andykimpe / rpms / 389-ds-base

Forked from rpms/389-ds-base 4 months ago
Blob Blame History Raw
From 5d034162124f8d92c4ad3ea205b0e60be81c5c4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Thierry bordaz (tbordaz)" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 14:31:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 19/21] Ticket 47920: Encoding of SearchResultEntry is missing

Bug Description:
	The encoding of the PreReadControl,PostReadControl does not
	contain the tag (LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY = constructed+application).

	The server should return SearchResultEntry ( 3.1 & 3.2)
	That is
		SearchResultEntry ::= [APPLICATION 4] SEQUENCE {
			     objectName      LDAPDN,
			     attributes      PartialAttributeList }
Fix Description:
	Add the tag to the ber encoding

Reviewed by: Noriko (thanks !)

Platforms tested: F17

Flag Day: no

Doc impact: no

(cherry picked from commit 90939dc9c965ea1cb88b88eec0cb735ab97ae551)
 dirsrvtests/tickets/ | 251 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ldap/servers/slapd/result.c             |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 dirsrvtests/tickets/

diff --git a/dirsrvtests/tickets/ b/dirsrvtests/tickets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e04626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dirsrvtests/tickets/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import ldap
+import logging
+import socket
+import time
+import logging
+import pytest
+import re
+from lib389 import DirSrv, Entry, tools
+from import DirSrvTools
+from lib389._constants import *
+from import *
+from constants import *
+from ldap.controls.readentry import PreReadControl,PostReadControl
+SCOPE_IN_CN  = 'in'
+SCOPE_OUT_CN = 'out'
+SCOPE_IN_DN  = 'cn=%s,%s' % (SCOPE_IN_CN, SUFFIX)
+PROVISIONING_CN = "provisioning"
+ACTIVE_CN = "accounts"
+STAGE_CN  = "staged users"
+DELETE_CN = "deleted users"
+ACTIVE_DN = "cn=%s,%s" % (ACTIVE_CN, SCOPE_IN_DN)
+STAGE_USER_CN = "stage guy"
+ACTIVE_USER_CN = "active guy"
+OUT_USER_CN = "out guy"
+STAGE_GROUP_CN = "stage group"
+ACTIVE_GROUP_CN = "active group"
+OUT_GROUP_CN = "out group"
+INDIRECT_ACTIVE_GROUP_CN = "indirect active group"
+INITIAL_DESC="inital description"
+FINAL_DESC  ="final description"
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+installation_prefix = None
+class TopologyStandalone(object):
+    def __init__(self, standalone):
+        self.standalone = standalone
+def topology(request):
+    '''
+        This fixture is used to standalone topology for the 'module'.
+        At the beginning, It may exists a standalone instance.
+        It may also exists a backup for the standalone instance.
+        Principle:
+            If standalone instance exists:
+                restart it
+            If backup of standalone exists:
+                create/rebind to standalone
+                restore standalone instance from backup
+            else:
+                Cleanup everything
+                    remove instance
+                    remove backup
+                Create instance
+                Create backup
+    '''
+    global installation_prefix
+    if installation_prefix:
+        args_instance[SER_DEPLOYED_DIR] = installation_prefix
+    standalone = DirSrv(verbose=False)
+    # Args for the standalone instance
+    args_instance[SER_HOST] = HOST_STANDALONE
+    args_instance[SER_PORT] = PORT_STANDALONE
+    args_standalone = args_instance.copy()
+    standalone.allocate(args_standalone)
+    # Get the status of the backups
+    backup_standalone = standalone.checkBackupFS()
+    # Get the status of the instance and restart it if it exists
+    instance_standalone   = standalone.exists()
+    if instance_standalone:
+        # assuming the instance is already stopped, just wait 5 sec max
+        standalone.stop(timeout=5)
+        standalone.start(timeout=10)
+    if backup_standalone:
+        # The backup exist, assuming it is correct 
+        # we just re-init the instance with it
+        if not instance_standalone:
+            standalone.create()
+            # Used to retrieve configuration information (dbdir, confdir...)
+        # restore standalone instance from backup
+        standalone.stop(timeout=10)
+        standalone.restoreFS(backup_standalone)
+        standalone.start(timeout=10)
+    else:
+        # We should be here only in two conditions
+        #      - This is the first time a test involve standalone instance
+        #      - Something weird happened (instance/backup destroyed)
+        #        so we discard everything and recreate all
+        # Remove the backup. So even if we have a specific backup file
+        # (e.g backup_standalone) we clear backup that an instance may have created
+        if backup_standalone:
+            standalone.clearBackupFS()
+        # Remove the instance
+        if instance_standalone:
+            standalone.delete()
+        # Create the instance
+        standalone.create()
+        # Used to retrieve configuration information (dbdir, confdir...)
+        # Time to create the backups
+        standalone.stop(timeout=10)
+        standalone.backupfile = standalone.backupFS()
+        standalone.start(timeout=10)
+    # clear the tmp directory
+    standalone.clearTmpDir(__file__)
+    # 
+    # Here we have standalone instance up and running
+    # Either coming from a backup recovery
+    # or from a fresh (re)init
+    # Time to return the topology
+    return TopologyStandalone(standalone)
+def _header(topology, label):
+"####### %s" % label)
+def _add_user(topology, type='active'):
+    if type == 'active':
+        topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((ACTIVE_USER_DN, {
+                                                'objectclass': "top person inetuser".split(),
+                                                'sn': ACTIVE_USER_CN,
+                                                'cn': ACTIVE_USER_CN,
+                                                'description': INITIAL_DESC})))
+    elif type == 'stage':
+        topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((STAGE_USER_DN, {
+                                                'objectclass': "top person inetuser".split(),
+                                                'sn': STAGE_USER_CN,
+                                                'cn': STAGE_USER_CN})))
+    else:
+        topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((OUT_USER_DN, {
+                                        'objectclass': "top person inetuser".split(),
+                                        'sn': OUT_USER_CN,
+                                        'cn': OUT_USER_CN})))
+def test_ticket47920_init(topology):
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((SCOPE_IN_DN, {
+                                                        'objectclass': "top nscontainer".split(),
+                                                        'cn': SCOPE_IN_DN})))
+    topology.standalone.add_s(Entry((ACTIVE_DN, {
+                                                        'objectclass': "top nscontainer".split(),
+                                                        'cn': ACTIVE_CN})))
+    # add users
+    _add_user(topology, 'active')
+def test_ticket47920_mod_readentry_ctrl(topology):
+    _header(topology, 'MOD: with a readentry control')
+"Check the initial value of the entry")
+    ent = topology.standalone.getEntry(ACTIVE_USER_DN, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ['description'])
+    assert ent.hasAttr('description')
+    assert ent.getValue('description') == INITIAL_DESC
+    pr = PostReadControl(criticality=True,attrList=['cn', 'description'])
+    _,_,_,resp_ctrls = topology.standalone.modify_ext_s(ACTIVE_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'description', [FINAL_DESC])], serverctrls= [pr])
+    assert resp_ctrls[0].dn == ACTIVE_USER_DN
+    assert resp_ctrls[0].entry.has_key('description')
+    assert resp_ctrls[0].entry.has_key('cn')
+    print resp_ctrls[0].entry['description']
+    ent = topology.standalone.getEntry(ACTIVE_USER_DN, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ['description'])
+    assert ent.hasAttr('description')
+    assert ent.getValue('description') == FINAL_DESC
+def test_ticket47920_final(topology):
+    topology.standalone.stop(timeout=10)
+def run_isolated():
+    '''
+        run_isolated is used to run these test cases independently of a test scheduler (xunit, py.test..)
+        To run isolated without py.test, you need to 
+            - edit this file and comment '@pytest.fixture' line before 'topology' function.
+            - set the installation prefix
+            - run this program
+    '''
+    global installation_prefix
+    installation_prefix =  None
+    topo = topology(True)
+    test_ticket47920_init(topo)
+    test_ticket47920_mod_readentry_ctrl(topo)
+    test_ticket47920_final(topo)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run_isolated()
diff --git a/ldap/servers/slapd/result.c b/ldap/servers/slapd/result.c
index fa1788c..92573d5 100644
--- a/ldap/servers/slapd/result.c
+++ b/ldap/servers/slapd/result.c
@@ -2176,7 +2176,7 @@ encode_read_entry (Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, char **attrs, int alluserat
     /* Start the ber encoding with the DN */
-    rc = ber_printf( ber, "{s{", slapi_entry_get_dn_const(e) );
+    rc = ber_printf( ber, "t{s{", LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY, slapi_entry_get_dn_const(e) );
     if ( rc == -1 ) {
         rc = -1;
         goto cleanup;