Blob Blame History Raw
--- scap-security-guide-0.1.19/RHEL/7/input/system/accounts/pam.xml.orig	2014-09-29 08:53:24.078751294 -0400
+++ scap-security-guide-0.1.19/RHEL/7/input/system/accounts/pam.xml	2014-09-29 08:59:28.963638607 -0400
@@ -81,33 +81,28 @@ and gives them an opportunity to notify
 <Group id="password_quality">
 <title>Set Password Quality Requirements</title>
-<description>The default <tt>pam_cracklib</tt> PAM module provides strength
+<description>The default <tt>pam_pwquality</tt> PAM module provides strength
 checking for passwords. It performs a number of checks, such as
 making sure passwords are not similar to dictionary words, are of
 at least a certain length, are not the previous password reversed,
 and are not simply a change of case from the previous password. It
 can also require passwords to be in certain character classes.
 <br /><br />
-The <tt>pam_passwdqc</tt> PAM module also provides the ability to enforce
-stringent password strength requirements. It is provided
-in an RPM of the same name.
-<br /><br />
-The man pages <tt>pam_cracklib(8)</tt> and <tt>pam_passwdqc(8)</tt>
-provide information on the capabilities and configuration of
+The man page <tt>pam_pwquality(8)</tt> provide further information
+on the capabilities and configuration.</description>
 <Group id="password_quality_pamcracklib">
 <title>Set Password Quality Requirements, if using
-<description>The <tt>pam_cracklib</tt> PAM module can be configured to meet
+ pam_pwquality</title>
+<description>The <tt>pam_pwquality</tt> PAM module can be configured to meet
 requirements for a variety of policies.
 <br /><br />
-For example, to configure <tt>pam_cracklib</tt> to require at least one uppercase
+For example, to configure <tt>pam_pwquality</tt> to require at least one uppercase
 character, lowercase character, digit, and other (special)
 character, locate the following line in <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt>:
-<pre>password requisite try_first_pass retry=3</pre>
+<pre>password requisite try_first_pass retry=3</pre>
 and then alter it to read:
-<pre>password required try_first_pass retry=3 maxrepeat=3 minlen=14 dcredit=-1 ucredit=-1 ocredit=-1 lcredit=-1 difok=4</pre>
+<pre>password required try_first_pass retry=3 maxrepeat=3 minlen=14 dcredit=-1 ucredit=-1 ocredit=-1 lcredit=-1 difok=4</pre>
 If no such line exists, add one as the first line of the password section in <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt>.
 The arguments can be modified to ensure compliance with
 your organization's security policy. Discussion of each parameter follows.
@@ -268,14 +263,14 @@ is different from account lockout, which
 <Rule id="accounts_password_pam_cracklib_maxrepeat">
 <title>Set Password to Maximum of Three Consecutive Repeating Characters</title>
-<description>The pam_cracklib module's <tt>maxrepeat</tt> parameter controls requirements for
+<description>The pam_pwquality module's <tt>maxrepeat</tt> parameter controls requirements for
 consecutive repeating characters. When set to a positive number, it will reject passwords
 which contain more than that number of consecutive characters. Add <tt>maxrepeat=3</tt>
-after to prevent a run of four or more identical characters.
+after to prevent a run of four or more identical characters.
 <ocil clause="maxrepeat is not found or not set to the required value">
 To check the maximum value for consecutive repeating characters, run the following command:
-<pre>$ grep pam_cracklib /etc/pam.d/system-auth</pre>
+<pre>$ grep pam_pwquality /etc/pam.d/system-auth</pre>
 Look for the value of the <tt>maxrepeat</tt> parameter. The DoD requirement is 3.
@@ -413,7 +408,7 @@ Note that passwords which are changed on
 <Rule id="accounts_password_pam_cracklib_minclass">
 <title>Set Password Strength Minimum Different Categories</title>
-<description>The pam_cracklib module's <tt>minclass</tt> parameter controls requirements for
+<description>The pam_pwquality module's <tt>minclass</tt> parameter controls requirements for
 usage of different character classes, or types, of character that must exist in a password
 before it is considered valid. For example, setting this value to three (3) requires that
 any password must have characters from at least three different categories in order to be
@@ -425,7 +420,7 @@ four categories available:
 * Digits
 * Special characters (for example, punctuation)
-Add <tt>minclass=<i>NUM</i></tt> after entry into the
+Add <tt>minclass=<i>NUM</i></tt> after entry into the
 <tt>/etc/pam.d/system-auth</tt> file in order to require differing categories of
 characters when changing passwords, substituting <i>NUM</i> appropriately (for example to
 require at least three character classes to be used in password, use <tt>minclass=3</tt>).
@@ -433,7 +428,7 @@ require at least three character classes
 <ocil clause="minclass is not found or not set to the required value">
 To check how many categories of characters must be used in password during a password change,
 run the following command:
-<pre>$ grep pam_cracklib /etc/pam.d/system-auth</pre>
+<pre>$ grep pam_pwquality /etc/pam.d/system-auth</pre>
 The <tt>minclass</tt> parameter will indicate how many character classes must be used. If
 the requirement was for the password to contain characters from three different categories,
 then this would appear as <tt>minclass=3</tt>.