Blob Blame History Raw
# Author: Iain Douglas <>

function ExitFail {
    t_Log "FAIL"
    exit $FAIL

t_Log "Running $0 Check zcmp and zdiff"

# We don't check that cmp and diff work - that should be done as
# part of p_diffutils.

rm $BASEFILE* &>/dev/null

# Create files to work with
cat <<EOF >$BASEFILE.1
Some data to be testing with

gzip $BASEFILE.1 || exit FAIL
cp $BASEFILE.1.gz $BASEFILE.2.gz

t_Log "Check zcmp"
zcmp $BASEFILE.1.gz $BASEFILE.2.gz || ExitFail 

t_Log "Check zdiff"
zdiff $BASEFILE.1.gz $BASEFILE.2.gz 
t_CheckExitStatus $?