Blob Blame History Raw
# HG changeset patch
# User Martin Thomson <>
# Date 1501813647 -36000
#      Fri Aug 04 12:27:27 2017 +1000
# Node ID 839200ce0943166a079284bdf45dcc37bb672925
# Parent  6254e8431392863fd0aa7e70c311add48af05775
Bug 1377618 - Simplify handling of CertificateVerify, r=kaie

diff --git a/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c b/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
--- a/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
+++ b/lib/ssl/ssl3con.c
@@ -9758,13 +9758,12 @@ ssl3_HandleCertificateVerify(sslSocket *
         hashAlg = ssl_SignatureSchemeToHashType(sigScheme);
-        if (hashes-> {
-            rv = ssl3_ComputeHandshakeHash(hashes->,
-                                           hashes->u.pointer_to_hash_input.len,
-                                           hashAlg, &localHashes);
-        } else {
-            rv = SECFailure;
-        }
+        /* Read from the message buffer, but we need to use only up to the end
+         * of the previous handshake message. The length of the transcript up to
+         * that point is saved in |hashes->u.transcriptLen|. */
+        rv = ssl3_ComputeHandshakeHash(ss->ssl3.hs.messages.buf,
+                                       hashes->u.transcriptLen,
+                                       hashAlg, &localHashes);
         if (rv == SECSuccess) {
             hashesForVerify = &localHashes;
@@ -11664,15 +11663,15 @@ ssl3_HandleHandshakeMessage(sslSocket *s
                  * additional handshake messages will have been added to the
                  * buffer, e.g. the certificate_verify message itself.)
-                 * Therefore, we use SSL3Hashes.u.pointer_to_hash_input
-                 * to signal the current state of the buffer.
+                 * Therefore, we use SSL3Hashes.u.transcriptLen to save how much
+                 * data there is and read directly from ss->ssl3.hs.messages
+                 * when calculating the hashes.
                  * ssl3_HandleCertificateVerify will detect
                  *     hashType == handshake_hash_record
                  * and use that information to calculate the hash.
-       = ss->ssl3.hs.messages.buf;
-                hashes.u.pointer_to_hash_input.len = ss->ssl3.hs.messages.len;
+                hashes.u.transcriptLen = ss->ssl3.hs.messages.len;
                 hashesPtr = &hashes;
             } else {
                 computeHashes = PR_TRUE;
diff --git a/lib/ssl/ssl3prot.h b/lib/ssl/ssl3prot.h
--- a/lib/ssl/ssl3prot.h
+++ b/lib/ssl/ssl3prot.h
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ typedef struct {
     union {
         PRUint8 raw[64];
         SSL3HashesIndividually s;
-        SECItem pointer_to_hash_input;
+        unsigned int transcriptLen;
     } u;
 } SSL3Hashes;