The site is built with nanoc and Bootstrap 3.
We use haml for templates where it makes sense and mostly markdown for content.
Required Gems:
May be in RPM:
Installing on Fedora 19/20: Packages will come later for the dependencies.
sudo yum install ruby asciidoc nokogiri gem install nanoc adsf cri compass haml kramdown pry rainpress rubypants sass susy systemu guard-nanoc
You may compile and view the site live as you make changes using the guard module. To do this, run 'guard init' at the root of the site. This will create a watch file that will serve as list for what files the guard module will keep an eye on. Changes to these files will trigger an automatic rebuild of the site. Next run 'nanoc view &', followed by 'guard' Now in another terminal, you may make changes to the website content, and it will rebuild as you touch files.
Simply run 'nanoc deploy --target=' where the target value is either prod1 or prod2. These targets are defined in the nanoc.yaml file.