%{?scl:%scl_package valgrind}
Summary: Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs
Name: %{?scl_prefix}valgrind
Version: 3.10.1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Epoch: 1
License: GPLv2+
URL: http://www.valgrind.org/
Group: Development/Debuggers
# Only necessary for RHEL, will be ignored on Fedora
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
# Only arches that are supported upstream as multilib and that the distro
# has multilib builds for should set build_multilib 1. In practice that
# is only x86_64 and ppc64 (but not in fedora 21 and later, and never
# for ppc64le).
%global build_multilib 0
%ifarch x86_64
%global build_multilib 1
%ifarch ppc64
%if 0%{?rhel}
%global build_multilib 1
%if 0%{?fedora}
%global build_multilib (%fedora < 21)
# Note s390x doesn't have an openmpi port available.
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le %{arm} aarch64
%global build_openmpi 1
%global build_openmpi 0
# Don't run dwz or generate minisymtab, valgrind doesn't handle compressed
# DWARF very well and it might read its own vgpreload libraries. Generating
# minisymtabs doesn't really work for the staticly linked tools.
%define _find_debuginfo_dwz_opts %{nil}
%undefine _include_minidebuginfo
Source0: http://www.valgrind.org/downloads/valgrind-%{version}.tar.bz2
# Needs investigation and pushing upstream
Patch1: valgrind-3.9.0-cachegrind-improvements.patch
# KDE#211352 - helgrind races in helgrind's own mythread_wrapper
Patch2: valgrind-3.9.0-helgrind-race-supp.patch
# undef st_atime, st_mtime and st_ctime. Unknown why this is (still?) needed.
Patch3: valgrind-3.9.0-stat_h.patch
# Make ld.so supressions slightly less specific.
Patch4: valgrind-3.9.0-ldso-supp.patch
# DTS specific.
Patch1001: valgrind-3.9.0-mpiwrapper.patch
%if %{build_multilib}
# Ensure glibc{,-devel} is installed for both multilib arches
BuildRequires: /lib/libc.so.6 /usr/lib/libc.so /lib64/libc.so.6 /usr/lib64/libc.so
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 15
BuildRequires: glibc-devel >= 2.14
%if 0%{?rhel} >= 6
BuildRequires: glibc-devel >= 2.12
BuildRequires: glibc-devel >= 2.5
%if %{build_openmpi}
BuildRequires: openmpi-devel >= 1.3.3
# For %%build and %%check.
# In case of a software collection, pick the matching gdb and binutils.
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}gdb
BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}binutils
# gdbserver_tests/filter_make_empty uses ps in test
BuildRequires: procps
# We need to fixup selinux file context when doing a scl build.
# In RHEL6 we might need to fix up the labels even though the
# meta package sets up a fs equivalence. See post.
%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
%{?scl:Requires(post): /sbin/restorecon}
ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390x armv7hl aarch64
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define valarch x86
%define valsecarch %{nil}
%ifarch x86_64
%define valarch amd64
%define valsecarch x86
%ifarch ppc
%define valarch ppc32
%define valsecarch %{nil}
%ifarch ppc64
%define valarch ppc64be
%if %{build_multilib}
%define valsecarch ppc32
%define valsecarch %{nil}
%ifarch ppc64le
%define valarch ppc64le
%define valsecarch %{nil}
%ifarch s390x
%define valarch s390x
%define valsecarch %{nil}
%ifarch armv7hl
%define valarch arm
%define valsecarch %{nil}
%ifarch aarch64
%define valarch arm64
%define valsecarch %{nil}
Valgrind is a tool to help you find memory-management problems in your
programs. When a program is run under Valgrind's supervision, all
reads and writes of memory are checked, and calls to
malloc/new/free/delete are intercepted. As a result, Valgrind can
detect a lot of problems that are otherwise very hard to
%package devel
Summary: Development files for valgrind
Group: Development/Debuggers
Requires: %{?scl_prefix}valgrind = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description devel
Header files and libraries for development of valgrind aware programs
or valgrind plugins.
%package openmpi
Summary: OpenMPI support for valgrind
Group: Development/Debuggers
Requires: %{?scl_prefix}valgrind = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
%description openmpi
A wrapper library for debugging OpenMPI parallel programs with valgrind.
See the section on Debugging MPI Parallel Programs with Valgrind in the
Valgrind User Manual for details.
%setup -q -n %{?scl:%{pkg_name}}%{!?scl:%{name}}-%{version}
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
# DTS Only needed for RHEL6 since that has diffrent openmpi and compat-openmpi
# packages that might differ per minor version.
%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
%patch1001 -p1
# We need to use the software collection compiler and binutils if available.
# The configure checks might otherwise miss support for various newer
# assembler instructions.
%if %{build_multilib}
# Ugly hack - libgcc 32-bit package might not be installed
mkdir -p shared/libgcc/32
ar r shared/libgcc/32/libgcc_s.a
ar r shared/libgcc/libgcc_s_32.a
CC="gcc -B `pwd`/shared/libgcc/"
# Old openmpi-devel has version depended paths for mpicc.
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 13 || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
%define mpiccpath %{!?scl:%{_libdir}}%{?scl:%{_root_libdir}}/openmpi/bin/mpicc
%define mpiccpath %{!?scl:%{_libdir}}%{?scl:%{_root_libdir}}/openmpi/*/bin/mpicc
# Filter out some flags that cause lots of valgrind test failures.
# Also filter away -O2, valgrind adds it wherever suitable, but
# not for tests which should be -O0, as they aren't meant to be
# compiled with -O2 unless explicitely requested. Same for any -mcpu flag.
# Ideally we will change this to only be done for the non-primary build
# and the test suite.
OPTFLAGS="`echo " %{optflags} " | sed 's/ -m\(64\|3[21]\) / /g;s/ -fexceptions / /g;s/ -fstack-protector / / g;s/ -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 / /g;s/ -O2 / /g;s/ -mcpu=\([a-z0-9]\+\) / /g;s/^ //;s/ $//'`"
%if %{build_openmpi}
--with-mpicc=%{mpiccpath} \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
# Ensure there are no unexpected file descriptors open,
# the testsuite otherwise fails.
cat > close_fds.c <<EOF
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main (int argc, char *const argv[])
int i, j = sysconf (_SC_OPEN_MAX);
if (j < 0)
exit (1);
for (i = 3; i < j; ++i)
close (i);
execvp (argv[1], argv + 1);
exit (1);
gcc $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -o close_fds close_fds.c
mkdir docs/installed
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc/valgrind/* docs/installed/
rm -f docs/installed/*.ps
%if "%{valsecarch}" != ""
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/valgrind/
rm -f *-%{valsecarch}-* || :
for i in *-%{valarch}-*; do
j=`echo $i | sed 's/-%{valarch}-/-%{valsecarch}-/'`
ln -sf ../../lib/valgrind/$j $j
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/valgrind/*.supp.in
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
# To avoid multilib clashes in between i?86 and x86_64,
# tweak installed <valgrind/config.h> a little bit.
%if 0%{?rhel} == 5
; do
sed -i -e 's,^\(#define '$i' 1\|/\* #undef '$i' \*/\)$,#ifdef __x86_64__\n# define '$i' 1\n#endif,' \
# Make sure a basic binary runs.
./vg-in-place /bin/true
# Build the test files with the software collection compiler if available.
# Make sure no extra CFLAGS leak through, the testsuite sets all flags
# necessary. See also configure above.
make %{?_smp_mflags} CFLAGS="" check || :
echo ===============TESTING===================
./close_fds make regtest || :
# Make sure test failures show up in build.log
# Gather up the diffs (at most the first 20 lines for each one)
diff_files=`find . -name '*.diff' | sort`
if [ z"$diff_files" = z ] ; then
echo "Congratulations, all tests passed!" >> diffs
for i in $diff_files ; do
echo "=================================================" >> diffs
echo $i >> diffs
echo "=================================================" >> diffs
if [ `wc -l < $i` -le $MAX_LINES ] ; then
cat $i >> diffs
head -n $MAX_LINES $i >> diffs
echo "<truncated beyond $MAX_LINES lines>" >> diffs
cat diffs
echo ===============END TESTING===============
%doc docs/installed/html docs/installed/*.pdf
%dir %{_libdir}/valgrind
%files devel
%dir %{_libdir}/valgrind
%if %{build_openmpi}
%files openmpi
%dir %{_libdir}/valgrind
%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
# There is a bug in rpm (rhbz#214737) that might cause post to be run
# even thought the binary isn't installed when installing two multilib
# versions at the same time.
if [ -x %{_bindir}/valgrind ]; then
# On RHEL6 the fs equivalency should be setup by the devtoolset meta
# package, but because of a rpm bug (rhbz#924044) it might not work.
%{?scl:/sbin/restorecon %{_bindir}/valgrind}%{!?scl:true}
* Thu Dec 18 2014 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.10.1-1
- Upgrade to 3.10.1.
* Wed May 28 2014 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.9.0-8.3
- Fix %%post to be rhel6 only (#1101849)
* Mon May 19 2014 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.9.0-8.2
- Fix colon typo in make nonexp-regtest.
* Mon May 12 2014 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.9.0-8.1
- Rebase to 3.9.0-8.
- Don't cleanup fake 32-bit libgcc created in %%build. make regtest
might depend on it to build -m32 binaries.
- Use nonexp-regtest in check so gdbserver_tests are not run.
They might hang the build.
* Wed Dec 11 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-30.8
- Remove nonexp-regtest check hack. (#1019750)
* Mon Nov 4 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-30.7
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-amd64-sigstack.patch (#1026230)
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-30.6
- Fix colon typo in make nonexp-regtest.
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-30.5
- Use nonexp-regtest in check so gdbserver_tests are not run.
They might hang the build.
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-30.4
- Fix multilib issue with HAVE_PTRACE_GETREGS in config.h.
* Fri Oct 04 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-30.3
- Rebuilt for i386 and x86_64.
* Thu Oct 03 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-30.2
- Fixup selinux labels even on RHEL6 in post. (#1014726).
* Tue Oct 01 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-30.1
- Resync with 3.8.1-30
- Filter out -mcpu= so tests are compiled with the right flags. (#996927).
- Implement SSE4 MOVNTDQA insn (valgrind-3.8.1-movntdqa.patch)
- Don't BuildRequire /bin/ps, just BuildRequire procps
(procps-ng provides procps).
- Fix power_ISA2_05 testcase (valgrind-3.8.1-power-isa-205-deprecation.patch)
- Fix ppc32 make check build (valgrind-3.8.1-initial-power-isa-207.patch)
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-mmxext.patch
- Allow building against glibc 2.18. (#999169)
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-s390-STFLE.patch
s390 message-security assist (MSA) instruction extension not implemented.
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-power-isa-205-deprecation.patch
Deprecation of some ISA 2.05 POWER6 instructions.
- Fixup auto-foo generation of new manpage doc patch.
- tests/check_isa-2_07_cap should be executable.
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-initial-power-isa-207.patch
Initial ISA 2.07 support for POWER8-tuned libc.
- Don't depend on docdir location and version in openmpi subpackage
description (#993938).
- Enable openmpi subpackage also on arm.
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-ptrace-include-configure.patch (#992847)
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-dwarf-anon-enum.patch
- Cleanup valgrind-3.8.1-sigill_diag.patch .orig file changes (#949687).
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-ppc-setxattr.patch
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-new-manpages.patch
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-ptrace-thread-area.patch
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-af-bluetooth.patch
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-zero-size-sections.patch. Resolves issues with zero
sized .eh_frame sections on ppc64.
* Fri Aug 02 2013 Lubos Kocman <lkocman@redhat.com> - 3.8.1-14.4
- Fixing incorrect dist-tag el5_6 -> el5
* Thu Aug 1 2013 Frank Ch. Eigler <fche@redhat.com> 3.8.1-14.3
- bz988640, selinux context fix
* Fri Jun 28 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-14.2
- selinux context fixup only needed for RHEL5 scl build. (#979412)
* Thu Apr 18 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-14.1
- Resync with fedora 3.8.1-14
- fixup selinux file context when doing a scl build.
- Enable regtest suite on ARM.
- valgrind-3.8.1-abbrev-parsing.patch, drop workaround, enable real fix.
- Fix -Ttext-segment configure check. Enables s390x again.
- BuildRequire ps for testsuite.
* Tue Mar 12 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-13.1
- Resync with fedora 3.8.1-13
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-text-segment.patch
- Don't undefine _missing_build_ids_terminate_build.
- Fix quoting in valgrind valgrind-3.8.1-enable-armv5.patch
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-regtest-fixlets.patch.
* Tue Mar 12 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-11.1
- Resync with fedora 3.8.1-11
Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com>
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-manpages.patch
- Don't disable -debuginfo package generation, but do undefine
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-sendmsg-flags.patch
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-ptrace-setgetregset.patch
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-static-variables.patch
Jon Ciesla <limburgher@gmail.com>
- Merge review fixes, BZ 226522.
* Wed Jan 16 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-6.1
- Allow building against glibc-2.17.
* Mon Jan 14 2013 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-5.1
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-stpncpy.patch (KDE#309427)
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-ppc-32-mode-64-bit-instr.patch (#810992, KDE#308573)
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-sigill_diag.patch (#810992, KDE#309425)
- Rebase on fedora valgrind 3.8.1-5
* Tue Oct 16 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-3.2
- Add valgrind-3.8.1-xaddb.patch (#866943, KDE#307106)
* Mon Oct 15 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.1-3.1
- Rebase on fedora valgrind 3.8.1-3
* Fri Sep 14 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.0-8.2
- Only use DTS binutils and gdb for new asm and test checks, not gcc.
* Wed Sep 12 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> 3.8.0-8.1
- Rebase on fedora 3.8.0-8.
- Add valgrind-3.8.0-avx2-bmi-fma.patch (KDE#305728)
- Add configure fixup valgrind-3.8.0-bmi-conf-check.patch
- Use scl gcc and binutils also for build to pick up new instruction support.
* Wed Sep 12 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.0-6.2
- libmpiwrapper should not require a particular libmpi.so version (#854542)
* Tue Sep 11 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.0-6.1
- Rebase on fedora 3.8.0-6.
- tweak up <valgrind/config.h> to allow simultaneous installation
of valgrind-devel.{i686,x86_64} (#848146)
- Add valgrind-3.8.0-find-buildid.patch workaround bug #849435 (KDE#305431).
- Add valgrind-3.8.0-abbrev-parsing.patch for #849783 (KDE#305513).
- Add valgrind-3.8.0-lzcnt-tzcnt-bugfix.patch (KDE#295808)
- Add valgrind-3.8.0-avx-alignment-check.patch (KDE#305926)
* Fri Aug 10 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.8.0-1.1
- update to 3.8.0 release, based on fedora 3.8.0-1.
* Mon Jul 23 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.7.0-4.2
- Enable devtoolset-1.1-gcc build requires again for check.
* Mon Jul 16 2012 Mark Wielaard <mjw@redhat.com> - 3.7.0-4.1
- Add SCL macros
- Temporarily disable gcc requires, devtoolset-1.1-gcc not yet there.
* Mon May 7 2012 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.7.0-4
- adjust suppressions so that it works even with ld-2.15.so (#806854)
- handle DW_TAG_unspecified_type and DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type
(#810284, KDE#278313)
- handle .debug_types sections (#810286, KDE#284124)
* Sun Mar 4 2012 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 3.7.0-2
- Fix building on ARM platform
* Fri Jan 27 2012 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.7.0-1
- update to 3.7.0 (#769213, #782910, #772343)
- handle some further SCSI ioctls (#783936)
- handle fcntl F_SETOWN_EX and F_GETOWN_EX (#770746)
* Wed Aug 17 2011 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 3.6.1-6
- rebuild for rpm 4.9.1 trailing / bug
* Thu Jul 21 2011 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.6.1-5
- handle PLT unwind info (#723790, KDE#277045)
* Mon Jun 13 2011 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.6.1-4
- fix memcpy/memmove redirection on x86_64 (#705790)
* Wed Jun 8 2011 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.6.1-3
- fix testing against glibc 2.14
* Wed Jun 8 2011 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.6.1-2
- fix build on ppc64 (#711608)
- don't fail if s390x support patch hasn't been applied,
move testing into %%check (#708522)
- rebuilt against glibc 2.14
* Wed Feb 23 2011 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.6.1-1
- update to 3.6.1
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1:3.6.0-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
* Fri Jan 28 2011 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.6.0-2
- rebuilt against glibc 2.13 (#673046)
- hook in pwrite64 syscall on ppc64 (#672858)
- fix PIE handling on ppc/ppc64 (#665289)
* Fri Nov 12 2010 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.6.0-1
- update to 3.6.0
- add s390x support (#632354)
- provide a replacement for str{,n}casecmp{,_l} (#626470)
* Tue May 18 2010 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-18
- rebuilt against glibc 2.12
* Mon Apr 12 2010 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-16
- change pub_tool_basics.h not to include config.h (#579283)
- add valgrind-openmpi package for OpenMPI support (#565541)
- allow NULL second argument to capget (#450976)
* Wed Apr 7 2010 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-15
- handle i686 nopw insns with more than one data16 prefix (#574889)
- DWARF4 support
- handle getcpu and splice syscalls
* Wed Jan 20 2010 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-14
- fix build against latest glibc headers
* Wed Jan 20 2010 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-13
- DW_OP_mod is unsigned modulus instead of signed
- fix up valgrind.pc (#551277)
* Mon Dec 21 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-12
- don't require offset field to be set in adjtimex's
ADJ_OFFSET_SS_READ mode (#545866)
* Wed Dec 2 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-10
- add handling of a bunch of recent syscalls and fix some
other syscall wrappers (Dodji Seketeli)
- handle prelink created split of .bss into .dynbss and .bss
and similarly for .sbss and .sdynbss (#539874)
* Wed Nov 4 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-9
- rebuilt against glibc 2.11
- use upstream version of the ifunc support
* Wed Oct 28 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-8
- add preadv/pwritev syscall support
* Tue Oct 27 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-7
- add perf_counter_open syscall support (#531271)
- add handling of some sbb/adc insn forms on x86_64 (KDE#211410)
* Fri Oct 23 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-6
- ppc and ppc64 fixes
* Thu Oct 22 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-5
- add emulation of 0x67 prefixed loop* insns on x86_64 (#530165)
* Wed Oct 21 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-4
- handle reading of .debug_frame in addition to .eh_frame
- ignore unknown DWARF3 expressions in evaluate_trivial_GX
- suppress helgrind race errors in helgrind's own mythread_wrapper
- fix compilation of x86 tests on x86_64 and ppc tests
* Wed Oct 14 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-3
- handle many more DW_OP_* ops that GCC now uses
- handle the more compact form of DW_AT_data_member_location
- don't strip .debug_loc etc. from valgrind binaries
* Mon Oct 12 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-2
- add STT_GNU_IFUNC support (Dodji Seketeli, #518247)
- wrap inotify_init1 syscall (Dodji Seketeli, #527198)
- fix mmap/mprotect handling in memcheck (KDE#210268)
* Fri Aug 21 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.5.0-1
- update to 3.5.0
* Tue Jul 28 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.4.1-7
- handle futex ops newly added during last 4 years (#512121)
* Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> 3.4.1-6
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Jul 13 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.4.1-5
- add support for DW_CFA_{remember,restore}_state
* Mon Jul 13 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.4.1-4
- handle version 3 .debug_frame, .eh_frame, .debug_info and
.debug_line (#509197)
* Mon May 11 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.4.1-3
- rebuilt against glibc 2.10.1
* Wed Apr 22 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.4.1-2
- redirect x86_64 ld.so strlen early (#495645)
* Mon Mar 9 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.4.1-1
- update to 3.4.1
* Mon Feb 9 2009 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.4.0-3
- update to 3.4.0
* Wed Apr 16 2008 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.3.0-3
- add suppressions for glibc 2.8
- add a bunch of syscall wrappers (#441709)
* Mon Mar 3 2008 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.3.0-2
- add _dl_start suppression for ppc/ppc64
* Mon Mar 3 2008 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.3.0-1
- update to 3.3.0
- split off devel bits into valgrind-devel subpackage
* Thu Oct 18 2007 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.3-7
- add suppressions for glibc >= 2.7
* Fri Aug 31 2007 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.3-6
- handle new x86_64 nops (#256801, KDE#148447)
- add support for private futexes (KDE#146781)
- update License tag
* Fri Aug 3 2007 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.3-5
- add ppc64-linux symlink in valgrind ppc.rpm, so that when
rpm prefers 32-bit binaries over 64-bit ones 32-bit
/usr/bin/valgrind can find 64-bit valgrind helper binaries
- power5+ and power6 support (#240762)
* Thu Jun 28 2007 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.3-4
- pass GDB=%%{_prefix}/gdb to configure to fix default
--db-command (#220840)
* Wed Jun 27 2007 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.3-3
- add suppressions for glibc >= 2.6
- avoid valgrind internal error if io_destroy syscall is
passed a bogus argument
* Tue Feb 13 2007 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.3-2
- fix valgrind.pc again
* Tue Feb 13 2007 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.3-1
- update to 3.2.3
* Wed Nov 8 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.1-7
- some cachegrind improvements (Ulrich Drepper)
* Mon Nov 6 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.1-6
- fix valgrind.pc (#213149)
- handle Intel Core2 cache sizes in cachegrind (Ulrich Drepper)
* Wed Oct 25 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.1-5
- fix valgrind on ppc/ppc64 where PAGESIZE is 64K (#211598)
* Sun Oct 1 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.1-4
- adjust for glibc-2.5
* Wed Sep 27 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.1-3
- another DW_CFA_set_loc handling fix
* Tue Sep 26 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.1-2
- fix openat handling (#208097)
- fix DW_CFA_set_loc handling
* Tue Sep 19 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.1-1
- update to 3.2.1 bugfix release
- SSE3 emulation fixes, reduce memcheck false positive rate,
4 dozens of bugfixes
* Mon Aug 21 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.0-5
- handle the new i686/x86_64 nops (#203273)
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 1:3.2.0-4
- rebuild to bring ppc back
* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1:3.2.0-3.1
- rebuild
* Fri Jun 16 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.0-3
- handle [sg]et_robust_list syscall on ppc{32,64}
* Fri Jun 16 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.0-2
- fix ppc64 symlink to 32-bit valgrind libdir
- handle a few extra ppc64 syscalls
* Thu Jun 15 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.2.0-1
- update to 3.2.0
- ppc64 support
* Fri May 26 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.1.1-3
- handle [sg]et_robust_list syscalls on i?86/x86_64
- handle *at syscalls on ppc
- ensure on x86_64 both 32-bit and 64-bit glibc{,-devel} are
installed in the buildroot (#191820)
* Wed Apr 12 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.1.1-2
- handle many syscalls that were unhandled before, especially on ppc
* Mon Apr 3 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.1.1-1
- upgrade to 3.1.1
- many bugfixes
* Mon Mar 13 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.1.0-2
- add support for DW_CFA_val_offset{,_sf}, DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf
and skip over DW_CFA_val_expression quietly
- adjust libc/ld.so filenames in glibc-2.4.supp for glibc 2.4
* Mon Jan 9 2006 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.1.0-1
- upgrade to 3.1.0 (#174582)
- many bugfixes, ppc32 support
* Thu Oct 13 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.0.1-2
- remove Obsoletes for valgrind-callgrind, as it has been
ported to valgrind 3.0.x already
* Sun Sep 11 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.0.1-1
- upgrade to 3.0.1
- many bugfixes
- handle xattr syscalls on x86-64 (Ulrich Drepper)
* Fri Aug 12 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.0.0-3
- fix amd64 handling of cwtd instruction
- fix amd64 handling of e.g. sarb $0x4,val(%%rip)
- speedup amd64 insn decoding
* Fri Aug 12 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.0.0-2
- lower x86_64 stage2 base from 112TB down to 450GB, so that
valgrind works even on 2.4.x kernels. Still way better than
1.75GB that stock valgrind allows
* Fri Aug 12 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 3.0.0-1
- upgrade to 3.0.0
- x86_64 support
- temporarily obsolete valgrind-callgrind, as it has not been
ported yet
* Tue Jul 12 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.4.0-3
- build some insn tests with -mmmx, -msse or -msse2 (#161572)
- handle glibc-2.3.90 the same way as 2.3.[0-5]
* Wed Mar 30 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.4.0-2
- resurrect the non-upstreamed part of valgrind_h patch
- remove 2.1.2-4G patch, seems to be upstreamed
- resurrect passing -fno-builtin in memcheck tests
* Sun Mar 27 2005 Colin Walters <walters@redhat.com> 2.4.0-1
- New upstream version
- Update valgrind-2.2.0-regtest.patch to 2.4.0; required minor
- Disable valgrind-2.1.2-4G.patch for now; Not going to touch this,
and Fedora does not ship 4G kernel by default anymore
- Remove upstreamed valgrind-2.2.0.ioctls.patch
- Remove obsolete valgrind-2.2.0-warnings.patch; Code is no longer
- Remove upstreamed valgrind-2.2.0-valgrind_h.patch
- Remove obsolete valgrind-2.2.0-unnest.patch and
valgrind-2.0.0-pthread-stacksize.patch; valgrind no longer
includes its own pthread library
* Thu Mar 17 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.2.0-10
- rebuilt with GCC 4
* Tue Feb 8 2005 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.2.0-8
- avoid unnecessary use of nested functions for pthread_once
* Mon Dec 6 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.2.0-7
- update URL (#141873)
* Tue Nov 16 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.2.0-6
- act as if NVALGRIND is defined when using <valgrind.h>
in non-m32/i386 programs (#138923)
- remove weak from VALGRIND_PRINTF*, make it static and
add unused attribute
* Mon Nov 8 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.2.0-4
- fix a printout and possible problem with local variable
usage around setjmp (#138254)
* Tue Oct 5 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.2.0-3
- remove workaround for buggy old makes (#134563)
* Fri Oct 1 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.2.0-2
- handle some more ioctls (Peter Jones, #131967)
* Thu Sep 2 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.2.0-1
- update to 2.2.0
* Thu Jul 22 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.1.2-3
- fix packaging of documentation
* Tue Jul 20 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.1.2-2
- allow tracing of 32-bit binaries on x86-64
* Tue Jul 20 2004 Jakub Jelinek <jakub@redhat.com> 2.1.2-1
- update to 2.1.2
- run make regtest as part of package build
- use glibc-2.3 suppressions instead of glibc-2.2 suppressions
* Thu Apr 29 2004 Colin Walters <walters@redhat.com> 2.0.0-1
- update to 2.0.0
* Tue Feb 25 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 1.9.4-0.20030228
- update to 1.9.4 from CVS.
- dwarf patch from Graydon Hoare.
- sysinfo patch from Graydon Hoare, take 1.
* Fri Feb 14 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 1.9.3-6.20030207
- add return codes to syscalls.
- fix: set errno after syscalls.
* Tue Feb 11 2003 Graydon Hoare <graydon@redhat.com> 1.9.3-5.20030207
- add handling for separate debug info (+fix).
- handle blocking readv/writev correctly.
- comment out 4 overly zealous pthread checks.
* Tue Feb 11 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 1.9.3-4.20030207
- move _pthread_desc to vg_include.h.
- implement pthread_mutex_timedlock().
- implement pthread_barrier_wait().
* Mon Feb 10 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 1.9.3-3.20030207
- import all(afaik) missing functionality from linuxthreads.
* Sun Feb 9 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 1.9.3-2.20030207
- import more missing functionality from linuxthreads in glibc-2.3.1.
* Sat Feb 8 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 1.9.3-1.20030207
- start fixing nptl test cases.
* Fri Feb 7 2003 Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com> 1.9.3-0.20030207
- build against current 1.9.3 with nptl hacks.
* Tue Oct 15 2002 Alexander Larsson <alexl@redhat.com>
- Update to 1.0.4
* Fri Aug 9 2002 Alexander Larsson <alexl@redhat.com>
- Update to 1.0.0
* Wed Jul 3 2002 Alexander Larsson <alexl@redhat.com>
- Update to pre4.
* Tue Jun 18 2002 Alexander Larsson <alla@lysator.liu.se>
- Add threadkeys and extra suppressions patches. Bump epoch.
* Mon Jun 17 2002 Alexander Larsson <alla@lysator.liu.se>
- Updated to 1.0pre1
* Tue May 28 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com>
- Updated to 20020524. Added GLIBC_PRIVATE patch
* Thu May 9 2002 Jonathan Blandford <jrb@redhat.com>
- add missing symbol __pthread_clock_settime
* Wed May 8 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com>
- Update to 20020508
* Mon May 6 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com>
- Update to 20020503b
* Thu May 2 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com>
- update to new snapshot
* Mon Apr 29 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com> 20020428-1
- update to new snapshot
* Fri Apr 26 2002 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> 20020426-1
- update to new snapshot
* Thu Apr 25 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com> 20020424-5
- Added stack patch. Commented out other patches.
* Wed Apr 24 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com> 20020424-4
- filter out GLIBC_PRIVATE requires, add preload patch
* Wed Apr 24 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com> 20020424-3
- Make glibc 2.2 and XFree86 4 the default supressions
* Wed Apr 24 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com> 20020424-2
- Added patch that includes atomic.h
* Wed Apr 24 2002 Alex Larsson <alexl@redhat.com> 20020424-1
- Initial build