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On 2020-09-09 the CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss ongoing business. The Board discussed the creation of the infrastructure SIG to streamline and foster contributions in this challenging area.
The creation of the Infrastructure SIG was approved and Aoife Moloney will be the new chair in charge to gather requirements from all actors and define the SIG baseline contribution model. Board members insisted that administrative accesses to the CentOS infrastructure will need to be carefully granted and on the principle of least privilege. Rich Bowen kindly drafted a blog post - - that goes in deeper details for the next steps and the challenges ahead.
A lengthy exchange happened around the feedback loop from SIG to the CentOS Board. The board would like to invite SIG chairs (or their representative) for discussion when needed, but also hear from them on a regular basis. A communication will follow-up when the board agrees on the best format and frequency for these sessions.
Ralph Angenendt announced he decided to step down from the CentOS Board of Directors. The Board would like to thank Ralph for all his service and hard work over the years.
No other issue has been discussed this month, and updates will be amended to tickets if necessary.