Merge pull request #5 from ixs/master
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
Merge pull request #4 from ixs/master
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
hunspell-en patch to introduce make clean
Andreas Thienemann • 10 years ago  
Merge pull request #3 from ixs/master
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
Merge pull request #2 from ixs/master
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
typo in the baseurl line
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
setup a basic blacklist
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
add some info on hints
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
try to make this more usable on a web ui
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
pretend the README files are markdown
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
import the work-in-progress mock configs
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago  
Welcome to the build-seven git repo
Karanbir Singh • 10 years ago