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<!--This manual describes what the CentOS Artwork Repository is and what
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Written by: Lionel Cons <> (original author)
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<h3 class="subsection"> 3.25.2 Usage </h3>
<p>To create translation files for CentOS Brands use the commands:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">cd /home/centos/artwork/trunk/Translations/Identity/Brands
centos-art render --translation
<p>The rendering process used to produce CentOS Brands translation files
is a bit different from that commonly found in other artwork
components inside CentOS Artwork Repository. Relevant differences are
described below:
<li> CentOS brands' translation files are symbolic links pointing to the
common template translation structure, inside the translation template
(<samp>`Tpl'</samp>) directory.
</li><li> CentOS brands' translation files are created using design
templates as reference. This script creates a translation structure
where the translation template (<samp>`Tpl'</samp>) directory structure
applies to each single design template available.
<p>For instance, if the translation template (<samp>`Tpl'</samp>) directory
structure has 30 translation files and there are 20 design templates,
this script creates a translation structure of symbolic links where
the 30 translation files apply the 20 design templates one by one,
producing 600 images as result --without counting possible formats
convenction that may happen during the post-rendering actions--.
<p>Translation file names inside translation template (<samp>`Tpl'</samp>)
directory have special meaning:
<li> Conventional file name (i.e. `blue.sed', `2c-a.sed', etc.): In
this case, replacements inside translation file are applied to design
template and the translation file name is used as final image name.
The final image is saved with same dimensions that its design template
</li><li> Numeric file name only (i.e. `300.sed', `200.sed', etc.): In
this case, replacements inside translation files are applied to the
design template, and the translation file name is used as final image
name. The final image is saved using an specific `width' defined by
the number part of the translation file name. The image `height' is
automatically scaled based on the previous `width' definition to
maintain the design template proportions.
<p>For instance, if your design template has 400x200 pixels of dimension,
and you apply a translation file named `300.sed' to it, the final
image you get as result will have 300x100 pixels of dimension.
<p>The same is true if you use higher numbers like `1024.sed',
`2048.sed', etc. In these cases you have bigger images proportionally.
<p>As we are using scalable vectorial graphics as source, image size
definition starts to be a problem on very small generated images.
Bigger images have better definition. As it is bigger, more is the
image definition you have. But take care, too much definition for an
image that was not designed for such a big dimension can result in
something that looks different from what you expect. Just try, look,
and decide by yourself.
<p>Generally, translation files inside translation template (<tt>`Tpl'</tt>)
directory structure contain color replacements only. The color used as
replacement pattern is black (<samp>`#000000'</samp>).
<p>Using CentOS Brand translation files rendering script, CentOS Brand
designers can work freely and use this script to generate the
translation files that renderImage needs, in order to produce CentOS
Brand images in different dimensions and colors.
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