This is a dist-git like repo for glusterfs-coreutils.

The master branch is unused. Use an existing branch instead. Branch names follow convention like c<VERSION>-sig-storage-gluster-<GLUSTERFS-VERSION> as descibed on Naming and Patterns for Mapping Git Branches to Koji Tags

  • sig-storage6-gluster6: CentOS-6, glusterfs-6
  • sig-storage6-gluster7: CentOS-6, glusterfs-7
  • sig-storage7-gluster6: CentOS-7, glusterfs-6
  • sig-storage7-gluster7: CentOS-7, glusterfs-7
  • sig-storage8-gluster6: CentOS-8, glusterfs-6
  • sig-storage8-gluster7: CentOS-8, glusterfs-7
  • ...

Instructions for building the glusterfs-coreutils package for the CentOS Storage SIG can be found in the following places:

Builds on most systems, e.g. Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and SUSE, you can just use the github archive glusterfs-coreutils-%{version}.tar.gz; they have the requisite gnulib and gnulib-devel rpms needed to build with.

CentOS doesn't have gnulib and gnulib-devel. To construct a source tarfile that will build on CentOS, you must do the following: git clone glusterfs-coreutils ... glusterfs-coreutils-$commit cd glusterfs-coreutils-$commit if necessary, git checkout $commit (or corresponding $tag) git submodule update --init ./ rm -rf gnulib tests autom4te.cache .git cd .. * tar czf glusterfs-coreutils-$commit.tar.gz glusterfs-coreutils-$commit

Use glusterfs-coreutils-$commit.tar.gz as the Source0

Consider uploading glusterfs-coreutils-$commit.tar.gz to github as a release Asset. You can do this by editing the release and atttaching the tarfile as a binary.

E.g. build the src.rpm with: $ rpmbuild -bs \ --define "_sourcedir $PWD/SOURCES" --define "_srcrpmdir $PWD" \ --define "dist .el7" SPECS/glusterfs-coreutils.spec

To build:

$ cbs build [--scratch] storage7-gluster-6-el7 glusterfs-coreutils-0.3.1-1.el7.src.rpm