Blob Blame History Raw
# -- This function standardizes the way source files are
# rendered inside the working copy.
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The CentOS Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id$
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
function render {
local ACTIONNAM=''
local ACTIONVAL=''
# Initialize `--releasever' option. The release version option
# controls the release number used to produce release-specific
# content. By default, the release number of The CentOS
# Distribution you have installed in your workstation is used.
local FLAG_RELEASEVER=$(cat /etc/redhat-release \
| gawk '{ print $3 }')
# Initialize `--basearch' option. The base architecture option
# controls the architecture type used to produce
# architecture-specific content. By default, the hardware
# platform of your workstation is used.
local FLAG_BASEARCH=$(uname -i)
# Initialize `--theme-model' option. The theme model option
# specifies the theme model name used to produce theme
# artistic motifs.
local FLAG_THEME_MODEL='Default'
# Initialize `--post-rendition' option. This option defines what
# command to use as post-rendition. Post-rendition takes place
# over base-rendition output.
# Initialize `--last-rendition' option. This option defines what
# command to use as last-rendition. Last-rendition takes place
# once both base-rendition and post-rendition has been performed
# in the same directory structure.
# Initialize `--dont-dirspecific' option. This option can take two
# values only (e.g., `true' or `false') and controls whether to
# perform or not directory-specific rendition. Directory-specific
# rendition may use any of the three types of renditions (e.g.,
# base-rendition, post-rendition and last-rendition) to accomplish
# specific tasks when specific directory structures are detected
# in the rendition flow. By default, the script
# performs directory-specific rendition.
# Initialize `--with-brands' option. This option controls whether
# to brand output images or not. By default output images are not
# branded.
local FLAG_WITH_BRANDS='false'
# Initialize list of supported file extensions. These file
# extensions are used to build the list of source files we'll use
# to create images from. The order in which these extensions are
# listed here determines the order in which they are process if
# more than one is found in the same location.
local RENDER_EXTENSIONS='svgz svg docbook conf'
# Initialize the rendition format name as an empty value. The name
# of rendition format is determined later at rendition time, based
# on template file extension.
# Initialize absolute path to format's base directory, the place
# where format-specific directories are stored in.
# Interpret arguments and options passed through command-line.
# Redefine positional parameters using ARGUMENTS. At this point,
# option arguments have been removed from ARGUMENTS variable and
# only non-option arguments remain in it.
eval set -- "$ARGUMENTS"
# Define action value. We use non-option arguments to define the
# action value (ACTIONVAL) variable.
for ACTIONVAL in "$@";do
# Sanitate non-option arguments to be sure they match the
# directory conventions established by script
# against source directory locations in the working copy.
ACTIONVAL=$(cli_checkRepoDirSource ${ACTIONVAL})
# Verify non-option arguments passed to
# command-line. The path provided as argument must exist in
# the repository. Otherwise, it would be possible to create
# arbitrary directories inside the repository without any
# meaning. In order to be sure all required directories are
# available in the repository it is necessary use the prepare
# functionality.
#cli_checkFiles ${ACTIONVAL} -d
# Define render-able directories and the way they are
# produced. To describe the way render-able directories are
# produced, we take the action value (ACTIONVAL) as reference
# and describe the production through an action name
if [[ $ACTIONVAL =~ "^${TCAR_WORKDIR}/Identity/Images/Themes" ]];then
elif [[ $ACTIONVAL =~ "^${TCAR_WORKDIR}/Identity/Images/Brands" ]];then
elif [[ $ACTIONVAL =~ "^${TCAR_WORKDIR}/Identity/Images" ]];then
elif [[ $ACTIONVAL =~ "^${TCAR_WORKDIR}/Documentation/Manuals/(Docbook|Svg)/[[:alnum:]-]+" ]];then
cli_printMessage "`gettext "The path provided doesn't support rendition."`" --as-error-line
# Synchronize changes between repository and working copy. At
# this point, changes in the repository are merged in the
# working copy and changes in the working copy committed up to
# repository.
cli_synchronizeRepoChanges "${ACTIONVAL}"
# Execute action name.
# Synchronize changes between repository and working copy. At
# this point, changes in the repository are merged in the
# working copy and changes in the working copy committed up to
# repository.
cli_synchronizeRepoChanges "${ACTIONVAL}"