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# 2021-08 CentOS board meeting

Zoom link :

Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place.

# 2021-08 CentOS board meeting - Agenda

# Attendees

## Board members

* Pat Riehecky
* Brian Exelbierd
* Davide Cavalca
* Johnny Hughes
* Jim Perrin
* Mike McLean
* Rich Bowen (Chair)
* Thomas Oulevey (Secretary)

## Directors Absent

* Josh Boyer
* Tru Huyhn
* Karanbir Singh

## Guests

* Neal Gompa
* Kris Knigga
* Jack Aboutboul
* Lance Albertson
* Jonathan Billings
* Brian Stinson
* Carl
* Glenn Cooper
* Peter Georg
* Jefro Osier-Mixon

**Quorum at 22:05**

# Agenda
* Previous minutes
* Any Comments ?
* Davide: Status of the meeting to discuss with community the outcome of this meeting minutes 1 week after the board meeting.
* ACTION: Rich to follow up on IRC meeting (Note: Planned for Wednesday the 18th of August at 14h00 UTC )
### On going discussion

* Quick review of pending issues with Red Hat around the announcement of C8 EoL
   * Blog post published: 
   Discussion can be now closed.

### Issues

**Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)**

**New issues**

* #06 Red Hat majority seat contradiction in governance
    * Required Red Hat employees to have 50 % of the seats
    * Motion to remove this requirement 
    * Approved unanonymously
    * ACTION: update the website with this change

* #45 CentOS variant artifacts (ISOs, disk images, etc.) branding
    * Draft messaging at
    * Thomas: important to handle the lifecycle, changes committed to the document
    * Neal: discussed how Fedora is handling Spin 
    * ACTION: Draft message and post it to centos-devel for community comment.

* #44 Remove former Directors from various accounts and permissions
    * Davide : Document different accesses 
    * Johnny : Check with infrastructure team if needed to remove specific accesses.
    * Davide : Add a note on the onboarding document

* #27 Providing Official AMIs in Amazon CN regions.
    * Sponsored by David Duncan
    * ACTION: sync with David and infrastructure team.

* #22 Draft all recent governance changes or ideas for Board discussion
    * Draft has been posted at
    * Announced:
    * No comment from the community
    * Amy Marrich has volunteered to help with ongoing edits
    * Related: #06

* #03 Getting official CentOS images into Azure
    * Take down cloud images that violate our trademark (requested to Legal team). 
        * It will be tracked in a specific issue to avoid to add to this ticket. 
        * Issues #56, #61, #62 track individual images
    * Add official images
        * Jack proposed to help with this task (investigate Azure tools such as
    * ACTION: Move forward with the requirement / track progress 

* #01 Shift Board to be more transparent in support of becoming a contributor-focused open source project
    * Some progress has been made! (This meeting!)
    * Are there other processes that we can make more transparent? Community can raise specific items on this issue.

**Issues on hold**

* #04 Definitive answer requested regarding logo design
    * Johnny: talk to the designer and is ready to resume discussion around the logo. 
    * Johnny: Not a critical issue if the logo is kept relevant and reminds the existing one.
    * Neal: Current branding is problematic to decline the logo for different use-cases. He Hopes to have more assets and a more polished brand.
    * Pat: Better and free fonts would make sense for an opensource project. 
    * A Proposal should be available prior to next board meeting
    * ACTION: Resume work on the branding

### Community Architect updates

* Dojo CFP still open (4 submissions so far) -
* Newsletter:
* Presence expected at Open Source Summit (Sept 27-29, Seattle) and All Things Open (October 18-20)

### AOB

 * Mike : Work on CentOS branded protection masks for All Things Open and Open Source Summit
 * ACTION: No objection, Rich will follow-up

**Adjourned at 22:43**

###### tags: `agenda`, `minutes`