linma / rpms / iproute

Forked from rpms/iproute 5 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
From 1cdfff2f66b7f733dc424c933e91546fae6eac4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Phil Sutter <>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2016 20:41:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] man: ip-link.8: Fix and improve synopsis

Upstream Status: iproute2.git commit ca611d6408c9b
Conflicts: Patch adjusted to missing features.

commit ca611d6408c9bf17d122923c72d27d032e054cd8
Author: Phil Sutter <>
Date:   Wed Mar 2 19:19:58 2016 +0100

    man: ip-link.8: Fix and improve synopsis

    Reflect that it is possible to pass multiple parameters at the same
    time, also use the same trick the help text uses to emphasize vf
    specific parameters.

    Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <>
 man/man8/ | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/man8/ b/man/man8/
index d369598..6ce2cc8 100644
--- a/man/man8/
+++ b/man/man8/
@@ -83,68 +83,77 @@ ip-link \- network device configuration
 .BR "ip link set " {
 .IR DEVICE " | "
 .BI "group " GROUP
-.RB "} { " up " | " down " | " arp " { " on " | " off " } |"
+.RB "} [ { " up " | " down " } ]"
-.BR promisc " { " on " | " off " } |"
+.RB "[ " arp " { " on " | " off " } ]"
-.BR allmulticast " { " on " | " off " } |"
+.RB "[ " dynamic " { " on " | " off " } ]"
-.BR dynamic " { " on " | " off " } |"
+.RB "[ " multicast " { " on " | " off " } ]"
-.BR multicast " { " on " | " off " } |"
+.RB "[ " allmulticast " { " on " | " off " } ]"
-.B  txqueuelen
+.RB "[ " promisc " { " on " | " off " } ]"
-.B  name
+.RB "[ " trailers " { " on " | " off " } ]"
-.B  address
-.IR LLADDR " |"
-.B  broadcast
-.IR LLADDR " |"
+.RB "[ " txqueuelen
-.B  mtu
-.IR MTU " |"
+.RB "[ " name
-.B  netns
-.IR PID " |"
+.RB "[ " address
+.IR LLADDR " ]"
-.B  netns
+.RB "[ " broadcast
+.IR LLADDR " ]"
-.B alias
-.IR NAME  " |"
+.RB "[ " mtu
+.IR MTU " ]"
-.B vf
+.RB "[ " netns " {"
+.IR PID " | " NETNSNAME " } ]"
+.RB "[ " link-netnsid
+.IR ID " ]"
+.RB "[ " alias
+.IR NAME  " ]"
+.RB "[ " vf
 .IR NUM " ["
 .B  mac
-.IR LLADDR " ] ["
-.B vlan
+.IR LLADDR " ]" +9
+.RB "[ " vlan
 .IR VLANID " [ "
 .B qos
-.IR VLAN-QOS " ] ] ["
-.B rate
-.IR TXRATE " ] ["
-.B spoofchk { on | off }
-] |
+.IR VLAN-QOS " ] ]"
+.RB "[ " rate
+.IR TXRATE " ]"
-.B master
-.IR DEVICE " |"
+.RB "[ " spoofchk " { " on " | " off " } ]"
-.B nomaster " |"
+.RB "[ " state " { " auto " | " enable " | " disable " } ] ]" -9
+.RB "[ " master
+.IR DEVICE " ]"
-.B addrgenmode { eui64 | none }
+.RB "[ " nomaster " ]"
-.B link-netnsid ID
-.BR " }"
+.RB "[ " addrgenmode " { " eui64 " | " none  " } ]"
 .ti -8
 .B ip link show
 .RI "[ " DEVICE " | "
 .B group
-.IR GROUP " ]"
+.IR GROUP " ] ["
+.BR up " ]"
 .ti -8
 .B ip link help