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On 2021-01-13 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business.
To improve transparency, the Board welcomed all Special Interest Groups' Chair, and extended the invitation to all future Board of Directors meeting.
A proposal to create a new SIG was reviewed and approved. The board welcomes the Hyperscale SIG to the family and encourages interested parties to contribute.
The common goal is to enable CentOS Stream deployment on large-scale infrastructures. The SIG chair is Davide Cavalca.
A recap on all SIG status will be carried on in the next week by Rich Bowen.
Brian Exelbierd explain that Red Hat Developer program will be published as soon as they are ready. A first wave will be released during January.
Red Hat continues to analyse feedback received from all communication channels.
The board agreed to draft and enforce a Code of Conduct, based on the recent work conducted by the Fedora Project.