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@subheading Name

The @strong{@code{render}} functionlity is part of
@command{} script and standardizes rendition tasks inside
the working copy of CentOS Artwork Repository.

@subheading Synopsis

@command{centos-art} @code{@strong{render}} @code{[OPTIONS] path/to/dir}

The @file{path/to/dir} parameter specifies what directory structure
inside the working copy of CentOS Artwork Repository you want to

The @strong{@code{render}} functionality of @command{}
script accepts the following options:

@table @option
@item --quiet

Supress all output messages except error messages.  When this option
is passed, all confirmation requests are supressed as well and a
possitive answer is assumed for them, just as if the
@option{--answer-yes} option had been provided.

@item --answer-yes

Assume `yes' to all confirmation requests.

@item --filter="REGEX"

Reduce the list of files to process using @samp{REGEX} as pattern.
You can use this option in combination with @file{path/to/dir} in
order to control the amount of files you want to produce as
base-rendition.  The deeper you go into the directory structure the
more specific you'll be about the component you want to produce. When
you cannot go deeper into the directory structure, you can use
@option{--filter} option to reduce the list of files.

@item --dont-commit-changes

Supress all commit and update actions realized over files, before and
after the action itself had took place over files in the working copy.

@item --releasever="STRING"

This option expands release-specific translation makers to
@samp{STRING}. Use this option when no releasae-specific information
can be retrived from the path of the directory structure you are
currently rendering.

@item --basearch="STRING"

This option expands architecture-specific translation makers to
@samp{STRING}. Use this option when no architecture-specific
information can be retrived from the path of the directory structure
you are currently rendering.

@item --theme-model="STRING"

Specify the name of the theme model you want to use to produce theme
artistic motifs. By default, if this option is not passed, the
@samp{Default} theme model is used as reference to produce theme

@item --post-rendition="STRING"

This option let you apply a command as post-rendition action. In this
case, the @samp{STRING} represents the command string you want to
execute in order to perform in-place modifications to base-rendition

@item --last-rendition="STRING"

This option let you apply a command as last-rendition action. In this
case, the @samp{STRING} represents the command string you want to
execute in order to perform in-place modifications to base-rendition,
post-rendition and directory-specific rendition outputs. 

@end table

@subheading Description

Inside the working copy of CentOS Artwork Repository, rendition tasks
take place inside renderable directories.  Inside the
@strong{@code{render}} functionality of @command{}
script, you can control rendition tasks through different flows of
rendition named base-rendition, post-rendition, last-rendition and
directory-specific rendition.

@subsubheading Renderable directories

In order for a directory structure to be considered renderable, it
should have one directory structure for input files and one directory
structure for output files. Optionally, a third directory structure
might be available for storing translation files.

Renderable directories are very tied to the way content is produced
inside the working copy of CentOS Artwork Repository. Presently,
content is produced through the following organizations:

@table @strong
@item Direct rendition

In direct rendition, there is one directory structure for input files
(@file{trunk/Identity/Models}) and one directory structure for output
files (e.g., @file{trunk/Identity/Images}). Optionally, a third
directory structure is available to store the input related
translation files (e.g., @file{trunk/Locales/Identity/Models}).

In direct rendition, when the @strong{@code{render}} functionality of
@command{} script is executed, it uses the input
directory structure to build a list of files to process, which is used
as reference to determine the location of the translation file and the
location of the output file, as well.

@item Theme-specific rendition

In theme-specific rendition, there is one directory structure to store
input files (@file{trunk/Identity/Themes/Models}), one directory
structure to store translation files
(@file{trunk/Locales/Identity/Themes/Models/}), one directory
structure to store artistic motifs
(@file{trunk/Identity/Images/Themes}) and one directory structure to
store output files (@file{trunk/Identity/Images/Themes}).

In theme-specific rendition, when the @strong{@code{render}}
functionality of @command{} script is executed, it uses
the input directory structure to build a list of files to process,
which is used as reference to determine the location of the
translation file and the location of the output file, as well. 

In contrast with direct rendition, when we use theme-specific
rendition, it is possible to combine both design models and artistic
motifs to produce output in an arbitrary way. This configuration is
specially interesting because it is possible to create different
artistic motifs and one unique design model in order to produce one
unique theme structure with different visual styles. Or the opposite,
to create different theme structures and apply one unique visual style
to produce one unique visual styles on different theme structure. Or
even get a bit farther and experiment with arbitrary combinations
among them all.

@end table

In both direct and theme-specific rendition, if the location where the
output file should be stored doesn't exist, the @strong{@code{render}}
functionality of @command{} script will create it for

In both direct and theme-specific rendition, if the input related
translation file doesn't exist, the @strong{@code{render}} functionality of
@command{} script will produce the output in the same
language of its input file.

@subsubheading The base-rendition flow

The base-rendition flow is the first rendition flow of all rendition
flows available and takes place immediatly after executing the
@strong{@code{render}} functionality of @command{} script.

The base-rendition produces different outputs from one unique input
format. This is, one input file is used to produce one ore more output
files. When translation files are available for input files, the
base-rendition applies the translation file to the input file in order
to produce a translated instance of it, then this translated instance
is used as input file to produce one or more output files.

Inside the @strong{@code{render}} functionality of
@command{} script, the input format is always XML (e.g.,
SVG, XHTML, Docbook), the translation files are always portable
objects (e.g., PO) and the output format depends on the input file
provided  (e.g., when the input format is a SVG file, the base output
is a PNG file; when the input format is XHTML the base output is an
XHTML file; when the input format is a Docbook file the base output
might be either HTML, RTF, PS or PDF).

As application example of base-rendition flow, consider the
description of the  following sections:

@item @ref{Directories trunk Identity Models Themes Default Distro 5
@item @ref{Directories trunk Identity Models Themes Default Distro 5.5
Notes Release}
@end itemize

@subsubheading The post-rendition flow

The post-rendition flow is performed immediatly after base-rendition
flow to extend the base-rendition flow by applying in-place
modifications to base-rendition output. In-place modifications can be
performed either through the @option{--post-rendition} command-line
option of @command{} script or through directory-specific

Actions commanded through @option{--post-rendition} option are applied
first and directory-specific actions later. This order is required to
propagate in-place changes commited to base-rendition output to
modified copies (i.e., new files) of it created through
directory-specific rendition.  Creation of modified copies is
something specific to directory-specific rendition only. It is not
possible for the @option{--post-rendition} option to create modified
copies of base-rendition flow because commands passed through it are
applied to the base-rendition output file directly in a disposition
that don't support creation of new files, but in-place modifications

The command passed to @option{--post-rendition} option can be changed
everytime you run the @command{} script, but actions
specified in directory-specific rendition cannot be changed in the
same way.  Direcctory-specific rendition is set inside
@command{} script to perform specific tasks that cannot
be achived through @option{--post-rendition} option.

As application example of post-rendition flow, consider the
description of the  following sections:

@item @ref{Directories trunk Identity Models Themes Default Distro 5
@item @ref{Directories trunk Identity Models Themes Default Distro 5
@end itemize

@subsubheading The last-rendition flow

The last-rendition flow takes place after post-rendition and applies
in-place modifications to all files produced as result of both
base-rendition and post-rendition flows in the same directory
structure, just before passing to process a different directory
structure.  In-place modifications can be performed either through the
@option{--last-rendition} command-line option of
@command{} script or through directory-specific

Actions commanded through @option{--last-rendition} option are applied
after directory-specific actions. This order is required to prevent
last-rendition actions commanded from directory-specifc rendition to
overlap last-rendition actions commanded from
@option{--last-rendition} option.

The command passed to @option{--last-rendition} option can be changed
everytime you run the @command{} script, but actions
specified in directory-specific rendition cannot be changed in the
same way.  Actions commanded from directory-specific rendition are set
inside @command{} script to perform specific tasks that
cannot be achived through @option{--last-rendition} option.

As application example of last-rendition flow, consider the
description of the  following sections:

@item @ref{Directories trunk Identity Models Themes Default Distro 5
@item @ref{Directories trunk Identity Models Themes Default Distro 5
@end itemize

@subsubheading The directory-specific rendition flow

Inside the working copy of CentOS Artwork Repository, some directory
structure (e.g., @file{Syslinux}, @file{Gurb}, @file{Gdm}, @file{Kdm}
and @file{KSplash}) required more than base-rendition or even the
commands you could pass through the @option{--post-rendition} and
@option{--last-rendition} options, in order for their final files to
be produced. In these situations, we make use of directory-specific
rendition flow.

The directory-specific rendition flow applies specific actions to
specific directory structures when they enter into the rendition flow.
Using this configuration speeds up production of all those components
that require intermediate formats or even several independent files,
in order for the final content to be created.  

The directory-specific rendition flow is generally used in combination
with post-rendition and last-rendition flows inside
@command{} script.

@subsubheading Translations

To translate output files, the @code{render} functionality of
@command{} script creates a translated instance of the
input file and uses it then to create the base output file. The
translated instance is created using the related translation messages
of the input file. Translation messages are stored under
@file{trunk/Locales} and are created using the @code{locale}
functionality of @command{} script (@pxref{Directories
trunk Scripts Functions Locale}).

Translation files are optional. When no translation file is available
for the input file, the base-rendition output is produced using the
same language of the input file.

@subheading Examples

@table @command
@item centos-art render trunk/Identity/Images/Brands

This command produces all branding information related to The CentOS
Project (e.g., symbols, logos and variants of them).

@item centos-art render trunk/Identity/Images/Brands --filter="symbol"

This command produces all branding information, related to The CentOS
Project, which file names contain the @samp{symbol} string on it.

@item centos-art render trunk/Identity/Images/Themes/Flame/2

This command produces all visual manifestations related to version 2 of
Flame artistic motif (e.g., Distribution, Posters, etc.) as specified
by default design models.

@item centos-art render trunk/Identity/Images/Themes/Flame/2/Distro

This command produces the Distribution visual manifestations related
to version 2 of Flame artistic motif (e.g., Anaconda, Syslinux, Grub,
Firstboot, Gdm, Kdm, Gsplash, Ksplash, and Rhgb) as specified by
default design models.

@item centos-art render trunk/Identity/Images/Themes --filter='Distro/5/Anaconda'

This command produces all the images related to Anaconda component
from Distribution visual manifestations on its major release number
five, for all the artistic motifs available and as specified by
default design models.

@item centos-art render trunk/Identity/Images/Themes --filter='Concept' --post-rendition='mogrify -normalize'

This command produces all the images related to Concept component from
all artistic motifs as specified by default design models.  Moreover,
the @command{mogrify -normalize} command is applied to each PNG image
produced as result of the base-rendition output.

@strong{Note} The @command{mogrify} command is part of
ImageMagick@registeredsymbol{} software suite and let you to resize an
image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample,
and much more.  The ImageMagick@registeredsymbol{} software suite is
copyrighted to
ImageMagick Studio LLC}, a non-profit organization dedicated to making
software imaging solutions freely available.

@end quotation

@end table

@subheading Author

Written by Alain Reguera Delgado.

@subheading Reporting bugs

Report bugs to @email{} mailing list.

@subheading Copyright

Copyright @copyright{}  2009, 2010, 2011 The CentOS Project.

This is free software.  You may redistribute copies of it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License (@pxref{GNU General Public
License}).  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

@subheading See also

@item The ImageMagick@registeredsymbol{} software suite documentation
(@command{rpm -qd ImageMagick | less}).
@item @ref{Directories trunk Scripts Functions}
@item @ref{Directories trunk Scripts}
@item @ref{Directories trunk}
@end itemize