Blob Blame History Raw
From d330b210b7d62ccd9f73909215251f4ce68cd6c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Tom=C3=A1=C5=A1=20Golembiovsk=C3=BD?= <>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2018 11:41:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] v2v: ovf: Create OVF more aligned with the standard
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For historical reasons the OVF used in RHV export domain contains some
deviations from the OVF standard. The format used in -o rhv has to
remain fixed but for -o vdsm and we could produce much nicer OVF. This
patch serves as a preparatory step to this.

The main reason for creating different OVF is that it can be used to
create VM by oVirt REST API. The RHV export domain flavor cannot be used
that way.

For now the virt-v2v behavior is unchanged. The modified output will be
enabled in some later patch.

Signed-off-by: Tomáš Golembiovský <>
(cherry picked from commit a52ed4b4454396eb13d2cdf5762292bff3104f66)
 v2v/  | 152 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 v2v/create_ovf.mli |  12 +++-
 v2v/  |   3 +-
 v2v/ |   3 +-
 4 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index e9d569dc1..0ec0a088c 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ open Types
 open Utils
 open DOM
+type ovf_flavour =
+  | OVirt
+  | RHVExportStorageDomain
 (* We set the creation time to be the same for all dates in
  * all metadata files.  All dates in OVF are UTC.
@@ -295,7 +299,7 @@ let create_meta_files output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids targets =
 (* Create the OVF file. *)
 let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
-    output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids vm_uuid =
+    output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids vm_uuid ovf_flavour =
   assert (List.length targets = List.length vol_uuids);
   let memsize_mb = source.s_memory /^ 1024L /^ 1024L in
@@ -314,12 +318,26 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
     ] [
       Comment generated_by;
       e "References" [] [];
-      e "Section" ["xsi:type", "ovf:NetworkSection_Type"] [
-        e "Info" [] [PCData "List of networks"]
-      ];
-      e "Section" ["xsi:type", "ovf:DiskSection_Type"] [
-        e "Info" [] [PCData "List of Virtual Disks"]
-      ];
+      (match ovf_flavour with
+      | OVirt ->
+        e "NetworkSection" [] [
+          e "Info" [] [PCData "List of networks"]
+        ]
+      | RHVExportStorageDomain ->
+        e "Section" ["xsi:type", "ovf:NetworkSection_Type"] [
+          e "Info" [] [PCData "List of networks"]
+        ]
+      );
+      (match ovf_flavour with
+      | OVirt ->
+        e "DiskSection" [] [
+          e "Info" [] [PCData "List of Virtual Disks"]
+        ]
+      | RHVExportStorageDomain ->
+        e "Section" ["xsi:type", "ovf:DiskSection_Type"] [
+          e "Info" [] [PCData "List of Virtual Disks"]
+        ]
+      );
       let content_subnodes = ref [
         e "Name" [] [PCData source.s_name];
@@ -352,11 +370,20 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
       List.push_back content_subnodes (
-        e "Section" ["ovf:id", vm_uuid; "ovf:required", "false";
-                     "xsi:type", "ovf:OperatingSystemSection_Type"] [
+        let osinfo_subnodes = [
           e "Info" [] [PCData inspect.i_product_name];
           e "Description" [] [PCData ostype];
-          ]
+        ] in
+        (match ovf_flavour with
+        | OVirt ->
+          e "OperatingSystemSection" ["ovf:id", vm_uuid;
+                                      "ovf:required", "false"]
+            osinfo_subnodes
+        | RHVExportStorageDomain ->
+          e "Section" ["ovf:id", vm_uuid; "ovf:required", "false";
+                       "xsi:type", "ovf:OperatingSystemSection_Type"]
+            osinfo_subnodes
+        )
       let virtual_hardware_section_items = ref [
@@ -444,24 +471,34 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
       List.push_back content_subnodes (
-        e "Section" ["xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"]
-          !virtual_hardware_section_items
+        match ovf_flavour with
+        | OVirt ->
+          e "VirtualHardwareSection" [] !virtual_hardware_section_items
+        | RHVExportStorageDomain ->
+          e "Section" ["xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"]
+            !virtual_hardware_section_items
-      e "Content" ["ovf:id", "out"; "xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualSystem_Type"]
-        !content_subnodes
+      (match ovf_flavour with
+      | OVirt ->
+        e "VirtualSystem" ["ovf:id", "out"] !content_subnodes
+      | RHVExportStorageDomain ->
+        e "Content" ["ovf:id", "out"; "xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualSystem_Type"]
+          !content_subnodes
+      )
     ] in
   (* Add disks to the OVF XML. *)
-  add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids ovf;
+  add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids
+    ovf_flavour ovf;
   (* Old virt-v2v ignored removable media. XXX *)
   (* Add networks to the OVF XML. *)
-  add_networks source.s_nics guestcaps ovf;
+  add_networks source.s_nics guestcaps ovf_flavour ovf;
   (* Add sound card to the OVF XML. *)
-  add_sound_card source.s_sound ovf;
+  add_sound_card source.s_sound ovf_flavour ovf;
   (* Old virt-v2v didn't really look at the video and display
    * metadata, instead just adding a single standard display (see
@@ -481,21 +518,42 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
   (* Return the OVF document. *)
+(* Find appropriate section depending on the OVF flavour being generated.
+ *
+ * For example normal disk section is in node <DiskSection> whereas in case of
+ * RHV export storage domain it is <Section xsi:type="ovf:DiskSection_Type">.
+ *)
+and get_flavoured_section ovf ovf_flavour ovirt_path rhv_path rhv_path_attr =
+  let nodes =
+    match ovf_flavour with
+    | OVirt ->
+      let nodes = path_to_nodes ovf ovirt_path in
+      (match nodes with
+      | [node] -> node
+      | [] | _::_::_ -> assert false)
+    | RHVExportStorageDomain ->
+      let nodes = path_to_nodes ovf rhv_path in
+      try find_node_by_attr nodes rhv_path_attr
+      with Not_found -> assert false
+  in
+  nodes
 (* This modifies the OVF DOM, adding a section for each disk. *)
-and add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids ovf =
+and add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids
+    ovf_flavour ovf =
   let references =
     let nodes = path_to_nodes ovf ["ovf:Envelope"; "References"] in
     match nodes with
     | [] | _::_::_ -> assert false
     | [node] -> node in
-  let disk_section =
-    let sections = path_to_nodes ovf ["ovf:Envelope"; "Section"] in
-    try find_node_by_attr sections ("xsi:type", "ovf:DiskSection_Type")
-    with Not_found -> assert false in
-  let virtualhardware_section =
-    let sections = path_to_nodes ovf ["ovf:Envelope"; "Content"; "Section"] in
-    try find_node_by_attr sections ("xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type")
-    with Not_found -> assert false in
+  let disk_section = get_flavoured_section ovf ovf_flavour
+    ["ovf:Envelope"; "DiskSection"]
+    ["ovf:Envelope"; "Section"]
+    ("xsi:type", "ovf:DiskSection_Type") in
+  let virtualhardware_section = get_flavoured_section ovf ovf_flavour
+    ["ovf:Envelope"; "VirtualSystem"; "VirtualHardwareSection"]
+    ["ovf:Envelope"; "Content"; "Section"]
+    ("xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type") in
   (* Iterate over the disks, adding them to the OVF document. *)
   List.iteri (
@@ -509,7 +567,12 @@ and add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids ovf =
       let is_bootable_drive = i == 0 in
       let boot_order = i+1 in
-      let fileref = sprintf "%s/%s" image_uuid vol_uuid in
+      let fileref =
+        match ovf_flavour with
+        | OVirt ->
+          vol_uuid
+        | RHVExportStorageDomain ->
+          sprintf "%s/%s" image_uuid vol_uuid in
       (* ovf:size and ovf:actual_size fields are integer GBs.  If you
        * use floating point numbers then RHV will fail to parse them.
@@ -560,7 +623,10 @@ and add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids ovf =
       (* Add disk to DiskSection. *)
       let disk =
         let attrs = ref [
-          "ovf:diskId", vol_uuid;
+          "ovf:diskId",
+          (match ovf_flavour with
+          | OVirt -> image_uuid
+          | RHVExportStorageDomain -> vol_uuid);
           "ovf:size", Int64.to_string size_gb;
           "ovf:capacity", Int64.to_string ov.ov_virtual_size;
           "ovf:fileRef", fileref;
@@ -619,15 +685,15 @@ and add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids ovf =
   ) (List.combine3 targets image_uuids vol_uuids)
 (* This modifies the OVF DOM, adding a section for each NIC. *)
-and add_networks nics guestcaps ovf =
-  let network_section =
-    let sections = path_to_nodes ovf ["ovf:Envelope"; "Section"] in
-    try find_node_by_attr sections ("xsi:type", "ovf:NetworkSection_Type")
-    with Not_found -> assert false in
-  let virtualhardware_section =
-    let sections = path_to_nodes ovf ["ovf:Envelope"; "Content"; "Section"] in
-    try find_node_by_attr sections ("xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type")
-    with Not_found -> assert false in
+and add_networks nics guestcaps ovf_flavour ovf =
+  let network_section = get_flavoured_section ovf ovf_flavour
+    ["ovf:Envelope"; "NetworkSection"]
+    ["ovf:Envelope"; "Section"]
+    ("xsi:type", "ovf:NetworkSection_Type") in
+  let virtualhardware_section = get_flavoured_section ovf ovf_flavour
+    ["ovf:Envelope"; "VirtualSystem"; "VirtualHardwareSection"]
+    ["ovf:Envelope"; "Content"; "Section"]
+    ("xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type") in
   (* Iterate over the NICs, adding them to the OVF document. *)
   List.iteri (
@@ -675,7 +741,7 @@ and add_networks nics guestcaps ovf =
   ) nics
 (* This modifies the OVF DOM, adding a sound card, if oVirt can emulate it. *)
-and add_sound_card sound ovf =
+and add_sound_card sound ovf_flavour ovf =
   let device =
     match sound with
     | None -> None
@@ -688,12 +754,10 @@ and add_sound_card sound ovf =
   match device with
   | Some device ->
-     let virtualhardware_section =
-       let sections =
-         path_to_nodes ovf ["ovf:Envelope"; "Content"; "Section"] in
-       try find_node_by_attr sections
-                             ("xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type")
-       with Not_found -> assert false in
+     let virtualhardware_section = get_flavoured_section ovf ovf_flavour
+       ["ovf:Envelope"; "VirtualSystem"; "VirtualHardwareSection"]
+       ["ovf:Envelope"; "Content"; "Section"]
+       ("xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type") in
      let item =
        e "Item" [] [
diff --git a/v2v/create_ovf.mli b/v2v/create_ovf.mli
index 07e8af6a0..8a8c7dd12 100644
--- a/v2v/create_ovf.mli
+++ b/v2v/create_ovf.mli
@@ -16,16 +16,22 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+type ovf_flavour =
+  | OVirt
+  | RHVExportStorageDomain
 (** Create OVF and related files for RHV.
-    The format is described in
+    The format for RHV export storage domain is described in:
+    The format understood by oVirt has no known documentation.
     OVF isn't a real standard, so it's likely that if we ever had to
     create OVF for another target management system then we would need
     to heavily modify or even duplicate this code. *)
-val create_ovf : Types.source -> list -> Types.guestcaps -> Types.inspect -> Types.output_allocation -> string -> string list -> string list -> string -> DOM.doc
+val create_ovf : Types.source -> list -> Types.guestcaps -> Types.inspect -> Types.output_allocation -> string -> string list -> string list -> string ->  ovf_flavour -> DOM.doc
 (** Create the OVF file.
     Actually a {!DOM} document is created, not a file.  It can be written
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index 0b732e4cf..5260ab030 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@ object
     (* Create the metadata. *)
     let ovf = Create_ovf.create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
-      output_alloc esd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids vm_uuid in
+      output_alloc esd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids vm_uuid
+      Create_ovf.RHVExportStorageDomain in
     (* Write it to the metadata file. *)
     let dir = esd_mp // esd_uuid // "master" // "vms" // vm_uuid in
diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index c5e904ba1..ce286d327 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ object
       output_alloc dd_uuid
-      vdsm_options.vm_uuid in
+      vdsm_options.vm_uuid
+      Create_ovf.RHVExportStorageDomain in
     (* Write it to the metadata file. *)
     let file = vdsm_options.ovf_output // vdsm_options.vm_uuid ^ ".ovf" in