CentOS 8 Stream Hyperscale kernel 5.14.89-45
This updates the CentOS Stream 8 Hyperscale SIG kernel to match the
CentOS Stream 9 Hyperscale SIG kernel. This is currently in a strange
state. Originally we were going to follow the ARK kernels and not
maintain kabi creating a centos-sig-hyperscale flavor, so the CentOS
Stream 8 Hyperscale kernel was built from the 5.12 ARK kernel with
Fedora configs. C9S however provides ARK style kernels and a workflow
for direct contributions to be made so moving forward that model will be used.
That leaves this repo, the CentOS Stream 8 Hyperscale kernel, as of this
commit as mostly the ARK 5.12 kernel packaging with CentOS 9 5.14 sources.
Signed-off-by: Justin Vreeland <jvreeland@twitter.com>