#11 Import lookaside_upload and get_sources.sh from centos-git-common
Merged 4 months ago by arrfab. Opened 3 years ago by dcavalca.
centos/ dcavalca/centos-packager centos-git-common  into  master

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash

+ #

+ # Might want to drop this in ~/bin/ and chmod u+x it

+ #


+ #  Initial Author: Karanbir Singh <kbsingh@centos.org>

+ #         Updates:

+ #                  Mike McLean <mikem@redhat.com>

+ #                  Pat Riehecky <riehecky@fnal.gov>

+ #                  Tyler Parsons <tparsons@fnal.gov>

+ #                  Tuomo Soini <tis@foobar.fi>

+ set -eux



+ #####################################################################

+ usage() {

+     echo ''                                               >&2

+     echo "$0 [-hcq] [-b branch] [--surl url]"             >&2

+     echo ''                                               >&2

+     echo 'Script to parse the non-text sources metadata file'   >&2

+     echo ' and download the required files from the lookaside'  >&2

+     echo ' cache.'                                              >&2

+     echo ''                                                     >&2

+     echo 'PLEASE NOTE: this script is non-destructive, it wont' >&2

+     echo ' replace files that already exist, regardless of'     >&2

+     echo ' their state, allowing you to have work-in-progress'  >&2

+     echo ' content that wont get overwritten.'                  >&2

+     echo ''                                                     >&2

+     echo 'You need to run this from inside a sources git repo'  >&2

+     echo ''                                               >&2

+     echo ' -h: This help message'                         >&2

+     echo ''                                               >&2

+     echo "  $0 -b c7"                                     >&2

+     echo "  $0 -q -b c7"                                  >&2

+     echo "  $0 -c -b remotes/origin/c7"                   >&2

+     echo "  $0 -c -b c7 --surl '$SURL'"                   >&2

+     echo "  $0"                                           >&2

+     exit 1

+ }


+ #####################################################################


+ SURL="https://git.centos.org/sources"






+ # for setting any overrides, such as SURL, default BRANCH, or force CHECK

+ if [ -f /etc/centos-git-common ]; then

+   . /etc/centos-git-common

+ fi


+ #####################################################################

+ # setup args in the right order for making getopt evaluation

+ # nice and easy.  You'll need to read the manpages for more info

+ # utilizing 'while' construct rather than 'for arg' to avoid unnecessary

+ # shifting of program args

+ args=$(getopt -o hcqb: -l surl: -- "$@")

+ eval set -- "$args"


+ while [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]; do

+     case $1 in

+         -- )

+             # end of getopt args, shift off the -- and get out of the loop

+             shift

+             break

+            ;;

+          -c )

+             # verify the sha1sum of the downloaded file

+             CHECK=1

+             shift

+            ;;

+          -q )

+             # suppress warnings

+             QUIET=1

+             shift

+            ;;

+          -b )

+             # Check this particular branch

+             BRANCH=$2

+             shift

+             shift

+            ;;

+          --surl )

+             # override sources url

+             SURL=$2

+             shift

+             shift

+            ;;

+          -h )

+             # get help

+             usage

+            ;;

+     esac

+ done


+ # set curl options this way so defaults can be set in /etc/centos-git-common

+ # across multiple scripts

+ if [[ ${QUIET} -eq 1 ]]; then

+     QUIET='--silent'

+ else

+     QUIET=''

+ fi


+ command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1

+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then

+     echo 'You need git in PATH' >&2

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1

+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then

+     echo 'You need curl in PATH' >&2

+     exit 1

+ fi


+ if [ ! -d .git ] && ([ ! -d SPECS ] || [[ ! -s sources ]] ); then

+       echo 'You need to run this from inside a sources git repo' >&2

+       exit 1

+     fi


+ # sort out our branch

+ if [ -n "$BRANCH" ]

+ then

+   branches=("$BRANCH")

+ else

+   # generate a list of all branches containing current HEAD

+   branches=()

+   while IFS='' read -r line

+   do

+     # input from: git branch --contains HEAD

+     branch="${line:2}"

+     if [[ "$branch" =~ "detached from" ]]

+     then

+       # ignore detached heads

+       continue

+     fi

+     if [ ".${line:0:1}" = ".*" ]

+     then

+       # current branch, put it first

+       branches=("${branch}" ${branches[@]+"${branches[@]}"})

+     else

+       branches=(${branches[@]+"${branches[@]}"} "${branch}")

+     fi

+   done <<< "$(git branch -r --contains HEAD | sed 's#origin/##g')"

+ fi


+ if [[ -f sources ]]; then

+     echo "Flat layout style"

+     if [[ ! -s sources ]]; then

+       echo "Empty sources file -- nothing to check"

+     else

+       # This section is for the "flat" dist-git layout, where the spec file and

+       # patches are all present at the top level directory and the sha of the tarball

+       # present in a 'sources' file.

+       # This code was re-used from the fedpkg-pkg minimal project which is licensed

+       # under GPLv3 or any later version.


+       pkgname=$(basename "$PWD")

+       # Read first word of first line. For old MD5 format it's the 32 character

+       # hash. Otherwise let's assume the sources have the BSD format where lines

+       # start with hash type.

+       hashtype="$(head -n1 sources | cut -d' ' -f1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"

+       # The format is

+       #   SHA512 (filename) = ABCDEF

+       # We don't care about the equals sign. We also assume all hashes are

+       # the same type, so we don't need to read it again for each line.

+       while read -r _ filename _ hash || [[ -n "$filename" && -n "$hash" ]]; do

+           if [ -z "$filename" ] || [ -z "$hash" ]; then

+               continue

+           fi

+           # Remove parenthesis around tarball name

+           filename=${filename#(}

+           tarball=${filename%)}

+           if [ ! -e "$tarball" ]; then

+             for br in "${branches[@]}"

+             do

+               br=$(echo ${br}| sed -e s'|remotes/origin/||')

+               # Try the branch-specific lookaside structure

+               url="${SURL}/$pkgname/${br}/$hash"

+               echo "Retrieving ${url}"

+               HTTP_CODE=$(curl -L ${QUIET} -H Pragma: -o "./$tarball" -R -S --fail --retry 5 "${url}" --write-out "%{http_code}" || true)

+               echo "Returned ${HTTP_CODE}"

+               if [[ ${HTTP_CODE} -gt 199 && ${HTTP_CODE} -lt 300 ]] ; then

+                  echo "bailing"

+                  break

+               fi

+               # Try the hash-specific lookaside structure

+               url="${SURL}/$pkgname/$tarball/$hashtype/$hash/$tarball"

+               echo "Retrieving ${url}"

+               curl -L ${QUIET} -H Pragma: -o "./$tarball" -R -S --fail --retry 5 "${url}" && break

+             done

+           else

+             echo "$filename exists. skipping"

+           fi

+       done < sources

+       "${hashtype}sum" -c sources

+     fi

+ else

+     echo "Exploded SRPM layout style"

+     # This section is for the "non-flat" dist-git layout, where the spec file

+     # is stored in a SPECS folder, the patches in a SOURCES folder and the sha

+     # of the tarball of the project is present in a '.<pkg_name>.metadata' file.


+     mkdir -p SOURCES

+     # should go into a function section at some point

+     weakHashDetection () {

+       strHash=${1};

+       case $((`echo ${strHash}|wc -m` - 1 )) in

+         128)

+           hashBin='sha512sum'

+           ;;

+         64)

+           hashBin='sha256sum'

+           ;;

+         40)

+           hashBin='sha1sum'

+           ;;

+         32)

+           hashBin='md5sum'

+           ;;

+         *)

+           hashBin='unknown'

+           ;;

+       esac

+       echo ${hashBin};

+     }


+     # check metadata file and extract package name

+     shopt -s nullglob

+     set -- .*.metadata

+     if (( $# == 0 ))

+     then

+         echo 'Missing metadata. Please run from inside a sources git repo' >&2

+         exit 1

+     elif (( $# > 1 ))

+     then

+         echo "Warning: multiple metadata files found. Using $1"

+     fi

+     meta=$1

+     pn=${meta%.metadata}

+     pn=${pn#.}


+     while read -r fsha fname ; do

+       if [ ".${fsha}" = ".da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" ]; then

+         # zero byte file

+         touch ${fname}

+       else

+         hashType=$(weakHashDetection ${fsha})

+         if [ "${hashType}" == "unknown" ]; then

+           echo 'Failure: Hash type unknown.' >&2

+           exit 1;

+         fi

+         hashName=$(echo ${hashType}| sed -e s'|sum||')


+         if [ ${CHECK} -eq 1 ]; then

+           which ${hashType} >/dev/null 2>&1

+           if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then

+             echo "Failure: You need ${hashType} in PATH." >&2

+             exit 1;

+           fi

+         fi

+         if [ -e ${fname} -a ${CHECK} -eq 1 ]; then

+             # check hash sum and force download if wrong

+             downsum=$(${hashType} ${fname} | awk '{print $1}')

+             if [ "${fsha}" != "${downsum}" ]; then

+                 rm -f ${fname}

+             fi

+         fi

+         if [ ! -e "${fname}" ]; then

+           for br in "${branches[@]}"

+           do

+             br=$(echo ${br}| sed -e s'|remotes/origin/||')

+             # Try the branch-specific lookaside structure

+             url="${SURL}/${pn}/${br}/${fsha}"

+             echo "Retrieving ${url}"

+             HTTP_CODE=$(curl -L ${QUIET} -H Pragma: -o "${fname}" -R -S --fail --retry 5 "${url}" --write-out "%{http_code}" || true)

+             echo "Returned ${HTTP_CODE}"

+             if [[ ${HTTP_CODE} -gt 199 && ${HTTP_CODE} -lt 300 ]] ; then

+                echo "bailing"

+                break

+             fi

+             # Try the hash-specific lookaside structure

+             url="${SURL}/$pn/$fname/${hashName}/$fsha/$fname"

+             echo "Retrieving ${url}"

+             curl -L ${QUIET} -H Pragma: -o "${fname}" -R -S --fail --retry 5 "${url}" && break

+           done

+         else

+           echo "${fname} exists. skipping"

+         fi

+         if [ ${CHECK} -eq 1 ]; then

+             downsum=$(${hashType} ${fname} | awk '{print $1}')

+             if [ "${fsha}" != "${downsum}" ]; then

+                 rm -f ${fname}

+                 echo "Failure: ${fname} hash does not match hash from the .metadata file" >&2

+                 exit 1;

+             fi

+         fi

+       fi

+     done < "${meta}"


+ fi

@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash


+ # This script will let you upload sources/blobs to new CentOS lookaside cache

+ # requirements:

+ #  - curl

+ #  - valid TLS certs from https://accounts.centos.org (or dev instance for testing)

+ #  - valid group membership to let you upload to specific "branch"


+ # Some variables, switch for new url

+ lookaside_baseurl="https://git.centos.org"


+ function usage {


+ cat <<  EOF


+ You need to call the script like this : $0 -arguments


+         -f : filename/source to upload (required, default:none)

+         -n : package name for that source (requred, default:none, example "httpd")

+         -b : "branch" where to upload to (required, default:none, example "c7-sig-core")

+         -h : display this help




+ }


+ function varcheck {

+ if [ -z "$1" ] ; then

+         usage

+         exit 1

+ fi


+ }


+ function f_log {

+   echo "[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> $*"

+ }




+ while getopts “hf:n:b:” OPTION

+ do

+      case $OPTION in

+          h)

+              usage

+              exit 1

+              ;;

+          f)

+              file=$OPTARG

+              ;;

+          n)

+              pkgname=$OPTARG

+              ;;

+          b)

+              branch=$OPTARG

+              ;;

+          ?)

+              usage

+              exit

+              ;;

+      esac

+ done


+ varcheck $file

+ varcheck $pkgname

+ varcheck $branch


+ if [ ! -f ~/.centos.cert ] ;then

+   f_log "No mandatory TLS cert found (~/.centos.cert) .."

+   f_log "please use centos-cert to retrieve your ACO TLS cert"

+   exit 1

+ fi


+ if [ ! -f "${file}" ] ;then

+   f_log "Source to upload ${file} not found"

+   exit 2

+ fi


+ checksum=$(sha1sum ${file}|awk '{print $1}')


+ f_log "Checking if file already uploaded"

+ local_size=$(stat -c %s ${file})

+ http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum})

+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum}|grep "Content-Length"|cut -f 2 -d ':'|tr -d [:blank:]|tr -d '\r')

+ if [ "$http_code" -eq 200 ] && [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ] ; then

+   f_log "File already uploaded"

+   exit 3

+ fi


+ f_log "Initialing new upload to lookaside"

+ f_log "URL : $lookaside_baseurl"

+ f_log "Source to upload : ${file} "

+ f_log "Package name: $pkgname"

+ f_log "sha1sum: ${checksum}"

+ f_log "Remote branch: ${branch}" 

+ f_log " ====== Trying to upload ======="

+ echo ""

+ curl ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/upload.cgi \

+ 	--fail \

+ 	--cert ~/.centos.cert \

+ 	--form "name=${pkgname}" \

+ 	--form "branch=${branch}" \

+ 	--form "sha1sum=${checksum}" \

+ 	--form "file=@${file}" \

+ 	--progress-bar | tee /dev/null


+ upload_result="${PIPESTATUS[0]}"


+ if [ "$upload_result" -ne "0" ] ;then

+   f_log "[ERROR] Something didn't work to push to ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum}"

+   f_log "[ERROR] Verify at the server side"

+   exit 1

+ fi


+ f_log "Validating that source was correctly uploaded ...."

+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum}|grep "Content-Length"|cut -f 2 -d ':'|tr -d [:blank:]|tr -d '\r')

+ if [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ] ; then

+   f_log "[SUCCESS] Source should be available at ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${branch}/${checksum}"

+ else

+   f_log "[ERROR] it seems there is a mismatch with source size and remote file size"

+ fi



@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash


+ # This script will let you upload sources/blobs to new CentOS lookaside cache

+ # requirements:

+ #  - curl

+ #  - valid TLS certs from https://accounts.centos.org (or dev instance for testing)


+ # Some variables, switch for new url

+ lookaside_baseurl=$LOOKASIDE_BASEURL

+ hash_parameter="sha512"


+ if [ -z $LOOKASIDE_BASEURL ]; then

+ 	lookaside_baseurl="https://git.centos.org"

+ 	echo "Base URL set to default: $lookaside_baseurl"

+ fi


+ function usage {


+ 	cat <<EOF


+ 	You need to call the script like this : $0 -arguments


+ 			-f : filename/source to upload (required, default:none)

+ 			-n : package name for that source (requred, default:none, example "httpd")

+ 			-h : display this help


+ 	It is also possible to amend the default base url (currently set to https://git.centos.org):

+ 	LOOKASIDE_BASEURL=<urlOfYourChoice> ./lookaside_upload_sig ...


+ }


+ function varcheck {

+ 	if [ -z "$1" ]; then

+ 		usage

+ 		exit 1

+ 	fi


+ }


+ function f_log {

+ 	echo "[+] CentOS Lookaside upload tool -> $*"

+ }


+ while getopts “hf:n:” OPTION; do

+ 	case $OPTION in

+ 	h)

+ 		usage

+ 		exit 1

+ 		;;

+ 	f)

+ 		file=$OPTARG

+ 		;;

+ 	n)

+ 		pkgname=$OPTARG

+ 		;;

+ 	?)

+ 		usage

+ 		exit

+ 		;;

+ 	esac

+ done


+ varcheck $file

+ varcheck $pkgname


+ if [ ! -f ~/.centos.cert ]; then

+ 	f_log "No mandatory TLS cert found (~/.centos.cert) .."

+ 	f_log "please use centos-cert to retrieve your ACO TLS cert"

+ 	exit 1

+ fi


+ if [ ! -f "${file}" ]; then

+ 	f_log "Source to upload ${file} not found"

+ 	exit 2

+ fi


+ checksum="$(${hash_parameter}sum ${file} | awk '{print $1}')"


+ f_log "Checking if file already uploaded"

+ local_size=$(stat -c %s ${file})

+ http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum}/${file})

+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum}/${file} | grep "Content-Length" | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr -d [:blank:] | tr -d '\r')


+ if [ "$http_code" -eq 200 ] && [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ]; then

+ 	f_log "File already uploaded"

+ 	exit 3

+ fi


+ f_log "Initialing new upload to lookaside"

+ f_log "URL : $lookaside_baseurl"

+ f_log "Source to upload : ${file} "

+ f_log "Hash parameter : ${hash_parameter}"

+ f_log "Package name: $pkgname"

+ f_log "${hash_parameter}sum: ${checksum}"

+ f_log " ====== Trying to upload ======="

+ echo ""


+ # Concatenating sha512

+ hash_cmd="$(${hash_parameter}sum ${file} | awk '{print $1}')"

+ curl ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/upload_sig.cgi \

+ 	--fail \

+ 	--cert ~/.centos.cert \

+ 	--form "name=${pkgname}" \

+ 	--form "hash=${hash_parameter}" \

+ 	--form "${hash_parameter}sum=${hash_cmd}" \

+ 	--form "file=@${file}" \

+ 	--progress-bar | tee /dev/null


+ upload_result="${PIPESTATUS[0]}"


+ if [ "$upload_result" -ne "0" ]; then

+ 	f_log "[ERROR] Something didn't work to push to ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${checksum}"

+ 	f_log "[ERROR] Verify at the server side"

+ 	exit 1

+ fi


+ f_log "Validating that source was correctly uploaded ...."

+ remote_size=$(curl --silent -i --head ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum}/${file} | grep "Content-Length" | cut -f 2 -d ':' | tr -d [:blank:] | tr -d '\r')

+ if [ "$local_size" -eq "$remote_size" ]; then

+ 	f_log "[SUCCESS] Source should be available at ${lookaside_baseurl}/sources/${pkgname}/${file}/${hash_parameter}/${checksum}/${file}"

+ else

+ 	f_log "[ERROR] it seems there is a mismatch with source size and remote file size"

+ fi

file modified
+40 -2
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@ 

+ %global centos_git_common_url https://git.centos.org/centos-git-common

+ %global centos_git_common_commit 28b610e9fb79594c49bc64c7c331d0aaab382e7e


  Name:           centos-packager

  Version:        0.7.0

- Release:        6%{?dist}

+ Release:        14%{?dist}

  Summary:        Tools and files necessary for building CentOS packages

  Group:          Applications/Productivity


- License:        GPLv2+

+ License:        GPL-2.0-or-later

  URL:            https://git.centos.org/centos/centos-packager

  Source0:        cbs-koji.conf

  Source1:        COPYING

  Source2:        centos-cert

+ Source3:        %{centos_git_common_url}/raw/%{centos_git_common_commit}/f/lookaside_upload

+ Source4:        %{centos_git_common_url}/raw/%{centos_git_common_commit}/f/lookaside_upload_sig

+ Source5:        %{centos_git_common_url}/raw/%{centos_git_common_commit}/f/get_sources.sh


  Requires:       koji

  Requires:       rpm-build rpmdevtools rpmlint
@@ -39,14 +45,46 @@ 

  mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}

  ln -s koji %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/cbs

  install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centos-cert

+ install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centos-lookaside-upload

+ install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centos-lookaside-upload-sig

+ install -p -m 0755 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/centos-get-sources



  %license COPYING

  %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/koji.conf.d/cbs-koji.conf



+ %{_bindir}/centos-lookaside-upload

+ %{_bindir}/centos-lookaside-upload-sig

+ %{_bindir}/centos-get-sources



+ * Wed May 29 2024 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca@centosproject.org> - 0.7.0-14

+ - Import lookaside_upload, lookaside_upload_sig and get_sources.sh from

+   centos-git-common

+ - Convert license tag to SPDX


+ * Tue Jan 23 2024 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-13

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Fri Jan 19 2024 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-12

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jul 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-11

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jan 18 2023 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-10

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jul 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-9

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jan 19 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-8

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild


+ * Wed Jul 21 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.7.0-7

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild


  * Tue May  4 2021 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca@fb.com> - 0.7.0-6

  - Use the correct macro for the license file

  - Preserve timestamps on install

LGTM but I'd like to also have @bstinson's opinion on this one before we can merge

Just reading https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/543 reminded me of this PR.

Merging this PR would make life easier for new users as all required tools by a SIG member to work with CBS would then be included in centos-packager.
What are the reasons this has not yet been merged?

@bstinson opinion on this ? I'd be tempted to say that it's good to me and merge it but don't know if you have other plan for a centpkg tool instead ? centos-packager is just the cbs koji profile and metadata pkg that is pulling fasjson-client (and bash wrapper) .

Hi, could we revive this and also add the lookaside_upload_sig script too? It'd be great to get rid of having to clone the centos-git-common repo..

@dcavalca : revisiting this (old) thread/PR and I think it's now safe to just merge your request but can you just rebase with actual lookaside_upload and lookaside_upload_sig scripts ?
Then we'll be at the latest level for these and you can then submit fedora/epel builds for centos-packager ?

1 new commit added

  • Refresh lookaside_upload and get_sources.sh, add lookaside_upload_sig
5 months ago

Sorry for the delay @arrfab, I've updated this now. Once it's merged I'll get the Fedora package updated as well.

rebased onto bb71a6a

5 months ago

Rebased this again to import the latest changes from the Fedora side otherwise it'd be tricky to merge down the road.

LGTM too .. let's merge and @dcavalca will be able to also submit builds for Fedora/EPEL branches

Pull-Request has been merged by arrfab

4 months ago