areguera / rpms / ipa

Forked from rpms/ipa 5 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
From 6c012544655b3730ebb0a1551cdbce04ab686cfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Petr Spacek <>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 12:49:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] DNSSEC: Make sure that current state in OpenDNSSEC matches
 key state in LDAP

Previously we published timestamps of planned state changes in LDAP.
This led to situations where state transition in OpenDNSSEC was blocked
by an additional condition (or unavailability of OpenDNSSEC) but BIND
actually did the transition as planned.

Additionally key state mapping was incorrect for KSK so sometimes KSK
was not used for signing when it should.

Example (for code without this fix):
- Add a zone and let OpenDNSSEC to generate keys.
- Wait until keys are in state "published" and next state is "inactive".
- Shutdown OpenDNSSEC or break replication from DNSSEC key master.
- See that keys on DNS replicas will transition to state "inactive" even
  though it should not happen because OpenDNSSEC is not available
  (i.e. new keys may not be available).
- End result is that affected zone will not be signed anymore, even
  though it should stay signed with the old keys.

Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
 daemons/dnssec/ipa-ods-exporter | 105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 95 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/daemons/dnssec/ipa-ods-exporter b/daemons/dnssec/ipa-ods-exporter
index 12a9294ae05d2ce8d206a2bbf74cc00d81259efa..6ed7588847042e742abeef724940eec31f23ca8f 100755
--- a/daemons/dnssec/ipa-ods-exporter
+++ b/daemons/dnssec/ipa-ods-exporter
@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@ ODS_DB_LOCK_PATH = "%s%s" % (paths.OPENDNSSEC_KASP_DB, '.our_lock')
+# Constants from OpenDNSSEC's enforcer/ksm/include/ksm/ksm.h
+KSM_STATE_DEAD       = 6
 # DNSKEY flag constants
 dnskey_flag_by_value = {
     0x0001: 'SEP',
@@ -122,6 +130,77 @@ def sql2ldap_keyid(sql_keyid):
     #uri += '%'.join(sql_keyid[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(sql_keyid), 2))
     return {"idnsSecKeyRef": uri}
+def ods2bind_timestamps(key_state, key_type, ods_times):
+    """Transform (timestamps and key states) from ODS to set of BIND timestamps
+    with equivalent meaning. At the same time, remove timestamps
+    for future/planned state transitions to prevent ODS & BIND
+    from desynchronizing.
+    OpenDNSSEC database may contain timestamps for state transitions planned
+    in the future, but timestamp itself is not sufficient information because
+    there could be some additional condition which is guaded by OpenDNSSEC
+    itself.
+    BIND works directly with timestamps without any additional conditions.
+    This difference causes problem when state transition planned in OpenDNSSEC
+    does not happen as originally planned for some reason.
+    At the same time, this difference causes problem when OpenDNSSEC on DNSSEC
+    key master and BIND instances on replicas are not synchronized. This
+    happens when DNSSEC key master is down, or a replication is down. Even
+    a temporary desynchronization could cause DNSSEC validation failures
+    which could have huge impact.
+    To prevent this problem, this function removes all timestamps corresponding
+    to future state transitions. As a result, BIND will not do state transition
+    until it happens in OpenDNSSEC first and until the change is replicated.
+    Also, timestamp mapping depends on key type and is not 1:1.
+    For detailed description of the mapping please see
+    """
+    bind_times = {}
+    # idnsSecKeyCreated is equivalent to SQL column 'created'
+    bind_times['idnsSecKeyCreated'] = ods_times['idnsSecKeyCreated']
+    # set of key states where publishing in DNS zone is desired is taken from
+    # opendnssec/enforcer/ksm/ksm_request.c:KsmRequestIssueKeys()
+    # TODO: support for RFC 5011, requires OpenDNSSEC v1.4.8+
+    if ('idnsSecKeyPublish' in ods_times and
+                      KSM_STATE_RETIRE, KSM_STATE_KEYPUBLISH}):
+        bind_times['idnsSecKeyPublish'] = ods_times['idnsSecKeyPublish']
+    # ZSK and KSK handling differs in enforcerd, see
+    # opendnssec/enforcer/enforcerd/enforcer.c:commKeyConfig()
+    if key_type == 'ZSK':
+        # idnsSecKeyActivate cannot be set before the key reaches ACTIVE state
+        if ('idnsSecKeyActivate' in ods_times and
+            key_state in {KSM_STATE_ACTIVE, KSM_STATE_RETIRE, KSM_STATE_DEAD}):
+                bind_times['idnsSecKeyActivate'] = ods_times['idnsSecKeyActivate']
+        # idnsSecKeyInactive cannot be set before the key reaches RETIRE state
+        if ('idnsSecKeyInactive' in ods_times and
+            key_state in {KSM_STATE_RETIRE, KSM_STATE_DEAD}):
+                bind_times['idnsSecKeyInactive'] = ods_times['idnsSecKeyInactive']
+    elif key_type == 'KSK':
+        # KSK is special: it is used for signing as long as it is in zone
+        if ('idnsSecKeyPublish' in ods_times and
+                          KSM_STATE_RETIRE, KSM_STATE_KEYPUBLISH}):
+            bind_times['idnsSecKeyActivate'] = ods_times['idnsSecKeyPublish']
+        # idnsSecKeyInactive is ignored for KSK on purpose
+    else:
+        assert False, "unsupported key type %s" % key_type
+    # idnsSecKeyDelete is relevant only in DEAD state
+    if 'idnsSecKeyDelete' in ods_times and key_state == KSM_STATE_DEAD:
+        bind_times['idnsSecKeyDelete'] = ods_times['idnsSecKeyDelete']
+    return bind_times
 class ods_db_lock(object):
     def __enter__(self):
         self.f = open(ODS_DB_LOCK_PATH, 'w')
@@ -172,18 +251,20 @@ def get_ods_keys(zone_name):
     assert len(rows) == 1, "exactly one DNS zone should exist in ODS DB"
     zone_id = rows[0][0]
-    # get all keys for given zone ID
-    cur = db.execute("SELECT kp.HSMkey_id, kp.generate, kp.algorithm, dnsk.publish,, dnsk.retire, dnsk.dead, dnsk.keytype "
-             "FROM keypairs AS kp JOIN dnsseckeys AS dnsk ON = dnsk.keypair_id "
-             "WHERE dnsk.zone_id = ?", (zone_id,))
+    # get relevant keys for given zone ID:
+    # ignore keys which were generated but not used yet
+    # key state check is using constants from
+    # OpenDNSSEC's enforcer/ksm/include/ksm/ksm.h
+    # WARNING! OpenDNSSEC version 1 and 2 are using different constants!
+    cur = db.execute("SELECT kp.HSMkey_id, kp.generate, kp.algorithm, "
+                     "dnsk.publish,, dnsk.retire, dnsk.dead, "
+                     "dnsk.keytype, dnsk.state "
+                     "FROM keypairs AS kp "
+                     "JOIN dnsseckeys AS dnsk ON = dnsk.keypair_id "
+                     "WHERE dnsk.zone_id = ?", (zone_id,))
     keys = {}
     for row in cur:
-        key_data = sql2datetimes(row)
-        if 'idnsSecKeyDelete' in key_data \
-            and key_data['idnsSecKeyDelete'] >
-                continue  # ignore deleted keys
-        key_data.update(sql2ldap_flags(row['keytype']))
+        key_data = sql2ldap_flags(row['keytype'])
         assert key_data.get('idnsSecKeyZONE', None) == 'TRUE', \
                 'unexpected key type 0x%x' % row['keytype']
         if key_data.get('idnsSecKeySEP', 'FALSE') == 'TRUE':
@@ -191,6 +272,10 @@ def get_ods_keys(zone_name):
             key_type = 'ZSK'
+        # transform key state to timestamps for BIND with equivalent semantics
+        ods_times = sql2datetimes(row)
+        key_data.update(ods2bind_timestamps(row['state'], key_type, ods_times))
         key_id = "%s-%s-%s" % (key_type,