bstinson / centos / t_functional

Forked from centos/t_functional 4 years ago
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# Author: Steve Barnes (
# Description: this script sources our library functions and starts a test run.

export readonly PASS=0
export readonly FAIL=1

echo -e "\n[+] `date` -> CentOS QA $0 starting."


[ -f $LIB_FUNCTIONS ] && source $LIB_FUNCTIONS || { echo -e "\n[+] `date` -> Unable to source functions library. Cannot continue\n"; exit $FAIL; }

# case insensitive filename matching
shopt -s nocasematch

# exit as soon as any script returns a non-zero exit status
set -e

# process our test script folders
t_ProcessFolder <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/0_common/ -type f|sort)
t_ProcessFolder <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/p_*/ -type f|sort)
t_ProcessFolder <(/usr/bin/find ./tests/r_*/ -type f|sort)

# and, we're done.
t_Log "Finished."