Blob Blame History Raw
Quorum and started at :09

        Thomas (secretary)
        Davide Cavalca
        Matthias Runge
        Amy Marrich

Started 22:09

Quick review of pending issues with Red Hat around the announcement

Status of additional RHEL programs for Academic ? (bex)

Bex: no formal announcement, redesign existing program, scientific consortia special template, overall of the academic program in progress.

Red Hat continues to work on ensuring that Academic and Research institutions have easy access to RHEL.  The existing academic program is being emphasized and as it is discussed with potential users examined to ensure it continues to meet the needs of this changing environment.  Of particular interest is how this program can be effectively used with consortia who may have members at different levels of OS adoption but where a common platform is required for shared activities.

Review “Kmods” SIG proposal

    ACTION read the proposal at
    Need official stance from RH on module licences (need/want zfs, nvidia,..)
    Rich: Is it blocking ? Bex: module per module analysis ?
    Signing for kernel stuff to be checked with Infra SIG
    Rich: Motion to approve SIG ? approved
    kmods SIG was created with unanimous approval.

Board elections

    Josh and Davide are the 2 new directors.
    Welcome !
    Adding to ML
    Thank you to the community for your nominations. The board acknowledges the community health that is indicated by the community nominating people from the community, and we hope that this trend continues.
    Discussed issue #45 regarding naming of SIG/spin artifacts

[45] CentOS variant artifacts (ISOs, disk images, etc.) branding
    Pat: Put the spin in sig docs
    ACTION: standard name and convention for this. (kb)
[34] Differentiate between "SIGs" and "Teams"
    To be closed. Won’t fix.

Community Architect corner
    Code of Conduct published -  Next step is to form a CoC committee. There is one volunteer so far. Recommendations are welcomed.
    Suggestion for committee members, joint committee with Fedora ?
    Community newsletter -
    RHEL documentation and Wiki
    Upstream Doc done in public, difficult process but targeting Stream 9
    Fedora quickdocs to complement official documentation?
    Rich will be out of office, and offline, June 12-20. 
    Enjoy !

Adjourned :42