bstinson / centos / t_functional

Forked from centos/t_functional 4 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
# Author: James Hogarth <>

if (t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -qE 'el(6|7)')

# Need admin credentials
kdestroy &> /dev/null

klist 2>&1  | grep "No credentials" &> /dev/null

t_CheckExitStatus $?

expect -f - <<EOF
set send_human {.1 .3 1 .05 2}
spawn kinit admin
sleep 1
expect "Password for admin@C6IPA.LOCAL:"
send -h "p455w0rd\r"
sleep 5

klist | grep "admin@C6IPA.LOCAL" &> /dev/null

t_CheckExitStatus $?

t_Log "Running $0 - test adding sudo command"
ipa sudorule-add test_rule --desc="Test rule in ipa testing" --hostcat=all --cmdcat=all --runasusercat=all --runasgroupcat=all &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
ipa sudorule-add-user test_rule --users="ipatestuser" &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?

t_Log "Running $0 - verifying  sudo command is in freeipa"
sudodetails="$(ipa sudorule-show test_rule)"
echo "$sudodetails" | grep 'Rule name: test_rule' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
echo "$sudodetails" | grep 'Description: Test rule in ipa testing' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
echo "$sudodetails" | grep 'Enabled: TRUE' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
echo "$sudodetails" | grep 'Host category: all' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
echo "$sudodetails" | grep 'Command category: all' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
echo "$sudodetails" | grep 'RunAs User category: all' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
echo "$sudodetails" | grep 'RunAs Group category: all' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
echo "$sudodetails" | grep 'Users: ipatestuser' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?

# EL6.6 auto configures sudo but 7 does not
if t_GetPkgRel basesystem | grep -q el7 
t_Log "Running $0 - test adding sudo configuration"
echo "sudoers: files sss" >> /etc/nsswitch.conf
sed -i 's/services = nss, pam, ssh/services = nss, pam, ssh, sudo/' /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
sed -i 's/id_provider = ipa/id_provider = ipa\nsudo_provider = ldap\nldap_sudo_search_base = ou=sudoers,dc=c6ipa,dc=local\nldap_sasl_mech = GSSAPI/' /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

t_Log "Running $0 - clearing the sssd cache"
/sbin/service sssd stop &> /dev/null
rm -rf /var/lib/sss/db/*
/sbin/service sssd start &> /dev/null
/sbin/service sssd status | grep 'running' &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?

## Leaving a little time to settle as there seems to be a slight race condition to go right away
sleep 10

t_Log "Running $0 - test sudo works"
expect -f -  &> /tmp/sudotestoutput.ipa-test <<EOF
set send_human {.1 .3 1 .05 2}
set timeout 10
spawn \$env(SHELL)
match_max 100000
expect "root@c6test ~\]# "
send -- "su - ipatestuser\r"
expect "sh-4.1\$ "
send -- "sudo -l\r"
expect "password for ipatestuser: "
send -- "newp455w0rd\r"
expect  "(ALL) ALL\r"

grep 'testuser may run the following commands' /tmp/sudotestoutput.ipa-test &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?
grep '(ALL) ALL' /tmp/sudotestoutput.ipa-test &> /dev/null
t_CheckExitStatus $?

    echo "Skipped on CentOS 5"