Blob Blame History Raw
From d9fe0dbe61bd8b29c9455f95aa0001b9756e5356 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Richard W.M. Jones" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 13:24:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] v2v: efi: linux: Remove EFI hacks.

Old virt-v2v had a bunch of code for removing EFI configuration from a
Linux guest, and replacing it with grub.  I copied this code to new
virt-v2v but it was never tested.

Now that OVMF exists, we can simply boot EFI guests directly on KVM.

Thus these hacks can finally be removed.

(cherry picked from commit 051f1f1a3fadcc18786c83066fba611ffe2a7995)
 v2v/ | 62 ----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/ b/v2v/
index 718ddaf..3e97656 100644
--- a/v2v/
+++ b/v2v/
@@ -114,30 +114,6 @@ let rec convert ~verbose ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source =
         ) [ "/boot/grub"; "/boot" ]
       with Not_found -> "" in
-  (* EFI? *)
-  let efi =
-    if Array.length (g#glob_expand "/boot/efi/EFI/*/grub.cfg") < 1 then
-      None
-    else (
-      (* Check the first partition of each device looking for an EFI
-       * boot partition. We can't be sure which device is the boot
-       * device, so we just check them all.
-       *)
-      let devs = g#list_devices () in
-      let devs = Array.to_list devs in
-      try
-        Some (
-          List.find (
-            fun dev ->
-              try
-                g#part_get_gpt_type dev 1
-                = "C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
-              with G.Error _ -> false
-          ) devs
-        )
-      with Not_found -> None
-    ) in
   (* What kernel/kernel-like packages are installed on the current guest? *)
   let installed_kernels : kernel_info list =
     let rex_ko = Str.regexp ".*\\.k?o\\(\\.xz\\)?$" in
@@ -681,43 +657,6 @@ let rec convert ~verbose ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source =
       if !updated then g#aug_save ();
-  and unconfigure_efi () =
-    match efi with
-    | None -> ()
-    | Some dev ->
-      match grub with
-      | `Grub1 ->
-        g#cp "/etc/grub.conf" "/boot/grub/grub.conf";
-        g#ln_sf "/boot/grub/grub.conf" "/etc/grub.conf";
-        (* Reload Augeas to pick up new location of grub.conf. *)
-        Linux.augeas_reload verbose g;
-        ignore (g#command [| "grub-install"; dev |])
-      | `Grub2 ->
-        (* EFI systems boot using grub2-efi, and probably don't have the
-         * base grub2 package installed.
-         *)
-        Linux.install verbose g inspect ["grub2"];
-        (* Relabel the EFI boot partition as a BIOS boot partition. *)
-        g#part_set_gpt_type dev 1 "21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649";
-        (* Delete the fstab entry for the EFI boot partition. *)
-        let nodes = g#aug_match "/files/etc/fstab/*[file = '/boot/efi']" in
-        let nodes = Array.to_list nodes in
-        List.iter (fun node -> ignore (g#aug_rm node)) nodes;
-        g#aug_save ();
-        (* Install grub2 in the BIOS boot partition. This overwrites the
-         * previous contents of the EFI boot partition.
-         *)
-        ignore (g#command [| "grub2-install"; dev |]);
-        (* Re-generate the grub2 config, and put it in the correct place *)
-        ignore (g#command [| "grub2-mkconfig"; "-o"; "/boot/grub2/grub.cfg" |])
   and unconfigure_kudzu () =
     (* Disable kudzu in the guest
      * Kudzu will detect the changed network hardware at boot time and
@@ -1421,7 +1360,6 @@ let rec convert ~verbose ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source =
   unconfigure_vbox ();
   (*unconfigure_vmware ();*)
   unconfigure_citrix ();
-  unconfigure_efi ();
   unconfigure_kudzu ();
   let kernel, virtio = configure_kernel () in