Blob Blame History Raw
# Mantis - a php based bugtracking system

# Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002  Kenzaburo Ito -
# Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007  Mantis Team   -

# Mantis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mantis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mantis.  If not, see <>.

	#   $Revision: 2643 $
	#     $Author: al $    
	#       $Date: 2009-06-18 19:06:27 -0400 (Thu, 18 Jun 2009) $  

	# These functions control the display of each page
	# This is the call order of these functions, should you need to figure out
	#  which to modify or which to leave out.
	#   html_page_top1
	#     html_begin
	#     html_head_begin
	#     html_css
	#     html_content_type
	#     html_rss_link
	#  (html_meta_redirect)
	#     html_title
	#   html_page_top2
	#     html_page_top2a
	#       html_head_end
	#       html_body_begin
	#       html_header
	#       html_top_banner
	#     html_login_info
	#    (print_project_menu_bar)
	#     print_menu
	#  ...Page content here...
	#   html_page_bottom1
	#    (print_menu)
	#     html_page_bottom1a
	#       html_bottom_banner
	#  	 html_footer
	#  	 html_body_end
	#  	 html_end

	$t_core_dir = dirname( __FILE__ ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'current_user_api.php' );
	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'string_api.php' );
	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'bug_api.php' );
	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'project_api.php' );
	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'helper_api.php' );
	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'authentication_api.php' );
	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'user_api.php' );
	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'rss_api.php' );
	require_once( $t_core_dir . 'wiki_api.php' );

	$g_rss_feed_url = null;

	# flag for error handler to skip header menus
	$g_error_send_page_header = true;
	# Projax library disabled by default.  It will be enabled if projax_api.php
	# is included.  But it must be included after html_api.php
	$g_enable_projax = false;

	# --------------------
	# Sets the url for the rss link associated with the current page.
	# null: means no feed (default).
	function html_set_rss_link( $p_rss_feed_url )
		if ( OFF != config_get( 'rss_enabled' ) ) {
			global $g_rss_feed_url;
			$g_rss_feed_url = $p_rss_feed_url;

	# --------------------
	# Prints the link that allows auto-detection of the associated feed.
	function html_rss_link()
		global $g_rss_feed_url;

		if ( $g_rss_feed_url !== null ) {
			echo "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"RSS\" href=\"$g_rss_feed_url\" />";

	# --------------------
	# Print the part of the page that comes before meta redirect tags should
	#  be inserted
	function html_page_top1( $p_page_title = null ) {
		include( config_get( 'meta_include_file' ) );
		echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';
		html_title( $p_page_title );

	# --------------------
	# Print the part of the page that comes after meta tags, but before the
	#  actual page content
	function html_page_top2() {

		if ( !db_is_connected() ) {


	# --------------------
	# Print the part of the page that comes after meta tags and before the
	#  actual page content, but without login info or menus.  This is used
	#  directly during the login process and other times when the user may
	#  not be authenticated
	function html_page_top2a() {
		global $g_error_send_page_header;

		$g_error_send_page_header = false;

	# --------------------
	# Print the part of the page that comes below the page content
	# $p_file should always be the __FILE__ variable. This is passed to show source
	function html_page_bottom1( $p_file = null ) {
		if ( !db_is_connected() ) {

		html_page_bottom1a( $p_file );

	# --------------------
	# Print the part of the page that comes below the page content but leave off
	#  the menu.  This is used during the login process and other times when the
	#  user may not be authenticated.
	function html_page_bottom1a( $p_file = null ) {
		if ( null === $p_file ) {
			$p_file = basename( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );

		html_footer( $p_file );

	# --------------------
	# (1) Print the document type and the opening <html> tag
	function html_begin() {
		# @@@ NOTE make this a configurable global.
		#echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">', "\n";
		#echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">', "\n";

		echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">', "\n";
		echo '<html>', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (2) Begin the <head> section
	function html_head_begin() {
		echo '<head>', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (3) Print the content-type
	function html_content_type() {
		echo "\t", '<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=', lang_get( 'charset' ), '" />', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (4) Print the window title
	function html_title( $p_page_title = null ) {
		$t_title = config_get( 'window_title' );
		echo "\t", '<title>';
		if ( 0 == strlen( $p_page_title ) ) {
			echo string_display( $t_title );
		} else {
			if ( 0 == strlen( $t_title ) ) {
				echo $p_page_title;
			} else {
				echo $p_page_title . ' - ' . string_display( $t_title );
		echo '</title>', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (5) Print the link to include the css file
	function html_css() {
		$t_css_url = config_get( 'css_include_file' );
		echo "\t", '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="', $t_css_url, '" />', "\n";

		# fix for NS 4.x css
		echo "\t", '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!--', "\n";
		echo "\t\t", 'if(document.layers) {document.write("<style>td{padding:0px;}<\/style>")}', "\n";
		echo "\t", '// --></script>', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (6) Print an HTML meta tag to redirect to another page
	# This function is optional and may be called by pages that need a redirect.
	# $p_time is the number of seconds to wait before redirecting.
	# If we have handled any errors on this page and the 'stop_on_errors' config
	#  option is turned on, return false and don't redirect.
	function html_meta_redirect( $p_url, $p_time = null, $p_sanitize = false ) {
		if ( ON == config_get( 'stop_on_errors' ) && error_handled() ) {
			return false;

		if ( null === $p_time ) {
			$p_time = current_user_get_pref( 'redirect_delay' );

		if ( $p_sanitize ) {
			$t_url = string_sanitize_url( $p_url );
		} else {
			$t_url = $p_url;

		echo "\t<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"$p_time;URL=$t_url\" />\n";

		return true;

	# ---------------------
	# (6a) Javascript...
	function html_head_javascript() {
		if ( ON == config_get( 'use_javascript' ) ) {
			echo "\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="javascript/common.js">';
			echo '</script>' . "\n";
			echo "\t" . '<script type="text/JavaScript" src="javascript/ajax.js">';
			echo '</script>' . "\n";

			global $g_enable_projax;

			if ( $g_enable_projax ) {
				echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/projax/prototype.js"></script>';
				echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/projax/scriptaculous.js"></script>';

	# --------------------
	# (7) End the <head> section
	function html_head_end() {
		echo '</head>', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (8) Begin the <body> section
	function html_body_begin() {
		echo '<body>', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (9) Print the title displayed at the top of the page
	function html_header() {

		#$t_title = config_get( 'page_title' );
		#echo '<div class="center"><span class="pagetitle">', string_display( $t_title ), '</span></div>', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (10) Print a user-defined banner at the top of the page if there is one.
	function html_top_banner() {
		$t_page = config_get( 'top_include_page' );

		if ( !is_blank( $t_page ) && file_exists( $t_page ) && !is_dir( $t_page ) ) {

			PRINT '<div id="header">';

			include( $t_page );
			if ( auth_is_user_authenticated() ) {

				if( ON == config_get( 'show_project_menu_bar' ) ) {

			PRINT '<div class="pageline"><hr style="display:none;"></div>';

			PRINT '</div>';

			print '<div id="page">';

			if ( auth_is_user_authenticated() ) {
			print '<div class="recently_visited">';
			print '</div>';

			PRINT '<div class="pageline2"><hr style="display:none;"></div>';


		} else {
			if ( is_page_name( 'login_page' ) ) {
				$t_align = 'center';
			} else {
				$t_align = 'left';

			echo '<div align="', $t_align, '">';
			echo '<a href="" title="Free Web Based Bug Tracker"><img border="0" width="242" height="102" alt="Mantis Bugtracker" src="images/mantis_logo.gif" /></a>';
			echo '</div>';


	# --------------------
	# (11) Print the user's account information
	function html_login_info() {
		$t_now		= date( config_get( 'complete_date_format' ) );
		$t_username	= current_user_get_field( 'username' );
		$t_access_level	= get_enum_element( 'access_levels', current_user_get_access_level() );
		$t_realname 	= current_user_get_field( 'realname' );

		print '<div class="logininfo">';
			print '<ul>';
			print '<li class="first">';
				print $t_now;
			print '</li>';
			print '</ul>';

			print '<ul>';
			print '<li class="first">';
				if ( current_user_is_anonymous() ) {
					$t_return_page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
					if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ) {
						$t_return_page .=  '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

					$t_return_page = string_url(  $t_return_page );
					PRINT lang_get( 'anonymous' ) . ' | <a href="login_page.php?return=' . $t_return_page . '">' . lang_get( 'login_link' ) . '</a>';
					if ( config_get( 'allow_signup' ) == ON ) {
						PRINT ' | <a href="signup_page.php">' . lang_get( 'signup_link' ) . '</a>';
				} else {
					echo lang_get( 'logged_in_as' ), ": ", string_display( $t_username ), "";
					echo is_blank( $t_realname ) ? "($t_access_level)" : "(" . string_display( $t_realname ) . " - $t_access_level)";
					echo "</span>";
			PRINT '</li>';
			PRINT '<li class="last">';

				# Logout (no if anonymously logged in)
				if ( !current_user_is_anonymous() ) {
					echo '<a href="logout_page.php">' . lang_get( 'logout_link' ) . '</a>';

			PRINT '</li>';
		PRINT '</ul>';
		print '</div>';

	# --------------------
	# (12) Print a user-defined banner at the bottom of the page if there is one.
	function html_bottom_banner() {
		$t_page = config_get( 'bottom_include_page' );

		if ( !is_blank( $t_page ) && file_exists( $t_page ) && !is_dir( $t_page ) ) {
			include( $t_page );

	# --------------------
	# (13) Print the page footer information
	function html_footer( $p_file ) {
		global $g_timer, $g_queries_array, $g_request_time;

		# If a user is logged in, update their last visit time.
		# We do this at the end of the page so that:
		#  1) we can display the user's last visit time on a page before updating it
		#  2) we don't invalidate the user cache immediately after fetching it
		#  3) don't do this on the password verification or update page, as it causes the
		#    verification comparison to fail
		if ( auth_is_user_authenticated() && !( is_page_name( 'verify.php' ) || is_page_name( 'account_update.php' ) ) ) {
			$t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
			user_update_last_visit( $t_user_id );

		print '</div>'; # close page div. Opened at html_top_banner.

		print '<div id="footer">';

		if ( config_get( 'show_footer_menu' ) ) {

		PRINT '<div class="pageline"><hr style="display:none;"></div>';

		# print powered by Mantis button.
		echo '<div class="poweredby"><a href="" title="Free Web Based Bug Tracker"><img src="images/mantis_logo_button.gif" width="88" height="35" alt="Powered by Mantis Bugtracker" border="0" /></a></div>';

		print '<div id="credits">';

		# print Mantis version
		if ( ON == config_get( 'show_version' ) ) {
			echo "\t", '<a href="" title="Free Web Based Bug Tracker">Mantis ', MANTIS_VERSION, '</a>', '[<a href=""  title="Free Web Based Bug Tracker" target="_blank">^</a>]<br />', "\n";

		# only display webmaster email is current user is not the anonymous user
		if ( ! is_page_name( 'login_page.php' ) && !current_user_is_anonymous() ) {
			echo "\t", '<a href="mailto:', config_get( 'webmaster_email' ), '">', config_get( 'webmaster_email' ), '</a><br />', "\n";

		# print timings
		if ( ON == config_get( 'show_timer' ) ) {

		# print db queries that were run
		if ( helper_show_queries() ) {
			$t_count = count( $g_queries_array );
			echo "\t",  $t_count, ' total queries executed. <br /> ', "\n";
			$t_unique_queries = 0;
			$t_shown_queries = array();
			for ( $i = 0; $i < $t_count; $i++ ) {
				if ( ! in_array( $g_queries_array[$i][0], $t_shown_queries ) ) {
					$g_queries_array[$i][3] = false;
					array_push( $t_shown_queries, $g_queries_array[$i][0] );
				} else {
					$g_queries_array[$i][3] = true;
			echo "\t",  $t_unique_queries . ' unique queries executed.', "\n";
			if ( ON == config_get( 'show_queries_list' ) ) {
				echo "\t",  '<table style="background:#fff;">', "\n";
				$t_total = 0;
				for ( $i = 0; $i < $t_count; $i++ ) {
					$t_time = $g_queries_array[$i][1];
					$t_caller = $g_queries_array[$i][2];
					$t_total += $t_time;
					$t_style_tag = '';
					if ( true == $g_queries_array[$i][3] ) {
						$t_style_tag = ' style="color: red;"';
					echo "\t",  '<tr valign="top"><td', $t_style_tag, '>', ($i+1), '</td>';
					echo '<td', $t_style_tag, '>', $t_time , '</td>';
					echo '<td', $t_style_tag, '><span style="color: gray;">', $t_caller, '</span><br />', string_html_specialchars($g_queries_array[$i][0]), '</td></tr>', "\n";

				# @@@ Note sure if we should localize them given that they are debug info.  Will add if requested by users.
				echo "\t", '<tr><td></td><td>', $t_total, '</td><td>SQL Queries Total Time</td></tr>', "\n";
				echo "\t", '<tr><td></td><td>', round( microtime_float() - $g_request_time, 4 ), '</td><td>Page Request Total Time</td></tr>', "\n";
				echo "\t",  '</table>', "\n";

		echo '</td><td><div align="right">';
		echo '</div></td></tr></table>';

		PRINT '<div class="pageline2"><hr style="display:none;"></div>';

		print '</div>';
		print '</div>';

	# --------------------
	# (14) End the <body> section
	function html_body_end() {
		echo '</body>', "\n";

	# --------------------
	# (15) Print the closing <html> tag
	function html_end() {
		echo '</html>', "\n";

	# HTML Menu API

	function prepare_custom_menu_options( $p_config ) {
		$t_custom_menu_options = config_get( $p_config );
		$t_options = array();

		foreach( $t_custom_menu_options as $t_custom_option ) {
			$t_access_level = $t_custom_option[1];
			if ( access_has_project_level( $t_access_level ) ) {
				$t_caption = lang_get_defaulted( $t_custom_option[0] );
				$t_link = $t_custom_option[2];
				$t_options[] = "<a href=\"$t_link\">$t_caption</a>";

		return $t_options;

	# --------------------
	# Print the main menu
	function print_menu() {
		if ( auth_is_user_authenticated() ) {
			$t_protected = current_user_get_field( 'protected' );
			$t_current_project = helper_get_current_project();

			PRINT '<ul class="navibar">';
				$t_menu_options = array();

				# Main Page
				$t_menu_options[] = '<li class="first"><a href="main_page.php">' . lang_get( 'main_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# My View
				$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="my_view_page.php">' . lang_get( 'my_view_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# View Bugs
				$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="view_all_bug_page.php">' . lang_get( 'view_bugs_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# Report Bugs
				if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'report_bug_threshold' ) ) ) {
					$t_menu_options[] = '<li>' . string_get_bug_report_link() . '</li>';

				# Changelog Page
				if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'view_changelog_threshold' ) ) ) {
					$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="changelog_page.php">' . lang_get( 'changelog_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# Roadmap Page
				if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'roadmap_view_threshold' ) ) ) {
					$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="roadmap_page.php">' . lang_get( 'roadmap_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# Summary Page
				if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'view_summary_threshold' ) ) ) {
					$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="summary_page.php">' . lang_get( 'summary_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# Project Documentation Page
				if( ON == config_get( 'enable_project_documentation' ) ) {
					$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="proj_doc_page.php">' . lang_get( 'docs_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# Project Wiki
				if ( wiki_is_enabled() ) {
					$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="wiki.php?type=project&amp;id=' . $t_current_project . '">' . lang_get( 'wiki' ) . '</a></li>';

				# Manage Users (admins) or Manage Project (managers) or Manage Custom Fields
				$t_show_access = min( config_get( 'manage_user_threshold' ), config_get( 'manage_project_threshold' ), config_get( 'manage_custom_fields_threshold' ) );
				if ( access_has_global_level( $t_show_access) || access_has_any_project( $t_show_access ) )  {
					$t_current_project = helper_get_current_project();
					if ( access_has_global_level( config_get( 'manage_user_threshold' ) ) ) {
						$t_link = 'manage_user_page.php';
					} else {
						if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'manage_project_threshold' ), $t_current_project )
								&& ( $t_current_project <> ALL_PROJECTS ) ) {
							$t_link = 'manage_proj_edit_page.php?project_id=' . $t_current_project;
						} else {
							$t_link = 'manage_proj_page.php';
					$t_menu_options[] = "<li><a href=\"$t_link\">" . lang_get( 'manage_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# News Page
				if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'manage_news_threshold' ) ) ) {
					# Admin can edit news for All Projects (site-wide)
					if ( ( ALL_PROJECTS != helper_get_current_project() ) || ( access_has_project_level( ADMINISTRATOR ) ) ) {
						$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="news_menu_page.php">' . lang_get( 'edit_news_link' ) . '</a></li>';
					} else {
						$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="login_select_proj_page.php">' . lang_get( 'edit_news_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# Account Page (only show accounts that are NOT protected)
				if ( OFF == $t_protected ) {
					$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="account_page.php">' . lang_get( 'account_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				# Add custom options
				$t_custom_options = prepare_custom_menu_options( 'main_menu_custom_options' );
				$t_menu_options = array_merge( $t_menu_options, $t_custom_options );
				if ( config_get('time_tracking_enabled') && config_get('time_tracking_with_billing') )
					$t_menu_options[] = '<li><a href="billing_page.php">' . lang_get( 'time_tracking_billing_link' ) . '</a></li>';

				PRINT implode( $t_menu_options );
			PRINT '</ul>';

	# --------------------
	# Print the project switcher and issues jumper if user is authenticated
	function print_projectinfo() {
		if ( auth_is_user_authenticated() ) {

		print '<div class="projectinfo">';
		print '<ul>';

			PRINT '<li>';
				PRINT '<form method="post" name="form_set_project" action="set_project.php">';

				echo lang_get( 'email_project' ), ': ';
				if ( ON == config_get( 'show_extended_project_browser' ) ) {
					PRINT_extended_project_browser( helper_get_current_project_trace() );
				} else {
					if ( ON == config_get( 'use_javascript' ) ) {
						PRINT '<select name="project_id" class="small" onchange="document.forms.form_set_project.submit();">';
					} else {
						PRINT '<select name="project_id" class="small">';
					PRINT_project_option_list( join( ';', helper_get_current_project_trace() ), true, null, true );
					PRINT '</select> ';
				PRINT '<input type="submit" class="button-small" value="' . lang_get( 'switch' ) . '" />';

				if ( OFF != config_get( 'rss_enabled' ) ) {
					# Link to RSS issues feed for the selected project, including authentication details.
					PRINT '<a href="' . rss_get_issues_feed_url() . '">';
					PRINT '<img src="images/rss.gif" alt="' . lang_get( 'rss' ) . '" style="border-style: none; margin: 5px; vertical-align: middle;" />';
					PRINT '</a>';

				PRINT '</form>';
			PRINT '</li>';

			PRINT '<li>';
				PRINT '<form method="post" action="jump_to_bug.php">';

				if ( ON == config_get( 'use_javascript' ) ) {
					$t_bug_label = lang_get( 'issue_id' );
					PRINT "<input type=\"text\" name=\"bug_id\" size=\"10\" class=\"small\" value=\"$t_bug_label\" onfocus=\"if (this.value == '$t_bug_label') this.value = ''\" onblur=\"if (this.value == '') this.value = '$t_bug_label'\" />&nbsp;";
				} else {
					PRINT "<input type=\"text\" name=\"bug_id\" size=\"10\" class=\"small\" />&nbsp;";

				PRINT '<input type="submit" class="button-small" value="' . lang_get( 'jump' ) . '" />&nbsp;';
				PRINT '</form>';
			PRINT '</li>';
		print '</ul>';
		print '</div>';

	# --------------------
	# Print the menu bar with a list of projects to which the user has access
	function print_project_menu_bar() {
		$t_project_ids = current_user_get_accessible_projects();

		PRINT '<table class="width100" cellspacing="0">';
		PRINT '<tr>';
			PRINT '<td class="menu">';
			PRINT '<a href="set_project.php?project_id=' . ALL_PROJECTS . '">' . lang_get( 'all_projects' ) . '</a>';

			foreach ( $t_project_ids as $t_id ) {
				PRINT " | <a href=\"set_project.php?project_id=$t_id\">" . string_display( project_get_field( $t_id, 'name' ) ) . '</a>';
				print_subproject_menu_bar( $t_id, $t_id . ';' );

			PRINT '</td>';
		PRINT '</tr>';
		PRINT '</table>';

	# --------------------
	# Print the menu bar with a list of projects to which the user has access
	function print_subproject_menu_bar( $p_project_id, $p_parents = '' ) {
		$t_subprojects = current_user_get_accessible_subprojects( $p_project_id );
		$t_char = ':';
		foreach ( $t_subprojects as $t_subproject ) {
			PRINT "$t_char <a href=\"set_project.php?project_id=$p_parents$t_subproject\">" . string_display( project_get_field( $t_subproject, 'name' ) ) . '</a>';
			print_subproject_menu_bar( $t_subproject, $p_parents . $t_subproject . ';' );
			$t_char = ',';

	# --------------------
	# Print the menu for the graph summary section
	function print_menu_graph() {
		if ( config_get( 'use_jpgraph' ) ) {
			$t_icon_path = config_get( 'icon_path' );

			PRINT '<br />';
			PRINT '<a href="summary_page.php"><img src="' . $t_icon_path.'synthese.gif" border="0" align="center" />' . lang_get( 'synthesis_link' ) . '</a> | ';
			PRINT '<a href="summary_graph_imp_status.php"><img src="' . $t_icon_path.'synthgraph.gif" border="0" align="center" />' . lang_get( 'status_link' ) . '</a> | ';
			PRINT '<a href="summary_graph_imp_priority.php"><img src="' . $t_icon_path.'synthgraph.gif" border="0" align="center" />' . lang_get( 'priority_link' ) . '</a> | ';
			PRINT '<a href="summary_graph_imp_severity.php"><img src="' . $t_icon_path.'synthgraph.gif" border="0" align="center" />' . lang_get( 'severity_link' ) . '</a> | ';
			PRINT '<a href="summary_graph_imp_category.php"><img src="' . $t_icon_path.'synthgraph.gif" border="0" align="center" />' . lang_get( 'category_link' ) . '</a> | ';
			PRINT '<a href="summary_graph_imp_resolution.php"><img src="' . $t_icon_path.'synthgraph.gif" border="0" align="center" />' . lang_get( 'resolution_link' ) . '</a>';

	# --------------------
	# Print the menu for the manage section
	# $p_page specifies the current page name so it's link can be disabled
	function print_manage_menu( $p_page = '' ) {
		$t_manage_user_page 		= 'manage_user_page.php';
		$t_manage_project_menu_page = 'manage_proj_page.php';
		$t_manage_custom_field_page = 'manage_custom_field_page.php';
		$t_manage_config_page = 'adm_config_report.php';
		$t_manage_prof_menu_page    = 'manage_prof_menu_page.php';
		# $t_documentation_page 		= 'documentation_page.php';

		switch ( $p_page ) {
			case $t_manage_user_page:
				$t_manage_user_page = '';
			case $t_manage_project_menu_page:
				$t_manage_project_menu_page = '';
			case $t_manage_custom_field_page:
				$t_manage_custom_field_page = '';
			case $t_manage_config_page:
				$t_manage_config_page = '';
			case $t_manage_prof_menu_page:
				$t_manage_prof_menu_page = '';
#			case $t_documentation_page:
#				$t_documentation_page = '';
#				break;

		PRINT '<br /><div align="center">';
		if ( access_has_global_level( config_get( 'manage_user_threshold' ) ) ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_manage_user_page, lang_get( 'manage_users_link' ) );
		if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'manage_project_threshold' ) ) ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_manage_project_menu_page, lang_get( 'manage_projects_link' ) );
		if ( access_has_global_level( config_get( 'manage_custom_fields_threshold' ) ) ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_manage_custom_field_page, lang_get( 'manage_custom_field_link' ) );
		if ( access_has_global_level( config_get( 'manage_global_profile_threshold' ) ) ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_manage_prof_menu_page, lang_get( 'manage_global_profiles_link' ) );
		if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'view_configuration_threshold' ) ) ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_manage_config_page, lang_get( 'manage_config_link' ) );
			# print_bracket_link( $t_documentation_page, lang_get( 'documentation_link' ) );
		PRINT '</div>';

	# --------------------
	# Print the menu for the manage configuration section
	# $p_page specifies the current page name so it's link can be disabled
	function print_manage_config_menu( $p_page = '' ) {
		$t_configuration_report = 'adm_config_report.php';
		$t_permissions_summary_report = 'adm_permissions_report.php';
		$t_manage_work_threshold     = 'manage_config_work_threshold_page.php';
		$t_manage_email 		= 'manage_config_email_page.php';
		$t_manage_workflow 		= 'manage_config_workflow_page.php';

		switch ( $p_page ) {
			case $t_configuration_report:
				$t_configuration_report = '';
			case $t_permissions_summary_report:
				$t_permissions_summary_report = '';
			case $t_manage_work_threshold:
				$t_manage_work_threshold = '';
			case $t_manage_email:
				$t_manage_email = '';
			case $t_manage_workflow:
				$t_manage_workflow = '';

		PRINT '<br /><div align="center">';
		if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'view_configuration_threshold' ) ) ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_configuration_report, lang_get_defaulted( 'configuration_report' ) );
			print_bracket_link( $t_permissions_summary_report, lang_get( 'permissions_summary_report' ) );
			print_bracket_link( $t_manage_work_threshold, lang_get( 'manage_threshold_config' ) );
			print_bracket_link( $t_manage_workflow, lang_get( 'manage_workflow_config' ) );
			print_bracket_link( $t_manage_email, lang_get( 'manage_email_config' ) );
		PRINT '</div>';

	# --------------------
	# Print the menu for the account section
	# $p_page specifies the current page name so it's link can be disabled
	function print_account_menu( $p_page='' ) {
		$t_account_page 				= 'account_page.php';
		$t_account_prefs_page 			= 'account_prefs_page.php';
		$t_account_profile_menu_page 	= 'account_prof_menu_page.php';
		$t_account_sponsor_page			= 'account_sponsor_page.php';

		switch ( $p_page ) {
			case $t_account_page				: $t_account_page 				= ''; break;
			case $t_account_prefs_page			: $t_account_prefs_page 		= ''; break;
			case $t_account_profile_menu_page	: $t_account_profile_menu_page 	= ''; break;
			case $t_account_sponsor_page		: $t_account_sponsor_page		= ''; break;

		print_bracket_link( $t_account_page, lang_get( 'account_link' ) );
		print_bracket_link( $t_account_prefs_page, lang_get( 'change_preferences_link' ) );
		if ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'add_profile_threshold' ) ) ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_account_profile_menu_page, lang_get( 'manage_profiles_link' ) );
		if ( ( config_get( 'enable_sponsorship' ) == ON ) &&
			 ( access_has_project_level( config_get( 'view_sponsorship_total_threshold' ) ) ) &&
			 !current_user_is_anonymous() ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_account_sponsor_page, lang_get( 'my_sponsorship' ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print the menu for the docs section
	# $p_page specifies the current page name so it's link can be disabled
	function print_doc_menu( $p_page='' ) {
		$t_documentation_html 	= config_get( 'manual_url' );
		$t_proj_doc_page 		= 'proj_doc_page.php';
		$t_proj_doc_add_page 	= 'proj_doc_add_page.php';

		switch ( $p_page ) {
			case $t_documentation_html	: $t_documentation_html	= ''; break;
			case $t_proj_doc_page		: $t_proj_doc_page		= ''; break;
			case $t_proj_doc_add_page	: $t_proj_doc_add_page	= ''; break;

		print_bracket_link( $t_documentation_html, lang_get( 'user_documentation' ) );
		print_bracket_link( $t_proj_doc_page, lang_get( 'project_documentation' ) );
		if ( file_allow_project_upload() ) {
			print_bracket_link( $t_proj_doc_add_page, lang_get( 'add_file' ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print the menu for the summary section
	# $p_page specifies the current page name so it's link can be disabled
	function print_summary_menu( $p_page='' ) {
		PRINT '<div align="center">';
		print_bracket_link( 'print_all_bug_page.php', lang_get( 'print_all_bug_page_link' ) );

		if ( config_get( 'use_jpgraph' ) != 0 ) {
			$t_summary_page 		= 'summary_page.php';
			$t_summary_jpgraph_page = 'summary_jpgraph_page.php';

			switch ( $p_page ) {
				case $t_summary_page		: $t_summary_page			= ''; break;
				case $t_summary_jpgraph_page: $t_summary_jpgraph_page	= ''; break;

			print_bracket_link( $t_summary_page, lang_get( 'summary_link' ) );
			print_bracket_link( $t_summary_jpgraph_page, lang_get( 'summary_jpgraph_link' ) );
		PRINT '</div>';

	# Candidates for moving to print_api

	# --------------------
	# Print the color legend for the status colors
	function html_status_legend() {
		PRINT '<br />';
		PRINT '<table class="width100" cellspacing="1">';
		PRINT '<tr>';

		$t_arr		= explode_enum_string( config_get( 'status_enum_string' ) );
		$enum_count	= count( $t_arr );
		$width		= (int)(100 / $enum_count);
		for ( $i=0; $i < $enum_count; $i++) {
			$t_s = explode_enum_arr( $t_arr[$i] );
			$t_val = get_enum_element( 'status', $t_s[0] );
			$t_color = get_status_color( $t_s[0] );

			PRINT "<td class=\"small-caption\" width=\"$width%\" bgcolor=\"$t_color\">$t_val</td>";

		PRINT '</tr>';
		PRINT '</table>';
		if ( ON == config_get( 'status_percentage_legend' ) ) {

 	# --------------------
	# Print the legend for the status percentage
	function html_status_percentage_legend() {

		$t_mantis_bug_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_table' );
		$t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
		$t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();

		#checking if it's a per project statistic or all projects
		$t_specific_where = helper_project_specific_where( $t_project_id, $t_user_id );

		$query = "SELECT status, COUNT(*) AS number
				FROM $t_mantis_bug_table
				WHERE $t_specific_where
				GROUP BY status";
		$result = db_query( $query );

		$t_bug_count = 0;
		$t_status_count_array = array();

		while ( $row = db_fetch_array( $result ) ) {

			$t_status_count_array[ $row['status'] ] = $row['number'];
			$t_bug_count += $row['number'];

		$t_arr		= explode_enum_string( config_get( 'status_enum_string' ) );
		$enum_count	= count( $t_arr );

		if ( $t_bug_count > 0 ) {
			echo '<br />';
			echo '<table class="width100" cellspacing="1">';
			echo '<tr class="title">';
			echo '<td class="form-title" colspan="'.$enum_count.'">'.lang_get( 'issue_status_percentage' ).'</td>';
			echo '</tr>';
			echo '<tr>';

			for ( $i=0; $i < $enum_count; $i++) {
				$t_s = explode_enum_arr( $t_arr[$i] );
				$t_color = get_status_color( $t_s[0] );
				$t_status = $t_s[0];

				if ( !isset( $t_status_count_array[ $t_status ] ) ) {
					$t_status_count_array[ $t_status ] = 0;

				$width = round( ( $t_status_count_array[ $t_status ] / $t_bug_count ) * 100 );

				if ($width > 0) {
					echo "<td class=\"small-caption-center\" width=\"$width%\" bgcolor=\"$t_color\">$width%</td>";

			echo '</tr>';
			echo '</table>';

	# --------------------
	# Print an html button inside a form
	function html_button ( $p_action, $p_button_text, $p_fields = null, $p_method = 'post' ) {
		$p_action		= urlencode( $p_action );
		$p_button_text	= string_attribute( $p_button_text );
		if ( null === $p_fields ) {
			$p_fields = array();
		if ( strtolower( $p_method ) == 'get' ) {
			$t_method = 'get';
		} else {
			$t_method = 'post';
		PRINT "<form method=\"$t_method\" action=\"$p_action\">\n";
		foreach ( $p_fields as $key => $val ) {
			$key = string_attribute( $key );
			$val = string_attribute( $val );
			PRINT "	<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$val\" />\n";
		PRINT "	<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"$p_button_text\" />\n";
		PRINT "</form>\n";

	# --------------------
	# Print a button to update the given bug
	function html_button_bug_update( $p_bug_id ) {
		if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id ) ) {
			html_button( string_get_bug_update_page(),
						 lang_get( 'update_bug_button' ),
						 array( 'bug_id' => $p_bug_id ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print Change Status to: button
	#  This code is similar to print_status_option_list except
	#   there is no masking, except for the current state
	function html_button_bug_change_status( $p_bug_id ) {
		$t_bug_project_id = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'project_id' );
		$t_bug_current_state = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'status' );
		$t_current_access = access_get_project_level( $t_bug_project_id );

		$t_enum_list = get_status_option_list( $t_current_access, $t_bug_current_state, false,
				( bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'reporter_id' ) == auth_get_current_user_id() && ( ON == config_get( 'allow_reporter_close' ) ) ) );

		if ( count( $t_enum_list ) > 0 ) {
			# resort the list into ascending order after noting the key from the first element (the default)
			$t_default_arr = each( $t_enum_list );
			$t_default = $t_default_arr['key'];
			ksort( $t_enum_list );
			reset( $t_enum_list );

			echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"bug_change_status_page.php\">";

			$t_button_text = lang_get( 'bug_status_to_button' );
			echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"$t_button_text\" />";

			echo " <select name=\"new_status\">"; # space at beginning of line is important
			foreach ( $t_enum_list as $key => $val ) {
				echo "<option value=\"$key\" ";
				check_selected( $key, $t_default );
				echo ">$val</option>";
			echo '</select>';

			$t_bug_id = string_attribute( $p_bug_id );
			echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bug_id\" value=\"$t_bug_id\" />\n";

			echo "</form>\n";

	# --------------------
	# Print Assign To: combo box of possible handlers
	function html_button_bug_assign_to( $p_bug_id ) {
		# make sure status is allowed of assign would cause auto-set-status
		$t_status = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'status' );     # workflow implementation

		if ( ON == config_get( 'auto_set_status_to_assigned' ) &&
			!bug_check_workflow( $t_status, config_get( 'bug_assigned_status' ) ) ) {  # workflow

		# make sure current user has access to modify bugs.
		if ( !access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_assign_threshold', config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' ) ), $p_bug_id ) ) {

		$t_reporter_id = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'reporter_id' );
		$t_handler_id = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'handler_id' );
		$t_current_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
		$t_new_status = ( ON == config_get( 'auto_set_status_to_assigned' ) ) ? config_get( 'bug_assigned_status' ) : $t_status;

		$t_options = array();
		$t_default_assign_to = null;

		if ( ( $t_handler_id != $t_current_user_id ) &&
			( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'handle_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id, $t_current_user_id ) ) ) {
		    $t_options[] = array( $t_current_user_id, '[' . lang_get( 'myself' ) . ']' );
			$t_default_assign_to = $t_current_user_id;

		if ( ( $t_handler_id != $t_reporter_id ) && user_exists( $t_reporter_id ) &&
			( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'handle_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id, $t_reporter_id ) ) ) {
		    $t_options[] = array( $t_reporter_id, '[' . lang_get( 'reporter' ) . ']' );

			if ( $t_default_assign_to === null ) {
				$t_default_assign_to = $t_reporter_id;

		PRINT "<form method=\"post\" action=\"bug_assign.php\">";

		$t_button_text = lang_get( 'bug_assign_to_button' );
		PRINT "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" value=\"$t_button_text\" />";

		PRINT " <select name=\"handler_id\">"; # space at beginning of line is important

		$t_already_selected = false;

		foreach ( $t_options as $t_entry ) {
			$t_id = string_attribute( $t_entry[0] );
			$t_caption = string_attribute( $t_entry[1] );

			# if current user and reporter can't be selected, then select the first
			# user in the list.
			if ( $t_default_assign_to === null ) {
			    $t_default_assign_to = $t_id;

		    PRINT "<option value=\"$t_id\" ";

			if ( ( $t_id == $t_default_assign_to ) && !$t_already_selected ) {
				check_selected( $t_id, $t_default_assign_to );
			    $t_already_selected = true;

			PRINT ">$t_caption</option>";

		# allow un-assigning if already assigned.
		if ( $t_handler_id != 0 ) {
			PRINT "<option value=\"0\"></option>";

		$t_project_id = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'project_id' );
		# 0 means currently selected
		print_assign_to_option_list( 0, $t_project_id );
		PRINT "</select>";

		$t_bug_id = string_attribute( $p_bug_id );
		PRINT "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bug_id\" value=\"$t_bug_id\" />\n";

		PRINT "</form>\n";

	# --------------------
	# Print a button to move the given bug to a different project
	function html_button_bug_move( $p_bug_id ) {
		$t_status = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'status' );

		if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'move_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id ) ) {
			html_button( 'bug_actiongroup_page.php',
						 lang_get( 'move_bug_button' ),
						 array( 'bug_arr[]' => $p_bug_id, 'action' => 'MOVE' ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print a button to move the given bug to a different project
	function html_button_bug_create_child( $p_bug_id ) {
		if ( ON == config_get( 'enable_relationship' ) ) {
			if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id ) ) {
				html_button( string_get_bug_report_url(),
							 lang_get( 'create_child_bug_button' ),
							 array( 'm_id' => $p_bug_id ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print a button to reopen the given bug
	function html_button_bug_reopen( $p_bug_id ) {
		$t_status = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'status' );
		$t_reopen_status = config_get( 'bug_reopen_status' );
		$t_project = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'project_id' );

		if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'reopen_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id ) ||
				( ( bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'reporter_id' ) == auth_get_current_user_id() ) &&
	 		  	( ON == config_get( 'allow_reporter_reopen' ) )
			 ) {
			html_button( 'bug_change_status_page.php',
						 lang_get( 'reopen_bug_button' ),
						 array( 'bug_id' => $p_bug_id ,
						 				'new_status' => $t_reopen_status,
						 				'reopen_flag' => ON ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print a button to monitor the given bug
	function html_button_bug_monitor( $p_bug_id ) {
		if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'monitor_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id ) ) {
			html_button( 'bug_monitor.php',
						 lang_get( 'monitor_bug_button' ),
						 array( 'bug_id' => $p_bug_id, 'action' => 'add' ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print a button to unmonitor the given bug
	#  no reason to ever disallow someone from unmonitoring a bug
	function html_button_bug_unmonitor( $p_bug_id ) {
		html_button( 'bug_monitor.php',
					 lang_get( 'unmonitor_bug_button' ),
					 array( 'bug_id' => $p_bug_id, 'action' => 'delete' ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print a button to delete the given bug
	function html_button_bug_delete( $p_bug_id ) {
		if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'delete_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id ) ) {
			html_button( 'bug_actiongroup_page.php',
						 lang_get( 'delete_bug_button' ),
						 array( 'bug_arr[]' => $p_bug_id, 'action' => 'DELETE' ) );

	# --------------------
	# Print a button to create a wiki page
	function html_button_wiki( $p_bug_id ) {
		if ( ON == config_get( 'wiki_enable' ) ) {
			if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id ) ) {
				html_button( 'wiki.php',
							 lang_get_defaulted( 'Wiki' ),
							 array( 'id' => $p_bug_id, 'type' => 'issue' ),
							 'get' );

	# --------------------
	# Print all buttons for view bug pages
	function html_buttons_view_bug_page( $p_bug_id ) {
		$t_resolved = config_get( 'bug_resolved_status_threshold' );
		$t_status = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'status' );
		$t_readonly = bug_is_readonly( $p_bug_id );

		PRINT '<table><tr class="vcenter">';
		if ( !$t_readonly ) {
			# UPDATE button
			echo '<td class="center">';
			html_button_bug_update( $p_bug_id );
			echo '</td>';

			# ASSIGN button
			echo '<td class="center">';
			html_button_bug_assign_to( $p_bug_id );
			echo '</td>';

		# Change State button
		echo '<td class="center">';
		html_button_bug_change_status( $p_bug_id );
		echo '</td>';

		echo '<td class="center">';
		if ( !current_user_is_anonymous() ) {
			if ( user_is_monitoring_bug( auth_get_current_user_id(), $p_bug_id ) ) {
				html_button_bug_unmonitor( $p_bug_id );
			} else {
				html_button_bug_monitor( $p_bug_id );
		echo '</td>';

		if ( !$t_readonly ) {
			# CREATE CHILD button
			echo '<td class="center">';
			html_button_bug_create_child( $p_bug_id );
			echo '</td>';

		if ( $t_resolved <= $t_status ) { # resolved is not the same as readonly
			PRINT '<td class="center">';
			# REOPEN button
			html_button_bug_reopen( $p_bug_id );
			PRINT '</td>';

		if ( !$t_readonly ) {
			# MOVE button
			echo '<td class="center">';
			html_button_bug_move( $p_bug_id );
			echo '</td>';

		# DELETE button
		echo '<td class="center">';
		html_button_bug_delete( $p_bug_id );
		echo '</td>';

		helper_call_custom_function( 'print_bug_view_page_custom_buttons', array( $p_bug_id ) );

		echo '</tr></table>';
