op delete --user \
+			ocf_run ietadm --op delete --user \
 			--tid=${tid} \
 			--params=IncomingUser=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} \
 			|| exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
@@ -353,216 +406,226 @@ iSCSITarget_stop() {
 		# Loop on delete. Keep trying until we time out, if
 		# necessary.
 		while true; do
-		    if ietadm --op delete --tid=${tid}; then
-			ocf_log debug "Removed target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}."
-			break
-		    else
-			ocf_log warn "Failed to remove target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}, retrying."
-			sleep 1
-		    fi
+			if ietadm --op delete --tid=${tid}; then
+				ocf_log debug "Removed target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}."
+				break
+			else
+				ocf_log warn "Failed to remove target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}, retrying."
+				sleep 1
+			fi
 		# Avoid stale /etc/initiators.{allow,deny} entries
 		# for this target
 		if [ -e /etc/initiators.deny ]; then
-		    ocf_run sed -e "/^${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}[[:space:]]/d" \
+			ocf_run sed -e "/^${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}[[:space:]]/d" \
 			-i /etc/initiators.deny
 		if [ -e /etc/initiators.allow ]; then
-		    ocf_run sed -e "/^${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}[[:space:]]/d" \
+			ocf_run sed -e "/^${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}[[:space:]]/d" \
 			-i /etc/initiators.allow
-	    tgt)
+	tgt)
 		# Close existing connections. There is no other way to
 		# do this in tgt than to parse the output of "tgtadm --op
 		# show".
 		set -- $(tgtadm --lld iscsi --op show --mode target \
-		    | sed -ne '/^Target '${tid}':/,/^Target/ {
-                          /^[[:space:]]*I_T nexus: \([0-9]\+\)/ {
-                             s/^.*: \([0-9]*\).*/--sid=\1/; h;
-                          };
-                          /^[[:space:]]*Connection: \([0-9]\+\)/ { 
-                              s/^.*: \([0-9]*\).*/--cid=\1/; G; p; 
-                          }; 
-                          /^[[:space:]]*LUN information:/ q; 
-                      }')
+			| sed -ne '/^Target '${tid}':/,/^Target/ {
+						  /^[[:space:]]*I_T nexus: \([0-9]\+\)/ {
+							 s/^.*: \([0-9]*\).*/--sid=\1/; h;
+						  };
+						  /^[[:space:]]*Connection: \([0-9]\+\)/ { 
+							  s/^.*: \([0-9]*\).*/--cid=\1/; G; p; 
+						  }; 
+						  /^[[:space:]]*LUN information:/ q; 
+					  }')
 		while [[ -n $2 ]]; do
-                    # $2 $1 looks like "--sid=X --cid=Y"
-		    ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op delete --mode connection \
+			# $2 $1 looks like "--sid=X --cid=Y"
+			ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --op delete --mode connection \
 			--tid=${tid} $2 $1
-		    shift 2
+			shift 2
-	        # In tgt, we must first unbind the user account from
+			# In tgt, we must first unbind the user account from
 		# the target, then remove the account itself.
 		if [ -n "${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username}" ]; then
-		    ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op unbind \
-			--tid=${tid} \
-			--user=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
-		    ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op delete \
-			--user=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op unbind \
+				--tid=${tid} \
+				--user=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+			ocf_run tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode account --op delete \
+				--user=${OCF_RESKEY_incoming_username} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
 		# Loop on delete. Keep trying until we time out, if
 		# necessary.
 		while true; do
-		    if tgtadm --lld iscsi --op delete --mode target --tid=${tid}; then
-			ocf_log debug "Removed target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}."
-			break
-		    else
-			ocf_log warn "Failed to remove target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}, retrying."
-			sleep 1
-		    fi
+			if tgtadm --lld iscsi --op delete --mode target --tid=${tid}; then
+				ocf_log debug "Removed target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}."
+				break
+			else
+				ocf_log warn "Failed to remove target ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}, retrying."
+				sleep 1
+			fi
 		# In tgt, we don't have to worry about our ACL
 		# entries. They are automatically removed upon target
 		# deletion.
-	    lio)
+	lio)
 		# In lio, removing a target automatically removes all
 		# associated TPGs, network portals, and LUNs.
 		ocf_run lio_node --deliqn ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+	lio-t)
+		ocf_run targetcli /iscsi delete ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} || exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC
+		;;
-    fi
-    return $OCF_SUCCESS
+	return $OCF_SUCCESS
 iSCSITarget_monitor() {
-    case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
+	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    grep -Eq "tid:[0-9]+ name:${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}" /proc/net/iet/volume && return $OCF_SUCCESS
-	    ;;
+		grep -Eq "tid:[0-9]+ name:${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}" /proc/net/iet/volume && return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		;;
-	    tgtadm --lld iscsi --op show --mode target \
+		tgtadm --lld iscsi --op show --mode target \
 		| grep -Eq "Target [0-9]+: ${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}" && return $OCF_SUCCESS
-	    ;;
-	lio)
-	    # if we have no configfs entry for the target, it's
-	    # definitely stopped
-	    [ -d /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} ] || return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
-	    # if the target is there, but its TPG is not enabled, then
-	    # we also consider it stopped
-	    [ `cat /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/enable` -eq 1 ] || return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
-	    return $OCF_SUCCESS
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
+		;;
+	lio | lio-t)
+		# if we have no configfs entry for the target, it's
+		# definitely stopped
+		[ -d /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn} ] || return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
+		# if the target is there, but its TPG is not enabled, then
+		# we also consider it stopped
+		[ `cat /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/${OCF_RESKEY_iqn}/tpgt_1/enable` -eq 1 ] || return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING
+		return $OCF_SUCCESS
+		;;
+	esac
 iSCSITarget_validate() {
-    # Do we have all required variables?
-    local required_vars
-    case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
+	# Do we have all required variables?
+	local required_vars
+	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    required_vars="iqn"
-	    ;;
+		required_vars="iqn"
+		;;
-	    required_vars="iqn tid"
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    for var in ${required_vars}; do
-	param="OCF_RESKEY_${var}"
-	if [ -z "${!param}" ]; then
-	    ocf_log error "Missing resource parameter \"$var\"!"
-	fi
-    done
+		required_vars="iqn tid"
+		;;
+	esac
+	for var in ${required_vars}; do
+		param="OCF_RESKEY_${var}"
+		if [ -z "${!param}" ]; then
+			ocf_exit_reason "Missing resource parameter \"$var\"!"
+		fi
+	done
-    # Is the configured implementation supported?
-    case "$OCF_RESKEY_implementation" in
-	"iet"|"tgt"|"lio")
-	    ;;
+	# Is the configured implementation supported?
+	case "$OCF_RESKEY_implementation" in
+	"iet"|"tgt"|"lio"|"lio-t")
+		;;
-	    # The user didn't specify an implementation, and we were
-	    # unable to determine one from installed binaries (in
-	    # other words: no binaries for any supported
-	    # implementation could be found)
-	    ocf_log error "Undefined iSCSI target implementation"
-	    ;;
+		# The user didn't specify an implementation, and we were
+		# unable to determine one from installed binaries (in
+		# other words: no binaries for any supported
+		# implementation could be found)
+		ocf_exit_reason "Undefined iSCSI target implementation"
+		;;
-	    ocf_log error "Unsupported iSCSI target implementation \"$OCF_RESKEY_implementation\"!"
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    # Do we have any configuration parameters that the current
-    # implementation does not support?
-    local unsupported_params
-    local var
-    local envar
-    case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
+		ocf_exit_reason "Unsupported iSCSI target implementation \"$OCF_RESKEY_implementation\"!"
+		;;
+	esac
+	# Do we have any configuration parameters that the current
+	# implementation does not support?
+	local unsupported_params
+	local var
+	local envar
+	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    # IET and tgt do not support binding a target portal to a
-	    # specific IP address.
-	    unsupported_params="portals"
-	    ;;
-	lio)
-	    # TODO: Remove incoming_username and incoming_password
-	    # from this check when LIO 3.0 gets CHAP authentication
-	    unsupported_params="tid incoming_username incoming_password"
-	    ;;
-    esac
-    for var in ${unsupported_params}; do
-	envar=OCF_RESKEY_${var}
-	defvar=OCF_RESKEY_${var}_default
-	if [ -n "${!envar}" ]; then
-            if  [[ "${!envar}" != "${!defvar}" ]];then
-                    case "$__OCF_ACTION" in
-                        start|validate-all)
-                          ocf_log warn "Configuration parameter \"${var}\"" \
-                            "is not supported by the iSCSI implementation" \
-                            "and will be ignored." ;;
-                    esac
-            fi
-	fi
-    done
+		# IET and tgt do not support binding a target portal to a
+		# specific IP address.
+		unsupported_params="portals"
+		;;
+	lio|lio-t)
+		# TODO: Remove incoming_username and incoming_password
+		# from this check when LIO 3.0 gets CHAP authentication
+		unsupported_params="tid incoming_username incoming_password"
+		;;
+	esac
-    if ! ocf_is_probe; then
-        # Do we have all required binaries?
+	for var in ${unsupported_params}; do
+		envar=OCF_RESKEY_${var}
+		defvar=OCF_RESKEY_${var}_default
+		if [ -n "${!envar}" ]; then
+			if  [[ "${!envar}" != "${!defvar}" ]];then
+				case "$__OCF_ACTION" in
+					start|validate-all)
+						ocf_log warn "Configuration parameter \"${var}\"" \
+							"is not supported by the iSCSI implementation" \
+							"and will be ignored." ;;
+				esac
+			fi
+		fi
+	done
+	if ! ocf_is_probe; then
+		# Do we have all required binaries?
 	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    iet)
+	iet)
 		check_binary ietadm
-	    tgt)
+	tgt)
 		check_binary tgtadm
-	    lio)
+	lio)
 		check_binary tcm_node
 		check_binary lio_node
+	lio-t)
+		check_binary targetcli
+		;;
-        # Is the required kernel functionality available?
+	# Is the required kernel functionality available?
 	case $OCF_RESKEY_implementation in
-	    iet)
+	iet)
 		[ -d /proc/net/iet ]
 		if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-		    ocf_log err "/proc/net/iet does not exist or is not a directory -- check if required modules are loaded."
-		    exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED
+			ocf_log err "/proc/net/iet does not exist or is not a directory -- check if required modules are loaded."
-	    tgt)
-	        # tgt is userland only
+	tgt)
+			# tgt is userland only
-	    lio)
-	        # lio needs configfs to be mounted
+	lio)
+			# lio needs configfs to be mounted
 		if ! grep -Eq "^.*/sys/kernel/config[[:space:]]+configfs" /proc/mounts; then
-		    ocf_log err "configfs not mounted at /sys/kernel/config -- check if required modules are loaded."
-		    exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED
+			ocf_log err "configfs not mounted at /sys/kernel/config -- check if required modules are loaded."
-	        # check for configfs entries created by target_core_mod
+			# check for configfs entries created by target_core_mod
 		if [ ! -d /sys/kernel/config/target ]; then
-		    ocf_log err "/sys/kernel/config/target does not exist or is not a directory -- check if required modules are loaded."
-		    exit $OCF_ERR_INSTALLED
+			ocf_log err "/sys/kernel/config/target does not exist or is not a directory -- check if required modules are loaded."
+	lio-t)
+		#targetcli loads the needed kernel modules
+		;;
-    fi
+	fi
-    return $OCF_SUCCESS
+	return $OCF_SUCCESS
@@ -585,7 +648,7 @@ start)		iSCSITarget_start;;
 stop)		iSCSITarget_stop;;
 monitor|status)	iSCSITarget_monitor;;
 reload)		ocf_log err "Reloading..."
-	        iSCSITarget_start
+			iSCSITarget_start
 validate-all)	;;
 *)		iSCSITarget_usage