Blob Blame History Raw
From 49a23aa4261a896303d7923d5c94c9840739022f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Harald Hoyer <>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:57:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] cms/ fixed indention

(cherry picked from commit d68163551226d302677e358e721560d8d651a30f)
 modules.d/80cms/ | 260 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules.d/80cms/ b/modules.d/80cms/
index c9e13314..7dd481b5 100755
--- a/modules.d/80cms/
+++ b/modules.d/80cms/
@@ -44,147 +44,147 @@ function dasd_settle() {
 function dasd_settle_all() {
-    for dasdccw in $(while read line; do echo ${line%%(*}; done < /proc/dasd/devices) ; do
+    for dasdccw in $(while read line; do echo "${line%%(*}"; done < /proc/dasd/devices) ; do
         if ! dasd_settle $dasdccw ; then
             echo $"Could not access DASD $dasdccw in time"
             return 1
     return 0
-    }
 # prints a canonocalized device bus ID for a given devno of any format
-    function canonicalize_devno()
-    {
-        case ${#1} in
-            3) echo "0.0.0${1}" ;;
-            4) echo "0.0.${1}" ;;
-            *) echo "${1}" ;;
-        esac
-        return 0
-    }
+function canonicalize_devno()
+    case ${#1} in
+        3) echo "0.0.0${1}" ;;
+        4) echo "0.0.${1}" ;;
+        *) echo "${1}" ;;
+    esac
+    return 0
 # read file from CMS and write it to /tmp
-    function readcmsfile() # $1=dasdport $2=filename
-    {
-        local dev
-        local numcpus
-        local devname
-        local ret=0
-        if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then return; fi
+function readcmsfile() # $1=dasdport $2=filename
+    local dev
+    local numcpus
+    local devname
+    local ret=0
+    if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then return; fi
     # precondition: udevd created dasda block device node
-        if ! dasd_cio_free -d $1 ; then
-            echo $"DASD $1 could not be cleared from device blacklist"
-            return 1
-        fi
+    if ! dasd_cio_free -d $1 ; then
+        echo $"DASD $1 could not be cleared from device blacklist"
+        return 1
+    fi
-        modprobe dasd_mod dasd=$CMSDASD
-        modprobe dasd_eckd_mod
-        udevadm settle
+    modprobe dasd_mod dasd=$CMSDASD
+    modprobe dasd_eckd_mod
+    udevadm settle
     # precondition: dasd_eckd_mod driver incl. dependencies loaded,
     #               dasd_mod must be loaded without setting any DASD online
-        dev=$(canonicalize_devno $1)
-        numcpus=$(
-	    while read line; do
-	        if strstr "$line" "# processors"; then
-		    echo ${line##*:};
-		    break;
-	        fi;
-	    done < /proc/cpuinfo
-        )
-        if [ ${numcpus} -eq 1 ]; then
-            echo 1 > /sys/bus/ccw/devices/$dev/online
-        else
-            if ! sysecho /sys/bus/ccw/devices/$dev/online 1; then
-                echo $"DASD $dev could not be set online"
-                return 1
-            fi
-            udevadm settle
-            if ! dasd_settle $dev ; then
-                echo $"Could not access DASD $dev in time"
-                return 1
-            fi
+    dev=$(canonicalize_devno $1)
+    numcpus=$(
+        while read line; do
+            if strstr "$line" "# processors"; then
+                echo ${line##*:};
+                break;
+            fi;
+        done < /proc/cpuinfo
+    )
+    if [ ${numcpus} -eq 1 ]; then
+        echo 1 > /sys/bus/ccw/devices/$dev/online
+    else
+        if ! sysecho /sys/bus/ccw/devices/$dev/online 1; then
+            echo $"DASD $dev could not be set online"
+            return 1
         udevadm settle
+        if ! dasd_settle $dev ; then
+            echo $"Could not access DASD $dev in time"
+            return 1
+        fi
+    fi
-        devname=$(cd /sys/bus/ccw/devices/$dev/block; set -- *; [ -b /dev/$1 ] && echo $1)
-        devname=${devname:-dasda}
+    udevadm settle
-        [[ -d /mnt ]] || mkdir /mnt
-        if cmsfs-fuse --to=UTF-8 -a /dev/$devname /mnt; then
-	    cat /mnt/$2 > /run/initramfs/$2
-            umount /mnt || umount -l /mnt
-            udevadm settle
-        else
-            echo $"Could not read conf file $2 on CMS DASD $1."
-            ret=1
-        fi
+    devname=$(cd /sys/bus/ccw/devices/$dev/block; set -- *; [ -b /dev/$1 ] && echo $1)
+    devname=${devname:-dasda}
-        if ! sysecho /sys/bus/ccw/devices/$dev/online 0; then
-            echo $"DASD $dev could not be set offline again"
-        #return 1
-        fi
+    [[ -d /mnt ]] || mkdir /mnt
+    if cmsfs-fuse --to=UTF-8 -a /dev/$devname /mnt; then
+        cat /mnt/$2 > /run/initramfs/$2
+        umount /mnt || umount -l /mnt
         udevadm settle
+    else
+        echo $"Could not read conf file $2 on CMS DASD $1."
+        ret=1
+    fi
+    if ! sysecho /sys/bus/ccw/devices/$dev/online 0; then
+        echo $"DASD $dev could not be set offline again"
+        #return 1
+    fi
+    udevadm settle
     # unbind all dasds to unload the dasd modules for a clean start
-        ( cd /sys/bus/ccw/drivers/dasd-eckd; for i in *.*; do echo $i > unbind;done)
-        udevadm settle
-        modprobe -r dasd_eckd_mod
-        udevadm settle
-        modprobe -r dasd_diag_mod
-        udevadm settle
-        modprobe -r dasd_mod
-        udevadm settle
-        return $ret
-    }
-    processcmsfile()
-    {
-        source /tmp/cms.conf
-        SUBCHANNELS="$(echo $SUBCHANNELS | sed 'y/ABCDEF/abcdef/')"
-        if [[ $NETTYPE ]]; then
-	    (
-	        echo -n $NETTYPE,$SUBCHANNELS
-	        [[ $PORTNAME ]] && echo -n ",portname=$PORTNAME"
-	        [[ $LAYER2 ]] && echo -n ",layer2=$LAYER2"
-	        [[ "$NETTYPE" = "ctc" ]] && [[ $CTCPROT ]] && echo -n ",protocol=$CTCPROT"
-	        echo
-	    ) >> /etc/ccw.conf
-	    IFS=,
-	    read -a subch_array <<< "indexzero,$SUBCHANNELS"
-	    devbusid=${subch_array[1]}
-            if [ "$NETTYPE" = "ctc" ]; then
-                driver="ctcm"
-            else
-                driver=$NETTYPE
-            fi
-	    printf 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="%s", KERNELS=="%s", ENV{INTERFACE}=="?*", RUN+="/sbin/initqueue --onetime --unique --name cmsifup-$env{INTERFACE} /sbin/cmsifup $env{INTERFACE}"\n' "$driver" "$devbusid" > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-cms.rules
-        # remove the default net rules
-            rm -f -- /etc/udev/rules.d/91-default-net.rules
-	    [[ -f /etc/udev/rules.d/90-net.rules ]] \
-	        || printf 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="online", RUN+="/sbin/initqueue --onetime --env netif=$env{INTERFACE} source_hook initqueue/online"\n' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-cms.rules
-            udevadm control --reload
-	    znet_cio_free
-        fi
+    ( cd /sys/bus/ccw/drivers/dasd-eckd; for i in *.*; do echo $i > unbind;done)
+    udevadm settle
+    modprobe -r dasd_eckd_mod
+    udevadm settle
+    modprobe -r dasd_diag_mod
+    udevadm settle
+    modprobe -r dasd_mod
+    udevadm settle
+    return $ret
-        if [[ $DASD ]]; then
-	    echo $DASD | normalize_dasd_arg > /etc/dasd.conf
-	    echo "options dasd_mod dasd=$DASD" > /etc/modprobe.d/dasd_mod.conf
-	    dasd_cio_free
+    source /tmp/cms.conf
+    SUBCHANNELS="$(echo $SUBCHANNELS | sed 'y/ABCDEF/abcdef/')"
+    if [[ $NETTYPE ]]; then
+        (
+            echo -n $NETTYPE,$SUBCHANNELS
+            [[ $PORTNAME ]] && echo -n ",portname=$PORTNAME"
+            [[ $LAYER2 ]] && echo -n ",layer2=$LAYER2"
+            [[ "$NETTYPE" = "ctc" ]] && [[ $CTCPROT ]] && echo -n ",protocol=$CTCPROT"
+            echo
+        ) >> /etc/ccw.conf
+        OLDIFS=$IFS
+        IFS=,
+        read -a subch_array <<< "indexzero,$SUBCHANNELS"
+        IFS=$OLDIFS
+        devbusid=${subch_array[1]}
+        if [ "$NETTYPE" = "ctc" ]; then
+            driver="ctcm"
+        else
+            driver=$NETTYPE
-        unset _do_zfcp
-        for i in ${!FCP_*}; do
-	    echo "${!i}" | while read port rest; do
-                case $port in
+        printf 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="%s", KERNELS=="%s", ENV{INTERFACE}=="?*", RUN+="/sbin/initqueue --onetime --unique --name cmsifup-$env{INTERFACE} /sbin/cmsifup $env{INTERFACE}"\n' "$driver" "$devbusid" > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-cms.rules
+        # remove the default net rules
+        rm -f -- /etc/udev/rules.d/91-default-net.rules
+        [[ -f /etc/udev/rules.d/90-net.rules ]] \
+            || printf 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="online", RUN+="/sbin/initqueue --onetime --env netif=$env{INTERFACE} source_hook initqueue/online"\n' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-cms.rules
+        udevadm control --reload
+        znet_cio_free
+    fi
+    if [[ $DASD ]]; then
+        echo $DASD | normalize_dasd_arg > /etc/dasd.conf
+        echo "options dasd_mod dasd=$DASD" > /etc/modprobe.d/dasd_mod.conf
+        dasd_cio_free
+    fi
+    unset _do_zfcp
+    for i in ${!FCP_*}; do
+        echo "${!i}" | while read port rest; do
+            case $port in
@@ -193,23 +193,23 @@ function dasd_settle_all() {
-                esac
-                echo $port $rest >> /etc/zfcp.conf
-            done
-	    _do_zfcp=1
+            esac
+            echo $port $rest >> /etc/zfcp.conf
-        [[ $_do_zfcp ]] && zfcp_cio_free
-        unset _do_zfcp
-    }
+        _do_zfcp=1
+    done
+    [[ $_do_zfcp ]] && zfcp_cio_free
+    unset _do_zfcp
-    [[ $CMSDASD ]] || CMSDASD=$(getarg "CMSDASD=")
+[[ $CMSDASD ]] || CMSDASD=$(getarg "CMSDASD=")
 # Parse configuration
-    if [ -n "$CMSDASD" -a -n "$CMSCONFFILE" ]; then
-        if readcmsfile $CMSDASD $CMSCONFFILE; then
-            ln -s /run/initramfs/$CMSCONFFILE /tmp/$CMSCONFFILE
-            ln -s /run/initramfs/$CMSCONFFILE /tmp/cms.conf
-            processcmsfile
-        fi
+if [ -n "$CMSDASD" -a -n "$CMSCONFFILE" ]; then
+    if readcmsfile $CMSDASD $CMSCONFFILE; then
+        ln -s /run/initramfs/$CMSCONFFILE /tmp/$CMSCONFFILE
+        ln -s /run/initramfs/$CMSCONFFILE /tmp/cms.conf
+        processcmsfile