Blob Blame History Raw
# French translations for package
# Traduction anglaise du package
# Copyright (C) 2011 The CentOS Project
# This file is distributed under the same license as the
# package. <>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: centos-art-1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Translation SIG\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-30 03:50-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-30 03:50-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Translation SIG <>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"

msgid "image/svg+xml"
msgstr ""

msgid "01-welcome.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid "2011-06-10"
msgstr ""

msgid "The CentOS Artwork SIG"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

msgid "en_US"
msgstr ""

msgid "Identity"
msgstr ""

msgid "Models"
msgstr ""

msgid "Themes"
msgstr ""

msgid "Default"
msgstr ""

msgid "Distro"
msgstr ""

msgid "5"
msgstr ""

msgid "Anaconda"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "Welcome to CentOS 5"
msgstr "Bienvenue dans CentOS 5!"

#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "Thank you for installing CentOS 5."
msgstr "Merci d'installer CentOS 5."

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS is an enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor."
msgstr "CentOS est une distribution Linux de type 'entreprise' qui estconstruite à partir des sources disponibles gratuitement et mises àdisposition au public par une importante société d'Amérique du Nordspécialisée dans la vente de produits Linux."

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS conforms fully with the upstream vendors redistribution policy and aims to be 100% binary compatible."
msgstr "CentOS est parfaitement conforme aux normes édictées en amont parcette société et l'un de nos objectifs est d'être compatible à 100%au niveau des programmes binaires."

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS mainly changes packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork."
msgstr ""

msgid "02-donate.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS Donations"
msgstr "Donations au projet CentOS"

#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "The organization that produces CentOS is named The CentOS Project. We are not affiliated with any other organization."
msgstr "L'organisation qui produit CentOS est nommée 'Le Projet CentOS'.Nous ne sommes affiliés avec aucune autre organisation."

#, no-wrap
msgid "Our only source of hardware or funding to distribute CentOS is by donations."
msgstr "Les donations constituent notre seule source de revenus pour l'achatde matériel et le support de la distribution de CentOS."

#, no-wrap
msgid "Please consider donating to the CentOS Project if you find CentOS useful."
msgstr "Envisagez la possibilité de faire une donation si vous trouvez leprojet CentOS utile."

msgid "03-yum.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "Managing Software with Yum"
msgstr "Gérer les applications avec Yum"

#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "The recommended way to install or upgrade CentOS is to use <flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8689\">Yum</flowSpan> (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified)."
msgstr "Pour installer ou mettre à jour CentOS, il est recommandé d'utiliserl'outil <flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8689\">Yum</flowSpan> (YellowDog Updater, Modified)."

#, no-wrap
msgid "See the guide entitled: \"Managing Software with Yum\" at the documentation link below."
msgstr "Consultez aussi la documentation (en anglais): 'Managing Softwarewith Yum' en suivant le lien ci-dessous."

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8699\">YumEx</flowSpan>, a graphical front end for Yum, is also available from the CentOS Extras repository."
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8699\">YumEx</flowSpan>, une interfacegraphique pour Yum, est également disponible dans le dépôt CentOSExtras."

msgid "04-repos.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS Repositories"
msgstr "Dépôts CentOS"

#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "The following repositories exist in CentOS to install software from:"
msgstr "Les dépôts suivants sont disponibles pour installer des logicielsdans CentOS:"

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8820\">[base]</flowSpan> (aka [os]) - The RPMS released on a CentOS ISO."
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8820\">[base]</flowSpan> (aka<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\">[os]</flowSpan>) - RPMSdisponibles sur l'image ISO CentOS."

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8818\">[updates]</flowSpan> - Updates to the [base] repository."
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8818\">[centosplus]</flowSpan> - Composants additionels non disponible en amont (mets à jour [base])."

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8816\">[extras]</flowSpan> - Items by CentOS that are not upstream (does not upgrade [base])."
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8816\">[centosplus]</flowSpan> - Composants additionels non disponible en amont (mets à jour [base])."

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8814\">[centosplus]</flowSpan> - Items by CentOS that are not upstream (does upgrade [base])"
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan8814\">[centosplus]</flowSpan> - Composants additionels non disponible en amont (mets à jour [base])."

msgid "05-centosplus.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS Plus Repository"
msgstr "Le dépôt CentOS Plus"

#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "This repository is for items that actually upgrade certain base CentOS components. This repo will change CentOS to not be exactly like the upstream providers content."
msgstr "Ce dépôt contient des composants qui mettent à jour la base deCentOS. Son utilisation modifiera donc potentiellement CentOS demanière significative. La distribution pourrait alors ne plus êtreexactement conforme à celle utilisée en amont comme référence."

#, no-wrap
msgid "The CentOS development team has tested every item in this repo, and they build and work under CentOS 5. They have not been tested by the upstream provider, and are not available in the upstream products."
msgstr "L'équipe de développement CentOS a testé chaque composant de cedépôt, et ces composants sont compilés et fonctionnent sur CentOS.Ils n'ont cependant pas été testés par le fournisseur en amont, etne sont pas non plus disponibles dans les produits de la société enamont."

#, no-wrap
msgid "You should understand that use of the components removes the 100% binary compatibility with the upstream products."
msgstr ""

msgid "06-support.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "Help with CentOS"
msgstr "Obtenir de l'aide pour CentOS"

#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "You can get help with CentOS in several ways, including:"
msgstr "Vous disposez de nombreuses manières pour obtenir de l'aide à proposde CentOS:"

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan9207\">Internet Relay Chat (IRC)</flowSpan> - #centos, #centos-social and #centos-devel on"
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan9207\">Internet Relay Chat(IRC)</flowSpan> - #centos, #centos-social et #centos-devel"

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan9213\">Mailing Lists</flowSpan> - CentOS, CentOS-Devel, CentOS-Annouces and non-English localized language lists from"
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan9213\">Mailing Lists</flowSpan> - CentOS, CentOS-Devel, CentOS-Announce ainsi qu'une liste dédiée enfrançais: CentOS-FR. Voir"

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan9225\">Forums</flowSpan> - Available at"
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan9225\">Forums</flowSpan> - Disponiblesici:"

#, no-wrap
msgid "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan9231\">Wiki</flowSpan> - Available at"
msgstr "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\" id=\"flowSpan9231\">Wiki</flowSpan> - Disponiblesici:"

msgid "07-docs.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation pour CentOS"

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Managing Software with yum"
msgstr "• Gérer les applications avec Yum"

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Using YumEx"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Cluster Logical Volume Manager"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Global File System"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Global Network Block Device"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Virtual Server Administration"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "The following documentation is available for CentOS:"
msgstr "La documentation CentOS (en anglais):"

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Deployment Guide"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Installation Guide"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Virtualization Guide"
msgstr "• La Virtualisation sur CentOS 5"

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Cluster Suite Overview"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Cluster Administration"
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "• Release notes for all software"
msgstr ""

msgid "08-wiki.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS Wiki"
msgstr "Le Wiki CentOS"

#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "The CentOS wiki is available with Frequently Asked Questions, HowTos, Tips and Tricks on a number of CentOS related topics including software installation, upgrades, repository configuration and much more."
msgstr "Il existe un projet de wiki collaboratif pour CentOS. On peut ytrouver les Questions Fréquemment Posées, des HowTos, des Astuces etdes Articles sur une série de sujets liés à CentOS, en ce comprisl'installation de logiciel, les mises-à-jour, la configuration desdépôts et bien plus."

#, no-wrap
msgid "The wiki also contains information on CentOS Events in your area and CentOS media sightings."
msgstr "Ce wiki répertorie également les événements liés à CentOS dans votrerégion ainsi que les apparitions de CentOS dans les médias."

#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "In conjunction with the CentOS-Docs mailing list, contributors can obtain permission to post articles, tips and HowTos on the CentOS Wiki. So contribute today!"
msgstr "Il suffit de demander la permission sur la liste de diffusionCentOS-Docs afin de pouvoir publier des articles, des astuces et desHowTos sur le wiki CentOS ... participez donc dès aujourd'hui!"

msgid "09-virtualization.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "Virtualization on CentOS 5"
msgstr "La Virtualisation sur CentOS 5"

#, no-wrap
msgid "CentOS 5 provides virtualization via Xen for the i386 and x86_64 architectures in both fully virtualized and para virtualized modes."
msgstr "CentOS 5 supporte la Virtualisation via Xen pour lesarchitectures i386 et x86_64, que ce soit en mode 'fullyvirtualized' ou/et 'para virtualized'"

#, no-wrap
msgid "The Virtualization Guide and Virtual Server Administration Guide are provided for help with CentOS 5 virtualization at the link below."
msgstr "Pour comprendre le fonctionnement de la Virtualisation sous CentOS5, vous pouvez consulter le 'Virtualization Guide'ainsi que le 'Virtual Server Administration Guide' (en anglais)."

msgid "anaconda_header.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

msgid "first.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

#, no-wrap
msgid "Copyright © 2012 The CentOS Project. All rights reserved."
msgstr ""

msgid "splash-small.svg"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
msgstr ""

msgid "Firstboot"
msgstr ""

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""

#~ msgid "<placeholder-1/> - Updates to the [base] repository."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\">[updates]</flowSpan> -Mises-à-jour "
#~ "du dépôt [base]."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<placeholder-1/> - Items by CentOS that are not upstream (does not "
#~ "upgrade [base])."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\">[extras]</flowSpan> -Composants "
#~ "additionels non disponible en amont (ne mets pas à jour[base])."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "<placeholder-1/> - Items by CentOS that are not upstream (does upgrade "
#~ "[base])"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "<flowSpan style=\"font-weight:bold\">[extras]</flowSpan> -Composants "
#~ "additionels non disponible en amont (ne mets pas à jour[base])."

#~ msgid "CentOS  Release Notes"
#~ msgstr "Notes spécifiques à CentOS "

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The CentOS project welcomes you to CentOS\n"
#~ "    ."
#~ msgstr "Le projet CentOS vous souhaite la bienvenue dans CentOS ."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The complete release notes for CentOS \n"
#~ "    can be found online at: =LINK="
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La version complète des notes spécifiques à CentOS  peut être "
#~ "consultée en ligne à l'adresse suivante: =LINK=."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "A list of frequently asked questions and answers\n"
#~ "    about CentOS 5 can be found online at: =LINK="
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Une liste de questions fréquemment posées (FAQ) sur CentOS 5 ainsi que "
#~ "leurs réponses peut être consultée ici: =LINK=."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you are looking for help with CentOS, we\n"
#~ "    recommend you start at =LINK= for pointers to the different\n"
#~ "    sources where you can get help."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si vous avez besoin d'aide concernant CentOS, nous vous recommandons de "
#~ "commencer par consulter la liste des sources d'aide disponibles sur "
#~ "=LINK=."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "For more information about The CentOS Project in\n"
#~ "    general please visit our homepage at: =LINK=."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Pour plus d'informations sur le projet CentOS en général, veuillez vous "
#~ "rendre sur notre page d'accueil =LINK=."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you would like to contribute to the CentOS\n"
#~ "    Project, see =LINK= for areas where you could help."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si vous souhaitez contribuer au projet CentOS, consultez la page =LINK= "
#~ "afin de connaitre les différentes manières de le faire."