Blob Blame History Raw
diff --git a/shared/fixes/bash/
deleted file mode 100644
index 913ebd6788..0000000000
--- a/shared/fixes/bash/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, multi_platform_fedora
-# Correct the form of default kernel command line in GRUB
-if grep -q '^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*audit=.*"'  '/etc/default/grub' ; then
-	# modify the GRUB command-line if an audit= arg already exists
-	sed -i 's/\(^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*\)audit=[^[:space:]]*\(.*"\)/\1 audit=1 \2/'  '/etc/default/grub'
-	# no audit=arg is present, append it
-	sed -i 's/\(^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*\)"/\1 audit=1"/'  '/etc/default/grub'
-# Correct the form of kernel command line for each installed kernel in the bootloader
-grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="audit=1"
diff --git a/shared/checks/oval/grub2_audit_argument.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a943fd97a..0000000000
--- a/shared/checks/oval/grub2_audit_argument.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-  <definition class="compliance" id="grub2_audit_argument" version="2">
-    <metadata>
-      <title>Enable Auditing for Processes Which Start Prior to the Audit Daemon</title>
-      <affected family="unix">
-        <platform>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7</platform>
-        <platform>multi_platform_fedora</platform>
-      </affected>
-      <description>Look for argument audit=1 in the kernel line in /etc/default/grub.</description>
-    </metadata>
-    <criteria operator="OR">
-      <criterion test_ref="test_grub2_audit_argument"
-      comment="check for audit=1 in /etc/default/grub via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX" />
-      <criteria operator="AND">
-        <criterion test_ref="test_grub2_audit_argument_default"
-        comment="check for audit=1 in /etc/default/grub via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" />
-        <extend_definition definition_ref="bootloader_disable_recovery_set_to_true"
-        comment="Check GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY=true in /etc/default/grub" />
-      </criteria>
-    </criteria>
-  </definition>
-  <ind:textfilecontent54_test id="test_grub2_audit_argument"
-  comment="check for audit=1 in /etc/default/grub via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX"
-  check="all" check_existence="all_exist" version="1">
-    <ind:object object_ref="object_grub2_audit_argument" />
-    <ind:state state_ref="state_grub2_audit_argument" />
-  </ind:textfilecontent54_test>
-  <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="object_grub2_audit_argument" version="1">
-    <ind:filepath>/etc/default/grub</ind:filepath>
-    <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^\s*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="(.*)"$</ind:pattern>
-    <ind:instance datatype="int" operation="greater than or equal">1</ind:instance>
-  </ind:textfilecontent54_object>
-  <ind:textfilecontent54_test id="test_grub2_audit_argument_default"
-  comment="check for audit=1 in /etc/default/grub via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT"
-  check="all" check_existence="all_exist" version="1">
-    <ind:object object_ref="object_grub2_audit_argument_default" />
-    <ind:state state_ref="state_grub2_audit_argument" />
-  </ind:textfilecontent54_test>
-  <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="object_grub2_audit_argument_default"
-  version="1">
-    <ind:filepath>/etc/default/grub</ind:filepath>
-    <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^\s*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="(.*)"$</ind:pattern>
-    <ind:instance datatype="int" operation="greater than or equal">1</ind:instance>
-  </ind:textfilecontent54_object>
-  <ind:textfilecontent54_state id="state_grub2_audit_argument"
-  version="1">
-    <ind:subexpression datatype="string" operation="pattern match">^.*audit=1.*$</ind:subexpression>
-  </ind:textfilecontent54_state>
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/auditing/grub2_audit_backlog_limit_argument.rule b/linux_os/guide/system/auditing/grub2_audit_backlog_limit_argument.rule
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..361a6b9853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/auditing/grub2_audit_backlog_limit_argument.rule
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+documentation_complete: true
+prodtype: rhel7,fedora
+title: 'Extend Audit Backlog Limit for the Audit Daemon'
+description: |-
+    To improve the kernel capacity to queue all log events, even those which occurred
+    prior to the audit daemon, add the argument <tt>audit_backlog_limit=8192</tt> to the default
+    GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system in
+    <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt>, in the manner below:
+    <pre>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet audit=1 audit_backlog_limit=8192"</pre>
+rationale: |-
+    audit_backlog_limit sets the queue length for audit events awaiting transfer
+    to the audit daemon. Until the audit daemon is up and running, all log messages
+    are stored in this queue.  If the queue is overrun during boot process, the action
+    defined by audit failure flag is taken.
+severity: unknown
+ocil_clause: 'audit backlog limit is not configured'
+ocil: |-
+    Inspect the form of default GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system
+    in <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt>. If they include <tt>audit_backlog_limit=1</tt>, then auditing
+    is enabled at boot time.
+    <br /><br />
+    To ensure <tt>audit_backlog_limit=1</tt> is configured on all installed kernels, the
+    following command may be used:
+    <br />
+    <pre>$ sudo /sbin/grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="audit_backlog_limit=1"</pre>
+    <br />
+    - management: |-
+        The GRUB 2 configuration file, <tt>grub.cfg</tt>,
+        is automatically updated each time a new kernel is installed. Note that any
+        changes to <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt> require rebuilding the <tt>grub.cfg</tt>
+        file. To update the GRUB 2 configuration file manually, use the
+        <pre>grub2-mkconfig -o</pre> command as follows:
+        <ul>
+        <li>On BIOS-based machines, issue the following command as <tt>root</tt>:
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+        <li>On UEFI-based machines, issue the following command as <tt>root</tt>:
+{{% if product == "rhel7" %}}
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+{{% else %}}
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+{{% endif %}}
+        </ul>
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/grub2_vsyscall_argument.rule b/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/grub2_vsyscall_argument.rule
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8773f2407f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/grub2_vsyscall_argument.rule
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+documentation_complete: true
+prodtype: rhel7,fedora
+title: 'Disable vsyscalls'
+description: |-
+    To disable use of virtual syscalls,
+    add the argument <tt>vsyscall=none</tt> to the default
+    GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system in
+    <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt>, in the manner below:
+    <pre>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vsyscall=none"</pre>
+rationale: |-
+    Virtual Syscalls provide an opportunity of attack for a user who has control
+    of the return instruction pointer.
+severity: unknown
+ocil_clause: 'vsyscalls are enabled'
+ocil: |-
+    Inspect the form of default GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system
+    in <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt>. If they include <tt>vsyscall=none</tt>,
+    then virtyal syscalls are not enabled at boot time.
+    <br /><br />
+    To ensure <tt>vsyscall=none</tt> is configured on all installed kernels, the
+    following command may be used:
+    <br />
+    <pre>$ sudo /sbin/grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="vsyscall=none</pre>
+    <br />
+    - management: |-
+        The GRUB 2 configuration file, <tt>grub.cfg</tt>,
+        is automatically updated each time a new kernel is installed. Note that any
+        changes to <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt> require rebuilding the <tt>grub.cfg</tt>
+        file. To update the GRUB 2 configuration file manually, use the
+        <pre>grub2-mkconfig -o</pre> command as follows:
+        <ul>
+        <li>On BIOS-based machines, issue the following command as <tt>root</tt>:
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+        <li>On UEFI-based machines, issue the following command as <tt>root</tt>:
+{{% if product == "rhel7" %}}
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+{{% else %}}
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+{{% endif %}}
+        </ul>
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/group.yml b/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/group.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a7a370f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/group.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+documentation_complete: true
+title: 'Memory Poisoning'
+description: |-
+    Memory Poisoning consists of writing a special value to uninitialized or freed memory.
+    Poisoning can be used as a mechanism to prevent leak of information and detection of
+    corrupted memory.
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/grub2_page_poison_argument.rule b/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/grub2_page_poison_argument.rule
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9056613b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/grub2_page_poison_argument.rule
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+documentation_complete: true
+prodtype: rhel7,fedora
+title: 'Enable page allocator poisoning'
+description: |-
+    To enable poisoning of free pages,
+    add the argument <tt>page_poison=1</tt> to the default
+    GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system in
+    <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt>, in the manner below:
+    <pre>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="page_poison=1"</pre>
+rationale: |-
+    Poisoning writes an arbitrary value to freed pages, so any modification or
+    reference to that page after being freed or before being initialized will be
+    detected and prevented.
+    This prevents many types of use-after-free vulnerabilities at little performance cost.
+    Also prevents leak of data and detection of corrupted memory.
+severity: unknown
+ocil_clause: 'page allocator poisoning is not enabled'
+ocil: |-
+    Inspect the form of default GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system
+    in <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt>. If they include <tt>page_poison=1</tt>,
+    then page poisoning is enabled at boot time.
+    <br /><br />
+    To ensure <tt>page_poison=1</tt> is configured on all installed kernels, the
+    following command may be used:
+    <br />
+    <pre>$ sudo /sbin/grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="page_poison=1</pre>
+    <br />
+    - management: |-
+        The GRUB 2 configuration file, <tt>grub.cfg</tt>,
+        is automatically updated each time a new kernel is installed. Note that any
+        changes to <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt> require rebuilding the <tt>grub.cfg</tt>
+        file. To update the GRUB 2 configuration file manually, use the
+        <pre>grub2-mkconfig -o</pre> command as follows:
+        <ul>
+        <li>On BIOS-based machines, issue the following command as <tt>root</tt>:
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+        <li>On UEFI-based machines, issue the following command as <tt>root</tt>:
+{{% if product == "rhel7" %}}
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+{{% else %}}
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+{{% endif %}}
+        </ul>
diff --git a/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/grub2_slub_debug_argument.rule b/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/grub2_slub_debug_argument.rule
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea982ee216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux_os/guide/system/permissions/restrictions/poisoning/grub2_slub_debug_argument.rule
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+documentation_complete: true
+prodtype: rhel7,fedora
+title: 'Enable SLUB/SLAB allocator poisoning'
+description: |-
+    To enable poisoning of SLUB/SLAB objects,
+    add the argument <tt>slub_debug=P</tt> to the default
+    GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system in
+    <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt>, in the manner below:
+    <pre>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="slub_debug=P"</pre>
+rationale: |-
+    Poisoning writes an arbitrary value to freed objects, so any modification or
+    reference to that object after being freed or before being initialized will be
+    detected and prevented.
+    This prevents many types of use-after-free vulnerabilities at little performance cost.
+    Also prevents leak of data and detection of corrupted memory.
+severity: unknown
+ocil_clause: 'SLUB/SLAB poisoning is not enabled'
+ocil: |-
+    Inspect the form of default GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system
+    in <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt>. If they include <tt>slub_debug=P</tt>,
+    then SLUB/SLAB poisoning is enabled at boot time.
+    <br /><br />
+    To ensure <tt>slub_debug=P</tt> is configured on all installed kernels, the
+    following command may be used:
+    <br />
+    <pre>$ sudo /sbin/grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="slub_debug=P</pre>
+    <br />
+    - management: |-
+        The GRUB 2 configuration file, <tt>grub.cfg</tt>,
+        is automatically updated each time a new kernel is installed. Note that any
+        changes to <tt>/etc/default/grub</tt> require rebuilding the <tt>grub.cfg</tt>
+        file. To update the GRUB 2 configuration file manually, use the
+        <pre>grub2-mkconfig -o</pre> command as follows:
+        <ul>
+        <li>On BIOS-based machines, issue the following command as <tt>root</tt>:
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+        <li>On UEFI-based machines, issue the following command as <tt>root</tt>:
+{{% if product == "rhel7" %}}
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+{{% else %}}
+        <pre>~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg</pre></li>
+{{% endif %}}
+        </ul>
diff --git a/rhel7/profiles/ospp42.profile b/rhel7/profiles/ospp42.profile
index bfdc68de8b..dd157a6e5b 100644
--- a/rhel7/profiles/ospp42.profile
+++ b/rhel7/profiles/ospp42.profile
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ description: |-
     - installed_OS_is_certified
     - grub2_audit_argument
+    - grub2_audit_backlog_limit_argument
     - service_auditd_enabled
     - grub2_enable_fips_mode
     - rpm_verify_hashes
@@ -53,6 +54,9 @@ selections:
     - grub2_password
     - grub2_uefi_password
     - grub2_disable_interactive_boot
+    - grub2_slub_debug_argument
+    - grub2_page_poison_argument
+    - grub2_vsyscall_argument
     - no_empty_passwords
     - require_singleuser_auth
     - service_debug-shell_disabled
diff --git a/shared/templates/ b/shared/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbd6e46a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#        generate template-based checks for unsuccessful file modifications detailed
+from template_common import FilesGenerator, UnknownTargetError
+import re
+class GRUB2BootloaderArgumentGenerator(FilesGenerator):
+    def generate(self, target, args):
+        arg_name, arg_value = args[0:2]
+        arg_name_value = arg_name + '=' + arg_value
+        if target == "bash":
+            self.file_from_template(
+                "./template_BASH_grub2_bootloader_argument",
+                {
+                    "ARG_NAME": arg_name,
+                    "ARG_NAME_VALUE": arg_name_value
+                },
+                "./bash/grub2_{0}", arg_name
+            )
+        elif target == "oval":
+            self.file_from_template(
+                "./template_OVAL_grub2_bootloader_argument",
+                {
+                    "ARG_NAME": arg_name,
+                    "ARG_NAME_VALUE": arg_name_value
+                },
+                "./oval/grub2_{0}_argument.xml", arg_name
+            )
+        else:
+            raise UnknownTargetError(target)
+    def csv_format(self):
+        return("CSV should contains lines of the format: " +
+               "SYSCALL")
diff --git a/shared/templates/csv/grub2_bootloader_argument.csv b/shared/templates/csv/grub2_bootloader_argument.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8610111715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/templates/csv/grub2_bootloader_argument.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# format:
+# <argument_name>,<value>
+# - argument_name is the name of argument for the bootloader
+# - value is the value for the argument
diff --git a/shared/templates/template_BASH_grub2_bootloader_argument b/shared/templates/template_BASH_grub2_bootloader_argument
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f48517415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/templates/template_BASH_grub2_bootloader_argument
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# platform = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, multi_platform_fedora
+# Correct the form of default kernel command line in GRUB
+if grep -q '^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*{{{ ARG_NAME }}}=.*"'  '/etc/default/grub' ; then
+	# modify the GRUB command-line if an {{{ ARG_NAME }}}= arg already exists
+	sed -i 's/\(^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*\){{{ ARG_NAME }}}=[^[:space:]]*\(.*"\)/\1 {{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}} \2/'  '/etc/default/grub'
+	# no {{{ ARG_NAME }}}=arg is present, append it
+	sed -i 's/\(^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*\)"/\1 {{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}}"/'  '/etc/default/grub'
+# Correct the form of kernel command line for each installed kernel in the bootloader
+grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="{{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}}"
diff --git a/shared/templates/template_OVAL_grub2_bootloader_argument b/shared/templates/template_OVAL_grub2_bootloader_argument
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6f4b1397a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/templates/template_OVAL_grub2_bootloader_argument
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+  <definition class="compliance" id="grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument" version="2">
+    <metadata>
+      <title>Ensure GRUB 2 is configured to run Linux operating system with argument {{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}}</title>
+      <affected family="unix">
+        <platform>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7</platform>
+        <platform>multi_platform_fedora</platform>
+      </affected>
+      <description>Look for argument {{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}} in the kernel line in /etc/default/grub.</description>
+    </metadata>
+    <criteria operator="OR">
+      <criterion test_ref="test_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument"
+      comment="check for {{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}} in /etc/default/grub via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX" />
+      <criteria operator="AND">
+        <criterion test_ref="test_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument_default"
+        comment="check for {{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}} in /etc/default/grub via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" />
+        <extend_definition definition_ref="bootloader_disable_recovery_set_to_true"
+        comment="Check GRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY=true in /etc/default/grub" />
+      </criteria>
+    </criteria>
+  </definition>
+  <ind:textfilecontent54_test id="test_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument"
+  comment="check for {{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}} in /etc/default/grub via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX"
+  check="all" check_existence="all_exist" version="1">
+    <ind:object object_ref="object_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument" />
+    <ind:state state_ref="state_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument" />
+  </ind:textfilecontent54_test>
+  <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="object_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument" version="1">
+    <ind:filepath>/etc/default/grub</ind:filepath>
+    <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^\s*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="(.*)"$</ind:pattern>
+    <ind:instance datatype="int" operation="greater than or equal">1</ind:instance>
+  </ind:textfilecontent54_object>
+  <ind:textfilecontent54_test id="test_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument_default"
+  comment="check for {{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}} in /etc/default/grub via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT"
+  check="all" check_existence="all_exist" version="1">
+    <ind:object object_ref="object_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument_default" />
+    <ind:state state_ref="state_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument" />
+  </ind:textfilecontent54_test>
+  <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="object_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument_default"
+  version="1">
+    <ind:filepath>/etc/default/grub</ind:filepath>
+    <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^\s*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="(.*)"$</ind:pattern>
+    <ind:instance datatype="int" operation="greater than or equal">1</ind:instance>
+  </ind:textfilecontent54_object>
+  <ind:textfilecontent54_state id="state_grub2_{{{ ARG_NAME }}}_argument"
+  version="1">
+    <ind:subexpression datatype="string" operation="pattern match">^.*{{{ ARG_NAME_VALUE }}}.*$</ind:subexpression>
+  </ind:textfilecontent54_state>
diff --git a/ssg/ b/ssg/
index f4373553b2..c36bbbacc4 100644
--- a/ssg/
+++ b/ssg/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 from create_audit_rules_usergroup_modification import AuditRulesUserGroupModificationGenerator
 from create_audit_rules_execution import AuditRulesExecutionGenerator
 from create_audit_rules_path_syscall import AuditRulesPathSyscallGenerator
+from create_grub2_bootloader_argument import GRUB2BootloaderArgumentGenerator
 class Builder(object):
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ def __init__(self, env_yaml):
             "audit_rules_usergroup_modification.csv":  AuditRulesUserGroupModificationGenerator(),
             "audit_rules_execution.csv":        AuditRulesExecutionGenerator(),
             "audit_rules_path_syscall.csv":        AuditRulesPathSyscallGenerator(),
+            "grub2_bootloader_argument.csv":        GRUB2BootloaderArgumentGenerator(),
         self.langs = TEMPLATED_LANGUAGES
         utils_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))