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| <h1>The CentOS Project</h1> |
| <p>The CentOS Project is a community-driven free software effort focused on delivering a robust open source ecosystem around a Linux platform.</p> |
| <p>We offer two Linux distros:</p> |
| <p> -- CentOS Linux is a consistent, manageable platform that suits a wide variety of deployments. For some open source communities, it is a solid, predictable base to build upon.</p> |
| <p> -- The new CentOS Stream is a rolling-release distro that tracks just ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) development, positioned as a midstream between Fedora Linux and RHEL. For anyone interested in participating and collaborating in the RHEL ecosystem, CentOS Stream is your reliable platform for innovation.</p> |
| <div class="downloadbutton"><a href="/download/">Get CentOS Now</a></div> |
| <p>In support of this community effort, the CentOS Project provides extensive resources to build, test, release, and maintain code on these platforms.</p> |
| <p>For more information about updates and improvements in CentOS Stream and CentOS Linux 8, please check out the <a href="https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSStream">CentOS Stream release notes</a> and the <a href="https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSLinux8">CentOS linux release notes</a> or the release announcement in the mailing list archive. Information about other actively maintained CentOS Linux releases is available on the <a href="https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7">CentOS Linux 7</a> and <a href="https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS6.10">CentOS Linux 6</a> release notes pages.</p> |
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| <h2 class="text-center">Around CentOS</h2> |
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| <h2 class="text-center">News & Events</h2> |
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| <h4 class="media-heading">April 24: CentOS Dojo at Facebook</h4> |
| <p>We have tentatively booked a CentOS Dojo at Facebook, in |
| Menlo Park (San Francisco) California, on April 24th. Watch this |
| space for more details.</p> |
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| <h4 class="media-heading">October 23: CentOS Dojo at CERN</h4> |
| <p>We're excited to be going back to CERN for another CentOS |
| Dojo. Join us October 23rd in Meyrin! <a |
| href="http://cern.ch/centos">DETAILS</a></p> |
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| <h4 class="media-heading">Other Dojos!</h4> |
| <p>We're working on two more Dojos in 2020, but details are |
| still being figured out. We hope to be at Oak Ridge National |
| Labs in September, and Fermilab at some date to be determined. |
| <a href="https://wiki.centos.org/Events/">Watch the Events page |
| in the wiki for details.</a></p> |
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| <h2 class="text-center">Sponsorship</h2> |
| <p>CentOS would not be possible without the support of our sponsors. We would like to thank the following product/service for being a CentOS sponsor:</p> |
| <div class='cycle-slideshow' |
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| <% @site.items.select { |i| i[:sponsor] }.each do|i| %> |
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| <p><a href="/sponsors/">If you value our work, please consider becoming a sponsor!</a></p> |
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