Blob Blame History Raw
From 673800fe903588164b703e0e9be04ced78492b93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eion Robb <>
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 03:13:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fix for crash when sending invalid xml entities separated
 by whitespace, eg "&# 3000;"

branch : EionRobb/fix-for-crash-when-sending-invalid-xml-e-1487474010880
 libpurple/util.c | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libpurple/util.c b/libpurple/util.c
index 9f2a904ae688..4b8fecd2ab84 100644
--- a/libpurple/util.c
+++ b/libpurple/util.c
@@ -978,8 +978,8 @@ purple_markup_unescape_entity(const char *text, int *length)
 	else if(IS_ENTITY("&apos;"))
 		pln = "\'";
 	else if(*(text+1) == '#' &&
-			(sscanf(text, "&#%u%1[;]", &pound, temp) == 2 ||
-			 sscanf(text, "&#x%x%1[;]", &pound, temp) == 2) &&
+			(sscanf(text, "&#%*[^ ]%u%1[;]", &pound, temp) == 2 ||
+			 sscanf(text, "&#x%*[^ ]%x%1[;]", &pound, temp) == 2) &&
 			pound != 0) {
 		static char buf[7];
 		int buflen = g_unichar_to_utf8((gunichar)pound, buf);

From 4a5ebea2ad6281bd7a223d33fac3dcd2fe5cd798 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eion Robb <>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 21:05:32 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Use the more robust entity processing that @dequisdequis
 came up with

branch : EionRobb/fix-for-crash-when-sending-invalid-xml-e-1487474010880
 libpurple/util.c | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libpurple/util.c b/libpurple/util.c
index 4b8fecd2ab84..cff526de0726 100644
--- a/libpurple/util.c
+++ b/libpurple/util.c
@@ -977,18 +977,29 @@ purple_markup_unescape_entity(const char *text, int *length)
 		pln = "\302\256";      /* or use g_unichar_to_utf8(0xae); */
 	else if(IS_ENTITY("&apos;"))
 		pln = "\'";
-	else if(*(text+1) == '#' &&
-			(sscanf(text, "&#%*[^ ]%u%1[;]", &pound, temp) == 2 ||
-			 sscanf(text, "&#x%*[^ ]%x%1[;]", &pound, temp) == 2) &&
-			pound != 0) {
+	else if(text[1] == '#' && g_ascii_isxdigit(text[2])) {
 		static char buf[7];
-		int buflen = g_unichar_to_utf8((gunichar)pound, buf);
+		const char *start = text + 2;
+		char *end;
+		guint64 pound;
+		int base = 10;
+		int buflen;
+		if (*start == 'x') {
+			base = 16;
+			start++;
+		}
+		pound = g_ascii_strtoull(start, &end, base);
+		if (pound == 0 || pound > INT_MAX || *end != ';') {
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		len = (end - text) + 1;
+		buflen = g_unichar_to_utf8((gunichar)pound, buf);
 		buf[buflen] = '\0';
 		pln = buf;
-		len = (*(text+2) == 'x' ? 3 : 2);
-		while(isxdigit((gint) text[len])) len++;
-		if(text[len] == ';') len++;
 		return NULL;