Blob Blame History Raw
From 5198d704e964fa896773d250624858e865c30082 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Richard W.M. Jones" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2018 10:29:23 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] v2v: Add general mechanism for input and output options

Currently we have a bunch of ad hoc options like --vddk* and --vdsm*
(and proposed to add --rhv*) to handle extra parameters for input and
output modes/transports.  This complicates the command line parsing
and also the clarity of the command line (becauseit's not very obvious
which options apply to which side of the conversion).

Replace these with a general mechanism for handling input and output

Thus (for example):

  --vddk-thumbprint=...   becomes   -io vddk-thumbprint=...
  --vdsm-compat=0.10                -oo vdsm-compat=0.10

The responsibility for parsing input and output options moves into the
input and output drivers.

This improves error checking so it's harder now for wrong flags to be
included on the command line when they don't apply to the current mode.

The old option names are preserved for compatibility.

(cherry picked from commit 6327e716cdd2f161bc639733f216a3a29d26ad3c)
 v2v/                  |   4 +
 v2v/                   | 229 ++++++++++++++-------------
 v2v/             |   4 +-
 v2v/input_libvirt.mli            |   4 +-
 v2v/        | 112 +++++++++-----
 v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.mli       |  16 +-
 v2v/               |  79 +++++++++-
 v2v/output_vdsm.mli              |  13 +-
 v2v/             |  31 +++-
 v2v/ |  38 +++++
 v2v/  |  38 +++++
 v2v/   |  16 +-
 v2v/virt-v2v.pod                 | 258 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 13 files changed, 530 insertions(+), 312 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 v2v/
 create mode 100755 v2v/

diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index 0c3224b24..482ba58e5 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -307,6 +307,8 @@ TESTS = \ \ \ \
+ \
+ \
@@ -470,6 +472,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
 	test-v2v-i-vmx-4.vmx \
 	test-v2v-i-vmx-5.vmx \ \
+ \ \
 	test-v2v-networks-and-bridges-expected.xml \ \
@@ -480,6 +483,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \ \ \ \
+ \ \ \ \
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index a83fcbae0..5b8f686a8 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -65,24 +65,6 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
   let output_password = ref None in
   let output_storage = ref None in
   let password_file = ref None in
-  let vddk_config = ref None in
-  let vddk_cookie = ref None in
-  let vddk_libdir = ref None in
-  let vddk_nfchostport = ref None in
-  let vddk_port = ref None in
-  let vddk_snapshot = ref None in
-  let vddk_thumbprint = ref None in
-  let vddk_transports = ref None in
-  let vddk_vimapiver = ref None in
-  let vdsm_vm_uuid = ref None in
-  let vdsm_ovf_output = ref None in (* default "." *)
-  let vdsm_compat = ref "0.10" in
-  let set_vdsm_compat s = vdsm_compat := s in
-  let vdsm_ovf_flavour = ref Create_ovf.RHVExportStorageDomain in
-  let set_vdsm_ovf_flavour arg =
-    vdsm_ovf_flavour := Create_ovf.ovf_flavour_of_string arg in
   let set_string_option_once optname optref arg =
     match !optref with
@@ -106,6 +88,15 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
       error (f_"unknown -i option: %s") s
+  let input_options = ref [] in
+  let set_input_option_compat k v =
+    input_options := (k, v) :: !input_options
+  in
+  let set_input_option option =
+    let k, v = String.split "=" option in
+    set_input_option_compat k v
+  in
   let network_map = ref NetworkMap.empty in
   let add_network, add_bridge =
     let add flag name t str =
@@ -159,6 +150,15 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
       error (f_"unknown -oa option: %s") s
+  let output_options = ref [] in
+  let set_output_option_compat k v =
+    output_options := (k, v) :: !output_options
+  in
+  let set_output_option option =
+    let k, v = String.split "=" option in
+    set_output_option_compat k v
+  in
   let root_choice = ref AskRoot in
   let set_root_choice = function
     | "ask" -> root_choice := AskRoot
@@ -169,12 +169,6 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
       error (f_"unknown --root option: %s") s
-  let vdsm_image_uuids = ref [] in
-  let add_vdsm_image_uuid s = List.push_front s vdsm_image_uuids in
-  let vdsm_vol_uuids = ref [] in
-  let add_vdsm_vol_uuid s = List.push_front s vdsm_vol_uuids in
   let vmtype_warning _ =
     warning (f_"the --vmtype option has been removed and now does nothing")
@@ -198,6 +192,8 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
                                     s_"Libvirt URI";
     [ M"if" ],       Getopt.String ("format", set_string_option_once "-if" input_format),
                                     s_"Input format (for -i disk)";
+    [ M"io" ],       Getopt.String ("option[=value]", set_input_option),
+                                    s_"Set option for input mode";
     [ M"it" ],       Getopt.String ("transport", set_string_option_once "-it" input_transport),
                                     s_"Input transport";
     [ L"in-place" ], Getopt.Set in_place,
@@ -220,6 +216,8 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
                                     s_"Set output format";
     [ M"on" ],       Getopt.String ("name", set_string_option_once "-on" output_name),
                                     s_"Rename guest when converting";
+    [ M"oo" ],       Getopt.String ("option[=value]", set_output_option),
+                                    s_"Set option for output mode";
     [ M"op" ],       Getopt.String ("filename", set_string_option_once "-op" output_password),
                                     s_"Use password from file to connect to output hypervisor";
     [ M"os" ],       Getopt.String ("storage", set_string_option_once "-os" output_storage),
@@ -231,36 +229,36 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
     [ L"qemu-boot" ], Getopt.Set qemu_boot, s_"Boot in qemu (-o qemu only)";
     [ L"root" ],     Getopt.String ("ask|... ", set_root_choice),
                                     s_"How to choose root filesystem";
-    [ L"vddk-config" ], Getopt.String ("filename", set_string_option_once "--vddk-config" vddk_config),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK config file";
-    [ L"vddk-cookie" ], Getopt.String ("cookie", set_string_option_once "--vddk-cookie" vddk_cookie),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK cookie";
-    [ L"vddk-libdir" ], Getopt.String ("libdir", set_string_option_once "--vddk-libdir" vddk_libdir),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK library parent directory";
-    [ L"vddk-nfchostport" ], Getopt.String ("nfchostport", set_string_option_once "--vddk-nfchostport" vddk_nfchostport),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK nfchostport";
-    [ L"vddk-port" ], Getopt.String ("port", set_string_option_once "--vddk-port" vddk_port),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK port";
-    [ L"vddk-snapshot" ], Getopt.String ("snapshot-moref", set_string_option_once "--vddk-snapshot" vddk_snapshot),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK snapshot";
-    [ L"vddk-thumbprint" ], Getopt.String ("thumbprint", set_string_option_once "--vddk-thumbprint" vddk_thumbprint),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK thumbprint";
-    [ L"vddk-transports" ], Getopt.String ("transports", set_string_option_once "--vddk-transports" vddk_transports),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK transports";
-    [ L"vddk-vimapiver" ], Getopt.String ("apiver", set_string_option_once "--vddk-vimapiver" vddk_vimapiver),
-                                    s_"Set VDDK vimapiver";
-    [ L"vdsm-compat" ], Getopt.Symbol ("0.10|1.1", ["0.10"; "1.1"], set_vdsm_compat),
-                                    s_"Write qcow2 with compat=0.10|1.1";
-    [ L"vdsm-image-uuid" ], Getopt.String ("uuid", add_vdsm_image_uuid),
-                                    s_"Output image UUID(s)";
-    [ L"vdsm-vol-uuid" ], Getopt.String ("uuid", add_vdsm_vol_uuid),
-                                    s_"Output vol UUID(s)";
-    [ L"vdsm-vm-uuid" ], Getopt.String ("uuid", set_string_option_once "--vdsm-vm-uuid" vdsm_vm_uuid),
-                                    s_"Output VM UUID";
-    [ L"vdsm-ovf-output" ], Getopt.String ("-", set_string_option_once "--vdsm-ovf-output" vdsm_ovf_output),
-                                    s_"Output OVF file";
-    [ L"vdsm-ovf-flavour" ], Getopt.Symbol (ovf_flavours_str, Create_ovf.ovf_flavours, set_vdsm_ovf_flavour),
-                                    s_"Set the type of generated OVF (default rhvexp)";
+    [ L"vddk-config" ], Getopt.String ("filename", set_input_option_compat "vddk-config"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-config=filename’";
+    [ L"vddk-cookie" ], Getopt.String ("cookie", set_input_option_compat "vddk-cookie"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-cookie=filename’";
+    [ L"vddk-libdir" ], Getopt.String ("libdir", set_input_option_compat "vddk-libdir"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-libdir=libdir’";
+    [ L"vddk-nfchostport" ], Getopt.String ("nfchostport", set_input_option_compat "vddk-nfchostport"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-nfchostport=nfchostport’";
+    [ L"vddk-port" ], Getopt.String ("port", set_input_option_compat "vddk-port"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-port=port’";
+    [ L"vddk-snapshot" ], Getopt.String ("snapshot-moref", set_input_option_compat "vddk-snapshot"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-snapshot=snapshot-moref’";
+    [ L"vddk-thumbprint" ], Getopt.String ("thumbprint", set_input_option_compat "vddk-thumbprint"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-thumbprint=thumbprint’";
+    [ L"vddk-transports" ], Getopt.String ("transports", set_input_option_compat "vddk-transports"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-transports=transports’";
+    [ L"vddk-vimapiver" ], Getopt.String ("apiver", set_input_option_compat "vddk-vimapiver"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-io vddk-vimapiver=apiver’";
+    [ L"vdsm-compat" ], Getopt.String ("0.10|1.1", set_output_option_compat "vdsm-compat"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-oo vdsm-compat=0.10|1.1’";
+    [ L"vdsm-image-uuid" ], Getopt.String ("uuid", set_output_option_compat "vdsm-image-uuid"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-oo vdsm-image-uuid=uuid’";
+    [ L"vdsm-vol-uuid" ], Getopt.String ("uuid", set_output_option_compat "vdsm-vol-uuid"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-oo vdsm-vol-uuid=uuid’";
+    [ L"vdsm-vm-uuid" ], Getopt.String ("uuid", set_output_option_compat "vdsm-vm-uuid"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-oo vdsm-vm-uuid=uuid’";
+    [ L"vdsm-ovf-output" ], Getopt.String ("dir", set_output_option_compat "vdsm-ovf-output"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-oo vdsm-ovf-output=dir’";
+    [ L"vdsm-ovf-flavour" ], Getopt.String (ovf_flavours_str, set_output_option_compat "vdsm-ovf-flavour"),
+                                    s_"Same as ‘-oo vdsm-ovf-flavour=flavour’";
     [ L"vmtype" ],   Getopt.String ("-", vmtype_warning),
                                     s_"Ignored for backwards compatibility";
   ] in
@@ -299,6 +297,7 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
   let input_conn = !input_conn in
   let input_format = !input_format in
   let input_mode = !input_mode in
+  let input_options = List.rev !input_options in
   let input_transport =
     match !input_transport with
     | None -> None
@@ -317,28 +316,13 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
   let output_format = !output_format in
   let output_mode = !output_mode in
   let output_name = !output_name in
+  let output_options = List.rev !output_options in
   let output_password = !output_password in
   let output_storage = !output_storage in
   let password_file = !password_file in
   let print_source = !print_source in
   let qemu_boot = !qemu_boot in
   let root_choice = !root_choice in
-  let vddk_options =
-      { Input_libvirt_vddk.vddk_config = !vddk_config;
-        vddk_cookie = !vddk_cookie;
-        vddk_libdir = !vddk_libdir;
-        vddk_nfchostport = !vddk_nfchostport;
-        vddk_port = !vddk_port;
-        vddk_snapshot = !vddk_snapshot;
-        vddk_thumbprint = !vddk_thumbprint;
-        vddk_transports = !vddk_transports;
-        vddk_vimapiver = !vddk_vimapiver } in
-  let vdsm_compat = !vdsm_compat in
-  let vdsm_image_uuids = List.rev !vdsm_image_uuids in
-  let vdsm_vol_uuids = List.rev !vdsm_vol_uuids in
-  let vdsm_vm_uuid = !vdsm_vm_uuid in
-  let vdsm_ovf_output = Option.default "." !vdsm_ovf_output in
-  let vdsm_ovf_flavour = !vdsm_ovf_flavour in
   (* No arguments and machine-readable mode?  Print out some facts
    * about what this binary supports.
@@ -352,6 +336,7 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
     printf "colours-option\n";
     printf "vdsm-compat-option\n";
     printf "in-place\n";
+    printf "io/oo\n";
     List.iter (printf "input:%s\n") (Modules_list.input_modules ());
     List.iter (printf "output:%s\n") (Modules_list.output_modules ());
     List.iter (printf "convert:%s\n") (Modules_list.convert_modules ());
@@ -359,6 +344,65 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
     exit 0
+  (* Input transport affects whether some input options should or
+   * should not be used.
+   *)
+  let input_transport =
+    let is_query = input_options = ["?", ""] in
+    let no_options () =
+      if is_query then (
+        printf (f_"No -io (input options) are supported with this input transport.\n");
+        exit 0
+      )
+      else if input_options <> [] then
+        error (f_"no -io (input options) are allowed here");
+    in
+    match input_transport with
+    | None -> no_options (); None
+    | Some `SSH -> no_options (); Some `SSH
+    | Some `VDDK ->
+       if is_query then (
+         Input_libvirt_vddk.print_input_options ();
+         exit 0
+       )
+       else (
+         let vddk_options =
+           Input_libvirt_vddk.parse_input_options input_options in
+         Some (`VDDK vddk_options)
+       ) in
+  (* Output mode affects whether some output options should or
+   * should not be used.
+   *)
+  let output_mode =
+    let is_query = output_options = ["?", ""] in
+    let no_options () =
+      if is_query then (
+        printf (f_"No -oo (output options) are supported in this output mode.\n");
+        exit 0
+      )
+      else if output_options <> [] then
+        error (f_"no -oo (output options) are allowed here");
+    in
+    match output_mode with
+    | `Not_set -> no_options (); `Not_set
+    | `Glance -> no_options (); `Glance
+    | `Libvirt -> no_options (); `Libvirt
+    | `Local -> no_options (); `Local
+    | `Null -> no_options (); `Null
+    | `RHV -> no_options (); `RHV
+    | `QEmu -> no_options (); `QEmu
+    | `VDSM ->
+       if is_query then (
+         Output_vdsm.print_output_options ();
+         exit 0
+       )
+       else (
+         let vdsm_options =
+           Output_vdsm.parse_output_options output_options in
+         `VDSM vdsm_options
+       ) in
   (* Parse out the password from the password file. *)
   let password =
     match password_file with
@@ -367,27 +411,6 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
       let password = read_first_line_from_file filename in
       Some password in
-  (* Input transport affects whether some parameters should or
-   * should not be used.
-   *)
-  (match input_transport with
-   | None
-   | Some `SSH ->
-      if !vddk_config <> None ||
-         !vddk_cookie <> None ||
-         !vddk_libdir <> None ||
-         !vddk_nfchostport <> None ||
-         !vddk_port <> None ||
-         !vddk_snapshot <> None ||
-         !vddk_thumbprint <> None ||
-         !vddk_transports <> None ||
-         !vddk_vimapiver <> None then
-        error (f_"‘--vddk-*’ options should only be used when conversion via the nbdkit VDDK plugin has been enabled, ie. using ‘-it vddk’.")
-   | Some `VDDK ->
-      if !vddk_thumbprint = None then
-        error (f_"‘--vddk-thumbprint’ is required when using ‘-it vddk’.")
-  );
   (* Parsing of the argument(s) depends on the input mode. *)
   let input =
     match input_mode with
@@ -413,11 +436,10 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
       let input_transport =
         match input_transport with
         | None -> None
-        | Some `VDDK -> Some `VDDK
+        | (Some (`VDDK _) as vddk) -> vddk
         | Some `SSH ->
            error (f_"only ‘-it vddk’ can be used here") in
-      Input_libvirt.input_libvirt vddk_options password
-                                  input_conn input_transport guest
+      Input_libvirt.input_libvirt password input_conn input_transport guest
     | `LibvirtXML ->
       (* -i libvirtxml: Expecting a filename (XML file). *)
@@ -448,7 +470,7 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
         match input_transport with
         | None -> None
         | Some `SSH -> Some `SSH
-        | Some `VDDK ->
+        | Some (`VDDK _) ->
            error (f_"only ‘-it ssh’ can be used here") in
       Input_vmx.input_vmx input_transport arg in
@@ -546,7 +568,7 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
       Output_rhv.output_rhv os output_alloc,
       output_format, output_alloc
-    | `VDSM ->
+    | `VDSM vdsm_options ->
       if output_password <> None then
         error_option_cannot_be_used_in_output_mode "vdsm" "-op";
       let os =
@@ -556,21 +578,6 @@ read the man page virt-v2v(1).
         | Some d -> d in
       if qemu_boot then
         error_option_cannot_be_used_in_output_mode "vdsm" "--qemu-boot";
-      let vdsm_vm_uuid =
-        match vdsm_vm_uuid with
-        | None ->
-           error (f_"-o vdsm: --vdsm-image-uuid was not specified")
-        | Some s -> s in
-      if vdsm_image_uuids = [] || vdsm_vol_uuids = [] then
-        error (f_"-o vdsm: either --vdsm-vol-uuid or --vdsm-vm-uuid was not specified");
-      let vdsm_options = {
-        Output_vdsm.image_uuids = vdsm_image_uuids;
-        vol_uuids = vdsm_vol_uuids;
-        vm_uuid = vdsm_vm_uuid;
-        ovf_output = vdsm_ovf_output;
-        compat = vdsm_compat;
-        ovf_flavour = vdsm_ovf_flavour;
-      } in
       Output_vdsm.output_vdsm os vdsm_options output_alloc,
       output_format, output_alloc in
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index 25c81b924..377257dc2 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ open Types
 open Utils
 (* Choose the right subclass based on the URI. *)
-let input_libvirt vddk_options password libvirt_uri input_transport guest =
+let input_libvirt password libvirt_uri input_transport guest =
   match libvirt_uri with
   | None ->
     Input_libvirt_other.input_libvirt_other password libvirt_uri guest
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ let input_libvirt vddk_options password libvirt_uri input_transport guest =
          password libvirt_uri parsed_uri server guest
     (* vCenter or ESXi using nbdkit vddk plugin *)
-    | Some server, Some ("esx"|"gsx"|"vpx"), Some `VDDK ->
+    | Some server, Some ("esx"|"gsx"|"vpx"), Some (`VDDK vddk_options) ->
        Input_libvirt_vddk.input_libvirt_vddk vddk_options password
                                              libvirt_uri parsed_uri guest
diff --git a/v2v/input_libvirt.mli b/v2v/input_libvirt.mli
index 6f9162482..08824bb67 100644
--- a/v2v/input_libvirt.mli
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt.mli
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (** [-i libvirt] source. *)
-val input_libvirt : Input_libvirt_vddk.vddk_options -> string option -> string option -> [`VDDK] option -> string -> Types.input
-(** [input_libvirt vddk_options password libvirt_uri input_transport guest]
+val input_libvirt : string option -> string option -> [`VDDK of Input_libvirt_vddk.vddk_options] option -> string -> Types.input
+(** [input_libvirt password libvirt_uri input_transport guest]
     creates and returns a new {!Types.input} object specialized for reading
     input from libvirt sources. *)
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index a53f3e71d..0b3ed7af9 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -33,22 +33,73 @@ open Xpath_helpers
 open Printf
-type vddk_options = {
-    vddk_config : string option;
-    vddk_cookie : string option;
-    vddk_libdir : string option;
-    vddk_nfchostport : string option;
-    vddk_port : string option;
-    vddk_snapshot : string option;
-    vddk_thumbprint : string option;
-    vddk_transports : string option;
-    vddk_vimapiver : string option;
+type vddk_options = (string * string) list
+(* List of vddk-* input options. *)
+let vddk_option_keys =
+  [ "config";
+    "cookie";
+    "libdir";
+    "nfchostport";
+    "port";
+    "snapshot";
+    "thumbprint";
+    "transports";
+    "vimapiver" ]
+let print_input_options () =
+  printf (f_"Input options (-io) which can be used with -it vddk:
+  -io vddk-thumbprint=xx:xx:xx:...
+                               VDDK server thumbprint (required)
+All other settings are optional:
+  -io vddk-config=FILE         VDDK configuration file
+  -io vddk-cookie=COOKIE       VDDK cookie
+  -io vddk-libdir=LIBDIR       VDDK library parent directory
+  -io vddk-nfchostport=PORT    VDDK nfchostport
+  -io vddk-port=PORT           VDDK port
+  -io vddk-snapshot=SNAPSHOT-MOREF
+                               VDDK snapshot moref
+  -io vddk-transports=MODE:MODE:..
+                               VDDK transports
+  -io vddk-vimapiver=APIVER    VDDK vimapiver
+Refer to nbdkit-vddk-plugin(1) and the VDDK documentation for further
+information on these settings.
+let parse_input_options options =
+  (* Check there are no options we don't understand.  Also removes
+   * the "vddk-" prefix from the internal list.
+   *)
+  let options =
+ (
+      fun (key, value) ->
+        let error_invalid_key () =
+          error (f_"-it vddk: ‘-io %s’ is not a valid input option") key
+        in
+        if not (String.is_prefix key "vddk-") then error_invalid_key ();
+        let key = String.sub key 5 (String.length key-5) in
+        if not (List.mem key vddk_option_keys) then error_invalid_key ();
+        (key, value)
+    ) options in
+  (* Check no option appears twice. *)
+  let keys = fst options in
+  if List.length keys <> List.length (List.sort_uniq keys) then
+    error (f_"-it vddk: duplicate -io options on the command line");
+  options
 (* Subclass specialized for handling VMware via nbdkit vddk plugin. *)
 class input_libvirt_vddk vddk_options password libvirt_uri parsed_uri guest =
   (* The VDDK path. *)
-  let libdir = vddk_options.vddk_libdir in
+  let libdir =
+    try Some (List.assoc "libdir" vddk_options)
+    with Not_found -> None in
   (* VDDK libraries are located under lib32/ or lib64/ relative to the
    * libdir.  Note this is unrelated to Linux multilib or multiarch.
@@ -68,7 +119,7 @@ class input_libvirt_vddk vddk_options password libvirt_uri parsed_uri guest =
      | None -> ()
      | Some libdir ->
         if not (is_directory libdir) then
-          error (f_"‘--vddk-libdir %s’ does not point to a directory.  See \"INPUT FROM VDDK\" in the virt-v2v(1) manual.") libdir
+          error (f_"‘-io vddk-libdir=%s’ does not point to a directory.  See \"INPUT FROM VDDK\" in the virt-v2v(1) manual.") libdir
     (match library_path with
@@ -122,15 +173,15 @@ See also \"INPUT FROM VDDK\" in the virt-v2v(1) manual.")
         error (f_"nbdkit VDDK plugin is not installed or not working.  It is required if you want to use VDDK.
-It looks like you did not set the right path in the ‘--vddk-libdir’ option, or your copy of the VDDK directory is incomplete.  There should be a library called ’<libdir>/%s/’.
+It looks like you did not set the right path in the ‘-io vddk-libdir’ option, or your copy of the VDDK directory is incomplete.  There should be a library called ’<libdir>/%s/’.
 See also \"INPUT FROM VDDK\" in the virt-v2v(1) manual.") libNN
   let error_unless_thumbprint () =
-    if vddk_options.vddk_thumbprint = None then
-      error (f_"You must pass the ‘--vddk-thumbprint’ option with the SSL thumbprint of the VMware server.  To find the thumbprint, see the nbdkit-vddk-plugin(1) manual.  See also \"INPUT FROM VDDK\" in the virt-v2v(1) manual.")
+    if not (List.mem_assoc "thumbprint" vddk_options) then
+      error (f_"You must pass the ‘-io vddk-thumbprint’ option with the SSL thumbprint of the VMware server.  To find the thumbprint, see the nbdkit-vddk-plugin(1) manual.  See also \"INPUT FROM VDDK\" in the virt-v2v(1) manual.")
   (* Check that nbdkit was compiled with SELinux support (for the
@@ -147,18 +198,6 @@ See also \"INPUT FROM VDDK\" in the virt-v2v(1) manual.") libNN
       error (f_"nbdkit was compiled without SELinux support.  You will have to recompile nbdkit with libselinux-devel installed, or else set SELinux to Permissive mode while doing the conversion.")
-  (* List of passthrough parameters. *)
-  let vddk_passthrus =
-    [ "config",      (fun { vddk_config }      -> vddk_config);
-      "cookie",      (fun { vddk_cookie }      -> vddk_cookie);
-      "libdir",      (fun { vddk_libdir }      -> vddk_libdir);
-      "nfchostport", (fun { vddk_nfchostport } -> vddk_nfchostport);
-      "port",        (fun { vddk_port }        -> vddk_port);
-      "snapshot",    (fun { vddk_snapshot }    -> vddk_snapshot);
-      "thumbprint",  (fun { vddk_thumbprint }  -> vddk_thumbprint);
-      "transports",  (fun { vddk_transports }  -> vddk_transports);
-      "vimapiver",   (fun { vddk_vimapiver }   -> vddk_vimapiver) ] in
   inherit input_libvirt password libvirt_uri guest as super
@@ -172,14 +211,9 @@ object
   method as_options =
     let pt_options =
-      String.concat "" (
- (
-          fun (name, get_field) ->
-            match get_field vddk_options with
-            | None -> ""
-            | Some field -> sprintf " --vddk-%s %s" name field
-        ) vddk_passthrus
-      ) in
+      String.concat ""
+                    ( (fun (k, v) ->
+                         sprintf " -io vddk-%s=%s" k v) vddk_options) in
     sprintf "%s -it vddk %s"
             super#as_options (* superclass prints "-i libvirt etc" *)
@@ -284,11 +318,7 @@ object
       add_arg (sprintf "vm=moref=%s" moref);
       (* The passthrough parameters. *)
-      List.iter (
-        fun (name, get_field) ->
-          Option.may (fun field -> add_arg (sprintf "%s=%s" name field))
-                     (get_field vddk_options)
-      ) vddk_passthrus;
+      List.iter (fun (k, v) -> add_arg (sprintf "%s=%s" k v)) vddk_options;
       get_args () in
diff --git a/v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.mli b/v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.mli
index c8606c72a..1cebba506 100644
--- a/v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.mli
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.mli
@@ -18,19 +18,13 @@
 (** [-i libvirt] when the source is VMware via nbdkit vddk plugin *)
-type vddk_options = {
-    vddk_config : string option;
-    vddk_cookie : string option;
-    vddk_libdir : string option;
-    vddk_nfchostport : string option;
-    vddk_port : string option;
-    vddk_snapshot : string option;
-    vddk_thumbprint : string option;
-    vddk_transports : string option;
-    vddk_vimapiver : string option;
+type vddk_options
 (** Various options passed through to the nbdkit vddk plugin unmodified. *)
+val print_input_options : unit -> unit
+val parse_input_options : (string * string) list -> vddk_options
+(** Print and parse vddk -io options. *)
 val input_libvirt_vddk : vddk_options -> string option -> string option -> Xml.uri -> string -> Types.input
 (** [input_libvirt_vddk vddk_options password libvirt_uri parsed_uri guest]
     creates and returns a {!Types.input} object specialized for reading
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index b76a2e930..92b3fd122 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -35,23 +35,90 @@ type vdsm_options = {
   ovf_flavour : Create_ovf.ovf_flavour;
+let ovf_flavours_str = String.concat "|" Create_ovf.ovf_flavours
+let print_output_options () =
+  printf (f_"Output options (-oo) which can be used with -o vdsm:
+  -oo vdsm-compat=0.10|1.1     Write qcow2 with compat=0.10|1.1
+                                   (default: 0.10)
+  -oo vdsm-vm-uuid=UUID        VM UUID (required)
+  -oo vdsm-ovf-output=DIR      OVF metadata directory (required)
+  -oo vdsm-ovf-flavour=%s
+                               Set the type of generated OVF (default: rhvexp)
+For each disk you must supply one of each of these options:
+  -oo vdsm-image-uuid=UUID     Image directory UUID
+  -oo vdsm-vol-uuid=UUID       Disk volume UUID
+") ovf_flavours_str
+let parse_output_options options =
+  let vm_uuid = ref None in
+  let ovf_output = ref None in (* default "." *)
+  let compat = ref "0.10" in
+  let ovf_flavour = ref Create_ovf.RHVExportStorageDomain in
+  let image_uuids = ref [] in
+  let vol_uuids = ref [] in
+  List.iter (
+    function
+    | "vdsm-compat", "0.10" -> compat := "0.10"
+    | "vdsm-compat", "1.1" -> compat := "1.1"
+    | "vdsm-compat", v ->
+       error (f_"-o vdsm: unknown vdsm-compat level ‘%s’") v
+    | "vdsm-vm-uuid", v ->
+       if !vm_uuid <> None then
+         error (f_"-o vdsm: -oo vdsm-vm-uuid set twice");
+       vm_uuid := Some v;
+    | "vdsm-ovf-output", v ->
+       if !ovf_output <> None then
+         error (f_"-o vdsm: -oo vdsm-ovf-output set twice");
+       ovf_output := Some v;
+    | "vdsm-ovf-flavour", v ->
+       ovf_flavour := Create_ovf.ovf_flavour_of_string v
+    | "vdsm-image-uuid", v ->
+       List.push_front v image_uuids
+    | "vdsm-vol-uuid", v ->
+       List.push_front v vol_uuids
+    | k, _ ->
+       error (f_"-o vdsm: unknown output option ‘-oo %s’") k
+  ) options;
+  let compat = !compat in
+  let image_uuids = List.rev !image_uuids in
+  let vol_uuids = List.rev !vol_uuids in
+  if image_uuids = [] || vol_uuids = [] then
+    error (f_"-o vdsm: either -oo vdsm-vol-uuid or -oo vdsm-vm-uuid was not specified");
+  let vm_uuid =
+    match !vm_uuid with
+    | None ->
+       error (f_"-o vdsm: -oo vdsm-image-uuid was not specified")
+    | Some uuid -> uuid in
+  let ovf_output = Option.default "." !ovf_output in
+  let ovf_flavour = !ovf_flavour in
+  { image_uuids; vol_uuids; vm_uuid; ovf_output; compat; ovf_flavour }
 class output_vdsm os vdsm_options output_alloc =
   inherit output
   method as_options =
-    sprintf "-o vdsm -os %s%s%s --vdsm-vm-uuid %s --vdsm-ovf-output %s%s%s" os
+    sprintf "-o vdsm -os %s%s%s -oo vdsm-vm-uuid=%s -oo vdsm-ovf-output=%s%s%s" os
       (String.concat ""
-         ( (sprintf " --vdsm-image-uuid %s") vdsm_options.image_uuids))
+         ( (sprintf " -oo vdsm-image-uuid=%s")
+                   vdsm_options.image_uuids))
       (String.concat ""
-         ( (sprintf " --vdsm-vol-uuid %s") vdsm_options.vol_uuids))
+         ( (sprintf " -oo vdsm-vol-uuid=%s")
+                   vdsm_options.vol_uuids))
       (match vdsm_options.compat with
        | "0.10" -> "" (* currently this is the default, so don't print it *)
-       | s -> sprintf " --vdsm-compat=%s" s)
+       | s -> sprintf " -oo vdsm-compat=%s" s)
       (match vdsm_options.ovf_flavour with
-       | Create_ovf.OVirt -> "--vdsm-ovf-flavour=ovf"
+       | Create_ovf.OVirt -> "-oo vdsm-ovf-flavour=ovf"
        (* currently this is the default, so don't print it *)
        | Create_ovf.RHVExportStorageDomain -> "")
@@ -84,7 +151,7 @@ object
   method prepare_targets _ targets =
     if List.length vdsm_options.image_uuids <> List.length targets ||
       List.length vdsm_options.vol_uuids <> List.length targets then
-      error (f_"the number of ‘--vdsm-image-uuid’ and ‘--vdsm-vol-uuid’ parameters passed on the command line has to match the number of guest disk images (for this guest: %d)")
+      error (f_"the number of ‘-oo vdsm-image-uuid’ and ‘-oo vdsm-vol-uuid’ parameters passed on the command line has to match the number of guest disk images (for this guest: %d)")
         (List.length targets);
     let mp, uuid =
diff --git a/v2v/output_vdsm.mli b/v2v/output_vdsm.mli
index 6ed684638..36f327900 100644
--- a/v2v/output_vdsm.mli
+++ b/v2v/output_vdsm.mli
@@ -18,16 +18,13 @@
 (** [-o vdsm] target. *)
-type vdsm_options = {
-  image_uuids : string list;          (* --vdsm-image-uuid (multiple) *)
-  vol_uuids : string list;            (* --vdsm-vol-uuid (multiple) *)
-  vm_uuid : string;                   (* --vdsm-vm-uuid *)
-  ovf_output : string;                (* --vdsm-ovf-output *)
-  compat : string;                    (* --vdsm-compat=0.10|1.1 *)
-  ovf_flavour : Create_ovf.ovf_flavour;
+type vdsm_options
 (** Miscellaneous extra command line parameters used by VDSM. *)
+val print_output_options : unit -> unit
+val parse_output_options : (string * string) list -> vdsm_options
+(** Print and parse vdsm -oo options. *)
 val output_vdsm : string -> vdsm_options -> Types.output_allocation -> Types.output
 (** [output_vdsm os vdsm_options output_alloc] creates and
     returns a new {!Types.output} object specialized for writing
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index 0e3bd916a..e1e22b599 100755
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -22,4 +22,33 @@ $TEST_FUNCTIONS
 $top_srcdir/ virt-v2v.pod virt-v2v \
-  --ignore=--debug-overlay,--ic,--if,--it,--no-trim,--oa,--oc,--of,--on,--op,--os,--vmtype
+  --ignore=\
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..014e30207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/bin/bash -
+# libguestfs virt-v2v test script
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Test -io "?" option.
+set -e
+export VIRT_TOOLS_DATA_DIR="$top_srcdir/test-data/fake-virt-tools"
+export VIRTIO_WIN="$top_srcdir/test-data/fake-virtio-win"
+rm -f $f
+$VG virt-v2v --debug-gc \
+    -it vddk -io "?" > $f
+grep -- "-io vddk-config" $f
+grep -- "-io vddk-thumbprint" $f
+rm $f
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5691446ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/bin/bash -
+# libguestfs virt-v2v test script
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Test -oo "?" option.
+set -e
+export VIRT_TOOLS_DATA_DIR="$top_srcdir/test-data/fake-virt-tools"
+export VIRTIO_WIN="$top_srcdir/test-data/fake-virtio-win"
+rm -f $f
+$VG virt-v2v --debug-gc \
+    -o vdsm -oo "?" > $f
+grep -- "-oo vdsm-compat" $f
+grep -- "-oo vdsm-image-uuid" $f
+rm $f
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index 4ad5d4aad..65ce1234e 100755
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Test -o vdsm options --vdsm-*-uuid
+# Test -o vdsm options -oo vdsm-*-uuid
 set -e
 set -x
@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ mkdir $d/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/master
 mkdir $d/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/master/vms
 mkdir $d/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/master/vms/VM
-# The --vdsm-*-uuid options don't actually check that the
+# The -oo vdsm-*-uuid options don't actually check that the
 # parameter is a UUID, which is useful here.
 $VG virt-v2v --debug-gc \
     -i libvirt -ic "$libvirt_uri" windows \
     -o vdsm -os $d/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc \
     -of qcow2 \
-    --vdsm-image-uuid IMAGE \
-    --vdsm-vol-uuid VOL \
-    --vdsm-vm-uuid VM \
-    --vdsm-ovf-output $d/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/master/vms/VM \
-    --vdsm-compat=1.1 \
-    --vdsm-ovf-flavour=ovirt
+    -oo vdsm-image-uuid=IMAGE \
+    -oo vdsm-vol-uuid=VOL \
+    -oo vdsm-vm-uuid=VM \
+    -oo vdsm-ovf-output=$d/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/master/vms/VM \
+    -oo vdsm-compat=1.1 \
+    -oo vdsm-ovf-flavour=ovirt
 # Test the OVF metadata was created.
 test -f $d/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/master/vms/VM/VM.ovf
diff --git a/v2v/virt-v2v.pod b/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
index 00ba45555..69ca23dfd 100644
--- a/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
+++ b/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
@@ -397,6 +397,47 @@ See L</IN PLACE CONVERSION> below.
 Conflicts with all I<-o *> options.
+=item B<-io> OPTION=VALUE
+Set input option(s) related to the current input mode or transport.
+To display short help on what options are available you can use:
+ virt-v2v -it vddk -io "?"
+=item B<-io vddk-libdir=>LIBDIR
+Set the VDDK library directory.  This directory should I<contain>
+subdirectories called F<include>, F<lib64> etc., but do not include
+F<lib64> actually in the parameter.
+In most cases this parameter is required when using the I<-it vddk>
+(VDDK) transport.  See L</INPUT FROM VDDK> below for details.
+=item B<-io vddk-thumbprint=>xx:xx:xx:...
+Set the thumbprint of the remote VMware server.
+This parameter is required when using the I<-it vddk> (VDDK) transport.
+See L</INPUT FROM VDDK> below for details.
+=item B<-io vddk-config=>FILENAME
+=item B<-io vddk-cookie=>COOKIE
+=item B<-io vddk-nfchostport=>PORT
+=item B<-io vddk-port=>PORT
+=item B<-io vddk-snapshot=>SNAPSHOT-MOREF
+=item B<-io vddk-transports=>MODE:MODE:...
+=item B<-io vddk-vimapiver=>APIVER
+When using VDDK mode, these options are passed unmodified to the
+L<nbdkit(1)> VDDK plugin.  Please refer to L<nbdkit-vddk-plugin(1)>.
+These are all optional.
 =item B<-it> B<ssh>
 When using I<-i vmx>, this enables the ssh transport.
@@ -406,7 +447,7 @@ See L</INPUT FROM VMWARE VMX> below.
 Use VMware VDDK as a transport to copy the input disks.  See
 L</INPUT FROM VDDK> below.  If you use this parameter then you may
-need to use other I<--vddk*> options to specify how to connect through
+need to use other I<-io vddk*> options to specify how to connect through
 =item B<--keys-from-stdin>
@@ -569,6 +610,95 @@ If not specified, then the input format is used.
 Rename the guest when converting it.  If this option is not used then
 the output name is the same as the input name.
+=item B<-oo> OPTION=VALUE
+Set output option(s) related to the current output mode.
+To display short help on what options are available you can use:
+ virt-v2v -o vdsm -oo "?"
+=item B<-oo vdsm-compat=0.10>
+=item B<-oo vdsm-compat=1.1>
+If I<-o vdsm> and the output format is qcow2, then we add the qcow2
+I<compat=0.10> option to the output file for compatibility with RHEL 6
+(see L<>).
+If I<-oo vdsm-compat=1.1> is used then modern qcow2 (I<compat=1.1>)
+files are generated instead.
+Currently I<-oo vdsm-compat=0.10> is the default, but this will change
+to I<-oo vdsm-compat=1.1> in a future version of virt-v2v (when we can
+assume that everyone is using a modern version of qemu).
+B<Note this option only affects I<-o vdsm> output>.  All other output
+modes (including I<-o rhv>) generate modern qcow2 I<compat=1.1>
+files, always.
+If this option is available, then C<vdsm-compat-option> will appear in
+the I<--machine-readable> output.
+=item B<-oo vdsm-image-uuid=>UUID
+=item B<-oo vdsm-vol-uuid=>UUID
+=item B<-oo vdsm-vm-uuid=>UUID
+=item B<-oo vdsm-ovf-output=>DIR
+Normally the RHV output mode chooses random UUIDs for the target
+guest.  However VDSM needs to control the UUIDs and passes these
+parameters when virt-v2v runs under VDSM control.  The parameters
+=over 4
+=item *
+the image directory of each guest disk (I<-oo vdsm-image-uuid>) (this
+option is passed once for each guest disk)
+=item *
+UUIDs for each guest disk (I<-oo vdsm-vol-uuid>) (this option
+is passed once for each guest disk)
+=item *
+the OVF file name (I<-oo vdsm-vm-uuid>).
+=item *
+the OVF output directory (default current directory) (I<-oo vdsm-ovf-output>).
+The format of UUIDs is: C<12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc> (each
+hex digit can be C<0-9> or C<a-f>), conforming to S<OSF DCE 1.1>.
+These options can only be used with I<-o vdsm>.
+=item B<-oo vdsm-ovf-flavour=>flavour
+This option controls the format of the OVF generated at the end of conversion.
+Currently there are two possible flavours:
+=over 4
+=item rhevexp
+The OVF format used in RHV export storage domain.
+=item ovirt
+The OVF format understood by oVirt REST API.
+For backward compatibility the default is I<rhevexp>, but this may change in
+the future.
 =item B<-op> file
 Supply a file containing a password to be used when connecting to the
@@ -670,122 +800,6 @@ boot an operating system from the first virtio disk.  Specifically,
 F</boot> must be on the first virtio disk, and it cannot chainload an
 OS which is not in the first virtio disk.
-=item B<--vddk-libdir> LIBDIR
-Set the VDDK library directory.  This directory should I<contain>
-subdirectories called F<include>, F<lib64> etc., but do not include
-F<lib64> actually in the parameter.
-In most cases this parameter is required when using the I<-it vddk>
-(VDDK) transport.  See L</INPUT FROM VDDK> below for details.
-=item B<--vddk-thumbprint> xx:xx:xx:...
-Set the thumbprint of the remote VMware server.
-This parameter is required when using the I<-it vddk> (VDDK) transport.
-See L</INPUT FROM VDDK> below for details.
-=item B<--vddk-config> FILENAME
-=item B<--vddk-cookie> COOKIE
-=item B<--vddk-nfchostport> PORT
-=item B<--vddk-port> PORT
-=item B<--vddk-snapshot> SNAPSHOT-MOREF
-=item B<--vddk-transports> MODE:MODE:...
-=item B<--vddk-vimapiver> APIVER
-When using VDDK mode, these options are passed unmodified to the
-L<nbdkit(1)> VDDK plugin.  Please refer to L<nbdkit-vddk-plugin(1)>.
-These are all optional.
-=item B<--vdsm-compat=0.10>
-=item B<--vdsm-compat=1.1>
-If I<-o vdsm> and the output format is qcow2, then we add the qcow2
-I<compat=0.10> option to the output file for compatibility with RHEL 6
-(see L<>).
-If I<--vdsm-compat=1.1> is used then modern qcow2 (I<compat=1.1>)
-files are generated instead.
-Currently I<--vdsm-compat=0.10> is the default, but this will change
-to I<--vdsm-compat=1.1> in a future version of virt-v2v (when we can
-assume that everyone is using a modern version of qemu).
-B<Note this option only affects I<-o vdsm> output>.  All other output
-modes (including I<-o rhv>) generate modern qcow2 I<compat=1.1>
-files, always.
-If this option is available, then C<vdsm-compat-option> will appear in
-the I<--machine-readable> output.
-=item B<--vdsm-image-uuid> UUID
-=item B<--vdsm-vol-uuid> UUID
-=item B<--vdsm-vm-uuid> UUID
-=item B<--vdsm-ovf-output>
-Normally the RHV output mode chooses random UUIDs for the target
-guest.  However VDSM needs to control the UUIDs and passes these
-parameters when virt-v2v runs under VDSM control.  The parameters
-=over 4
-=item *
-the image directory of each guest disk (I<--vdsm-image-uuid>) (this
-option is passed once for each guest disk)
-=item *
-UUIDs for each guest disk (I<--vdsm-vol-uuid>) (this option
-is passed once for each guest disk)
-=item *
-the OVF file name (I<--vdsm-vm-uuid>).
-=item *
-the OVF output directory (default current directory) (I<--vdsm-ovf-output>).
-The format of UUIDs is: C<12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc> (each
-hex digit can be C<0-9> or C<a-f>), conforming to S<OSF DCE 1.1>.
-These options can only be used with I<-o vdsm>.
-=item B<--vdsm-ovf-flavour> flavour
-This option controls the format of the OVF generated at the end of conversion.
-Currently there are two possible flavours:
-=over 4
-=item rhevexp
-The OVF format used in RHV export storage domain.
-=item ovirt
-The OVF format understood by oVirt REST API.
-For backward compatibility the default is I<rhevexp>, but this may change in
-the future.
 =item B<-v>
 =item B<--verbose>
@@ -1679,15 +1693,15 @@ SSL thumbprint:
  $ virt-v2v \
      -ic 'vpx://' \
      -it vddk \
-     --vddk-libdir /path/to/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib \
-     --vddk-thumbprint xx:xx:xx:... \
+     -io vddk-libdir=/path/to/vmware-vix-disklib-distrib \
+     -io vddk-thumbprint=xx:xx:xx:... \
      "Windows 2003" \
      -o local -os /var/tmp
 Other options that you might need to add in rare circumstances include
-I<--vddk-config>, I<--vddk-cookie>, I<--vddk-nfchostport>,
-I<--vddk-port>, I<--vddk-snapshot>, I<--vddk-transports> and
-I<--vddk-vimapiver>, which are all explained in the
+I<-io vddk-config>, I<-io vddk-cookie>, I<-io vddk-nfchostport>,
+I<-io vddk-port>, I<-io vddk-snapshot>, I<-io vddk-transports> and
+I<-io vddk-vimapiver>, which are all explained in the
 L<nbdkit-vddk-plugin(1)> documentation.