<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sect1 id="repository-history-section-2" label="1.2">
<para>The rendition script is at a very rustic state where only
slide images can be produced.</para>
<para>The rendition script was redesigned to extend image
production to other areas, not just slide images. In this
configuration one translated SVG instance was created from the SVG
file provided as input in order to produce one translated PNG
image as output. The translation of SVG files was made through
SED replacement commands and the rendition of PNG images was
realized through Inkscape command line internface.</para>
<para>The rendition script was named <command>render.sh</command>.
The directory structures were prepared to receive the rendition
script so images could be produced inside them. Each directory
structure had design templates (.svg), translation files (.sed),
and translated images (.png).</para>
<para>The rendition script was unified in a common place and
linked from different directory structures. There was no need to
have the same code in different directory structures if it could
be in just one place and then be linked from different
<para>Concepts about corporate identity began to be considered. As
referece, it was used the book <quote>Corporate Identity</quote>
by Wally Olins (1989) and <ulink
<para>The rendition script main's goal becomes to: automate
production of a monolithic corporate visual identity structure,
based on The CentOS Mission and The CentOS Release Schema.</para>
<para>The documentation of CentOS Artwork Repository started to
take form in LaTeX format.</para>