Blob Blame History Raw
# -- This function takes one palette
# produced by Gimp (e.g., syslinux.gpl) as input and outputs one PPM
# file based on it (e.g., syslinux.ppm).
# Copyright 2009-2011 Alain Reguera Delgado
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# USA.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id$
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
function render_convertGplToPpm {
local COLOR=''
local COUNT=0
local -a FILES
# Define path to GPL palette. This is the .gpl file we use to
# retrive color information from.
local PALETTE_GPL="$1"
# Define path to PPM palette. This is the .ppm file we'll save
# color information to.
local PALETTE_PPM="$2"
# Define the number of colors this function should return.
local COLOR_NUMBER="$3"
# Verify the number of colors this function should return. As
# convenction, we are producing images in 14 and 16 colors only to
# cover Grub and Syslinux images need respectively.
if [[ ! $COLOR_NUMBER =~ '^(14|16)$' ]];then
cli_printMessage "`eval_gettext "Reducing image to \\\`\\\$COLOR_NUMBER' colors is not supported."`" 'AsErrorLine'
cli_printMessage "${FUNCDIRNAM}" 'AsToKnowMoreLine'
# Define list of colors from GPL palette.
local COLORS=$(render_getColors "$PALETTE_GPL")
# Verify number of colors returned in the list.
if [[ ! $(echo "$COLORS" | wc -l) =~ $COLOR_NUMBER ]];then
cli_printMessage "`gettext "The palette doesn't have the correct number of colors."`" 'AsErrorLine'
cli_printMessage "${FUNCDIRNAM}" 'AsToKnowMoreLine'
# Verify format of colors inside the list.
for COLOR in $COLORS;do
if [[ ! $COLOR =~ '^[0-9a-f]{6}$' ]];then
cli_printMessage "`eval_gettext "The \\\`\\\$COLOR' string isn't a valid color code."`" 'AsErrorLine'
cli_printMessage "${FUNCDIRNAM}" 'AsToKnowMoreLine'
# Create temporal images (of 1x1 pixel each) for each color
# retrived from Gimp's palette.
for COLOR in $COLORS;do
FILES[$COUNT]=$(cli_getTemporalFile "color-${COUNT}.ppm")
ppmmake $(echo "$COLOR" \
| sed -r 's!(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})!rgb:\1/\2/\3!') 1 1 \
COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1))
# Concatenate temporal images from left to right to create the PPM
# file.
pnmcat -lr ${FILES[*]} > $PALETTE_PPM
# Remove temporal images.
rm ${FILES[*]}
# Verify PPM palette existence.
cli_checkFiles "$PALETTE_PPM" 'f'